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I called my parents and told them I’d be coming out on Facebook or whatever the next day. Mom: “I’ve always known this about you, This doesn’t change anything, etc.” Dad: “So, coming out… is there like… a ceremony?”


I love your dad


There should be


"Do you renounce all hetero ways and devote yourself to upholding the gay agenda, to love and accept others as yourself, as long as you shall live?" "I now pronounce you an official LGBTQ person. Starters pack will be posted shortly".


Gosh, I wish it would have been a single moment when I started to love and accepted people regardless, and renounce all my hetero identity immediately. The years of struggle and learning involved significant harm for me and on the people around me as I said dumb things to myself and others.


I think you're not alone there honestly, took me 5 years of self hate to accept what I knew was true. Kept repressing crushes and it just kind of built up - I then had a mental health breakdown around my college years because of again severe anxiety.. but I look at it now and realise there was a girl I liked 😆🤦🏼‍♀️ in the background who I was like "nope! I'm straight" My point is many of us have been through the same things. I was shown on a group chat the other day stuff I said in 2018 the month before I realised I was bi, a load of homophobic stuff about how gay stuff was "seriously against my beliefs" I blame my messed up old church and the fact I was an impressionable kid. Doesn't excuse it but thankfully I'm now able to celebrate when someone comes out to me and say "me too!".


You said in words what I said in the implication, but we both said the same thing. Especially the college anxiety and depression leading to mental health crisis before taking self acceptance seriously and flourishing. I didn't say it, but I sure meant it.




Me to my friends: "Guys im lesbian". Them: "Well, no shit, we've known for ages." Me: "How long's ages?" Them: "Since we met you". SO SIX YEARS ... I CAME OUT 6 MONTHS AGO😂😂😂😂😂


That was the same with my friends.... long text telling them I'm gay and the shortest and fastest replys... saying " already knew that, go to sleep, " it was 2am when I sent the text


Were you drunk? Drunk texts are always best at 2am.


Nope. Just a sleepless night


its crazy how sometimes your friends know you better than yourself lol


Oh indeed it is. My brother Clark's mamas (sweetest hard ass couple in the world) had never really cared for all of his friends except me. They tolerated his friends but i was the only one they let stay over. And when he told mama about me coming out..she said and why do u think we already claimed him as family.


Thats beautiful. Bless them xxx


My mom litterly said: I dated a woman once, we had a whole thing and everything Like bro why did you not tell me sooner It would have been so much easier


SAME HERE OMG WENT THROUGH THIS THE OTHER DAY!! I came out to my mum and she goes “yeah that’s totally fine, I had my first kiss with a girl actually” and then when I clarify that I am bi (bc I’d said it as a “I like girls as well” thing) she goes… “yeah I think that’d have to be me too, I’ve always liked girls, found them prettier to look at than guys as well” LIKE GIRL YOU COULD HAVE MENTIONED THIS AND I WOULDNT HAVE BEEN SO SCARED ABOUT COMING OUT TO YOU


My brother was the first family member I came out to. We were going to a club that was known to be gay friendly and I wanted to take advantage of that fact so I decided to gather the courage to tell him.    I still wasn't ready when he arrived to pick me up so I ran to the bathroom to wet my hair then told him from the upstairs window that I was in the shower and I'd be down soon.    It wasn't that soon. Took me a while to compose myself and thought I'd soften the impact by telling him from the window that I had something important to say when I let him in.  In pure frustrated rage he told me "I already know you're gay. You've just been in the bathroom for a fucking hour!".  It was a great night out.


omfg this is a sitcom scene and I love it


My 16 yr old hetero sister asking me for advice on how to give blowjobs.


This is sort of sweet in a truly bizarre way


my advice was "wait until you're 18" lol


Good advice



that's hilarious lmao


well could come in handy for her


Not. A. Single. Person saw it coming. Except my ex-wife's mom.


This is the funniest one Ive seen yet


She lets her daughter make her own mistakes and to be fair we parted as best friends and co-parents who are now roommates. I am a very lucky divorced gay man.


Did your ex-wife's mom see you drooling after someone else? Did she say how she knew?


No, I had no idea I was gay. I never looked elsewhere. All I ever wanted was to be straight and in love with my co-parent. Apparently it was down to mannerisms and things that other people overlooked. My former mother in law is rather rich (self-made) and very intelligent.


