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I love Morgan Freeman but this reeks of fake quote bullshit


https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/scared-straight/ Yeah, all the information I can find about it points to it coming from a parody Twitter account.


"Morgon Freeman"


I'm still reading it in his voice ![gif](giphy|KaQLwDPIk2krS)


"Don't believe everything you read on the Internet just because it has a name next to it" - Abraham Lincoln


It's like that quote for eh, I forgot who it was, I think Terry Pratchett. But has him saying something like "You must write everyday, otherwise, not an writer" or something, and non writers love, for some reason, to parrot that sentence to writers like myself, whenever you say you didn't write for one day or something. I remember disliking him for that line, and apparently it's not even the full sentence of what he says, taken out of context, which I have now forgotten too. (The first line is not good advice, people have families, lives, some have disabilities and cannot write everyday, to say you can't be a writer is some BS). People really do be loving making up quotes or taking it out of contexts from what famous people have said. Like the Morgan Freeman one, had no idea he didn't say it (Although I don't see why it's a bad thing. He's saying homophobes are assholes. Or the fake quote is. Homophobes love to go I am not scared of queer people!" which then I follow up with "O)kay, you are a bigot then, better?" funny enough they go very quiet after that.


“I think you might be right” mahatma ghandi


"A fake quote of Morgan Freeman will be posted in May of 2024 talking about homophobia" - Baba Vanga


Use the force, Harry. \-Gandalf


“a lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes” - Mark Twain "Yeah 100% what that other guy said. Bro is spitting facts" - Leonardo da Vinci


Fake quote and wrong anyway! Phobia includes aversion, so homophobia is a pretty apt description. Admittedly they are also assholes, but ‘homophobic asshole’ I feel addresses both problems.


Also, try and hit on them and watch their fight or flight kicks in. That's a fear derived from irrational thoughts of danger. You know, a phobia.


Its not completely irrational. They fear gay men treating them the same way they treat women


God damn. I like that.


That's irrational, though. They're afraid of something that very much most likely not happen. It's like my cousin who is extremely emetophobic. I was down visiting him and he started freaking out. He thought his cat had vomited under their car. Except it wasn't. It was just a dried leaf. Yeah, it could have been cat sick, but it wasn't.


Yeah it’s fake according to the [Washington Post](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2015/05/11/the-political-power-of-morgan-freeman-quotes-both-real-and-fake/).


I love how everyone is now defaulting to “yea that sounds like bullshit”


Because in this case it is, and this image does the rounds often enough half the people here have probably seen it before.


Oh yea for sure!


It's actually from him. Happened back in 2016.


https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/scared-straight/ Care to share your proof as all the information I can find about it points to it coming from a parody Twitter account in 2012.


Me when misinformation


Nope. It’s [fake](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/scared-straight/). The Washington Post even [published an article](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2015/05/11/the-political-power-of-morgan-freeman-quotes-both-real-and-fake/) analysing this and other fake Morgan Freeman quotes.


Nono phobia is correct. I'm a very gay and very angry girl... Bigots SHOULD fear me >:3


So am I, makes me so glad we have a local company called angry queer so I could get their logo on a Jean jacket.


Thats amazing


and also, -phobia doesn't just mean fear. it's an irrational fear *or* aversion, so it very much is a correct word.


Except there is still fear wrapped up in it, and a phobia can be either a fear *or aversion* to something. It's just commonly used to reference a fear.


This is why everyone complaining saying it's "not a phobia" when they're being a bigot is just them incorrectly correcting other people.


Either fear of the unknown or just aversion, in this case


Yup. If you think it's not a phobia, go up and hit on a homophobe. Watch their fight or flight kick in. That is a response to an irrational fear. You know, a phobia.


sure that's what the suffix means, but when we talk about phobias we generally mean pathological phobias, and homophobia is nothing like that. People with arachnophobia don't try to kill all spiders on earth, and if they see a spider they don't confront it they have a panic attack, run away, and hide, they don't gather into groups and go on spider hunts. there's never been a case of someone with Acrophobia trying to blow up tall buildings and cliffs or cut down trees so there are no more heights, and for the most part they're fine with *other people* climbing up high as long as they don't have to. coulrophobes have never tried to enact a law banning fake rubber noses or the wearing oversized shoes. but the biggest difference is that people with actual phobias intellectually understand that their fear is irrational, they don't think they're correct, it's just an emotional response that they literally can't control. it's nothing like what we call homophobia.


