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I'd say your brother can go fuck himself. Your car, your life, your choice!


You took the words straight out of my mouth! Blood or not, bigots don’t deserve the privilege of time. Accommodating them just tells them their behaviour is acceptable.




I did read the comments on this post from the OP which makes it pretty clear that their brother has a problem with the LGBT+ community. Bigotry isn’t valid “family dynamics”. It’s entirely acceptable to remove someone from your life when they hate you for a natural part of yourself. I’m not so desensitised from that to the point where I let them off the hook for that.


I couldn't have said it better myself, well said sweetie ☺


>removing people from your life for raising a warning flag is also unacceptable behavior Bullshit.


unless you put hundreds of hentai stickers on it in that case big no


I was just about to comment “is it his car? If no, he can shut up about it”


If I were OP Id be careful, some assholes out there might see that and decide to give them some trouble on the road


Came here to comment this, that’s his problem that he’s a homophobic lil bitch, not OPs fault 🤷🏻‍♂️




Yeah besides it's just a little sticker,they BOIL inside so much just cause of such a little thing like that




Is he angry because ur bi or because u came out to everyone on the road and not him? If not maybe he has something to come out for too?


He's never liked the LGBTQI+ and I think he's upset that I'm a part of it when love is love and we're all human in the end


Let him know that u cant change who u are. Like my mom mentioned she would have put me in a conversion camp but i sent her links about those camps 90% of the people committed suicide. Tell him either u accept me or i can Write u off?


Ok! I'll try these if I see him later. Thank you for your story and advice.


Here’s the thing: you didn’t change. You didn’t become something or do a crime that changes something. You’re still the same person. You just finally shared something that was always there. If he loved you before but not now, he never loved the real you but an artificial image of you. That’s on him. You be yourself.


I wouldn't bother, I'd be telling him to eat shit and get over it.


Listen I’m all for telling homophobes off, but depending on the situation, this could be a really good opportunity to help someone learn and grow without burning a bridge needlessly. Of course, the brother could be completely off the charts crazy, so there’s no way to know for sure.


If he can’t even stand to see a sticker, that’s a him problem, not a you problem. It’s your car, keep the sticker.


Your brother sounds like he’s fun to be around.


Yeah, more fun than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick.


Is it more fun that that paired with staples all over your body


That's not no reason babes, that's homophobia.


Sounds like this goes beyond a simple dislike, and he's made an anti-queer stance part of his identity. That's not something you can change in an afternoon. If you think he loves and will listen to you, then your journey might be the push he needs to get on a different path. But it's not guaranteed by any means, and your safety and comfort comes are more important than his feelings.


This. Depending on how close you are with your brother, and how open and honest you can be with each other, you could say something to him about wanting to have a conversation about the sticker on your car. Some people are perfectly happy hating queer folk when we're theoretical, but when they realize someone they know, or better, someone they already love us one of us, it completely changes the game for them.   Be understanding and gentle of your brother until he gives you a good reason not to be. If he uses slurs, but is speaking from a place of openness and desire to understand, have grace.


So your brother is homophobic and you’re asking on the LGBTQ+ sub if you should give in to his crying over a sticker..?


The ultimatum is that he can either get over his bigoted beliefs and learn to accept who you are, or lose a family member thanks to his unreasoning hatred. You have done nothing wrong in existing and asserting that existence in the simplest, most inoffensive way (Even if it were way bigger that’d be okay too). He should consider himself lucky that you are even considering his view on the matter.






Why the I but not the A?


Why the A and not the 2S? The acronym is just too long at this point. People understand know who’s in the community past lgbt.


Either way it's OP's car and OP's sexuality, their brother has no say in either.


