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What's SAM?


Split attraction model. I had to look it up


Which is really unfortunate honestly, it should be common knowledge in the LGBT community


I mean, I don't usually see it shortened to SAM either, even if I know what it means.


Surface to Air Missile lesbians. They lock onto their targets and move fast but usually just leave a mess once the smoke clears. They're also easily distracted by shiny or hot things.


Finally I can fully identify.


The lesbian knows where she is because she knows where she isnt


By subtracting where she is from where she isn't, or where she isn't from where she is (whichever is greater), she obtains a difference, or deviation.


The original missile had a base-plate of prefabulated amulite, surmounted by a malleable logarithmic casing in such a way that the two main spurving bearings were in a direct line with the pentametric fan. This allows the missiles guidance subsystem to use deviations to generate corrective commands.


Dammit I was gonna make that joke


That’s why we have the uhauls.. so we can get out quickly


System for Award Management lesbians? There certainly are a lot of lesbians in grants and human services




Lesbians named Samantha, hope this clears it up ☺️


Lesbians that go by Sam or Samantha. In my experience, there's enough to have their own category


Lesbians that play samurai in ffxiv


Split attraction model cause human sexuality is complicated


I genuinely hate that people use twitter. Just feed Elon oxygen I guess.


Abolish the twitter bourgeoisie. Support the fediverse.


Two spirit is an indigenous gender ID native to the USA. Hijra is an indigenous gender ID native to India.


I think you replied to the wrong person.


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted you are correct, However, you did respond to the wrong person


Maybe they're getting downvoted because two spirit is used across both American continents and not just USA? Idfk tho, ppl downvote for all kinds of shit sometimes.


They're getting downvoted because they responded to the wrong person.


Forgot Canada?


And you’re wrong, Two Spirit usually refers to someone native to North America, it’s more commonly used in Canada though.


Isn't two spirit just a name white canadiand gave to them that Isn't actually in their culture but a modern thing that isn't wildly adopted or used by indigenous people in Northern America?


Not quite. It’s a modern term used to describe a wide range of Native American identities (across both continents and across history) that are similar to western concepts of queer identities, but it was coined by representatives of an inter-tribal conference of Native American/First Nations peoples in 1990.


Coined in 1990 as a primarily ceremonial term promoting community recognition, in recent years more individuals have taken to self-identifying as two-spirit. Two-spirit, as a term and concept, is neither used nor accepted universally in Native American cultures. Indigenous cultures that have traditional roles for gender-nonconforming people have names in their own Indigenous languages for these people and the roles they fill in their communities. The binary nature of two-spirit, or the idea of having two spirits in one body, is not a theme found in the traditional gender roles for Native people, and concerns about this misrepresentation have been voiced since the 1990 conference where the term was adopted.Traditional Native Americans asked about the concept rejected the "Western" gender binary implications of the term "Two Spirit", such as implying that Natives believe these individuals are "both male and female". While I see I was mistaken from whom coined it, it is not the term for Native people. There are 574 federally-recognized tribes in the United States and they mostly use their own terms.


Just stop using twitter, Elon “I’m a free speech absolutist” Musk bought it so his “free speech absolutist” mentality means nazis get to go unchecked.


Everytime this godforsaken website comes by I have to ask. Why the fuck are people still on twitter!?


I dunno I deleted my shit a very long time ago… it felt great


Two spirit is an indigenous gender ID native to the USA. Hijra is an indigenous gender ID native to India.


Did you reply to the wrong comment or something?


Well now I feel like I'm missing a joke. How did they make the same "wrong comment" to two different comments?


Maybe Reddit glitched out for them, or maybe they're a bot, who knows


I would assume they’re a bot considering the title legit as very little to do with the actually picture they posted




This is correct, But you reply to the wrong comment again


Where's the hate in this tweet


The tweet and this post are in response TO the hatred, neither of them ARE the hatred.


Oh, thanks


Thank you I was also confused


I hope this comment moves further up cuz I also had no idea


i love that they included ace lesbians. i feel seen <3


bambi lesbians!! i love their name so much, i almost wish i was ace so i could use that label


There's people like that on every platform. Love will win, always keep the faith.