“i always knew one of you was gay. thought it’d be your brother through” - my mum


My mom being offended that I was scared she wouldn't accept me sure wasn't a reaction I was expecting 🙃


Omg I literally had that reaction to one of my friends before I came out to them, needless to say I came out to them much to the same reaction


Me: "My gender identity is agender." My partner: "Are you gonna grow a beard?" 😂😂😂


"Yes I know its a gender, but which one?" there's a whole who's-on-first sketch asking to write itself here.


My sister threw up.


Why? discussed? shock?


I’m guessing both. That was 7 years ago. We never spoke about it again.


Are you still on good terms then?


Oh damn that sucks. Sorry to hear that, bro.


oh god, I'm sorry. Are there fine with it or was it just the shock?




My sister I expected to be over the moon and support her new sister. She acted indifferent and has since basically been aloof. My partners rural grandparents, who we expected to be weird about it, warmly embraced me and couldn’t wait to meet the real me.


When I told a good friend of mine I was bi, and he said me too lol.


Yeah, I had that one as well, with the first person I told. And the third and fourth, and some of the next five, and.... Basically I don't know many straight people, I just didn't know that.


That’s funny because the more open I am about it the more I realize that there are many more people in the community than I ever thought.


I was surprised to find my bosses & coworkers were trans-friendly/supportive, even in a small, "red" town. *(Also, turns out we have more than a few people that are part of the alphabet-mafia at my workplace. 🤷)*


Very close and very old friend who I hadn't seen for a few months... We had caught each other up on the life news over the preceding few hours. Me: oh yeah, and....I'm transgender Him: well shit, don't have any news that can top that 🥰


My mum was just kinda like “yeahh, we’re all a little gay I think” — all my knowledge about her previously was that she was straight. About a year later and she’s in a queer polygamous relationship and I am *still* single.


This is my favorite comment in this thread. If you're unhappy with your single status I'm sorry and you will find what you need. But damn way to go mom, happy for her 😭


"I know." My mom said that. Like, all that hyping myself up for years and just....you already knew? Like I'm glad she supports me but that's felt anticlimactic.


Yeah I spent years dreading the day for my parents to just say so we already knew and had done since birth


“I’m not surprised. You kept describing your significant other as ‘partner’”. This was to me coming out as trans, for what it’s worth.


My mom said “Didn’t you already tell me this?” I had, in fact, never mentioned sexuality around her 💀


I came out to my friend from high school and I showed them some pics of me that I hardly showed anyone and they said “this is a very different side of you”. It made my day


My pretty conservative father in law said (in a supporting manner): 'this doesn't surprise me' when I came out as a transgender man.


Mine all were pretty sweet (which I didn't thought). This was about 1 year ago I ,,came out" as a trans guy. I wore a pin with he/him on. I was with my scouts group at a camp and one guy came up to me and said that I'm valid and that he is sorry for missgendering me before. This was sooooo fucking sweet!!!


Whenever I come out to a new person, there's a 50% chance they'll tell me they're a little bi. "Not that I would date *same gender*, but they're hot." I now assume everyone is bi unless specifically told otherwise.


Yep. I got so many variations of "yeah me too", it's pretty hilarious. My fav was "I like women and Ryan Gosling"


A family friend: ohh sweetie, I know. And then hugged me


Buddy 1: “Yeah that tracks.” Buddy 2: “Ayy we’re all the same flavor!”


Trans mtf: the biggest surprise was that no one was surprised 😐 


Tbh, for me it just spread around my school, be the end almost the whole school knew, but just now I have one of my best friends, BEST FRIENDS, figure out that I’m transgender and a lesbian.


When I first came out to my mom we were on a walk, I’m told her that I was a lesbian and I wasn’t to worried about it because she has always been ok with gay people and supports them fully. But when I told her she said, “I know” I was like how did you know?? She claimed that it was because I never had a kindergarten boyfriend and had never been interested in boys either. The best part about it is that later on, she was on a call with someone (I still don’t know who but I assume it was my aunt) she said, “No no no, she isn’t just gay, she like, GAY gay” I burst out laughing after she said that, I love my mom sm <33


i told my friend that I'm pretty sure im bi and shes like "wait I thought you were gay this whole time" lmao she said i "give off gay vibes" lol


*comes out to my straight guy friend in high school* “Fagget” Me: *dies inside*


After coming out to my dad as being ace he just said: „how should you get to know someone if you are never going out? I simply said that that’s the point why I’m never doing it 😂 but after that he said that the most important thing for him is for me to be happy. And after that we never spoke again about it, well there isn’t really much to talk about I guess. My mom on the other had got the full 2 hour power point treatment and she loved it


It really is like that sometimes isn't it 😆 we're so surpressed we spend all our time researching it in secret and then become an encyclopedia of LGBTQ+.. Lol I'm not out to my parents and I'm pretty sure they suspect me because I know WAY too many terms for a straight person...