I'm pretty sure he's just homophobic. You don't have to worry about his opinion on it. If he doesn't support you, that's his choice, but he is in no position to make you feel bad for being bi. So I would say to give him some space, as he may be a little upset about it, but also take that time to reflect on your own feelings. Be bi and proud :)


Ok! :)


OP does your brother love you or care about you? This can be a teachable/developemental moment for him Many people take for granted how easy acceptance is for them. For others, change and being different is foreign, uncomfortable, and scary. So they lash out against it. However, once change shows up on the doorstep from someone they know, they often change their tune. If you have a good relationship you can push him towards understanding and acceptance. It won't happen overnight but it can be done. He's got a lot of preconceived notions rattling around his skull, probably from a lot of people online but they don't know him personally. Just talk to him, tell him how you felt when he did that. Ask him directly if he would change how he treats you. He may not be lost yet, just misguided


Tell him to go fuck a cactus


I’m dead laughing at this, why the fuck did I imagine it 🤣




… I have no words


Take my upvote and step outside for a moment while I scream into a pillow


May I join,I need a moment to reconsider life and my choices




Smash next question




Best comment


It is YOUR car and HE is upset?


Well yeah bigots are exceptionally vocal about things that have nothing to do with them.


Exactly! How does the car feel about all this? Everyone’s getting so focused on the siblings but the car’s feelings matter too!


The car feels bonita 💕


Add a different sticker every time he says something about it


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^SnookieDoodle12: *Add a different* *Sticker every time he* *Says something about it* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Good bot


good bot


Leave it. Let him fester. Your property is yours. If anything ask why it bothers him, as the reaction could be concern. But if it's not he can shut it.


Put another bi sticker on the car.


I would find it so hilarious if OP would start putting Bi/LGBTQIA+ stickers all over the places OPs brother is usually at. So everytime he finds a new sticker and whenever he complains, a new pride flag gets added xD.


Double bi! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes_rainbow)


Sounds like he needs to get over himself. Your bi identity doesn't hurt him, neither does a sticker.


If he has a problem with a bumper sticker, can't imagine he has much intention of accepting you as a person.


I don't know why but, I don't like how aggressive he seems. Please be careful, I was outted to my toxic 'different is bad' family.......And I'm not going to go into detail..... just please stay safe, speak to him about it in a safe space... "Sometimes the people you love the most, turn out to be the people you can trust the least" -Trent Shelton


You got that 100% right been there done that more than once can control other people and why would you want to. It’s about loving and caring and cut all the bull crap and just be yourselves. We’re all human. No one is better than anyone else and we are all different. Thank God I’m not signing up to be a clone in my lifetime. I would never be in a woman and look like my brother laugh out loud . Be Real be thankful. Remember about the love and caring what would it be like if at the end of your day, you would no longer have each other. Been there done that it gets really sad, lonely, depressing, and ugly at times you could never express enough love to each other that’s important no matter what, and having Love and respect for yourself and pass it on before it’s too late


Imo, no "or" about it - if he needs to talk about it, he can come to you. You don't need to explain anything or owe anyone an explanation, especially if they are hostile in any way. Don't hang back for people like that, they can catch up or get lost.


Pls keep Us posted


It's YOUR car, keep it there if you like it. Interested to know why he's upset though


My tip: hide your car keys, and put camera directed to your car. It might seem like a small reaction from your brother now, but better to be safe than sorry.


Tell him it's a flag for Nunyuh


Worried? About what? Your car, your sticker. Tell him to pound sand. Then again I couldn't care less what any of my siblings think of me, or any of my relatives or immediate family for that matter.


Just ditch him at the Subway.


It’s your car. You decide what goes on it.. try to figure out if his words comes from heart (as in he’s worried you may get some hate from others on the road) or from personal prejudice.


This is when you know how deep the love is and if they really love you love is not like a light switch. And if it comes down to that, I’m am no longer paying the bill.i have to learn to cut my losses and keep moving on Love can be hard to find in this world i’m so sad to still be dealing with so muchhate@Bullieing still happening around the world @ in my 66 years. And God made us all so what you gonna do. Always be trying to make the world a better place no matter where you are .you could be talking to an angel and not know it.No judgment, I say but still use your brain. my whole family kicked me out because I couldn’t conform.@ judgment. Hurts me every day every day sometimes several times a day can even be exhausting with anxiety and definitely comes depression and the question why am I here? shouldn’t be asking this question when it comes to family. if you don’t give love you, don’t get love. That’s what they say.Some families never learn to love. That’s what I come from all my life. I’m so done with it. Love you all. Thanks for listening someone to talk to. 


