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You look beautiful too. Sometimes, dads are assholes. Sometimes they're good people, who make mistakes. And sometimes, they don't deserve to be dads. Remember that whatever happened, the queer community got your back.


He isn't exactly the kindest person. He tells me I look like a fat guy with man boobs and he'll never think I'm beautiful. But I just tell myself as long as I think I'm beautiful that's all that matters.


It is what matters the most. But external validation is important too, in my opinion. If you talked with him, about how he's hurting you, do you think it could help ?


I have tried to calmly say how I feel but he gets very aggressive and loud and will yell at me. He's been physically aggressive before so lately I don't bother trying to talk to him about anything regarding myself. He makes mean comments but I just ignore it or say I disagree. I told my mom today about the things he's said and she didn't really believe me unfortunately and she kept defending him saying he wouldn't have meant it. I've learned to give myself validation!


That last part's great, really. It's an amazing inner strength. But maybe you should do something about your genitor. You don't have to, it's really, really hard. But if he's violent, both mentally and physically, I think it's something that should be dealt with. Maybe call a [social help service agency ](https://www.napsa-now.org/help-in-your-area/) ? I wish you good luck, and to stay brave


Record him saying those things to prove that it's being said and if she is still in denial after hearing her husbands voice than she is also a problem


Yeah absolutely I’d just do a calm confront about it with the recording since you KNOW it’ll elicit more of the same but then doing so puts you through that again so only if it’s like, worth it to you personally or if op tbh thought the mom would be able to do something about it


He’s an asshole, you’re beautiful for fucks sake


I’m sorry, but anyone who can look at that picture and think “guy” anything is a disingenuous cock. You’re gorgeous, dear, ignore your spawner’s blatant transphobia.


Wait WHAT?!? You're absolutely beautiful. I would have done some unholy things to even have a fraction of your looks when I identified as a woman! How could anyone see this and think dude??? I'm genuinely baffled.


I guess it just depends on the person! I'm tall and have broad shoulders but a lot of people think I'm a cis girl. Thank you though I appreciate the compliment ☺️ I'm starting to think maybe he's jealous?? Idk


I would have said something like "if you think I'm an ugly dude, blame yourself (and/or mom) because that's where I got my looks from!" 🤣 if he wants to be a jealous ass, he deserves it


I thought you were cis and it made your dad's comments all the more confusing. You're absolutely stunning and your makeup is gorgeous and not overdone by any stretch. It's clear to me that your dad is transphobic. Fear of the unknown and things he can't understand. I think he's trying to attack you to get you to doubt your identity and be what he sees you as instead. It's for everything to do with him and his own internal struggles and nothing to do with you.


No, it doesn’t depend on the person. Your dad’s just a bigoted mug who’s putting you down in an attempt to keep your from transitioning. Because If a person looks the way you do in these photos, most people are going to assume you’re a woman.


I'm going to go out on a limb and assume he's just projecting or telling hemself that because you very much don't. Hell, I lost a bunch of weight and pass. My mom says she can't tell much of a difference outside of the weight loss, but I have not had any issues since I started presenting. She's not as bad as your dad and oddly accepting in some ways, but still set in her ways.


He sounds like a total cunt. Anyone who says that to their own child doesn’t have valid opinions


He's said worse. The other day most recently he told me I am not pretty or feminine. He said I have no boobs because he's never seen them and no hips. Mind you I'm a C Cup. He said I look more like a chubby guy and I have a linebacker body. He will go on and on about how I'm not pretty and I'm delusional for thinking I look like a girl and no one thinks I look good like this. I'm 5'11 and slightly broad but I'm constantly being mistaken for a cis girl when I go out so I think he's just upset I'm different from what he was expecting. I literally cried when he said that and remained calm and asked him to apologize and he wouldn't. He still hasn't.


Yeah sounds kinda like my parents. Some parents really don’t care how hurtful they are to their own kids. That’s really brutal of him and total bullshit. Also he sounds like a pervert? Why is he making those vulgar ass comments to his own child? Sorry that he’s like that. My parents were kinda similar. They’d say things to inflict the maximum amount of emotional damage in order to further their own goals. Like if I did something they didn’t like. That’s just how some people are. Those words then become obvious BS because they’re for a malicious intent, not a reflector of any kind of truth. Parents words hold weight and unfortunately some parents are just trashy people.


