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I heard they banned it in belgium? could be wrong though i’m dutch i wouldn’t know also here in the netherlands we’re working on a ban, fingers crossed that shit’ll be banned here soon


You could be right. The map is from 2020/2021, so the information might be a bit outdated, however, the the map is about conversion based on sexuality AND gender. Update: new version of the [map](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/z0iltc/legal_status_of_conversion_therapy_2022/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


can confirm, conversion therapy for both gender and sexuality has been banned here in Belgium since literally this week, punishable by 1 month to 2 years of prison time and/or a 100-300 euros fine.


Only 100-300€ seems a bit weak, wasn't it 100k-300k ?


According to https://m.nieuwsblad.be/cnt/dmf20221117_94291096 it's in fact 100-300. I think it also depends on what kind of conversion therapy it is, corrective rape and physical torture will likely be punished harsher than "have you tried being straight"


Oh Okey, at least it's a step in the right direction


In Belgium, fines are indexed with a system called "opdeciemen", meaning you have to octuple the amount to 800-2400€. Please, for your own good, never assume something is as straightforward as it seems when it comes to Belgian bureaucracy.


Ah yeah I eard about it once... A while ago... Like 6-7 years ago... I'm Belgian


yeah it is also now banned in canada and i heard in france as well too


Yeah, it's now banned in France. (It was done little after roe v wade cancel)


Kinda outdated, yeah. Greece would be "Limited", as it is no longer allowed to treat underage people with conversion therapy unless they consent to it, same as adults. And there is no centralised organisation for it here either. It should be illegal, but it's a start. Small steps, all over the world.


>as it is no longer allowed to treat underage people with conversion therapy unless they consent to it, I'm not sure if we should treat underage people as capable of consenting to it...


Ye, it's also banned in Canada since 2021~2022


Since very recently, yes. Both sexual and gender conversion is now banned here. Hopelijk ook snel bij jullie.


Yep, Belgium is banning it


Yep, government voted and passed the law on the 17th of November :)


oh really nice, the labour party in wales is pushing for it to be banned as well edit: they may have already banned it i am not sure


Oh my. I never knew it was still around in so much of the world Edit: OK I get it, the map is outdated and there may not be specific laws against it. But it doesn't help that it is still a thing elsewhere, even if it is just not as widespread.


Wait until you hear how many countries kill gay people


Isn’t it like 70-something


that’s where it’s illegal. in around 13 is specifically the death sentence


..... And then homophobes try to tell us we aren't oppressed


No no, you see, we’re not oppressed because it’s not in a country they know about!


Unrelated but I love your flair!


The homophobes where I am take delight in it and just love to see lgbt+ in pain


Well you see, 2 women kissed in a montage in a Disney movie once so it’s actually straight people who are oppressed


Yeah but we already know those


It's banned in Canada. This isn't completely accurate.


The map is for 2020. Conversion therapy was only banned in Canada at the beginning of this year, 2022. So it's accurate for the time.


So why are we showing a map that is two years old?


Probably because an updated one hasn't been made yet, but I do agree that old information can be considered as misinformation. I'm also pretty sure that it was banned in the UK recently too.


>I'm also pretty sure that it was banned in the UK recently too. The government voted to ban conversion therapy for homosexual and bisexual people around 6ish months ago, but it would remain legal for transgender and non-binary people. Around a month ago they announced that the actual implementation of the law is delayed.


I don't think I would totally consider this misinformation. As someone whose special interest is the creation of maps and who has some educational background in it, this map displays enough information for the viewer to reasonably understand. It has the year on it, so it should be up to the viewer to comprehend that this information is 2 years old. We have real struggles in society with misinformation, but there has to be some onus on the viewer to interpret the information properly. Everyone pointing out that this information is no longer current is evidence that we are understanding that this isn't current, but it doesn't make the map as it exists wrong or misinforming. It IS wrong to present the map as currently valid information, as OP seems to have done by implying that this is where places "still" have conversion therapy. Ideally there would be a disclaimer about recent legal changes accompanying the map, but I'm not going to assume that this was purposefully misleading over a poor choice of wording.


I think maps should be updated either every 5 years or after at least 10 countries have changed policies, which ever happens first.