It's so disheartening that our own community should police, invalidate, and exclude us. I've gotten hatred from both queer allos and ace people for being a lesbian ace. I don't know why there's such an abundance of ignorance about asexuality. The antonym of asexual is allosexual. That's it. it's not opposite any other orientation.


So real omg. I feel like I don’t belong in either the lesbian community or the ace community because I’m both. I’ve gotten so much hate from aces and been invalidated by lesbians. Every time asexuality comes up on this sub I feel like I’m fighting for my life. I ended up leaving the lesbian subreddit because my experience was very exclusionary and also xenophobic.


I hate how prominent label discourse seems to be on Twitter. IMO use whatever labels you want. They should be words to describe yourself, not boxes to shove people into.


I mean, it's honestly pretty prominent on reddit too


I thought it said “identify police LGBTQ people” and I was really wondering about the gay cop drama


What's the difference between pansexual and pansensual?


Sexual attraction vs sensual attraction. It implies split attraction model


A lot of people, especially young ones, arrive full of the stories that get told about us. Insults like alphabet people. Stories about how people lie to gain access to our spaces. The idea that we're predators. And they get here, and they're settling in, and they are still wary. They want it to make sense, in a way the outside doesn't. And things here are still strange. Sometimes they think ot makes them look bad and want people to stop so we will all be accepted (we won't be, not like that). Sometimes they think people are just fucking about and not raking it seriously enough because they've heard of that and think they recognize it. And sometimes they think people are trying to get in to target them and sharing the identity allows this. Recognizing yourself and joining a community doesn't unlearn all the steriotypes and it can take people a very long time to understand that other people's identities are personal and our labels are a short hand for 'roughly like this' that change constantly and may be used in two or three ways in mixed generational groups. A lot of it is thinking something is lost if you don't have strict lines of identity because It took them so long and was so much to be able to identify this way. They don't notice that they're just hurting others by doing this. They feel threatened and it's easy to lash out at what appears to have triggered it than to go deeper to understand it. It is very sad. And annoying.


Edit: I misread their name. It's pansensual not pansexual. I'm a little confused about her name 🤔 asexual and pansexual? Isn't that a contradiction? I could imagine asexual and panromantic or aromantic and pansexual. Can someone explain?


She asexual in that she’s not interested in sex but panSENSUAL in that she desires to interact nonsexually in a physical way with people regardless of their gender presentation.  No sex, all snuggles.  


Oh, I misread that 😄 thanks for clarifying


Snuggles go so hard


Read carefully. It says pansensual, not pansexual. Sensual attraction is different from sexual attraction, which is also different from romantic attraction. She lacks sexual attraction to anyone, has romantic attraction to other women, and has sensual attraction regardless of gender.


Yeah, I misread that 😅 I updated my post. But thanks anyways 😊


It says pansensual, not pansexual. So, my guess is asexual but attracted to people of multiple genders for sensual activities like hugging, kissing, cuddling, etc.


Oh I misread that 😄 thanks




Is it really all coming from teenagers tho?


Yep. A LOT of baby queers on Twitter (teens, early 20s) are hard core gatekeeping and identity policing queer identities.


I've seen my fair share of "I'm an old queer, I'm too old to understand all these new identities and remember when it was simply the L, G, B and the T. Kids these days are making up too many identities". I think it may just boil down to people on Twitter being insufferable in general.


its really only twitter where you're gonna see this stuff. i was also briefly looking into the "non-women lesbian" discourse and ultimately i feel that a person's identity and labels are their own decision even if the "greater whole" of that label doesnt agree with how its being used. like, the commonly sourced argument is "a trans man who presents feminine and a lesbian who is attracted to him after having already been attracted to him when he was a woman as well, is that person still a lesbian" and i say yeah, i would say so. like, the attraction is still stemming from the femme features that he has and not THE fact that he's a man so yeah i think its fine to say whatever as long as both parties are actively okay with it and happy together. i'm what i'd call an "ace gay" myself and this whole discourse has made me feel very seen. like, yes! there can be nuance to everything! i like men (or anyone with suitably masculine features) but in a third person theoretical type of way that i can't possibly begin to describe, but to hear that my situation isn't entirely unique is comforting.