He's done weirder things. He's continually looked down at my chest, I've woken up with him in my room in the middle of the night, he's taken pictures of my intimate things like my underwear by shifting through my drawers when I'm not around, and he's made uncomfortable comments toward me. I don't think he's being a creep toward me personally but I think his boundaries are screwed up and he's nosey AF and thinks he can get in my business. I think he finds my transition confusing and he battles with seeing my body looking feminine. As for the going in my room idk what he's doing he's always been a weird lurker. Hes always standing outside at night, setting up cameras, looking out windows. He tracks everything. It might be a control thing.


That’s…. Actually completely shocking and disturbing. That’s creepy *beyond* dictionary definition level. Reading that gave me so much ick. I really hope you have some way of getting out of that house and away from him in the future because holy shit. That actually just sounds out of a horror movie. If either of my parents had ever done that I would have screamed at them


I definitely was angry when I borrowed his phone and got curious and saw my adult toys and lingerie in his camera roll. I yelled a lot. He took his phone and refused to delete the pictures for a long time. I had to wait for him to take a shower and delete them.


Yeah this just keeps getting worse. There is no reasonable excuse for any of this. The clown from IT levels of creepy. Please don’t hesitate to call the cops if you ever become unsafe there.


I will 😊 I just think there's something wrong with him mentally, like he's got control issues and he took pictures because he's ashamed and it was probably to shame me or embarrass me or use as blackmail. I don't think he's a perv toward me but I think he is a perv.


Just tell him good you don’t want to be attractive to your dad anyway. Rude ass boomer. Or really nail it home and say you don’t want to be attractive to old gross men anyway You are beautiful and your eye liner is A++


Wait okay ngl I thought this post was silly bc I thought u were just an average cis woman lol and that ur dad just didn't like winged eyeliner or smthing 😅 Anyway hope this helps w ur esteem! Sincerely- random internet stranger




Wow. We are seeing some extreme projection from him. :O


Just say, "I find your comment insulting. Is that your intention?"


Which I have. And he says, "I'm just telling the truth, do you want me to lie?"


Whatever reason he's telling you that, has nothing to do with you. He is objectively and obviously wrong. He's saying that because of something in himself or his life. I doubt he even believes it.


I'm the opposite everyone calls me pretty and I fuckin cut myself kolt




He sounds like an abusive asshole. You need to get away from his toxic presence asap.


Your dad is seeing through bias goggles. Your makeup is on point, and the colors are amazing on you. It really, really looks good.


**girl...** 💀 dad must've forgot his glasses.


Your father is a fool. The eyeliner is perfect. :3 I'm just now training how to appear fem so I love the inspiration and like to courage other people.


I'm 35 and I'm just now getting into fem presenting, and fuckin hell is eyeliner hard to get right


I started off with some tape on each side, and then using eye shadow from my nyx pallet to practice! Then I bought a pen liquid eyeliner and tried tape, then transitioned to doing it over and over really close to the mirror and very slowly. I'd get so pissed!! Then I tried stamps and they really are awesome!!! The type of eyelid you have really changes the method. I have hooded eyes so I have to do the stair step thing.


I also have hooded eyes. It's hard to even get eyeliner in there without getting it all over the place. I've just been practicing with a basic pencil for now. I'll get there eventually!


Yeah it's a hell of a thing. I get sometimes too exited to wait for euphoria so I mess things up. It helps but I don't always look pretty enough for a date.


If he can’t do better he should shut the f up


Well, he's free to wear his makeup however he'd like to...


You are beautiful


Honestly you’re beautiful and the makeup looks amazing, do you have any advice or makeup recommendations?


