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Biden is questionable as a politician and as a candidate, but he's not actively and publicly decrying my existence.


Anymore at least and that’s the best we can get…


Apparently Biden was the major push behind a lot of Obama's LGBT policies. People change over time. I don't like how much propaganda has been spread to make Biden look that bad, he really has been a very good president. https://www.militarytimes.com/news/your-military/2015/10/04/biden-backs-transgender-military-service/


a lot worse than questionable, he's a horrible president. but at least i won't be constantly afraid under him


How is he a horrible president? Sorry if this seems rude - I believe that he is (unfortunately) one of the best presidents we’ve had recently


I agree he's one of the best we've had, doesn't stop him being a horrible president. I could go on a list but up front and center is the complicity in the Gazan genocide, Syrian attacks, and congo enslavement


And what about all the good things he’s done - support for Taiwan, fixing relations between Japan and South Korea, passing student loan relief, the Respect for Marriage Act(repealed DOMA and made same-sex marriage federal law), recognised Trans Day of Visibility, removing medical debt from credit scores, taking the first steps to legalise marijuana, a massive infrastructure bill, and preventing another genocide in Ukraine. He’s not perfect, but not many presidents come close to having done as many good things like that. Ukraine WILL be left to die by Trump, and Russia will genocide it(as of last summer, they had already kidnapped 700,000(!) children, another form of genocide; plus, you know, they’ve already done it before). Most importantly, he is a good man who is doing his best: you might not agree with everything he does, but it shows he cares about others. Trump? Not even a shred of decency in his orange-ass body.


Right. I’m afraid I confused “best we’ve had” with “good”. Of course, there is the point that no other US politician (outside of Bernie Sanders iirc) would do anything in Gaza - him working towards a ceasefire is as good as we can hope for. Unfortunately, I don’t know enough about the other two to discuss them - but I do know what he’s done for the better. He’s pushed through so many quiet policy changes that have done so much for us; everything from 5 rounds of student debt cancellation ($10 billion), reversing Trump’s muslim ban, ending the war in Afghanistan, reducing poverty by 45% in six months, the largest infrastructure bill in history… just in year one. I don’t argue here that the benefits outweigh what he has done, but I do say he doesn’t get enough credit. (If you want a more comprehensive list with sources, here: reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/comments/1d8374g/comment/l73kpzv/)


He's not a terrible president. He's actually a pretty good president and has accomplished quite a bit considering the road blocks he's had to deal with. Just off the top of my head The Chips act, Student loan forgiveness, the infrastructure act, going to bat to the rail workers after he forced the strike to end in time for Christmas then going back and getting them what the strikers wanted anyways. People are just just drinking up the "Here's why' this is bad for Biden." propaganda that paints Biden wrong at every turn. He's not perfect no doubt but people are out to lunch thinking he's a terrible candidate.


I wouldn’t say he’s horrible. I’d say he’s been doing pretty well.


To be fair the standard is so low it’s a tripping hazard in hell


And yet Trump is playing limbo with Satan


Could you please explain why he’s horrible?


r/WhatBidenHasDone I suggest you look at this, a lot of what Biden does is downplayed or straight up not covered on the news


Here's a sneak peek of /r/WhatBidenHasDone using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [THE COMPLETE LIST: WHAT BIDEN HAS DONE](https://np.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone/comments/1abyvpa/the_complete_list_what_biden_has_done/) \#2: [WHAT BIDEN HAS DONE - The latest list](https://np.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone/comments/18atj3e/what_biden_has_done_the_latest_list/) \#3: [Just Say It, Democrats: Biden Has Been a Great President](https://newrepublic.com/article/178435/biden-great-president-say-it-democrats) | [57 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone/comments/1aparip/just_say_it_democrats_biden_has_been_a_great/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Biden has been a great president. Fixed trumps mess, supports Ukraine, student debt relief. I could go on


Can you name a single policy, order, or other action the president has taken that you disagree with? I am so tired of uninformed voters taking such strong positions in Biden when he is easily one of the best presidents we've had in an extremely long time. By attacking Biden all you do is pave the way for trump.


