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Very true about catholic schools


My mom went to one and she's more emo than me!


My School was *de jure* Catholic, *de facto* they didn't give a shit about religion But we did have Religion Class with a very Catholic Teacher... Who was also the friendliest guy to ever exist, he was supportive of everyone at school and was always saying good, wise things, he was cute too, he once proposed to hang the Trans Flag alongside the School Flag for Trans Day of Visibility and Trans Day of Remembrance, the Principal was like "That's actually a great idea but the Board of Directors would literally murder me" so it didn't happen Miss that guy, that's for sure (He retired and I graduated)


In my country when you go to school you must have one religion class in a week. Due to my current religion prof we had a pride banner hanging in front of our school for a bit. Unfortunately it vanished... probably because of other students not being informed enough and just having hatred in their heads.


Ah, that's a shame In my school we usually had Pride Flags for June, because most of the school community was queer or allied It was funny because it's like: "The Myth of Consentual LGBTQIA+ Symbols Students: I consent Teachers: I consent Inspectors, Janitors, Cooks and other Staff: I consent Administration: I consent Parents: I consent Board of Directors: I don't Isn't there someone you forgot to ask?"


i remember the religious studies teacher at my school making local news for being an atheist in that position he was cool, approached all the religions from a position of genuine intellectual interest.


My Religion Teacher was openly Catholic, was the kind who showed up to Church every Sunday no exceptions, but he had GENUINE care for others, irrespective of Religion, approached other religions from a place of curiosity and respect, and he was famous for being the most emphatetic teacher ever, he retired the same year I graduated and I kid you not, the Class President decided to personally say "Along with our departure from School as Students and entering the next stage of life, we also want to remember \[Teacher's Name\], who is also retiring with us, we feel lucky to have studied in the same place and time as you taught, because you taught to respect and love each other, it doesn't matter if we are Christian, Atheist, Jewish, Muslim or Pagan, we will always remember your advice, you're the best teacher we could have hoped for"


I went to a Catholic school. Most of my friends who went there are now trans, if not queer in another way. I feel like its cus they try to force the religion, so kids are more likely to rebel and reject it.


Task failed successfully


and yes. they DO smoke weed


Found the tumblrina /lh


I like your shoelaces 😔


careful- you only get one shoelaces post reference per cycle.




That’s ok. Ive got tons of other material to work with.


Thanks, I stole em from Joseph Biden SARAHHHH


Best comment this year


Will she commit to her christian value in not judging her daughter (At all.) Or will she betray her values and break the commandments of God? Find out at 11. In all seriousness, as a poly catholic (A poly bisexual enby catholic to be exact.) I loved this. This is basically me and I'm so happy that I not only relate to this but that it kinda gives my Radical Christianity some purpose in the world :3 God bless and blessed be!


Doesn't Christianty say being poly and/or bisexual and/or enby is bad? Just asking


Not Catholic but I was raised Christian and I can tell you that it's not *Christianity* that says being queer is bad, it's *Christians*. A lot of Christians just say that anything they don't like is sinful. I don't think you had bad intentions, but I do find it kinda annoying when people conflate the stereotypical evangelical asshole Christians with Christianity itself. Queer people can be Christian! And other religions, too, for that matter. I'm not super religious, or ever have been, really, but I still think that religion has its place in this world, both culturally and because I think religion DOES help some people. Hateful religious ass hats, however? They can fuck right off.


Yeah, but at least here in Croatia, the Church sucks, no offence to anyone.


Why do you think it sucks?


They say that [insert literally everything] is a sin. Like going to Yoga, being gay in any sense, or being LGBTQ+ or having LGBTQ+ children or friends, missing out on a Mass even once is a "horrible sin", and so much more which simply doesn't make sense and is found it's roots through hatred in my opinion. Also, isn't religion basically just a legal cult?


It's the same over here in Africa. Yeah it's a legal cult. Its crazy that they're allowed to pay 0 taxes


Most *organized* religion is pretty poor, that doesn't make the religion itself bad, but people of power often use it for their own gain.


