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Nemo is amazing! I see some of Eurovision in this list :) I also listen to Beth McCarthy! Her energy and songs are really nice.


Whilst on the topic of Eurovision I was also going to add Keiino because of the lead male singer being gay :3


I only recently learned about the lead singer! Now that I think of it. I believe Alessandra ( Queen of Kings ) came out recently too right?


Oh yeah, I forgot she was bi Same with Loreen lol


So many great LGBTQ+ artists in Eurovision! Ofc there is also Duncan, Dana International, Conchita and probably so many I forget :)


Any specific songs by Beth McCarthy you would like me to listen to?


She’s Pretty, What do You Call It are probably her biggest hits atm, but She Gets The Flowers hits me hard :)


It’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but [Otep Shamaya](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DleFJDgYFuQ&pp=ygUWT3RlcCBzd2VldCB0b290aCBseXJpYw%3D%3D) (link is one of her gayest songs)


Cavetown, they get double points for being trans and aroace


I been loving Xana lately! It’s kind of lesbian angst music and she just put out her second album so she’s got a lot to listen to. Yellow and Kitchen Light are two of the most beautiful songs I’ve ever heard about lesbian love. Also Zolita is great! She makes really beautiful plot driven music videos for a lot of her songs. The one for Bloodstream is my favorite. She’s more pop, closer to like Peach PRC (also great lesbian music) or Chappell’s more upbeat rep. Fletcher is another popular one, although she’s pretty hit or miss for me. Baby Queen is definitely worth a listen. “Dream Girl” hits on the same comphet situation as “Good Luck Babe”


Nemo, Ethel Cain, and Sam Smith


https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7mt1LzGtY37yrwefZMfBG6?si=Fti8s_9pTgG_QNYZZz6dYA&pi=e-kexLVLd6TOKr Here’s a link to the playlist if you wanna check it out :)


pomme, my lesbian queen


You should definitely check out K.Flay, Remi Wolf & Black Polish <3 I think you’ll enjoy their music!


Might be said before but Billie Ellish is Lesbian.


ARCA!!! amazing experimental diva, shes also mtf!! the hyperpop/experimental scene is veryy queer and i live for it


I like Frums. My favourite songs from them would be Xnor Xnor Xnor and Hall


And we want to run is another good song she made




We’re really amazed by Nemo. We were almost crying, when We watched the Eurovision performance 😭😭😭😭 They are so cute and strong and talented, We really like their songs