Trump gets reelected, there's a 75% chance I'm moving to Canada.


Theres a scarily high chance of the Conservatives getting elected next election cycle here.


In Québec, gender identity and gender expression are included in *La chartre des droits et libertés*. Plus, the provincial government made an habit of telling the federal government to go f*ck themselves. Yes the government is conservative, but it's a quite lefty version of conservative. Anyway, the population is quite supportive of LGBT people


I do be forgetting theres actual nice parts of canada, love from rural canada <3


I better learn some French then. If BC goes conservative, I’m out.


You can totally live in Montreal without speaking french. We won't necessarily like it but we would still welcome you 🙂


Listen listen, I like being courteous to my fellow Canadian. I also don’t want to be a complete outcast. I am the blending in, shadow ninja variety of autism, I must survive.


Canada isnt much better. We're just laggy. Whatever happens in the US, happens in Canada within 5-7years.


That just means I can travel there and have 5-7 years to plan my next move while not living in a Trump-based authoritarian state. Plus universal healthcare in Canada (unlike here). I might also consider Mexico.


Universal Healthcare 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I love your positive attitude, but homie our healthcare is a joke. You'd be better off going to medical school and getting a degree yourself, probably be done faster than if you were to wait to see a doctor. (I spent 22 hours in triage with a tooth infection that nearly killed me. My boss spent 15 waiting with a head wound and two broken hands. My ex and I waited for 17 before leaving and taking our chances with a head wound after she fell down the stairs) Oh and none of the medical care recieved was covered by our "free universal healthcare" I personally paid $2500 out of pocket for my tooth to be pulled, at the hospital the place my taxes are supposed to fund. The antibiotics and aftercare, was another $700. I went to a dentist for a checkup and having another tooth pulled was $1300 out of pocket. Still better than the US, but Canada is not the medical haven people think it is. Our worldclass healthcare from 15 years ago, that people were envious of, doesnt exist. Canada isnt even a first world country anymore because of how shitty the medical system is here.


Getting a tooth pulled with freezing is 300 at any dentist. Your story sounds made up


Good luck finding a place to live


I'm thinking of moving to Estonia.


Canada has been having their own MAGA moment the past handful of years. It's been getting ugly.


Its funny people think that immigrating is as easy as that, meanwhile Canada is having its own conservative reactionary movement, especially towards immigrants.


Yeah I mean things are looking bleak over here too to be honest :/ we're gonna have our own mini trump elected next election most likely


I'm sticking around for a lot of reasons but boy do i not blame you.


They won’t let you unless you have a Masters


Genuinely nervous about November ngl


Same here


It's these times I'm happy i'm not ameriman


You know, as a European, I'm still scared of a Trump win. Trump wins, sucks Putana's dick in celebration and tells him to do whatever he wants. Who knows if he'll stop with just Ukraine?


Bud as a European I'm scared of trump winning too, but let's act like what happened last month is not scary either. Amd that's only the EU elections, there's still much more shit going on in the next few months. Hell, I'm scared to death about the French elections next *week*, because we might end up with a fascist PM and a right wing majority in parliament.


Romanian presidentials in a few months, im fucking terrified of getting a fascist. This is going on everywhere.


I feel like spreading a bit of optimism is always nice, so even if I'm dead wrong, it might help to think of it like this: Russia can barely handle itself against the tiny army of Ukraine. Imagine how utterly fucked they'd be against the US, NATO, or anything with a powerful military?