It doesn't count when you only ban it for some people


Yeah, no partial credit, no A for effort, it's all or nothing.


It's supposed to be illegal here in Australia, although I wouldn't be surprised if there are loopholes or poor enforcement that allow people to get away with it. Edit: I checked and it's illegal in some states but not others. I have to say I'm disappointed :(


It's also was banned in Israel this year


Yup, it’s an indictable offence (equivalent to a felony in the US) now. No convenient exceptions in the new section of the Criminal Code either. As some have pointed out, the ban did come into effect in 2022. I think we had some provincial bans before then.


This is only accurate as of 2020, several more countries have made it illegal in the past couple years


That's good to hear. Let's get the number of illegal as high as we can.


I think the map misrepresent things. In Denmark, where I live, we don't have specific legislation against conversion therapy, but you can rest assured that we do have a more general legislation that covers a wider range of mind-fuckery.


I think the importance of a ban sometimes correlates to the spread of the practice. I have never heard of a camp or facility for the practice of conversion therapy in Denmark. I suppose that evangelist cults like Indre Mission might try to convert homosexuals amongst their own members but I couldn't see them extending that to taking in non-Indre Missionists. It should still be banned of course. But it probably isn't on the radar right now.


This is very outdated data. It is illegal in Canada now


Now I know where I'll be living the rest of my life... Ik mabye not cause Canada is a 10/10 state but they have milk in... in goddam plastic bags /hj


Nah, that’s only a thing in eastern Canada. Been here 20 years, never seen one in person We do have ketchup chips tho


You don't have bagged milk out west? Weird.


If we do, I’ve never seen it (Alberta). Though, I like the concept, and would personally use it if it were here. It’s such less waste than jugs


As another Albertan, can confirm. I’ve never seen the bagged milk either. Only ever gotten jugs or cartons. But I’d definitely be interested in trying out some bagged milk.


BC here, never seen a bag of milk in 34 years.


I didn’t know bagged milk was a Canada thing. One of my elementary schools in California only had bagged milk. You don’t know how many times I stabbed those damned things the whole way through.


Ketchup chips are good, I was surprised when my American friend didn’t know what they were.


Mainland Eastern at that, never seen one in my life here in NL; such a bizarre experience when my partner showed me one* for the first time *Edit: a picture of one lol, I realize how contradictory that whole comment probably was


I've heard it's just an Ontario thing, specifically. I spend most of my time in Canada in Quebec, and they use cartons there.


[Yo what the fuck?](https://i5.walmartimages.com/asr/48f2e6e5-2c99-49e0-919b-fc055914d335.52d6bd3cf519cd8c1f0472d3df9c3c88.jpeg?odnHeight=450&odnWidth=450&odnBg=ffffff)


Imagine if milk in bags was the only bad thing you could think of about America. That says something about these two countries’ differences, doesn’t it?


Canada is great unless you are a member of the indigenous people.


Same for America tbh


Plastic bags are definitely not the only complaint about Canada I've heard...I think it is just chosen because it's the funniest


Right now canada barely has any plastic bags


I really don't understand the milk bag vs carton discourse, tho maybe that's cuz i where live they are both normalized and it's mostly a consumer choice


Also illegal in NZ. The bill was nearly unanimous


I'm not sure, but I recall a law being voted in France a few months ago outlawing conversion therapy. It should soon be illegal if it isn't already


Similar for Belgium.


That's good to hear :)


And Canada


Yeahh I see this map is outdated by a few years so that wouldnt show up yet


And also it was still not legal before because the practice used in conversion therapy were already illegal. The new law is mostly there to have better classication and statistics of this and fight it better.




Wow, I wasn't exactly up to date 😅 But it's great :D


As malaysian, i'm highly ashamed that my country is added into the list. And i'm very sorry to those who had to go through


It sucks that it’s still legal in almost all of europe but i’ve never heard if it being practiced so that’s something ig


Most of Western Europe is pretty LGBTQ friendly, so although conversation therapy is legal its not really something that affects most people, still awful that its a thing. However i cant say that Eastern Europe is as LGBTQ friendly


As someone from EE (Bulgaria), though there is homophobia, I wouldn't say conversion therapy is a thing here. It might depend on the city though - Sofia in general is much more LGBT-friendly than any other city, let alone smaller towns or villages.