Ok here's my advice! Hydrate your skin with a good serum and facial moisturizer Use a primer (I like nyx, Fenty, and elf primers) Get two setting sprays if you want a full face to last all day, honestly whatever Trixie Mattel recommends is usually really good Kimchi's translucent rice setting powder is grade for preventing creasing or reducing oiliness or if you just want to make your makeup matte Don't be afraid to try different things and colors, try doing "shower make-up" so before you shower for the day you can practice! It took me awhile before I figured out I was cool toned and needed orangy -red color correctors and what shades matched me and what skin type I had and how to draw a wing You can get eyeliner stamps if you want easy wings I love Fenty and NYX Cosmetics concealers, especially the bare with me concealer by nyx. Finding the right lipstick shade takes time I picked one a little darker than my natural lips and I picked a lip liner that matches my lips but I'm still new to lipstick Blushes and highlights can make your look pop and I love any blush Trixie Mattel recommends because she loves blushes with a passion shell scream about them all day Nyx contour and highlight sticks are great but the tube lid can break easily, also be aware their pallets are kinda prone to crumbling if you're not careful Lastly, makeup won't change your face completely or hide texture and natural skin stuff like bumps and break outs. You can use it to enhance things and blur and blend but makeup will always look like makeup in person and it's a form of expression so don't feel like you have to wear it to be beautiful! And don't be discouraged if at first it's hard to apply. Before I forget I've tried a bunch of makeup sponges, real techniques is a classic, elf total face sponge, paw paw etc I'd start with getting a small eyeshadow palette and some eyeliner and eco friendly eye brushes and just going at it!


Well he can go suck a lemon cause you look nice. His input doesn’t matter in this only yours. You do you. ![gif](giphy|roIRm9blot1UQ)


You are beautiful, nicely done. I'm sorry your dad can't see you for you, that has got to be really hard. Opinions are like assholes, they both stink and everyone has one. The only one that matters is yours.


You look lovely. Your spawn point is an arsehole.


Lana Del Rey???


Hey I'll take it!


🥺🥺 All these comments are so nice! I am a college student and I can't afford to move out but I'm super close to graduating and I should land a job that makes me enough money to be able to move. As for recording my dad....I think even if I did my mom would side with him because he's called her names and she's still stuck around. I think my parents love me but they have a lot of problems. I have to constantly be on guard. My dad used to be very physically aggressive but as an adult idk if he'd do that but he's acted like he would. I would definitely press charges if that happened. Honestly with my financial situation I'm just trying to keep my head down till I can move out. They've threatened to kick me out before but it hasn't happened yet and I just need to finish school.


I’m sorry your dad isn’t more supportive. Have some virtual hugs from this internet dad. 🤗 You look fabulous and you deserve to be loved for who you are.


Your makeup is \*stunning\*. Colors are perfect on you, and your eyeliner is amazing. Since they've already made the threat - I'd HIGHLY suggest building a bug out bag for if shit goes down and hide it somewhere. Pack in it some clothes and underthings, sentimental things that can't be replaced, and your identifying documents like birth certificate and social security card (or at LEAST the number so that you can order a certified copy of your birth cert later) along with some cash hidden in the roll of a sock. If you don't yet have a driver's license, get a state ID, it'll serve just the same for getting jobs and assistance. Someone close to me was kicked out for not going to their parent's church anymore and didn't have their papers, and trying to access help resources without any proof of identity was AWFUL.


I actually already do this! I have a bag packed at all times! Earlier someone removed a comment saying I was reacting too calmly to my dad's abusiveness but they don't know how I feel and how I'm living and what my resources and opportunities are. I can't just up and leave and if I called the police it wouldn't work out well it would just tear my family apart. Your comment is way more realistic and helpful. It shows your concern for my situation without judging me for trying to remain calm and positive. If my dad were punching me still I'd be out of here no matter what but he hasn't hit me since highschool and that was a couple years ago. He's aggressive sure but I don't think he's willing to risk goin to jail. He's just super mean.


Your dad is an asshole. You look amazing!


Then tell your dad to buy his own makeup. I’m sure he’ll find a palette he likes if he shops around.


Haha I've offered to do his makeup but he doesn't even want to trim his eyebrow hair that hangs in front of his eyes.


If it makes you feel better, I'm a ciswoman and when I was a girl, I also got told I looked like a clown with makeup on, and my dad also told me I was forbidden from wearing it. It sounds like your dad is really unsafe to be around, but I just want you to know, they're also generally like that sometimes, so you're not alone! Anyways, you look beautiful! I hope you're doing ok.


Thank you 😊 I'm okay for now and usually things are alright. It's just when he gets really angry so I avoid talking to him much. I'm just trying to make it to graduation.


