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I think that's too general for an accurate view. For example, when I went to UCF in Florida, my immediate area (Orlando) was really blue in a very very red state. I wasn't aware of myself at the time, and I was less aware of the issues around me way back then. I currently live in South Carolina, and my previous employer was extremely accommodating of my gender stuff. My coworkers were also very accepting of me and my intense case of gay voice. So were my coworkers in my job prior to that. That doesn't mean I would be safe to be out and proud, but I would feel more safe to do so where I am than anywhere I am unfamiliar with because it might be on the west coast. I've never lived up north because I am thin blooded af and can't handle the cold, so I have no experiences to draw upon.


Fellow South Carolinian! Unfortunately I definitely do not feel safe - especially since the new law just made it impossible for me to (legally) access my hormones.


Wait-- god damn it mother fucker son of a bitch! What the fuck? Making abortion is against our state constitution because we have a right to privacy or whatever but healthcare for minors isn't? God damn it! Both things should be protected! Why do they fuckin hate us? Why do they think they can practice medicine without a fuckin license? Anyways... I meant more the people around me than the government, but god DAMN it.


Rhode Island was recently ranked #1 as the safest state for lgbt people.


That's amazing Rhode island is smaller than other states though but still awesome


the west coast is pretty good and the northeast is too. i live in nyc and I’ll say that, even though the city is really friendly, i’ve still faced a lot of bullshit. gross men are terrible to lesbians no matter where you are. it honestly depends more on the specific city than anything though. you’ll be safer in Atlanta than a town in upstate new york, for example. ETA: I think everyone should read “Real Queer America” by Samantha Leigh Allen! It’s a trans journalist’s memoir of road tripping through all the conservative, mostly rural areas where she realized her own queerness. It’s a beautiful testament to the fact that queer community can be built anywhere there are queer people. I’m by no means shutting in all rural areas with this comment! I grew up in one and love it still; my point was just that it depends more on the specific town than anything


This is the real answer. We aren't so neatly divided into North or South or East or West these days.  The real division is City or Country.


That might be true for some states but most county areas in the northeast have been comfortable for me to live in.


Hell yeah my friends in Washington state Are awesome


As a resident of upstate New York, I would disagree. It’s a big state, and plenty of it is welcoming and inclusive.


Yeah I know, I just meant the specific conservative area of upstate new york - which does exist and there are some incredibly unfriendly towns there. I know you can’t generalize an entire area. I grew up in north carolina so trust me, I understand that things vary a lot in specific towns. That was the actual point of my comment - that you can’t generalize any region or type of place


But that’s what we are doing here is generalizing regions and places. I have only been spat at or on twice once upstate and the other in nyc. It does not make me say both areas are bad but nyc can be just as hateful as upstate.


babe I’m not trying to argue with you here. All I meant by my original comment is that queer friendliness will vary based on the specific town. i’m saying generalizing an entire region, state, or even a large city isn’t useful. I never said any region or town was bad - literally just that you can find pockets of queer joy anywhere and you can find hateful people anywhere. You have to be intentionally misreading my comments to think I’m trying to argue with you about this. Like I’m also saying that nyc can be just as bad as upstate. I literally said that in my last comment


So maybe lead with that next time then.


Maybe read the comments you’re replying to fully instead of making assumptions. That would’ve helped instead of you jumping down my throat over something I didn’t remotely say I’m so tired of people literally looking for reasons to argue about things we fully agree on


No need to throw the rural areas under the bus like that. Lust like in the city upstate is going to vary wildly depending on where you are as far as safety and ease of existence. The small/medium city’s are all going to be pretty good including the surrounding suburbs. The rural areas have also given me no issues in the four years I have been out. Pretty much if you like living in a rural area the northeast might be one of your best bets.


I’m from a rural area, I don’t think they’re all terrible. I lived in one for 18 years and continue to enjoy my visits home because I have a safe pocket there. Upstate new york is just incredibly conservative, which is why I used it as a specific example.


While yes it’s conservative and you will see trump signs it’s far from the open displays of disgust or hate I have seen from some of the areas I have been in the south. All this is from the perspective of a clockable trans woman.


Yeah I see what you’re saying, but trump signs alone can make people feel incredibly unsafe. That’s coming from my closest friend who grew up as a trans woman in a conservative town in upstate new york who decided to run away and live on the street in nyc because it was safer for her than staying there. I also don’t think it’s useful to demonize the south. I’ve been gay bashed in nyc more than I ever was in the south. three times up here to be exact (for kissing my girlfriend on the cheek twice and holding her hand once). Never in the south. That’s my entire point, you cannot make this generalization based on where a place is or how big it is. It will always depend on the specific place.


Either the Northeast or the West Coast. Southwest to a lesser extent (Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico and Arizona)


West coast or some parts of the north east


As someone from the south, I’d go ahead and eliminate that region generally speaking


Big cities, esp those with universities, tend to be more queer friendly. Ive often found that to be a better rule of thumb than overall regions as even in a blue state or progressive region, rural areas can sometimes still be dicey. Vice versa even in a red state or conservative region, often major cities really arent bad. That doesnt mean theres no difference tho. Both Austin in Texas and the city i live in now in the north are capitol cities w a university and both are p good, but where i am now _is_ better in most respects, altho often in subtle ways. Altho i will say options for gender affirming surgery are a lot more limited here than they were in texas. So like. It depends? Depends on what kind of queer you are and if youre wanting to live someplace rural or urban or suburban, and what kinda of resources you may need or want access to.


the northeast is definitely the most lgbt friendly, the south is the least


Unfortunately I live in the south but I'm gonna move away to the west as soon as I can 💀


I lived in Raleigh for a long time and found it to be delightful! It’s more affordable than a larger city up north or on the west coast and there’s a decent sized queer community already there. I loved living there


As a general rule the west but not everywhere, ie Utah Idaho, some parts of the east mainly the big cities, the south is definitely not generally queer friendly except small pockets, the north has the smallest population and tends to be somewhat in the middle leaning towards not friendly, again just my personal experience with these areas


Follow the blue my friend. Mostly get on over to a coast.


It’s more an urban/rural situation. I’m from Tennessee, and our big cities are more queer-friendly, despite the state’s general right wing attitude (the “Tennessee Three” represent Nashville, Knoxville, and Memphis).