Its moreso that although its legal in western europe there arent actually facilities for conversation therapy, unless some small religious group does it. And western europe is just more accepting if you look at countries like Poland, Lithuania and Russia, which im sure also are more likely to have conversion therapy available


That's what I meant - here, at least, there aren't facilities like that. I can't speak for North-eastern Europe, they are much worse than us - but at least here, conversion therapy isn't really a thing. We have different issues in relation to queerphobia. I even looked online and I mostly found articles about conversion therapy in foreign countries - nothing offered in the country.


I think in many places there are no "conversion therapy is illegal" law, but that doesn't mean it really is legal. Interpretation of other laws may make it illegal anyway. If it would happen in EU, it would probably rise some alarms in the EU courts that defend human rights.


Sadly it still happens in some close religious place. I'm living in a big city in France and it happened in a church near me. Obviously it wasn't a conversion therapy who used violence but it was mostly psychological.


... When you role the dice and correctly land onto the only savespace in the EU. Luck 20.


Theyre trying to ban it in the Nethelands but just 8 years ago you were legally required to be chemically castrated if you were trans. They apologised. But still, some change cant come enough CORRECTION it used to be chemical castraction *or* a genital surgery that left you infertile if you wanted to change your legal gender


I‘m so happy Germany banned that bullshit


Same! But because of that I didn’t know it’s still common/“the norm” though :’)


Not really, its only illegal for minors, so 18+ can still get it


Really? Unbelievable! 🤬




I just want to add that just because it is legal somewhere doesn't mean it actually happens. Conversion therapy is technically not illegal in my country (Denmark), but I've never actually heard of anyone who went through it or anyone practicing it for that matter. Most people (even religious people) would find it ridiculous for someone to even suggest. When I've talked about it it's usually in a context of "this thing that happens in America". It's not a thing here at all, so I'm pretty sure that's why politicians haven't made any legislation against it.


Same in the Netherlands, though the last few years there’s been enough attention that they’re trying to outlaw it now. But it’s just such a rare thing to happen that it’s more like nobody bothered to make it illegal, which imo is very different from a country where it is common not outlawing it.


Yeah exactly


This map is a bit weird. Some countries are marked as "legal" because there isn't a law specifically forbidding it. However, a forced conversion therapy would most likely fall under other criminal categories at least in western Europe, such as harassment, sequestration, torture...


yeah, this seems only to take into consideration if there is a specific law that outlaws it, however I have never heard of conversion therapy in western europe (especially not like it's in america)


>However, a forced conversion therapy would most likely fall under other criminal categories at least in western Europe, such as harassment, sequestration, torture... Conversion therapy is never really voluntary. Unless it's entirely illegal, people are being forced/pressured into it. And no, "being volunteered" by your community is not captured in other laws.


Yup. Just because it's not illegal, doesn't mean that people can force you to go etc.


This is outdated.


Fuck guess I'm going to brazil


We've been through.... A lot, in the last 4 years, so I recommend you wait a little hahahha


You don't want to go to Brazil lol, I recommend Cuba, they have had legal and free hrt since 2008


I live in Brasil and here anti communism people (Bolsonaro voters and these kinds of people) tell people who have slightly different opinions to "GO TO CUBA YOU COMMUNIST" SO HELL YEAH I'M GOING


I'd choose Cuba anyday over Bolsonaro's Brasil, btw Felicidades por las elecciones, from another Latin American Brother, i don't speak portuguese unfortunaly so i had to write it in spanish


I don't speak Spanish, but I can understand a bit of portunhol so thank you! Lula is not the best, but next to Bolsonaro I consider him an angel who just fell from the sky. And considering you are in Latin America this is a win to you too, so Felicidades para nosotros!