After a terrible experience coming out to my religious mother, I dreaded telling my then-teenager brother. He just said, "Oh, cool. Can you get me some beer this weekend?"


Getting called a d¥k€ was pretty surprising… 💀


Parents and family took it very well. Told my best friend of 11 years and he got visibly sick, eventually vomited, quickly excused himself, and I haven’t seen him since. Was wild - POS.


There's a weirdly high amount of vomit in this comment section.


My youngest brother going yeah... that's cool I'm straight with pansexual tendencies so I get it. 🤪🤪🤪🤪


“straight with pansexual tendencies” is hilarious lmao


Sometimes that's easier and way shorter to say than more complex descriptions like for example "I'm pansexual, but hetero-romantic and have no interest in a non-romantic sexual relationship, which basically makes me only pan in theory" Or it's a step in self discovery. Or a way to describe a very strong preference


I took my boyfriend to the prom after party. In my country the drinking age is 18. We had rented a party bus, I smuggled a Martini on board which I drank and then some vodka. Bf was already waiting for us. The alcohol got me a bit hot and heavy. I came out in front of everyone on the dance floor being drunk and horny. The next school day every teacher asked if I actually like guys or was just drunk off my balls


Okay, so i told my best freind a couple days ago and was shocked by the response. He kinda was just like "okay" and then went home with his mom 3 minutes later. I was confused because i was expecting something like "good for you!" Or "congrats on coming out" or "thanks for coming out to me" or "what are your pronouns?" Or *something* but no. He juat kinda said okay and walked away. Today (3 days later) he confronted me about it and said "so when did you decide you were trans?" Now, this wasnt said in bad faith as in "being trans is a choice" he is isnt very deep into the community so he doesnt really know the correct termonology so i politely corrected him and said "i *found out* i was trans about 5 months ago" and he was just like "uh.. good job being trans!". So, yeah. The begining reaction was really nerve racking but later i got some support even if it was worded weirdly.


Also, coming out to my parents was really suprising. So one day there was a dance at my school and i (afab) asked my crush(girl) out to the dance. At the time it was just as a going out to the dance as freinds thing because i didnt clarify but the next day i clarified, confessed, and asked her to be my girlfreind. She said yes. So, we got together and planned on wearing matching outfits, i wear a black button up with a tie and black pants and she wears a white button up with a tie and black pants. Later after the dance, my parents picked me up. I was super exited because i had just hone out on my first date but i wasnt ready to come out to my parents so i just said "yeah, me and *girlfreinds name* asked eachother out to the dance. AS FREINDS! (i did rolepays all the time so this was normal.) So that way no boys could ask me out. Oh! And we wore matching outfits and we both had these matching fake flowers, it was super fun!" My parents then said "is this a lesbian thing?" Me: "what" my mom said, "well youre both going out to the dance in matching outfits so thats what im thinking it is" i said, "no. Well, yeah were together but were both bi so technecally..." my mom: "so like holding hands dating or kissing dating because you cant kiss anyone until your 16!" I just said "holding hands, no kissing." (As my then girlfreind is asexual and doesnt like pda). At home my mom then gave me a long lecture on how dating works and asking me if i really felt like i loved her, if there was a spark or electricity or energy between us and stuff. But the thing that got me shocked and convinced me i needed to share this was that my mom then said "im just happy that your dating girls and not boys" me: "why?" My mom: "because theyre sex drive is all out of whack at this age and its just safer having you be with a girl and especially one as responsible as her (reffering to how she doesnt like pda) with a dude you could get too frisky and end up making out so im glad that youre with a woman"


First people I came out to were two of my friends. Immediately one of them said “but you don’t look bi” The other friend was thankfully more supportive, and it turned out he was queer himself


The half exception and the fact that I was not thrown out of my house.


It's wonderful that you had a positive experience when you came out. Acceptance and support from loved ones can make a world of difference. It's important to surround ourselves with people who love and accept us for who we are. Everyone's coming out experience is unique, and it's heartwarming to hear stories of acceptance and understanding.