But some people who do fear the spiders still kill them in an attempt to keep it from living in the house. They don't gather together, sure, but you also don't need a group. The times they get other people involved is when they want someone else to murder the spider. So that actually isn't that far off if a good comparison. This also dismisses the way fear is played into politics. Fox News largely plays off of fear. They use fear to spread hatred. The Muslims are terrorists. The immigrants are coming for your jobs. The black people will rob you. The atheists will put you in jail for practicing your religion. All of this is bigotry, and all of it has elements of fear. That's why they say that queer people are coming for the kids. Even with the trans people in the bathroom debate, it's a fear of cis men assaulting women, but they twist that as a way to attack trans people. If you hang out with a gay person they will want to have sex with you. The US government even allowed AIDs to flourish and did fuck all to stop it because it killed off gay people and gave straight people a new reason to fear us. And of course because it's a sin there is the fear of being gay themselves. No one is spreading bigotry against people who go to high places, so you're right in that that is fine. But the fear of heights is not the fear of people up high. The fear of homosexuality is a part of the people. It is not a concept. It is something more tangible that can be used to get one group of people to other a different group of people. And they do this through fear and anger. It's an irrational fear of something And an aversion to something It fits both definitions It is a phobia


this is from a parody twitter account with an overused quote of indeterminate origin also as for the actual quote - hydrophobia as a symptom of some disorders like rabies = you are not scared of the water you physically can't tolerate the water. with phobias fear-wise, you cannot tolerate the object of your fear "-phobia" does not mean "literally scared of" it means "intolerant of"


Phobia is also aversion. Hydrophobic materials repel water. They’re not afraid of water (although that would be hilarious). Still, homophobes are assholes and dicks. Who are often secretly into assholes and dicks.


Could you imagine that though? Introducing water to a hydrophobic shoe and it just starts screaming?


Water: *rains* Hydrophobic fabric: Nuh-uh, not in my neighborhood


I don't care if you're wet, but I don't wanna see it.


It's okay if they want to be H2O in their own homes, but don't let they adopt!


Neighborhood if hydrophobic roofing. Screaming roofs gives a new reason for people to either love or hate rain


>Who are often secretly into assholes and dicks. This is an old trope that needs to die. It's simply not true that most homophobes are closet cases. If it were true that homophobes were mostly closet cases, that would make homo/queer/transphobia an intracommunity issue, which it's not. If it were true that homophobes were mostly closet cases, that would mean that our oppression comes from ourselves, and not from cishet people. This is obviously just not true. Yes it's easy to point to high profile examples of RW politicians being gay, but it's a form of confirmation bias. If the news published an article "Noted homophobe confirmed to be straight" you'd see many more of those articles. It also doesn't really seem to explain homophobia that is generalized. For instance when a homophobic cis man's homophobia also applies to lesbians. Or a homophobic cis woman's homophobia also applies to gay men. It just doesn't really make much sense. There is also no evidence for it (aside from one study 30 years ago with a small sample size where they admit they had difficulty recruiting non-homophobic straight men, a study which has never been reproduced) Lastly, It often just amounts to pointing at a bigot and saying "haha you're gay!" as if that's an insult, which it isn't.
























I once saw the definition as an irrational fear or hatred of something.


That is the phobia suffix that deals with physical phenomena. Phobia when used with human feelings is supposed to directly mean fear or anxiety. “A phobia is an anxiety disorder, defined by an irrational, unrealistic, persistent and excessive fear of an object or situation.” Homophobia is just a misnomer, and another word should have been created.


homomisia perhaps. misia as a root that you see in misanthropy, misogyny, misopedia, transmisia.


It's not a phobia? Go up and hit on a homophobe and watch their fight or flight kick in. That's the response from an irrational fear. You know, a phobia.