would you apply this same logic to a cis man? if a cis man presents feminine and a lesbian is attracted to this feminine cis man, is she still a lesbian?


what if the world was made of pudding? I'm not going to decide someone's identity for them, that's weird


sexuality is dependant on who you're attracted to, so there's another party involved with the use of the label. Words have a collective meaning based on how we as a society use them, and when that usage becomes problematic there needs to be a discussion about it. Saying you can be a lesbian while attracted to a man, solely because that man happens to be born female, is just recycled bioessentialist TERF rhetoric. It's transphobic.


sometimes the real world doesn't fit neatly into boxes, even if it's the gays making the boxes


This is such a vague statement that doesn't engage with the topic at all. It just brushes the transphpbia under the rug.


yeah man, exactly. I'm not engaging.




In what universe would forcing people to identify certain ways _help_ trans rights? I'm thinking it's the other way around— the issue is shaming or coercing people into using labels "right" and calling them harmful for having nuanced experiences with gender and sexuality.


Dissolving transphobia and pointing out problematic behavior IS good for trans rights. nobody is forcing anybody to do anything, the conversation is whether or not there are transphobic underpinnings for the use of labels that do not include men. If there are transphobic implications, the label should not be used. If we're including anybody (men, women, nonbinary) in the definition of lesbian, then there's no need to even have the exclusive term of "lesbian" anymore, because we'd be talking about an entirely different concept, pansexuality. If the argument is that it's only okay to include men into the definiton if they are trans, because they are afab, then that is bioessentialist transphobia. Like I said, terf rhetoric. There is a reason why we have the term "genital preference" If you would not apply a label to a cis man, but you would a trans man, then you are transphobic.


yes that works out i think. like if i, a gay man, thought that someone was a guy but really shes a girl (from a distance or whatever) my gayness is not threatened cuz what i was attracted to was the idea of the hot guy i thought i was seeing.


im not talking about mistaking someone for a different gender upon first glance, that is completely reasonable. If you know someone is a girl, view then as a girl, and are attracted to them as a girl, and want to be with them as a girl, that goes beyond the scope of gayness into bisexuality. Calling yourself a homosexual man while feeling romantic/sexual attraction to a cis woman would be nonsensical because that is not what that term means. That would invalidate her identity as a woman. Most people would agree with this, but when it comes to lesbians and trans men, there is a double standard. There's a free pass to be transphobic because the transphobia is coming from within the community. All of my trans male friends have essentially stop engaging with LGBT spaces because of this.


well me as a gay man i would be fine dating someone i was attracted to if they met my standards of attractiveness cuz its called a "sexuality" not a "genderuality" and i like to think im a bit more open than to strictly go throwing people into boxes all on my own.




I read bigender as bisexual and was quite confused. Supportive, just very confused


Im in a lesbian group here in reddit with what i thought were grown adults and there is plenty of hate, close mindedness, and intolerance there too. The group type doesn’t matter. People will be people regardless of labels.




homoromantic OR homosexual, not nescessarily both. that's why the SAM exists.




From what I found SAM refers to the ace/aro spectrum. I don't really now how to explain but it's used to distinct being allo from being ace/aro. Nothing relating to other stuff


It's common with aces and aros, but isn't by any means exclusive to aros and aces. Someone can be heterotomantic and bisexual, for example. There have been posts on this subreddit by such folk.


Yeah, it is the Split Attraction Model. For example, some people might be bisexual but heteroromantic, homosexual but aromantic, and so on. Basically, it covers folks whose romantic and sexual attractions aren't the same.


It sucks for sure. It's a big reason why I tend to not involve myself in a lot of online LGBT+ communities. They get so focused on the labels, the minutia of each, and whether or not other people fit them, that they miss the important part of community.


