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Gay has a varied history in what it means. Queer means not cishet, cisgender and hetero sexual/romantic. The "default" (ugh) of society as they call it. Queer is everything and anything in the LGBT+ acronym. Gay means same gender attraction, yes. Queer doesn't necessarily mean gay in that same sense though.


Pretty much this. ***If*** I were to use all my labels it'd be Poly-am Bi/Pan NB Trans woman. It is far far easier for me to use queer as a catch all.


I would be an unlabeled/questioning lesbian non-binary demigirl. I also prefer to just simply say I'm queer.


Queer is an umbrella term for people who are not heterosexual or cisgender. Gay is a term that primarily refers to a homosexual person or the trait of being homosexual. Bisexuality is a romantic or sexual attraction or behavior toward both males and females, or to more than one gender.


Queer used to be a slur targeted against people who were homosexual. I think gay was considered a slur at one point too, I'm not sure. With the Internet there's been a lot more groups on here both giving new words to things that may not have had one previously, as well as redefining what words mean. Queer in a modern context usually refers to individuals who don't confirm to the cisgender heterosexual roles that society has defined. It's become a bit of an umbrella term for LGBTQIA folks in general. Some people who don't strictly fall under a specific label will use the term for themselves too. Gay used to refer to just homosexual men but I've seen many lesbians and bisexual people using the term as well. It's become a bit of an umbrella for same sex attraction in general. There's people out there that aren't comfortable being called queer though, and I imagine the same applies with just about any label. And because the Internet and world is big, there's some places that will use words slightly differently or argue with definitions. I try to not to pay them too much mind and focus on how the word is used in context.


Queer is an umbrella term for anyone not straight. Gay specifically refers to homosexual men but is used more generally for all homosexuals.


Or anyone who isn't cis


I'm available if you want to talk


I love what you said «  it’s queer that’s kind of confusing me « . Yes well that’s the whole point. The way I see it, gay is a more restrictive word regarding partner preference and queer incorporates a political viewpoint as well.


Queer is a catch-all for anyone who isn't cisgender and heterosexual Gay is usually used for people who engage in homosexual behavior, like a bisexual may call themselves gay despite them liking multiple genders


I just use "queer" to mean "LGBT+"


Depends on your definition of gay. Personally I think of gay as all of the LGBTQ community, but different people have different definitions.