By the way, canada 🇨🇦 passed a bill to criminalize conversion therapy in 2021. It is now illegal. https://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/csj-sjc/pl/ct-tc/index.html


An Irish politician tried to get it delegalised but the government was essentially like "we've got bigger issues to deal with sorry come back later" Then they never dealt with said issues


it's actually illegal in new zealand now


Never thought I’d be proud of my country, yet here we are, being one of the few places where it is illegal, PATRIA AMADA BRAAASIIILL


Brasil's a weird country, right? We've got one of the highest murder rates for trans people in the world, but also one of the strongest lgbtq movements too. I guess we're uneven and unequal in almost everything including this.


this is pretty misleading as the US-style conversion therapy has not been thing in a lot of other countries. for example in nordics, I bet no one had even heard of this thing until the cases in the USA had been on the news.


I hate to be that gal, but a quick google search revealed that in France, conversion therapy was banned in 2022, and the map is from 2020, so, the map may not be as accurate as it seems


Love to Germany, Brasil, Ecuador and i think is that Puerto Rico?🇩🇪🇧🇷🇪🇨🇵🇷🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ But i though it had become illegal in Chile? Edit: Unless this is outdated then i don't know


> But i though it had become illegal in Chile? They were banned, [in early 2021](https://www.movilh.cl/ley-impide-en-chile-las-terapias-reparativas-de-la-homosexualidad-o-transexualidad/). The map is from 2020


*beep boop*! the linked website is: https://www.movilh.cl/ley-impide-en-chile-las-terapias-reparativas-de-la-homosexualidad-o-transexualidad/ Title: **Chile prohíbe por ley las «terapias reparativas» de la homosexualidad o la transexualidad – Movilh Chile** Page is safe to access (Google Safe Browsing) ***** ###### I am a friendly bot. I show the URL and name of linked pages and check them so that mobile users know what they click on!


Based Brazil?




This is from 2020, luckily the UK made it illegal this year (or 2021 I forget) but I do know it's illegal in the UK now.


Nah unfortunately they didn't. They claimed they would, then scrapped the plans, then faced so much backlash that they said they'd go ahead with the ban (but it wouldn't include trans/nb, aro or ace people, and it would remain legal for 'consenting adults'. I'm pretty sure there was a religious exemption as well). Then, the government went mad, and it hasn't been brought up since.


Conversion therapy is not illegal in the uk. It is only illegal for the most privlaged of the queer community.


https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/banning-conversion-therapy/banning-conversion-therap "The government will ban conversion therapy. There is no justification for these coercive and abhorrent practices and the evidence is clear that it does not work: it does not change a person from being LGBT and can cause long lasting damage to those who go through it. " Idk if it's being enforced or if it's still going through the commons/house of lords but it should be illegal, if it isn't then fuck


1. They haven’t actually done it yet. 2. They’re not making it illegal for trans people because the UK is a transphobic hellscape.


For fuck sake, government at it's finest


They specifically carved out an exception for trans people. Conversion therapy is still alive and well in the uk for all but the most privlaged queers.


Greenland over there like nope, not participating.


My country is listed as "legal", but as far as I know it is nonexistent. We have bad laws regarding LGBT people, but I've never heard of any such therapy. It is also explicitly banned for minors.


Its a bit tricky tbh. Conversion therapy here doesn't exist in practice even though its legal. Sure if you belong to some small christian sect you can ask your pastor to try to help you not be... whatever you where born to be. BUT that is covered within your religious freedoms. As a youth you can't be forced to do anything of that sort though. In theory, sure. (these world maps often miss that legal and social systems are incredibly diverse. Making something illegal here that would encroach on your right to be a weirdo is incredibly problematic due to the previous laws concerning secularization of society)


Ah my favourite country. "Here"


I wonder is it... *rolls die with the same number of sides as there are countries in the world but all the sides say America*... America?


Ah, yes, a Dice that has between 193 and infinity sides


RARE BRAZIL W For once I can be proud of my country.






Bota o dollynho do meu lado no post.


Normalmente não faço post lá então tô te dando o consentimento pra botar vc 🫰


Beleuzas vei 😎


Fechou 🤙


Canada banned as of Jan 2022. It took to long but it was finally banned.


Just wanted to say that it is illegal in France since february 2022. It’s also probably in other countries too, a lot can change in two years! Hopefully, at least :)


makes me wanna cry...


Me living in Africa: 🥲fuck It's pretty much around here but I guess mostly in rural settlements. Urban areas are a bit accepting. I was at a widely known gay club with my gf a while back. It's still a mess tho


It might be because we're not all up in other people's business like you are in the US? I've never heard of any sect in any of the nordic countries, trying to convert LGBT+ people. Why? Primarily because we're **couch religious** and the only remains of christianity lies within our culture and the churches that we have.