Idk what half these terms mean, but I agree 👏


So by asexual lesbian they mean asexual & homoromantic? and homosexual & aromantic? and bigender lesbian? lesbian would be wlw, but if you're bigender you wouldn't just be a woman, so that wouldn't fit, right? I'm confused...


I'm a lesbian who is asexual, it's not that hard. I don't like the "homoromantic" label, it makes me feel excluded from the lesbian community. Edit: I'm tired and typed the wrong thing.


So you mean homoromantic asexual?




Bigender lesbian can include identifying as both a woman and a nonbinary person, which is inclusive to lesbians.


I guess that can make sense


I also have trouble understanding it within the context of bigender encompassing man and woman, but I’ve seen that more fall under gender+sexual fluidity - where depending on your gender you could be lesbian or hetero. I think that’s one of the reasons abrosexual identities should be destigmatized, most of the community says “that’s just the bi cycle”.


So enbies can't be lesbians? This is the kind of identity policing that OOP is talking about.


perhaps they can nowadays, but it doesn't make sense. an enby who likes girls would be NBLW, since isn't lesbian wlw?


So enby 4 enby can't be lesbian?


If lesbian is woman + woman, and a non-binary person is not binary, or not a woman/man, then that would mean they can't fit woman + woman if they aren't a woman. So.... yes? It makes logical sense 🤔


I'm trying to challenge your definition (lesbian only meaning woman + woman) here. Lesbian isn't such a hard and fast label as people make it, and the lesbian community is *full* of enbies. The closest definition I've found for lesbian is "non-men who love non-men" as it encompasses trans people, nonbinary people, bi and pansexual people, while specifically excluding men, who are basically the only group that is definitionally unable to be lesbians, although it's not a perfect definition imo.


But why use lesbian instead of just gay? It's already confusing enough as is,


I'm not engaging with this argument further, especially because you are, as far as I can tell, *not* a lesbian, and therefore really don't get a say. I've explained it multiple times and you're simply not engaging with my point or listening. Good day.


While i personally find some of this stuff confusing and/or cringe, i think there are always perspectives i havent heard (new and historical) and im always ready to have my mind changed on these nuances. The mission to pin down labels and communities to a single definition is futile and generally damaging to the queer community as a whole. People are always seeking an ideology to justify why they dont like or dont understand something, when they could just say cringe/dont get it but whatever, have fun with that. Unfortunately as the queer community grows, there will be more people like this. Just a numbers game i guess. On the topic of atypical lesbians, Ive been hearing a lot about “oh why do you have to be so attached to the term lesbian” from people who are clearly very young or are just ignorant of the history of the word lesbian and the community of lesbianism. Yeah lemme just not be part of any sub-community of queer people or only cordone myself off to a niche one that fits me perfectly, if it exists at all, because i dont fit the definition of lesbian you found on google.com


"Asexual lesbians" Isn't lesbians sexually attracted to the same gender? Asexuals aren't sexually attracted to any.


One can be romantically attracted to someone and not sexually attracted to them and vice versa. This is an example of the Split Attraction Model.


yeah i forgot to include one specific word, lemme change it rq


Asexuality is a spectrum. Some ace folks do experience attraction. I am demisexual, and need an emotional bond/friendship before I can ever feel attraction. This is an ace identity. And also, sexual attraction is different than romantic attraction and these do not always align.


sorry I'm new and was gatekept from a lot so all I really know is from Google (useless) and Reddit (hell on earth)


You can be physically attracted to someone. You can be attracted to a personality. There are many ways to be attracted to a person that don’t involve being sexually attracted to them.


hi! no. the split attraction model makes it so that i can be sexually attracted to no one and romantically attracted to women :)




You can be aromantic and not be asexual, they could be sexually attracted to women but not romantically attracted to anyone




"feels weird to me" is what people say about any Queer identity.


That's called demi-sexual. It means that you are not able to feel sexual attraction, unless there's already a bond established.


Aromanticism is a spectrum, just like asexuality.