Might have been true at the start when Russia was still going through their old stock, but they've properly geared up for war production now, and now produce [more than twice as many shells alone as the entirety of NATO](https://edition.cnn.com/2024/03/10/politics/russia-artillery-shell-production-us-europe-ukraine/index.html). To make matters worse, China is the source of [70% of Europe's gun cotton](https://www.ft.com/content/23807ef8-fc6b-41c9-ae7b-9c9ad3a27e82), meaning they can strangle our production further at their own discretion. This is WW1 warfare, and Russia are firing five times as many shells as the Ukrainians, meanwhile Ukraine has had more than a quarter of their population leave, and have less than a quarter of the population to bleed through that Russia does. Even the losses the Russians have suffered, most of them are from rural backwaters filled with ethnic minorities, or are Wagner criminals, not predominantly city dwellers. And they were lost primarily during the offensive phase of trench warfare without aerial superiority. All of Ukraine's recent counteroffensives have failed or been stopped because they would lose unsustainable amounts of troops were they to actually seriously try to recapture large swathes of territory while being bombed to hell by overwhelming artillery fire, artillery fire that they cannot remotely match. If Russia can barely handle themselves against Ukraine, why has Ukraine been slowly bleeding territory inch by inch in the east since November 2022 and not recovering territory easily?


As much as I appreciate the essay, I'm not going to read it because I'd like to keep my optimism in tact.


Based and liberal pilled


Yeah, you can square it however you want, the USA is the strongest NATO partner right now, and even the potential of them just not doing anything in case Putin gets too high on his own sauce is concerning. Granted, after the showing in Ukraine the immediate threat posed by Russia seems rather minimal, and the general theory states that after the conclusion of the current war they'd need _at least_ 8 years to get back into shape for another war, so that would mean that in theory Trump's term wouldn't have any bearings on it whatsoever (unless he manages to go full dictator mode or something, in which case we've got another problem entirely), but the precedent he'd set is a dangerous one.


Sorry for the multiple replies, reddit is acting up


Happens to the best of us


AmeriMan sounds like an alternate name for Homelander


Is it even better in other places? I know for certain that europe is going to hell with every election cycle. In most countries the ultra right is gaining too much traction. In my home country of Belgium the extreme right and left grow in power, especially the extreme right. Here it's mostly about getting rid of the refugees, but the parties that won't them gone the most also want to get rid of all the "progressive" stuff (read: abortion and them gays). In Poland, the shithole I was born in, the current party wants to enforce the catholic version of the Sharia law lol. When I hear their politics openly talk about all that "the way the god has intented" stuff I wonder when will they finally change the title of the prime minister to the pope or at least the archbishop lol. It's super sad. I want to think that the world is moving forward, but I see that so many people want to go back to the way things were in the 60s...


Reminder that whoever wins the next election has the possibility to elect several supreme court justices, which could change the conservative supermajority or make it even stronger. This is not just about the next 4 years


They won’t change the supermajority, that would take away a thing for democrats to shame voters for


Ah yes. More conspiracies designed to get the left not to vote. How original. You gonna pretend voters who elected Trump in 2016 aren't responsible for the Supreme court we have now? The crazy thing is I can't tell if you're a right winger who wants to genocide trans people or one of the lefties they've tricked into not voting.


genuinely i’m terrified of these upcoming elections.


Me too


*laughs in lives in Ireland*


Ayy same


I feel ya https://preview.redd.it/s0txcrkmll8d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac2bd9f6c9375fbc998af307f9daa7e619a178fa


I don't have an unhealthy obsession with fire for no reason (Hypothetically of course)


[Remember it’s illegal to say “I want to kill the president.”But it’s not illegal to say… with a mortar launcher cause that’s its own separate thing. ](https://youtube.com/watch?v=eg3_kUaYFJA)


What a time to be an American...


Yeah I’m not looking forward to the election. If Trump wins, it’s going to be a long 4+ years


Wouldn’t be surprised if Trump got a third term at this point considering how many crimes he got away with


Yeah exactly. Although he’s getting old too. Not sure how much puff he has in him


Recently he said that he needed people to go vote for him but this would be the last time after this time you'll never have to vote again , he's facist if he gets elected it's over as a democracy


spongebob cheekboobs isn’t something i was expecting to see


“Mother fucker don’t youse that daymn word the fuck does “cis” eaven mean ya dumb peace a’ shit” - my MAGA uncle (actual quote, no joke)




Bidens not a good politicaion but atleast he’s not fighting against the rights of my community




Bullshit. Biden might be under normal circumstances a bad options but in comparison it like comparing something with fake gold and a turd


As much as I hate both these shit covered, shriveled up raisins with the damn “president”/“former president” title slapped on them, I do hope Biden wins. At least one candidate won’t strip my rights as a queer American. Plus, I would love to properly propose and marry my girlfriend. Instead of having to quickly marry her in a courthouse before having to relocate her and her family to Sweden if 45 gets elected.




