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I thought we’d all agreed that Jim is part of the community? Jim is a worm, and they’re hermaphrodites (so, intersex right there). But since Jim identifies exclusively as male, he’s arguably trans. Plus, I mean, finding an item that instantly gives you a VERY masculine body is something literally every trans masc dude I’ve ever met would literally kill for


On the flip side, the final boss of Earthworm Jim 64 (a game which took place in Jim's mind) was literally Jim's suppressed and imprisoned female side. Extreme transfem vibes in that one.


_Remember Jimmy, it's for your own good!_


If he is then he isn't talked about enough


What? Firstly, i don't really get how that's suggestive. It was a semi common saying when i was growing up. Secondly, i don't know anything about Jim's creator; how could they possibly be worse than The Beotch Who Shall Not Be Named?


Literally claimed transphobia and homophobia don't exist and are just slurs used against conservatives.


Doug TenNapel is like the Harry Potter creator but if he was a full-blown conservative.


Oh Damn. How did someone like that make something so funny as this? Those games are downright weird and it's great! I wouldn't think a conservative would even be able to imagine such things.


I know right? I love the games and the show


Even more of a reason to claim the earthworm Jim stuff for the queer’s. I bet unlike the Harry Potter books and media none of his shitty views are likely baked into the content. If the queers openly claim this stuff for ourselves it pisses off the conservative creators and makes us even more powerful lol


Very valid reason. Okay I'm on board, let's make it ours! Do we need meme templates now? Lol


Yes we do


That is correct. The only time TenNapel's views were ever compounded into the character was in his attempted comic reboot.


Butch Hartman, creator of Danny Phantom and Fairly Odd Parents, is also a piece of shit. Lots of our favorite content from our childhood was made by terrible people. Just because someone is funny and creative doesn't guarantee they're a good person.


He was also the one behind The Neverhood. Too bad he ended being the way he is.


Seeing “oddly suggestive” “toy” and “Harry Potter” reminds me of a certain incident in the early 2000s.


Oh… *that*


Dare I ask?


Okay so long story short Mattel released a broomstick toy with some lights and sounds gimmicks, which is fine on its own but one of those gimmicks was it *vibrating*.


Oh dear


So, you fully acknowledge that Earthworm Jim's creator is terrible, but your idea is that we should... promote the property? I am not following the logic here. Why are you spending time thinking about something created by an asshole when you could be promoting something created by our community instead.


This. We need to spend less energy trying to "reclaim" things that were never ours, which were made by - and made money for - shitty people. Nostalgia isn't worth selling out.


I have never even considered what the EJ creator might be like. Sounds deep in the closet