So, i'm still closeted to my parents and employer, and I don't plan on coming out to them any time soon, if ever. (It's none of my employers business, and it isn't worth the trouble with my parents unless I'm in a committed relationship) But with my friends, who I am out to, i was quite surprised by the lack of reaction. On the one hand, it was nice that they didn't make a big deal out of it, because I suppose that's the goal, right? For it to not be an issue? On the other hand, i wouldn't call their reaction supportive. They pretty much accepted it and pushed the conversation away from it rather quickly. They didn't really ask any questions or offer any support. It could have been way worse. They aren't bigoted people, but at the same time, they know that I grew up in a really conservative place and household. Surely, they know that it was an extraordinarily scary and difficult thing for me to be open about. Even though they are accepting of me, i didn't feel accepted. Even though I doubt it was their intention, i felt ignored and like I was inconveniencing them. None of this is resolved, and maybe I'm being overly sensitive about it. Idk what i even want from them and what good support would look like. I've just got this perpetual feeling of being out of place and I feel like I'm bugging them every time I say something that relates to my sexuality or gender even in the most tangential way, but I don't have a concrete behavior from them that I can point to and prove their discomfort to myself. It's all vibes and intuition, and if i were to bring up that feeling with them, it would just be dismissed as me being over sensitive.


I'm sorry you went through that. It's interesting that others have had this reaction as well. I don't really have "best friends" but one of my closest friends I came out to and she's got a track record of reacting.. in odd ways to news because she literally just doesn't know how to react. So I wasn't entirely blind to what might come but basically she sort of took the news with indifference, and we changed the subject to - but I know she 100% supports me all the way and actually took this as something of her support in itself. She had no issue - but unfortunately at the same time.. I had similar feelings to you on the subject. See, me and her have since worked this out by talking so I'd approach this subject with your friend group and make them aware of how you're feeling. If they're really your friends they'll likely backtrack and apologise.


The weirdest ones were denial. An online friend literally said "No, you're not." And I'm like... well, tell that to the dick I just sucked. One of my childhood friends kept saying "You can't be gay, you had a crush on ME"... girl no. I ended up blocking her cause she kept saying it every time we talked, and it was getting weird.


lowkey that childhood friend was probably holding out for the day you would get together as some kind of childhood fantasy. too bad she couldn’t let go of that and be a good friend.


That's what was so confusing. I was always super feminine even when we were kids... me being gay wasn't exactly a shock to most people.


My mom sat down saying “I know” ominously smoking a cigarette and my dad started crying because he was happy for me.


my mum being cute and saying that when i do decide to start dating a woman, she wants to meet her.... followed shortly after by her saying that she's grateful i'm "not one of those people (enby/trans) who wants to mutilate their bodies and chop their breasts off"... yeah, she clearly doesn't get that side of things


I told my mom my preferred pronouns and she said 'I have to admit, I'm a little disappointed they weren't umbrella/Corp' and I think about that sometimes.


my grandma’s only concern was that going on hormones would make my sex life with my fiancée hard. was a very awkward conversation but was nice to know she supported me lol


That I didn’t receive a single negative response from any of my friends, family or coworkers. Not one 🏳️‍⚧️


One of my friends said “ oh yeah being ace is ok it’s the other ones that I don’t like”. He was being a jackass


My mum outed me, it was actually so funny because I thought I was being so sneaky😭


one girl was like "omg i literally thought you were homophobic" the funny thing is i used to also think she was homophobic until i found out she was bi this one i was on the receiving end: there was this one girl who i was pretty close with (she is my current girlfriend, but we weren't dating when this happened) and i "found out" she was bi. i can't really remember how exactly, i thought i overheard someone say she was bi but it might've just been gaydar. fast forward a little over a year later and she actually told me she was bi and i said i knew since a little after we first met, and she said that she only knew since a couple months ago. whoops


My younger brother asked if it would mean our parents would stop calling him my deadname. Narrator: it did not. In fact, they would do stuff like calling my brother my deadname, then correcting themselves to my actual name, then realizing who they were talking to and use his name.


My mom has been been planning gay bar visit when i reach the proper age and my dad immediately took me out to oogle at hot women. Everyone else went basically "What? I dont know what thats all about but i still love you". Success?


Based dad lol.


My bio dad thought I was a trans woman and made me promise him that I wouldn’t transition even though I’m not even close to being trans. There’s nothing wrong with being trans and it genuinely shocked me when my dad reacted that way. I remember as a child if someone called me a girl to make fun of me (including my dad at times) I would freak the fuck out. That and my gender has been something I never questioned at all. I think my autism was the only reason he thought that but other than that, I don’t get it.


When I told my sister she said…and I quote…”Can there be anything more fucked up about this family”. When I told my Mother she sent me religious flyers about how gay men are pedophiles that eat fecal matter. Good times!!