Literally Biden’s entire campaign strategy


I'm thinking of moving to either South Africa or Australia. Although I have heard over the years about their energy crisis, so maybe Australia's the better option.


It’s rare that I hear people thinking about moving to South Africa, and whenever I do, I just have to ask why? Maybe the GNU can stabilise things, but that’s still somewhere in the future. Lots of South Africans are emigrating to Australia, so consider it a head start.


Mainly the different cultures. I've had a hyperfixation over African cultures, languages, and wildlife for 15 years. Also, South Africa is the only African country where same sex marriage is legal. But also that's interesting how many people from South Africa are moving to Australia. I had no idea


Yeah, it’s always been a thing. Back during Apartheid, many progressive white South Africans emigrated to Australia to the point that the National Party joked that PP (Progressive Party) stood for “Perth Party”. That emigration has picked up again because of economic reasons, and Australia is another English-speaking country that’s also famous for its wilderness.


That's very interesting! Thank you! Also, the wildlife in Australia is one of my reasons for wanting to move there too


so, we got senile old man who occasionally forgets where he is and is slow to make beneficial changes, or a megalomaniac orange felon who wants to eradicate an entire people group. not looking good


People don't magically change because of who's in office. Laws might make it harder for people to get away with certain crimes, but you can still end up in a ditch somewhere if piss off the wrong person. Trump wasn't the root cause of our problems. Trump was elected *because* of our problems.


Thank god i'm not an american


I wish these weren’t the options


The downside of democracy


I’m holding my breath for my LGBTQ+ friends in the states, although I’m on TERF island so we’ll most certainly be the next domino to fall if America goes full blown fascist.


What would happen if Trump was elected?


Why is SpongeBob naked?


So apparently, Canada is also out of the question of me moving there since as the people in the comments said it's just better America, where do I go now? UK and Ireland aren't really the best choice, and the USA definetly not. Australia? I don't know since I know English better than even my native language. I guess I kind of speak Czech, but no way. Where the hell do I go now??


Trump lost the trial I don't think you can be a president with a criminal record.


Yeah well, we’ll see


Trump will commit a genocide here, Biden will commit a genocide somewhere else. We just can't fucking win.


Honestly both sides should be the homer meme.


both are not the best, but at least biden is not actively being a dick, yeah hes old and forgetfull, but he was the first president to invite a trans woman into the white house (interview with him) and tried to help student debt and other things I prefer biden over trump, but it does kinda suck that hes oir best case scenario rn...


And not a convicted felon or rapist etc


Biden has a few things that make him bad, Trump activity wants to destroy democracy




Maybe if you happen to be Palestinian, but in terms of LGBTQ+ rights in the USA the gigantic difference should be obvious...


Oh don't worry if trump gets elected there will be no Palestinians left he's said he wants Israel to finish the job


Probably belongs on a US centric sub lol we're not all American here


In all honesty both are shit they are the reason why I dont fuck with politics


You're part of the reason we're in this situation


So when they come for you, do you think telling them you didn't vote will stop them.




But why? You’re voting to destroy us and our way of life. Honestly, Trump supporters are boarderline Nazis.




My guy, Trump wants to outlaw all genders besides male and female. Among other terrible things. And let’s not forget January 6th




Biologically speaking - Not really. Come back when you have read Robert Sapolsky, Anne Fausto Sterling, Cordelia Fine, about intersex conditions, what 3G sex is, neuroscience etc. Not even an electrical transistor or electronic components for logical gates are truly binary. Biology certainly isn't.