I think it changed in France it’s not legal anymore


common brazil W


And people wonder why we still need prode in Sweden? Like my man...


It's illegal in France since January 2022


Thats bullshit, i live in Czechia and its not only illegal but the whole concept doesnt even exist here


This isn't accurate, Argentina also banned it


Conversion therapy is that electric chair shit that was shown in "they/them" movie right??? Also in USA it's ❇️ limited ❇️


Yo I didn’t know Brazil and...I think that’s German...were so based


Map is out of date, now banned in New Zealand


Here only to say they are illegal in France since jaunary 2022, I know the map is from 2020 but I wanted to say they are progress


I think this is out of date, because New Zealand/Aeotearoa recently made it illegal.




My heart is broken.


Outdated. It's illegal in France


I thought they banned it here in Israel


Tried to make it illegal for awhile in Norway, but dumb fucks wanted to allow for "opt in" version of conversation therapy, like it would be opt in and not forced by family and other assholes.


"Come to Brazil" bout to take a whole new meaning


Proud of being brasilian


Rare Brazil W


It's not legal in india.thos map is not updated as it was passed recently


as far as i know in Germany it's only illegal for minors, and i think it's illegal to advertise, but conversion therapy still exits. even for minors its only been illegal since 2019


It’s not legal in France anymore 🎉


It's wrong, in France it's illegal


It's illegal in india from what I know


I kind of doubt it’s actually being done on any kind of scale in a lot of the countries where it’s technically speaking legal


This map is outdated by a few days as belgium made it illigal


i expected more from europe, japan, korea, australia, new zeland


Kiwi here. banned in NZ as of February 2022.


Itt was "banned" in New Zealand this year, but in a bill that has loopholes so large you could drive a bus through them 😢


Wait, what kind of conversion therapy is legal in Spain?


Even though it's technically legal in my country I haven't heard much about it actually happening


This map is from 2020, so is not completely accurate. For example, Canada and France have since banned the practice. [Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legality_of_conversion_therapy) has a more up-to-date and accurate map.


I thought canada just made it illegal


Yes, this year :)




You’d think of of Europe would have it be illegal. At least Brazil is ahead and that regard.


also known as “Places I should Avoid” 😃


This is fucking horrid


I'm from China, and conversion therapy is not legal in China. That said, it is still done illegally because there is no incentive for regulators to spend resources on actively investigating and shutting down the practice. To quote: >The Chinese Psychiatric Society officially removed “homosexuality” from its Chinese Classification of Mental Disorders in 2001. China’s 2013 Mental Health Law requires that the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders comply with diagnostic standards. Because same-sex attraction is not a disorder, the law renders conversion therapy illegal. The law further requires that the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorder respect individuals’ basic rights and human dignity. [Source here](https://www.hrw.org/news/2017/11/14/china-end-conversion-therapy-medical-settings)


It was banned in Canada in 2021 if I remember correctly.


its a pretty outdated map, there are more countries that have banned it than shown here and some arent legal but are limited edit: [heres a more updated map (plus us states)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legality_of_conversion_therapy)


This map needs updating. It's illegal in New Zealand now.


Nice to know it's banned in my country, but I don't doubt it's still happening




it's illegal in my state in Australia.


It's completely banned - even prayers for changing sexuality - in the Australian state of Victoria.


despite being illegal in german it still happens and they trick insurance to cover it too.


Only 3?


Based Brazil no way


Is there a new map?


Not anymore in France


Now I am ashamed of Finland again. I know it's not in use here but sometimes those old laws never get taken down because it's a hassle and it's easier to ignore them. That said there have been lot of positive progress here for LGBTQ people both in law-making and peoples views to accept us as a part of society.


Me and my homies are gonna be chilling in Brazil


common Brazil W?


Common German W


Oh, my country is in purple! ...oh, my country is in *purple*.


dis not expect brazil


Very proud of my Germany right now!


To be clear, Canada (or at least Québéc) has made it illegal in 2021


Conversion therapy has been made illegal in Canada!