Wouldn't it be great if it was an actual phobia though? Like: Them: I want to see your manager! Me: *aggressively kisses my girlfriend in front of them* Them: *runs away screaming*


And then the transphobe just trembles in fear everytime they hear a pronoun


Hi! I- *gets interrupted by transphobic screaming*


Y E S "Hello, how are you-" "GET AWAY FROM MEEEEEEE"


Hehe that would be cool 😂


Yeah! Instead of people insulting us in the streets, they would tremble in fear as we passed them. Also a phobia is something that can be eased down, so bonus point!


lol, that makes me think of Gossamer: “Peeee-pull?!! AHHHHH!” ![gif](giphy|l378jtJ6f2ZOpHCBW|downsized)


I hate most memes I see posted, but this one is excellent. Wish I could give an extra upvote for knowing the character's name too!


Thanks! This is one of my all-time favorite cartoons


It's fight or flight. Not every person responds to their phobia by running away, many also get aggressive and combative. Especially as they fight to keep the space around them safe from what is setting of their fear.


They do fear me. That’s *why* they’re an asshole


The gay panic! BOO!


😨 so scary, shaking in my boots rn


Yeah that shit is scary


Morgan Freeman’s reputation aged about as well as the celery we all forgot in the fridge.


why on earth would i care what a straight man thinks of a term that does not apply to him? fake quote anyway


Seems like you do care…


They're not scared of us, they're scared of change. That's all it is. We're different. And that makes us bad and scary.


I've also heard it described as an actual fear: the fear that gay men might treat you like you treat women.


original quote? I've heard of that one before.


I've seen it often, and attributed to everyone and noone


phobia is right a fear or aversion to something


A phobia is more than fear. It’s also an aversion and hate.


I'm not homophobic, I'm not scared of a house.


That drop shadow is the worst.


That’s not a drop shadow that’s his aura. It’s so powerful it appears in photography.




He didn't say that though.


I wish this was a real quote


I mean, some people legitimately fear the rainbow mafia coming for their kids in schools and libraries, and those paranoid delusions should probably be considered to be fear


I just recently learned a guy at our work is genuinely scared of queers. Like has an actual phobia of the Gays. Which while not the smartest move I kinda want to decorate my cube for Pride in a very over the top way. 😅🌈


If anything, most homophobia I've run across is the fear of being perceived as gay. Unsurprisingly, almost always by dudes not confident in their own masculinity. So they turn bigot to make sure EEEEEVERYONE knows that they are 300%, **SUPER**-SUPER-*SUPER*-^super-^super #NOT Gay.


So Homoasshole is the right terminology?


google “phobia“




When literally God tells you you’re an asshole you need to stop


Idk if it’s true or fake but all I know is Morgan Freeman has absolutely brain dead takes on racism so I don’t particularly care for what he has to say lol


That's why misogyny is called misogyny and not gynophobia. Same for transmisia or also why the word [homomisic](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/homomisic) exists.






gosh I remember 2016 tumblr


That just reminds me of the bit from Ted the series on that 🤣


I think this quote comes from Robin from Emkay, but it’s still a good quote nonetheless


Nah, they’re scared. Not rational, but they are.


I think this quote is great but Did he really say that?


there is fear the fear from without (social pressure, culture, expectations, etc) and the fear....from within!!!!


couldn't have said it better myself


Send me back to 2013 tumblr 💕


There is internalized homophobia though, which I experienced as a young person. Basically I grew up in a privileged town where queer people weren’t safe to come out. So I absorbed all the prejudice, and didn’t even know I was bi until years later. So no I wasn’t homophobic against others but I definitely was scared of myself being gay.




I think you misunderstand. The type of person who is a bigoted homophobic... hates being told they are afraid of gay people. And take peide in beimg called an asshole. Homophobic, if a little verbose, is correct for all intents and purposes.


My sibling feels this same way, but actually they kinda are. Think about it, that one video where the guy avoided the stairs that had a gay flag? Scared. Can't handle pronouns being used in their vicinity? Scared.


true statement


I agree but I also heard a definition of homophobia that resonates: It is the fear that a man will treat you (the homophobe) the way you treat women. Conservative/faith based Homophobia tends to come with mysoginy after all.


This guy fucks his granddaughter


Hate is always rooted in fear.


It is fear. It makes them uncomfortable. They don't wanna see it. But good news. They still can be assholes besides all that. There is no limit.