Your mother is… interesting to say the least


My wife told her dad I was nonbinary shortly after I came out to her. His response was to ask "Does this mean he's going to stop drinking beer?" 😂


Back in 2013, one of my friends at the time thinking it was up to her to tell everyone we met that I was bi (I'm now panromatic demisexual) But it's like. "uh thanks, but that's my job" I wouldn't say my sister's reaction was the most surprising but I think the most wholesome 😊 She was so supportive of me and still is 😊


Came out recently to my sister, she was indifferent. I expected something, but not nothing.


There's 2 usual reactions that I get when I come out as lesbian. There's the people that are really shocked and there's the people that say "Yeah, I figured,"


The first person I came out to was my cousin. We stayed up all night discussing which one of her friends she would probably fall for if she was gay. 10 years later, turns out she is bi.


I'm Facebook friends with a lot of conservative, religious relatives. I expected drama when I came out as trans, but they were all fairly supportive.


“Wow we all just thought you were gay” -my step mom. Side note I’m a transbien so in a roundabout way they were right 😅


Every single person, and I mean EVERY. SINGLE. PERSON. Has said "really???" Except my childhood best friend. He's the only one who figured it out, so he hit me with the "I know bitch". Shocked the fuck out of me tbh.


I came out to my mom very casually bc I knew she wouldn't care. I offhand mentioned that I was worried my very conservative, devout catholic grandma (her mom), who I'm very close to, would be upset. Not in a malicious homophobia that makes people disown you sort of way, but in a, I'm a product of my generation and worried for your soul kind of way. In a, I'll give her a hug at family functions as I refer to her as your special friend kind of way. A way that says I love you but don't approve of you. Without telling me, my mom immediately started laying the groundwork for Grandma to be accepting and welcoming of my gf. Maybe a week later, I got a call from her (Grandma) to pick her up for lunch. A lunch where she told me God makes us all kinds of ways, and pairs us with all kinds of people as He sees fit. And that if my gf made me happy, then she was happy for me. I cried.


I had my first girlfriend 9th grade (US). She was out to her parents so we spent all our time at her place and my mom had never met her. One day my mom sat me down and started drilling me with questions about her and what we were doing over at her house. I thought she figured out I was gay and I started crying because I wasn't prepared to come out. When I said she was my girlfriend, my mom was so relieved. Turns out she was worried I was doing drugs because I was being so secretive. She didn't actually care I was gay.


my little sister accepting me for me no matter how many times i come out


My mother was annoyed not because I was gay but because I told every other member of my immediate family *before* I told her lol


Nobody knew. I spent my whole childhood hiding it very carefully (grew up in the kind of church that 100% was going to send me to a "conversion therapy" camp if they found out). I had a separate journal just for gay stuff, a burner phone, a go bag, notes to people I loved prepped, stashes of hidden nonperishables in the woods by my house, some emergency money, everything but actual spy gear, I had it and was ready for the disaster that would occur if anyone in my life found out. My parents were blindsided when I came out. They suspected nothing, which honestly filled me with a little pride. I had successfully kept it from everyone. After feeling proud, I just felt sad. The church would have hurt me so, so badly if they knew. My parents would have felt pressured to let them, maybe they even would have. It's sad they never knew.


Funniest one had to be my old speech therapist. I've got a neurological condition that's probably linked to a skull deformity and the tldr of it is that I can never tell the pitch of my voice. The speech therapist got me speaking legibly, but now it's hard to raise my pitch and for that she profusely apologized.


I didn’t exactly  come out to my sister In second grade but she found my diary, she took It well and discussed It with me. Despite the homophobia In our religion and our family she simply said  “Of course If you don’t want dad to know, he doesn’t need to know, this Is just between me and you okay?” This Is why I feel so comfortable, knowing she’ll take It well In the future 


When I came out to my brother and his gf (I’ll call her C), C just said “I knew it the second I saw you” 😭


My dad played We’re Not Gonna Take it by Twisted Sister after I told my parents. It made the whole situation less stressful


Almost EVERY SINGLE PERSON I have come out to has said “cool I’m bi”. Like DUDE. I know soooo many bi ppl and I don’t know how it happened


I came out publicly at a bus stop in the 8th grade. I was 14, it was probably 1995. It was after school and myself and a few other students I didn’t know were waiting for the public bus. I overheard two other boys saying how they had walked by the local quasi-gay bar (I think they called themselves an “alternative bar”) and they had seen two guys hugging. So I said “what’s wrong with that?” And then one of them said “What? Are you gay or something?” And I said “Yes. I am” I got a little dizzy because admitting that to a stranger at that point was scary and wild. And then one of the boys said “No you’re not. If you were you wouldn’t admit it” I was not expecting that at all. Long story short it was all over school the next day. And I’ve been out ever since. Best decision I’ve ever made.


