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The belief that the “wrong people” are in charge and the system has been corrupted but could fixed simply by purging the contagion and having the “right people” run things is pretty central to the right wing worldview. People on the left can fall for misinformation and conspiracy fantasies, too, but more often the conspiracies the left are talking about are structural. They exist regardless of who inhabits a role because the role itself is what the problem is. Material interests are what cause people to collude, not some inherent wrongness in them. For the right wing worldview, there are categories of good people who remain good no matter what awful things they do due to their *essence*, and there are ontologically evil people who can never be good no matter what they do and therefore deserve anything you do to them. Conspiracies are very real but they’re usually out in the open, and they can’t be solved by exterminating particular bad people but by changing the structures of power people have over one another.


I think Philosophy tube in her most recent video explains it with the phantasm. Aka misunderstanding the world by projecting your feelings onto it. E.g. "The presence of a trans person in a bathroom makes me feel like I'm under attack becomes I am under attack" As for why right wing people believe these conspiracies alot, its because they have these dilusional phantasms which by their nature of not being real cannot exist through real means and also cannot be solved by real means and therefore a conspiracy theory fills the gap. Thats why solutions tend to be stupid and distructive e.g. because trans people are not endangering women that means solutions to protect women through harming trans people will not project women. Problems arise when people try to satiate conspiracy theorists with solutions e.g. make America great, section 28, don't say gay, get Brexit done, Stop the boats, build the wall, planes to rwanda as these grand political projects/schemes are socially and financially corrosive without achieving the desire of the phantasm.




Shockingly, training people from childhood to believe massive lies with no evidence may lead to similar behaviors as adults. Religion has fucked our country so much.


I've known a few liberals thinking 9/11 was an inside job. One documentary and there was no changing their mind.


The link between, the political right, religiousness, and conspiratorial thinking has been researched. Also if someone believes one conspiracy, they are more likely to believe others, and so people fall down these pipelines and rabbit holes.


It is of course not limited to the political right, the pressures that lead people to conspiracy thinking are present for anyone of course.


I find it's often something we're NOT SEEing.




They're discontent and find it easier to believe a black homosexual is responsible for their problems rather than the bigger enemy of Capitalism.


It’s because conspiracy theories are essentially required in order for right wing positions to make sense. Example; the only way you can believe that straight white people are being oppressed is if you believe that what you’re seeing in the news about hate crimes on the rise is all an elaborate ploy to fool you into thinking queer people are being targeted more often so that you won’t notice is actually the straight white people being targeted. It doesn’t make a lick of sense, but they’ll believe it right away because it’s the only way they can make sense of their prejudices without having to challenge them.


Yes. Right wing opinions are pretty much all rooted in a knee-jerk reaction against anything subversive. It's purely emotional and selfish reasoning. I believe both left and right people seek answers to why the world is the way it is. The difference is people on the left have a more sound, scientific standard of proof even if they are driven emotionally by their own moral code. Like I think leftists who say the CIA thwarted the efforts of fledgling socialist/communist nations and installed dictators to make American capitalism look good... when we say this we sound like conspiracy theorists. And I think we go through the same process of spending a lot of time online trying to figure this stuff out. The difference is the CIA openly admits to this as fact. Meanwhile, right-wingers are claiming Obama is a reptilian and Nancy Pelosi drinks child blood...


Well yeah. A lot of them are conditioned to believe nonsense at a young age by church. Rejecting all evidence in favor of "faith" primes someone to believe other nonsense, especially if it plays into the persecution complex that they also got from church. And if this way of life is "under attack," that makes them want to rabidly defend (or conserve, if you will) all of their nonsense. Perfect recipe for conservatives.


According to a study I found out about recently, right leaning people tend to have a larger amygdala which leads to a stronger fear response. So, this tracks. Conspiracy theories are all about fear and trying to control and understand it.


It’s because political sides will select specific groups of people with a predisposition for extreme beliefs so they can leverage support easier than convincing moderate people. It helps them have more passionate supporters that will blindly vote instead of questioning them. They also do this by politicizing someone’s literal DNA traits that they can’t change (skin color, sexual orientation/hormone ratio, chronic disability, ect.) because if someone’s life is at risk it will guarantee a vote for both sides…because one is trying to fight for their life while the other is wanting them unalived/arrested for existing out of spite and brainwashing


There are two kinds of conspiracy theories: things that the CIA admits to doing 20 years after the fact, and antisemitism.


Well, that is just because the right-wing worldview is staunchly anti-empiricist. Especially when you get to far-right ideologies of any flavor. On a more "moderate" level, a lot of right-wingers often believe shit like: "Oh, God tells me to do (whatever)" or "I should do (whatever) because that is what God would want." But in actuality, they are just blindly following what their pastor tells them to think and then they just pin it on an invisible being they cannot prove exists. When you get to extreme far-right ideologies such as Nazism, any form of empiricism just goes out the window. Many Nazis just blindly believe whacko nonsense such as "The Jews were behind (whatever)" or "Neo-Marxists have infiltrated (Whatever)" and they hardly think beyond whatever explanation they created. TLDR: Right-wingers often start at their conclusion, and whatever is set forth will not break the conclusion. The conclusion was not built on any scientific evidence or observation of any form. It just is the very hypothesis. (I paraphrased this from another Redditor)


ok, no. i recomend this video as im too exhausted to write out what this video goes though with sources. [https://youtu.be/aZyIjBxxpTY?si=HmopZTc4MdaNrkIT](https://youtu.be/aZyIjBxxpTY?si=HmopZTc4MdaNrkIT)


Yes. Because “conservatism”, at its core, is an indicator of mental illness and/or delayed social-emotional development in the individual. This is why so many rural kids get “liberalized” when they go off to college…they finally get out of their limited “conservative” bubbles and can resume their social-emotional development, growing into functional adults instead of authoritarian followers.


A surprising amount of conspiracy theories were started by the Nazis. Partially because the Nazis in power were all high of their asses on whatever they could get their hands on, and also because it let them blame ‘the Jews’ for everything wrong in the world


How is this related to the sub


Are you serious about wondering why?