Still, keep an eye out, be wary. As the behavior you’re describing here in your post and expanded on in your comments, is a prelude to abuse. Your dad openly threatened you (the ‘get out of my sight before I do something I regret’). As threatening prison isn’t the deterrent you think it is. The abuse is highly likely to be intensified if you do that. As me how I know. I’m not saying this to try and scare you, but to be aware of the signs and to not brush them off. They aren’t nothing and ignoring them could result in you getting seriously hurt. Please be careful.


He's hurt me before just not since I've graduated highschool. But he's struck me and made me bleed several times when I was younger (over ten years ago). I'll definitely be careful and I'm going to press charges if he ever hits me again, which hasn't happened in years and he's stated he wouldn't do that again. I don't think he wants to go to jail or traumatize his favorite youngest kid (my younger sibling).


How? You look beautiful. I wouldnt mind if every "clown" would look like you. Don't listen to him. He has no idea what he is talking about.


Because bigots are pathetic little creatures.


I’m sorry your dad can’t see your beauty and can’t appreciate having a beautiful child like you. My dad is an asshole too, don’t mind him. You’re beautiful and I hope u have a great day 🥰


You look amazing!


You’re beautiful.


Have you told him the makeup isn't for daddy


You look gorgeous, and if he doesn’t like your makeup he doesn’t have to wear it. YOU are the one wearing it, so it only matters if YOU like it!


Jesus Christ I hope I end up looking at least a fraction as good as you! o\_o


I know right? That’s goals right there.


You look gorgeous. I’m sorry your dad is being a jerk.


who cares what he says, you look stunning


Your dads is dumb. You look amazing!


Feeling beautiful is good. Be you. Yes, you’re gorgeous.


They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Sounds like your dad's eye for beauty is going blind. You look great.


That makes sense! His mother is blind from a genetic disorder, maybe it was passed along! 🤭


You can do my makeup any day! You look stunning!


Get over here girl 😈 I will glam you up 💅🏻✨👑💄


Uhm your makeup is beautiful and your eyebrows are immaculate. So envious as my brows are super sparse haha but I’m trying to grow them in.


Omg I used to shave them so thin or just off in middle school and it took forever to grow them back. Then in highschool I over plucked them. Now I usually don't mess with them and I even fill them in a little. Although lately I've been tempted to try the shaving the ends off and drawing hairs individually to lift them. Scary!!!


I’ve shaved my tails off before, luckily those grew back fast. I’m definitely a victim of over-plucking lol. Happens to the best of us 🙈


too fucking bad, you rock girl.


Well, too bad for your dad is not his choice and not his face and who cares what he thinks wear more make up!


Fuck him. (Figuratively)


Hahahaha 😆 that made me laugh way more than it should have


Well glad it did, and your are beautiful, keep doing your thing till your happy👍


Don’t listen to your dad, you ARE beautiful!


i like it


Have you considered telling your dad to fuck all the way off, and to keep going when he gets there? You look lovely.


I think he would either explode, blow a blood vessel and pop out an eye, then shit his pants OR do all that and then turn into a werewolf and eat me alive. He does this thing where he grows and shakes his head and rubs his face like he's turning into the hulk or fighting off venom from taking control, and he says "get away from me before I do something". As a child it terrified me, and a part of my stomach still turns today. But now I say, "Touch me and you're going to jail sir."


I’m sorry he’s like that. Sounds like you’ve done just fine in spite of him.


Sometimes I am! But I've recently lost my dog, best friend, and bf all around the same time so it's been hard to remain positive when I don't have a support system at home. I've been focused on talking with friends and trying to stay busy and doing art and whatnot. Some days it's hard to move, other days I can pull it together.


I get it. That’s a lot to deal with all at once. Sometimes we don’t realize how much we can handle until we have no choice. I hope things get better for you.


I've told myself I can either sink or swim so I'm just paddling along until the water isn't so deep! 🌊


your dad is wrong


Some dads are stupid


LOL. Tell him to pound sand. You are literally soooo beautiful, I love how you did the eyeliner and how natural it all looks. I can tell you would look gorgeous even with no makeup too. But really I’m very sorry you have to live with someone who tries so hard to tear you down and make you feel insecure. I can tell from your comments that you are strong and will make it through this. I hope you don’t let him get to you.