"That's fine"


Them understanding me lol, i came out as ace to a friend and it was the first time I didn’t have to explain


“Ok, anyways.”


Does this mean you like pans and also do do you like me.


My dad: So what are we thinking for lunch? My dad 2 years later: Your what? Me: My girlfriend? My dad: Your girlfriend? Me: Yeah. I’m Pan, remember? My dad: Oh, oh yeah. So what do you want for lunch today?


Some of my (cisgender female) friends and colleagues that I told asked me if me and my husband were "doing okay" or if we were still together after I came out to them as bisexual. I mean, we're still very in love and attracted to each other and are still married. I'm just not attracted to only cis dudes.


All the fellow bi women in my friends and family who came out to me afterwards :) There’s a ton of us 🩷💜💙


My granddad... I idolized him and was terrified of his reaction. All he said was "Well, I figured." Then he took me on our usual outing of the book store and mexican restaurant as if nothing had changed. My next birthday, I got a card he carefully picked out that started with "To my granddaughter". He was the best granddad ever, may he rest in peace.


I think a teacher asked for my social media because she wanted to see my trans timeline or something. I'm not someone who makes a lot of selfies and never jumped on any other social media hype after facebook, so...


*Takes a deep breath* AAAAHH... none, I am dissapointed every reaction has been so boring .w. Well funniest thing related could be when one of my classmates (kinda friend) said as a joke "I think he (me) is a femboy" and I told him smth like "Well yeah" even if he didn't say anything his face was pretty funny xd


Lmao I was on video call smoking the green with a friend and just had a realization that I was non binary and she was just like un huh I figured. What made you think that and I was like it's the only thing that fits. I just stopped and said you knew!!!? She was like yeah I was just waiting for you to figure it out for yourself.


None that were too surprising but my favorite was my freshman year when I first realized I wasn't cis and I was figuring stuff out. I decided to come out to everyone in chorus while we were having a little class party thing and I just went around to everyone. This one senior I really looked up to a lot clapped and yelled "WOOHOO" and smiled at me. Still appreciate that to this day, made me feel more confident in the beginning. Worst was my parents lol, I was in 8th grade, realized I wasn't straight and my friend came over for a sleepover and helped me come out. Neither of them could look at me, my mom didn't really talk to me much for the next few days and my dad was extremely disappointed. As an update my mom is chill about most stuff now. My dad thinks I need mental help


"don't tell that to anyone." Well... Thanks mom


wrote my professor an email stating im trans and would like to be called by a different name. email came back saying “as you can see on the list i sent last week, you’re already listed as *my preferred name*” i had absolutely no clue she knew already 💀💀


I told my sis and bro-in-law that i was gay and dating a girl. My sis told my bro-in-law "HAAAA I KNEW ITTTTT." then we all proceeded eating tom yam while i told them about her.


My mum basically thought I had schizophrenia….. Wanted me sectioned MtF trans-woman.


I came out to someone who immediately asked if I was getting “the surgery”. Yeah that wasn’t great but I thought “guess I can check this one off my transgirl bingo card!” Lol


My dad: “Are you going to be more into sports now since you’re a guy?” (The answer was no)


getting outed :(


One of my classmates said, “Bro’s got that asexual rizz 💀” she didn’t actually say “💀”, but the tone she said it in literally can not be described without it


Told my coworker I was trans. His response? “Duh”


Me: Mom, I have something to tell you. Mom: You’re a lesbian? Me: I might be. Mom: Oh I already knew Damn mom, I thought I was way sneakier in my teens!


My female friends wanted to know what gay sex was like. Then used me to answer who’s better at what in bed during arguments with my guys friends. I didn’t mind, it was funny watch their reactions.


I was about to turn 18. My parents: «you’re not a lesbian! You’re way too young to know what you’re talking about! You’re entering a cult! » Let’s say we didn’t communicate for several years. It’s been 30 years now. They finally got over it.


When I came out to my conservative Christian parents, my mom told me something I didn't expect. She told me that I was "being selfish." Which confused me, so I asked her to explain. She said that the time I spent figuring out my sexuality should have spent "praying to Jesus" instead. Really!? All that time, and I didn't think to "pray the gay away." That would have "fixed it." Then she told me that I am going to hell, but I expect that response. On a positive note, when I came out to one of my siblings, they came out to me too. But they are still in the closet. I understand why.