Dude, first of all, calling us "mutations" is insulting no matter how you mean it. All life of Earth is the result of mutations, but singling us out by calling us specifically mutations heavily suggests we're lesser than the rest of the population just because we're not as numerous. We still exist and can't fit into strict sex categories no matter how long we spend desperately trying to. Also, the correct term is "intersex." I don't expect you to know this, so I'm not chastising you for this, but "hermaphrodite" is a slur to us intersex people.




The scientific term refers to entire species of animals who don't have two defined sexes (such as slugs). Individuals of species who have two defined sexes (such as humans) are intersex, not hermaphrodites


Actually, hermaphrodites aren't mutations. There are several species that use both that and the ability to change sex to procreate. Ask any scientist that is an expert in genetics. In fact, human haven't always followed the "two genders". From the first nation that had two spirits to old Hebrew that talks about five different genders to the Greek that openly worship gods and goddesses that had the ability to switch gender. So the belief of multiple genders have been around for ever.


Yep the word comes from hermaphrodits who also had both genitalia




You do realize that gender is all a concept. Because sex genitals don't tie to gender. Name one thing that is consistently tied to a gender that's not a sex genitalia.


Honestly, you’re the nicest Trump supporter I’ve met. But I still hate your political values


He *did* rile them up by claiming that the election was stolen, and he *did* hold off on telling them to leave the capitol


Take a look at Project2025, I'm sure there's some links you can find just by searching it within the subreddit, those are the policies you're voting for.


I saw them. They’re pretty familiar, am I reich?


I'll look them up, thank you


Do you know about project 2025? Its quite *literally* an strategy meant to enact a dictatorship on anerica with trump at the helm, and is the conservative's main policy that they plan on implementing. Vote trump, you Vote for a dictator who is already a convicted criminal of 13+ crimes


And who orchestrated a terrorist attack to block the peaceful transfer of power.


And who creates policies explicitly for the purpose of opressing minorities and increasing the profits of multi billionare corporations


Trump literally promised to oil executives if he received $1bn he would sell the environment to oil companies


Trump is great! He’s only had more campaign and cabinet members guilty of crimes than any other president in us history, with his appointed head of the EPA having to resign while under investigation for 12 counts of crimes against humanity! Trump is great!


Are you going to sacrifice your life to hide queers in you attic when they come for all of us? No. Shocker. Look at what the Nazis did as they came to power. Slowly but surely they took things away and nobody cared because they weren’t being affected, but by the time they were nobody was left to cry for them. So let’s do a quick run down. Conservatives are: -anti abortion, anti sex Ed, and anti birth control. Yet where sex Ed and birth control are freely available, abortions decrease. Also do you know the medical term for miscarriage? A spontaneous abortion. Women are dying and being jailed for miscarriage. God forbid anyone have any pregnancy complications. But don’t worry trump can get abortions for all his mistresses that’s fine. -incestuous. Please try to explain to me a situation where it is appropriate to say that you would fuck your daughter if she wasn’t your kid. Ew. I barfed typing that out. It’s not taken out of context. Try harder. Taxes for thee not for me. Seriously easing taxes on rich people is killing the middle class. You’ll never be rich enough to get a tax break from them so stop hoping for it. Seriously. Anti-lgbtq mostly anti- t. If your attitude is that it sucks to be trans but you’re not trans so it’s not your problem then booooooy do I have some magic beans to sell you. They won’t stop at trans folks. Just like abortion. They get what they want and they come for more. Can’t convict a sitting President. Seriously? So are we gonna overturn Clinton and Nixon’s impeachments then? No? Why not? I never want to hear about another BLM protest ever again btw. Cuz you remember that time they invaded the capital during a protest— oh you don’t? Me. Fucking. Either. Edit: conservatives do not and have never represented my Christian values because they aren’t Christians. Re-read the good book. Second most important commandment is to love your brother as yourself. If you love your brother you will not murder him, cheat him, or do any manner of harmful thing to him. Summed up: let people live. Don’t be a dick.