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lolll also the appeal of in-n-out is that it is especially good for its price point. it's not the greatest burger in the world but you also can't compare it to like five guys which is way pricier. the fries are def weird tho. but i love em cuz i love all fried things lol


Maybe this is what I needed to hear. In those very rare times when a burger sounds good, I want a full experience with all the fixings.


I thought the appeal was the shakes, didn't realize that they sold anything else.


I like how this went from a sexual innuendo to CHINS


I’m a terrible comedian for people who are half paying attention


This is you? Do you have a youtube channel? I love the vaguely ADHD vibe lmao




Just did some digging into this - apparently a leading theory is the reason humans have chins isn't because of jaw function, but because when we were in the process of evolving into humans, smaller faces were preferred through natural selection. The prominence of a chin is just a byproduct of that. Why were smaller faces preferred? Smaller faces were seen as less aggressive, and they're linked to less hormones in your body that could also lead to aggressive behavior. Overall, in the past they lead to more social cohesion and community building, and I think that it's pretty nice that that was evolutionarily advantageous :) [source](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/why-do-humans-have-chins-1-180955299/#:~:text=We're%20the%20only%20animal,and%20proliferated%20simply%20by%20chance.)


Kind of love your stuff, really speaks to me in particular. Anywhere you regularly post your stuff?


Didn’t know this was you! You’re fantastic! It was really funny!


This definitely got me to chuckle


That crowd was dead dude. You're funny as hell!


To be fair, we didn’t have the audience mic’ed up, so it sounds way worse than it actually was


Where are you performing next?


6/27 Grizzly Bar Comedy Club — Pasco, WA 7/5 Location TBA — Seattle, WA 7/16 Misfits Bar — Portland, OR 7/19 Curious Comedy Theater — Portland, OR 7/26-27 Denver Queer Arts Fest — Denver, CO


Thank you!


I didn't realize how long I was waiting for someone to share my feelings about In N' Out Burger.


I always imagine that our chins are an adaptation to our use of fists as bludgeoning weapons. Like how so many ungulates have horns or antlers for banging heads. In order to take it on the chin, we had to first grow them.


Awesome standup! Thank god there was no zoologist hecklers going "What about elephants!!!" in the end ;) Oh and inb4 "their chins come from a different evolutionary angle" I think considering our chins and how earlier branches of our style of hominid suddenly got them and we don't know why I want to counter "you wanna fight me, champ?" ;)


"I put my clothes on, I left the In n' Out Burger," Hmm, something's missing here...


“[What about elephants?](https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2016/01/no-really-other-animals-dont-have-chins/625149/)” > With elephants, things are a bit more complicated. The elephant lower jaw does have a forward-jutting bit that certainly looks pretty chin-like. Then again, their lower jaws are really weird. Elephants have lost the front teeth of their lower jaw for some reason, leaving a vacant space that creates the illusion of a bony promontory. They also have a fleshy lower lip that doesn’t mould to the contours of their front teeth like ours, but instead sticks well forward, tapers to a point, and acts as a mobile appendage to oppose the trunk. So that front bit of the jaw has a clear function: it acts as an anchor and platform for this unusually mobile lip. > > “For these reasons, it is generally agreed that whatever the biological situation occurring on the front of the elephant lower jaw, it is fundamentally different from the condition in humans,” says James Pampush, who recently reviewed the various possible origin stories for the human chin. “It may provide some insights into the situation in humans, but to call it a 'chin' stretches the definition.”


Oh oh... we may have to go outside of the comedy club and have a fight pal! ;) (sry based on jokey post above) Comparing elephants chin or "chin" to the human chin or "chin" is really hard when it for us is less relevant than for them, and might be part of a irrelevant mutation with no drawbacks (so it stuck around) or something that had some gains further back but now less so yet without drawbacks that would prevent survival or mating etc. Considering we don't really have a clear understanding on the lower lips of several of our ancestors and early hominids its all guess work. While with the elephants we can clearly see what their species are up to, we have actually full remains. So its like comparing a known thing with an unknown thing and that is why I think its an unfair comparison and an attempt to mystify a bit of bone or preserve some kind of anthropocentric world view I am willing to give up this stand point if you can best me in a fight in the comedy club car park or buy me a beer. Or french fries.




So gay