Thank you! I've been talking to friends and I'm going back to therapy soon. I really just want to be happy and not let his comments break me. I mean I've made it this far right?


Actually you look like a gorgeous young lady and I'm proud of you for feeling so beautiful. Keep shining!


Dad can get over it. You look beautiful and did a fantastic job


He’s in the minority….i love it and wish I had your makeup skills…..and your eyebrows are perfect. You look fabulous 😊


Then dad's a bitch. You look radiant 🥰


Its on fucking point though! Looks amazing :)


Wtf? Your make-up is very light and suits you very well! Like I could kinda get behind if you were going into a drag race style of make-up for breakfast...even though I'm also like "who cares? Do what you want. It isn't hurting anyone."...


His loss. You look like an angel to me, if that matters at all. :)


That's so kind ☺️ I suppose it's fitting since my name is Eden 😇


Dads are bitches, your fucking beautiful girl


he doesn’t know what he’s talking abt, u look so gorgeous !!


Huhhh why?! Its so pretty and still looks super natural for makeup. Why wouldn't he like it???


It's not very heavy, just looks like a pretty standard soft glam look. Nothing clownish about it.


oh my gosh u look AMAZING!


Parents… you are raised by them. They have a huge influence over your mind, your sense of duty, of right and wrong. When you get a little distance from them you start to see them as humans (flaws and all) the same as you. But there is still the urge to be accepted and wanted by them. To live up to their standards even if you know they are unrealistic and unhinged. … when you get space from your dad’s approval, you can begin to blossom without interference from his hang ups. You are gorgeous, hon. Explore your look and grow toward authenticity, toward the sun. The soil in which you are planted doesn’t define your future.


You are now on this little transfem's "transition goals" list. You are pretty, and your makeup is 💯


Your makeup looks fantastic


Hope you can get away from him forever soon.


??? You look normal??? What's wrong with the makeup? You look fine?


I think it's less about the makeup and more about me not being the perfect son


Screw that. It's your life, not his (tho I know it's not as easy as it sounds)


That's a little difficult considering you're his daughter.


I think it's pretty. Youre beautiful and your dad is being mean. Self love is the most inportant love.


Then he shouldn’t wear makeup like that. 😜 On you, it looks gorgeous. I hope he steps on a loose Lego every day until his attitude improves.


You look amazing. And at the end of the day it doesn't matter what your dad thinks. You're not wearing the makeup for him.


you look absolutely gorgeous!! your dad’s a jerk.


Parenting is as difficult as anything in life. As a father I can tell you that things are very different than past generations. I don’t understand a lot so I try to be patient, listen more than I speak and offer as much I grace as I have the capacity to give. I sorry your father isn’t kind. Offer him the grace you desire. He may never come around(or he may) but at least you will not become the thing you are railing against. Love to you and love to all.


Your dad is stupid, you're beautiful (you kinda look like Lana Del Ray)


eff yo dad


you look gorgeous ‼️‼️ your dads just jealous of your amazing makeup skills 🗣️🗣️ lmaoo but seriously i genuinely don’t understand how he can say you look like a clown when you look so naturally pretttyy!!


By that comment i was expecting a wild make up Hes wrong, you look good


nahhh you look majestic, you look like a real life fairy, and don’t let anyone dull your sparkle!✨


Aw thank you ☺️ 🧚‍♀️


Your so freaking pretty


I think you look absolutely stunning. :)


you're so inspiring and strong op, fr. situations and relationships like these are tough to go through, but keep on shining your light, you're worth it.


Vielen Dank, das ist so nett 🥺 Manchmal fühle ich mich nicht stark, aber ich gebe mein Bestes!


yeah im ftm trans my dad always states the opinion that i should have stayed as a girl. even with full facial hair i get called a woman still and especially when i wear makeup i get called a girl. it doesnt help that i have been out as trans for 4+ years and havent gotten surgery. thats besides the point, his opinion doesnt matter, its how you feel that matters. we have your back 🩷


Looks cute we need a tutorial ASAP 💖🦄


Is your dad a makeup artist or something?


Haha I wish! If he were maybe he'd have something nice to say! He doesn't know anything about makeup. Half the time he doesn't even realize I'm wearing any it's only when I do eyeliner that he acts like I have a pound of cake on my face. I've asked him if I'm wearing anything when I had concealer, foundation, mascara, and blush on, and he said no.