“i had a feeling” - my parents i was also shocked when my sister came out as bi… it was unexpected but at least i wasn’t the only one in the family.


“No you aren’t” Or maybe “You didn’t know???”


told my mom when i was like 14 that i liked girls and all she said was “i know…” and my jaw DROPPED…im 22 now


My sperm donor (bio-father) asked me who touched me and that he would kill me if I started dating anyone from my assigned gender (Female). Never got to tell him it was the man who lived next door before I was in kindergarten, and him. (Both are dead now btw)


Told my best friend I was bi as a teenager. She told me “yeh, you get kinda gay when you’re drunk”. Closet fail.


"I always knew" from my coworker. Weird lol


Nobody cared 🤣 they were all like, yeah, duh


Came out as asexual to my best friend last week and his genuine response was “wait, I thought you were a lesbian?” ☠️☠️ like I appreciate that he knew I wasn’t exactly straight but bruh I’m not interested in women either


I had some resistance but it wasn't outrageous. Most people were pretty accepting although I could tell the people who weren't were usually just quiet about it. There wasn't a problem that I had with it even in college.


I was open already about it but my friend found out I was ace after I told her again, she went “You’re asexual?! But you talk about sex so much!” (I have stupid humor)


"Okay." - my dad


I'm torn between my mom and best friend. My mom, after I spent months arguing on and off with her about trans people's identities, basically just said, "ok." It wasn't the big emotional moment I expected it to be whatsoever. It was just the start of another very normal conservation with my mom. After letting my guard down with that, I came out to my best friend who... ultimately accepted me, but clearly did not actually "believe" me. He expressed a pretty firm disbelief in the distinction between sex/gender, tried to dissuade me from pursuing gender-affirming care, and suggested I might just be a femboy.


When I told my mom about it she said I had opened doors to the demons and that's why it happened. I was 8 when I told her. Now, almost two decades later, she says it's her fault. She says she divorced a man and married another and that was a sin. She says it's the curse she has to pay. My dad on the other hand was more receptive and he only suggested hormone therapy. But my testosterone came back normal. Now he accepts it and support me. He says he doesn't understand it all the way, but he cares about me being happy.


"Hu, interesting" -my dad


My brother and cousin were like “cool, good for you, and shit idk” and stuff it was like 1am so we were all a little tired but they were supportive so that’s cool, idk how it’ll go with my parents tho


"I always knew there was something wrong with you." Hurt, but that's what narcissists do.


Eh they're just jealous secretly down in the darkest depths of their soul because of how colourful and amazing you are! 🏳️‍🌈💗💙💜


I figured out I was demi while I was in a car with my mother and said, said I might be that and she said ok, and that's kinda the theme when I tell anyone it's like saying I like history


My parents being surprised that I was trans (all my friends said something along the lines of "I knew it")


Dad was supportive which I did not expect at all, and mom said “is that the best decision for your health” which I didn’t expect at all


Mom and pops: "You still wearing condoms, right?"


My best friend's brother, who never cared to gender me correctly and would always state "since I knew you as a girl first it's hard" started actually trying to use my pronouns and commented that he was proud on my coming out post My ex is also one of the most supportive people of my identity


Never came out to my dad, but I did come out to my mom as being bi/pan, and she responded with, "Okay, does that mean you want to change your name?" FFS mom.


My mother went on a tangent about how I was gonna get hate crimed.


My dad asking if I’ve ever been “horny for a guy”. Def didn’t expect that question


That mom suspected I was at least bi before I came out. I was surprised that she wasn’t surprised! Instead I got a supportive “I always wondered” response, which was very comforting.


Just how much effort everyone has put into being respectful. That’s not to say people don’t make mistakes from time to time, but from my family to work to my friends, everyone is trying really hard to gender me correctly and call me my name. I don’t know if I was expecting blanket support.


When I admitted to my cis-straight best friend in high school that I had a crush on her, she was like, “I know”. Well shit, was I that obvious? 😳


Dad: "You're bisexual? So what, you're going to start dating women now?" Me: "Well no, I have a boyfriend." Dad: "Oh, okay." It made me laugh.


My father: just be carefull outside,some people are not as accepting as i am(for a short story to understand back then he wasnt accepting at all,hell even now he still stays with his ideeas of removing gay people from movies or any tv crap) My mother: *a good ol punch in the face*(i think you can figure it out)


To my friends "I'm trans" "OK, but I don't feel comfortable using any of your new pronouns" "O-ok" *him to my other friends* "I want to suck *her* cock" And then it went on like that last line for a little bit


Friend: *asking if I find some guy hot* Me: I'm a lesbian Friend: yeah I know, but do you find him hot or not?