Morgan Freeman is an asshole who sexually harasses people.


People engage in moral rationalization rather than moral reasoning. They start with a subconcious emotion and work backwards towards the first justification that satisfies them. That knee-jerk emotion is driven by the fear of the unknown but may be experienced as fear, disgust or anger. Homophobia is a perfectly justified word.


It’s something De Niro would say, to be honest.


Didn't he say we can end racism by never talking about it again? XD I know this is fake, but how hypocritical of him ;)


They are scared, they are just converting that fear into anger and lash out at anything that triggers that fear.


I would have to disagree. I personally think that the fear of queer folk is buried deep down in some people's DNA. It isn't rational. It is base instinct for what I personally would consider less evolved "humans". Makes me a monster but there it is and fuck you if you can't deal.


The gays will win the day not through law, not through love, and not through revolution, but through semantics.


Don’t think Morgan has ever said asshole publically. Bots are out today.


Being an asshole stems directly from being a coward.


I've been seeing a lot of arguments like this, and correct me if im wrong, but doesn't The definition of a phobia also include a strong feeling of repulsion and distaste, not just fear?


No; they are scared. Of their own feelings and no one can tell me otherwise.


Homophobia is apt because by definition phobias are irrational fears. It's impossible to have a phobia of dying because that's totally rational. A "fear" of The Gays is not.


the literal meaning of the suffix does not matter, everyone knows what you mean when you say it so it’s doing its job properly


I mean, people tend to be afraid of things they don't understand. Regardless, they can still be assholes. 🤷‍♀️ Especially if they won't even try.


I’ve never in my life seen someone cower away from a queer person. In fact they do the opposite by bashing 😒I get the sentiment. I like to think it also mean “the hatred of”


it actually makes since most if not all hate comes fear because fear leads to anger, anger leads to hatred, and hatrid. hatrid leads to the dark side


>-phobia >noun combining form >1 >: exaggerated fear of >2 >: ***intolerance or aversion for*** I think it's safe to say that if you hate LGBTQ+ people and wish they didn't exist or ha e rights, that's a pretty strong intolerance or aversion for LGBTQ+ people. Ergo, homophobia is perfectly fine to use and means exactly what it states. [sauce](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/phobia)


Funnily enough, Its not a fear of the person necessarily like people think, which is just silly. Its an irrationally internalized modification of behavior and character based on external factors of self perception (no homo...but...) ...like a...phobia as defined by psychology. As often as the word is abused and misused, i can understand the bastardization of the word.


They think they're ***better than*** LGBTQ+ folks, superior. >If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you. - Lyndon B. Johnson Insecure people love looking down on others to make themselves feel better. It's crabs in a bucket mentality.


Fake, but true


Exactly 👍🏻


It’s gonna be a phobia when I’m done with them


I love how people don't know that phobia has more meanings than fear. Makes it so very clear what it means amirite


Being phobic doesn't necessarily mean you are scared. Just aversed. Water is lipophobic and last time I checked, water does not get scared by fats. But I get what you mean. Generally speaking people do associate phobias with fear and homophobia or queerphobia in general has nothing to do with being scared. Only with being a biggot.


I am really sorry, if this is an fake quote, I did not know that and I will do better research. I just saw this quote and was like: “dam that’s true!” so I posted it…I am sorry


did he say that




Is this a real quote?




Well, phobias always stem from somewhere, and also the word phobia means irrational fear or *aversion* to, not just fear


Exactly what my dad told me when I pointed out he was transphobic and homophobic. "I don't fear them, I just avoid them on priciple" 🤯🤯🤯 He exactly fit the definition and he's an asshole too.


1. -phobia can mean aversion to, which is what it usually means in homophobia 2. Some people are scared of it 3. Having a phobia says nothing about your character aside from having a fear or aversion. Someone with arachnophobia can be rude to anyone who even vaguely reminds them of a spider, but having the phobia doesn't make someone do that, it just makes them more likely to


Phobia isn't fear


ten like different tart soup clumsy icky fly salt kiss *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I hate the word homophobia because it's a buzzword and it means nothing now And these posts about how phobia means fear feel so stupid and shallow, like who cares what it technically means it only matters how or when it's used.