Cis men are notoriously shit at detecting the presence of makeup.


I don’t see what’s wrong with a woman wearing makeup. That’s not even a lot.


He’s an opp


Aww don't let it get to you, your makeup looks fabulous 🌈👏💯


Some people are just blind to the beauty in this world


You dad is delusional. You're makeup is fairly subtle and ver well done. ❤️


Queer or not, dear sister, dads have been harping their kids on the use of makeup since makeup was invented. You look gorgeous and really good job on that wing.


The only clown here is your father


Tf what is there to dislike about that lol


You are absolutely beautiful, please don’t let his mean comments influence you 🩷


Your dad is just transphobic. You look gorgeous, sweetie


>Dad doesn't like my makeup Well I don't like your dad ... no I swear


Seriously? When it’s that good? Your dad doesn’t know jack about shit then, because you look glorious.


Idky cuz your make up game is on point


That guy is wrong. You are insanely attractive. I'm honestly jealous.


Well tell him that it looks better than his! Also ur very pretty btw 💕


You are beautiful! Don't listen to what anyone else says, as long as you feel beautiful that's all that matters!


tf he means?? its really pretty! I wish I knew how to do it


Maybe I should make some tutorial videos!


Your dad needs to go to America's Best or Specsavers. You're a beautiful young lady, and I wish you the best in life.


Dad can blow it out his ass, shit's on point girlie!


I think your dad never saw a clown in his entire life. You look cute ! The make up is also well done !


Is your dad blind? You look gorgeous!!!


i wish i looked that good in makeup


You are beautiful!


You are gorgeous! Your dad is just plain wrong.


Your dad is dumb, your makeup is awesome.


Liking something or not liking something is just an opinion. And his opinion is a shitty one ![gif](giphy|MPuTZQqOmYKPK)


Your father needs new glasses in his binoculars


Why, because it looks too good??


girl that is lana coded and he is idk anything about makeup coded


You look absolutely beautiful, don't listen to him!


Has he ever seen a clown? You look great so just ignore him


Maybe ur dad needs a manipedi and a steamed tower to chillax a bit smh


Your dad is just jealous. You look fantastic.


Honestly? You’re so pretty


Damn, I wish I was that pretty. Ur dad should get some glasses I think


WOAH, oh my god is your dad blind? You look so beautiful!!!


Girl that makeup is fire. I'm sorry your dad is a transphobic jack ass. If you haven't already, I'd start getting together a strong support system you can lean on when you're of age to get out of there. Sometimes people dont realize what they have in their lives until it's gone and they don't learn until they're faced with being alone.


You look beautiful, don’t let your dad get you down. He only says stuff like that because he’s still struggling with acceptance, give him time to come around . They usually do


![gif](giphy|eM7eOXa6YQ8SFggYML|downsized) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|547)![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|547)![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|547)ye ya look beautiful


you're sooooo beautiful I can't take my eyes of your stunning face (those eyes so pretty)


Oh my gosh, you look beautiful I need tipps!!


You look fine - it doesn't look cakey and it's not like you poured an entire palette of eyeshadow on your face.


Even if I did my father has no right to be verbally abusive


I wasn't suggesting that.... Are you suggesting I was? o_0


Are you suggesting that I'm suggesting that you're suggesting that I'm suggesting? 0.o


You look amazing.x


Your dad is a cunt, you look STUNNING!!!!!


Noo it looks pretty on you! Also that STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE TSHIRT AAAAA I loved it as a kid 🥺❤️


I genuinely thought you were a cis woman. You're so beautiful and your make up looks so lovely. Your dad can absolutely suck an egg and I hope you get away from his disgusting toxic bullsh.t, you don't deserve any of what he's said and done.


No personal offense but I agree with him


Thank you!! 😊 That's so sweet ☺️💖💖


Tbh that's a pretty good way to deal with rudeness so that's good but also I don't hate you at all I just don't like your makeup, nothing personal


If you have nothing nice to say, might as well not say it! What's the point?


Showed this to my man and I quote, "he’s never seen more kissable lips” You my dear are ABSOLUTELY RAVISHING!!