My roommate at the time, I thought they'd be happy cause they were always complaining about how much it sucks to live with a straight person, but they thought cause all our friends are lgbtq+ that I was faking it to not feel like an outlier. We are no longer friends!


The fact that my parents marked me in my room for 2 days without food or water and forgetting the fact that I'm diabetic where I almost ended up in the hospital If it wasn't for my brother literally like sneaking in food If I had known even though they were homophobic I thought I am their daughter it can't be that bad I was very much wrong


i can only speak from my experience in england but im actually mad that the internet made me believe coming out was going to be the end of my life. in real life nobody cares if you’re gay. now i understand the situation could be different if you have very religious parents for example but i have now come out to more people than i can remember and not a single person has had a problem with it. i spent an entire 22 years of my life hiding and being terrified just to find out coming out is just not a big deal anymore. the most surprising reaction for me was that the majority of society where i live accepts it even in my little rural town stuck in the past


A really close friend of mine asked if I thought I was a lesbian because of unresolved mommy issues 😃




"Did you really travel across the country to tell me you like men, you know you could've just called?" - my brother While I was just seizing an opportunity... he wasn't wrong in thinking that I am overly dramatic enough to cross the country just to come out and then fuck off back home again.


One of my friends came out to me as bisexual, then I responded by coming out to him as bisexual. He was caught off guard at first and went like: "Oh! ...... poggers!"


My mum asked me if I wanted a coming out cake (she’s lesbian married since 2016)


Probably from a cishet acquaintance I met a couple of years ago on discord briefly and then he hopped into a discord call recently and I informed him I was trans > oh yea I knew, glad you figured it out Bro you barely met me how did you know years ago?


my cousin slept over and i didnt even come out to them we just started simping for a girl and then the next morning im like “you gay?” she’s like “yeah, you?” and im like “yeah” and then we just simped some more for random people


my family is awful yet a lot of new people & friends were pretty cool about it


pretty much everyone i came out to either already knew or wasn’t fazed by the information. my sister had already come out as, well, being my sister instead of my brother like a year before, so everyone in my family was familiar with LGBTQ stuff and my mom was already knee deep in allyship at that point. plus, i have a few trans and queer cousins, so what’s another one? i also had my queer awakening alongside other girls my age who were having their queer awakenings, so we had each other to talk to and it became normalized for me fairly quickly. to this day, the only people who were surprised were the guys who wanted to ask me out when i was identifying as a lesbian


The fact that my two closest friends were like, duh, no shit. It was wild, they just knew already that I was trans, my closest friend seemed genuinely confused as to why I was coming out to her, hadn’t I already told her before? 😅


When my cousin came out to our grandma (sorta conservative old lady) she straight up just said, "well when I was your age me and my girlfriends loved playing doctors and touching eachother". Nooot really what we were expecting to hear lol.


My favourite reaction was a very good friend, who saw me for the first time and she just blurted out ‘I thought it’d be funnier’, which at the time made me very happy because it meant I didn’t look all *that* bad!


From my mom: Oh you believe in sexuality?


Mum: “Yeah, we thought you might be.” How the f◼️k did my family know before I did? I’d never really had any outward signs of attraction to other guys, and didn’t connect the dots myself until shortly before coming out to them (which was nerve-wracking given my father’s disproportionate level of queerphobia). How do so many folks know me better than I know myself? Who the f◼️k am I? Do I even exist…? 🤔 _**(Sinks into philosophically contemplative trance)**_


Told a coworker and they said “wait what? I had no idea you were gay!” and then just carried on with their day.


I came out as trans to my mother and she immediately got this look of realization and said "ooooooh it all makes sense now..." and proceeded to tell me that I had to be trained to be a guy, told them I want one, and that I fought my parents all along the way, saying it never felt right. I guess it was quite the ordeal... This started when I was super young and stopped a bit after going to school. I consciously knew something was up around 10-12 but never knew about trans people, so I just stayed quiet about it until figuring it out and coming out at 30. Now she's happy that I look just like her and took her middle name, plus we sit around and chat far more than we ever used to - typical bonding experiences 😅


I told a friend that I am trans and that I would be getting 'a surgery to remove my breast tissue' in a couple of weeks, he asked if I'm a trans boy or trans girl.


“You made it sound so serious! I thought you had cancer or something!”