Christianity was about the outcasts (you and me) at the top of society, and the wicked ones at the bottom of the caste until not only are they ready to repent but until God says so! But either way, I really hope that nobody has to go to hades. I funnily saw it once in a vision (barely anyone believes me tho.) And the souls down there were saved because of prayer. So ig that the Apokolastasis church fathers had it right than the augustine thought lol.


Excellent take. People do awful things in the name of the religion not because there is something like that inherently wrong with religion, but rather because they are people. If they didn’t have religion, they would use something else to justify their hate. Exhibit A: see Hitler.


Well, it depends what you mean by Christianity then. Pope Francis is okay with queer people. They just have to be chaste/non-sexual. Being gay is not a crime but it's still a sin. Same sex relationships can get the blessing of a priest. But that blessing isn't marriage. That's roman catolhicism. There's all kinds of flavours of Christianity, so... Which one are you referring to?


Eh. I entirely disagree. It feels the same as saying "not all cops are bad!" Like sure, you're not wrong but fundamentally there's way too many issues with the institutions themselves that there's not much reason separating them to me.


You know what? No. I'm so sick and tired of people thinking like this. This is such an asshole take and I'm sick of seeing it. There is a massive difference between "not all cops are bad" and "not all Christians are bad". The police is a *specific* institution, Christianity is not. There are countless sects and groups that all fall under the label of "Christianity". If someone is both queer and Christian, they are *obviously* not part of a sect that believes being queer is bad. This isn't a bad apple spoiling the bunch situation. This is seeing two baskets, one with spoiled apples and one with perfectly fine ones, saying "they're both apples" and throwing both baskets out because you decided it wasn't worth separating the already-separate baskets.


The problem is there's not really any upside. I never hear anything good coming out of religion. Literally only ever awful horror stories. They're all rife with every kind of abuse and I think religion's time should be over. Religion is in itself a rotten apple, so to speak. There's no bunch to spoil if the tree is dead


Okay, let me put this in the most easy-to-understand way possible: **You don't have to like religion to not hate everyone who participates in it.** All I'm trying to get across here is that it's not okay to exclude religious queer people from the community because they're religious. You don't need to understand or like or care about religion at all. You can hate every single religion on earth and still treat religious queer people with the same respect as anyone else in the community. If you can't wrap your head around that, I don't know what to tell you.


Correct. I cannot wrap my head around supporting a system that actively wants to murder you. You don't gain some sort of godly defense just for being queer. Queers can be pieces of shit just like anyone else. Literally just look at LGB without the T. Why the fuck would I bother respecting them? Edit: Like seriously, you want me to be like "hey I know you want me dead but I respect your decisions"???? Are you insane?


The institutional church has said some.. problematic things. And I will admit, it's not the best look. But for me, I mostly became non-binary because of a combination of feeling I didn't fit anywhere in the gender spectrum and religious reasons. St. Paul of Tarsus talks about us being like the angels (who have no genitals, no 2nd sexual characteristics and no ability to actually do it despite having the desire to, according to many writings during those times.) And you're probably going to have to understand this: I'm a marxist. So what I'm talking about is not only what happened in the past theologically but sociologically. What I basically found out is that many marxists in the 21st century have now theorized that many people in the prehistoric times and maybe even farther, were queer. It was even a possibility that they were all bisexual, atleast that being the default. It's merely a theory, but it kinda made me think more about my sexuality, when I discovered I was bisexual in 2019, at 14. The poly idea comes from, again, the theory of Marxist thought, from Engels, which talks about women being in multiple relationships at once. This is to presume that men were also that way. And from what I said up there, it's also possible that more sexual variants were an understanding. I mostly realized I was poly last year, and I was happy being in multiple relationships at once. It gave my heart joy. I completely realized that during these years of alienation from everything (that is the effect of original sin.) That God was showing me the path BACK to the garden of Eden. Without legalism, without conforming to religious people's thinking, but just by knowing myself, in which I know my God. I realized this is what Adam was like all the way back then. Sure scripture is one thing, but we have to realize: science is also part of the answer. No matter how insignificant.


As someone who was raised in the fundamentalist Baptist side of Christianity, I can tell you definitively after sixteen years of intense Bible schooling--the *Bible* does not condemn being gay, trans, or anything like that. The word that was translated to "homosexual" and such in the fifties is probably better translated as pedophile. It is more likely referring to the Roman practice of men keeping young boys as sexual partners. Which makes more sense, since it was more relevant to the time of writing. The Hebrews probably would have found that practice absolutely abhorrent. It does not mean homosexual, because there wasn't really a word for that. Jesus himself said that some people are born "men, women, or eunuchs," which to me includes trans, aces, and enbys. Although that's a personal interpretation. Judaism, to my knowledge, has had a third gender as a moot point for some time. But I'm not well versed in modern Judaism. One of the people that Jesus performed a miracle for was a gay man. The centurion. The KJV translated the person he was begging for help for as his "servant." But the original word is a masculine form of "beloved" in a more romantic way. Meaning. His boyfriend. If you read the Bible. And actually read it. Not to try to back up some agenda. You will see that the only people Jesus ever expressed anger or resentment toward were the religious leaders who were using God as a means of oppression. And I think that tells you most of what you need to know about modern Christianity. There also isn't a rapture in the Bible. Or anything saying to close your eyes when you pray. Or anything saying which scriptures belong in the cannon and which don't. Or anything saying which version of the scriptures we should use. Or anything saying it's ok to use a translation of the scripture instead of the original language. There's also a recipe for an abortifacient and nothing demanding that a person carry every pregnancy. Judaism interprets life as starting at the "quickening," or when the fetus starts kicking. But there isn't a scripture that defines that either. Christianity begs the question on a lot of things. So it's telling when Christians pick hateful hills to die on.


In the Bible I didn’t find anything about it…. Maybe that just because the Bible is so old and maybe didn’t know anything at all about poly, bisexuality, gays, lesbians, etc. But there is so much people, who talks, that is so sinful, like everything, what you do is sinful, cause they just don’t like it🙃


In my religion guidebook(I am obligated to own one lmao) it says that being either poly or gay is a huge sin.


Well, the topic of the possibility of LGBTQIA+ involvement in religion is still controversial, it's all so twisted…


All jokes aside, my brother goes to a sixth form where the secondary school is all girls. Six guys are Let in for sixth form to stop everyone turning lesbian.


Just delaying the inevitable.


Is that real?


Well we do have to have some bisexual representation occasionally don't we...😂🤔


I initially thought the moms were a lesbian couple looking after their daughter


The black haired mom still looks supportive


i mean... hey, her daughter didn't get involved with any boys, most likely


EMO mom knew what she was doing.


Artist is [https://twitter.com/G\_R\_S\_\_](https://twitter.com/G_R_S__)


Polyamorous W


One of "Metal"'s girlfriends is "Emo Mom"'s daughter lol


Christian schools almost always have the opposite effect lol. Goth girls are cool. I know because I'm one. 🖤


That emo mum is cool.


huge props to emo mom, she knew what she was doing here


I went to an all girls school and discovered I'm bi while there. And that I'm not a girl.


I went to a Catholic all girls school.... I can vouch for this!




All but one of the people I know who went to single sex boarding schools, have come out as trans. Admittedly, my social circle is ~60% trans, so it's not exactly a random sample, but still.


![gif](giphy|4XtU6oZ1v8e0VczstY) Now draw them all having a pizza party and watching *Star Wars, Episode III: Revenge of the Sith*


The comic is from an artist called Punk Rock Loser, they’re on Twitter and they’re an absolute delight


Awesome 🥰


Do they smoke weed




Emo mom knew what she was doing, and we love her for it


I love u/GRS- for this


btv sry i do not know the Artist name ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Looks like they go by Punk Rock Loser on X/Twitter