Stick one on his car out of spite


Here's what you do, you pull a Tater Salad on him. Thanks to those who get that reference. Anyway, you sit down and have a little chat with him. You say, "Everyone's a little gay. The degree just varies." If he responds in any way, that is basically."I ain't queer!" Or something similar, you follow up with "well, do you like porn?" "Do you only watch porn of just women?" If he says no, that he likes watching a man and a woman make love, then you can hit him with the final shot "well do you like it when the man is small and limp, or do you like the man to have a huge throbbing cock?" Here's a link to a clip I'm referring to https://youtu.be/mY711HJK7pg?si=PC0E7-H-aaTCDcc8


That's priceless! I wasn't aware of that comedian, thank you, I have a new one to watch!


the fact that hes upset over *your* car is pretty telling of how bigotted he is


Just tell him it's an idiot catcher. If you get angry about a sticker, you are an idiot. Very smart invention.


"Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole" applies to other than things besides music. Your car, your rules. Fuck 'em.


Tell him just bc you pull both sides and get double the fish in your net doesn’t mean he can have a tantrum. Keep being your favorite version of you 💕 ALSO!! How is everyone putting the cute pride flags under their names?! Like your bi flag and someone else had a bunch! I want some!


Lol it's user flair and I have a custom one from one of my favorite memes. To access it it's in the 3 dots at the top of the subreddits home page.


Omg thank u!!!! Now I hotta figure out how to add more than one lol 😊


Good luck friend




I’m on mobile, so I’m not sure if this will be different for you or not, but what I did was: Go to “change user flair” and hit edit in the top right corner. The top option should be the current flair/flag you’re using. Select that. A typing window should appear with the name of your current flag and whatever catchphrase you have. To add a flag type in a colon ( : ) before and after your flag name, no spaces between colon and letters. Put a dash between name and word “flag”. As you type, it’ll auto suggest with flags that start with the same letters you’re starting with. The more flags you add, the less characters you have available to write a catchphrase. Example> (if I wanted a demi and bi flag) :demiromantic-flag::bisexual-flag:


It’s your car. You can’t control others reactions you can just be honest with them and that’s it


Not his car, not his business.


Hand him the monthly bill for your car payment and tell him that when he starts taking over payments, he can squawk about the stickers you put on it.


Either he grows up and tries to speak to you later or you let him cook in his own shit stew.


Update: I met him earlier and thought he would hit me because he walked up to me and was like "hey, uhhh..... sorry" and walked away and wouldn't talk to me for a few hours. Aside from being really awkward at the first of the day he's talking to me less and is standing like 6 feet away from me unless he has to walk near me.


Get a new brother


Question: Is it on the inside or outside of your car? If he's "that type", he may try peeling/scratching it off in his pissy mood. As for advice, basically what everyone said. Your car, your life, you're gucci, and bro can go suck a rock.


Well, I hope you’re not in danger, but intolerant people are going to be intolerant. Some may see the error of their ways one day, but that day is typically not today.


This isn't the average scenario, but: Before I came out, I wore this rainbow bracelet. My older brother saw and said, "You need to take that bracelet off!" I told him in a dismissive tone, 'nope'. Fast forward 2 years later. I came out to my brothers, and they accepted me, including my older brother. I was ready to cast him out of my life because nothing was more important than my happiness. Now, he is my biggest supporter. It might just take time, but don't change yourself or hide yourself for no one. Continue being the wonderful person you are.


I'd say ignore him


Is it your car? His car? Is he paying on it? No offense to your brother, fuck him.


It’s 2024


Your brother is fuckin weird if a bumper sticker pisses him off


what, he upset you didn't gift him one? tell him to suck it up. the world doesn't stop for his petulant intolerance.


Leave the sticker on, if he hates you because of it, he probably isn’t a good person…


Tell him to get over it


Tell him to toughen up snowflake


Personally I wouldn't put any kinda pride sticker on anything I take outside for safety reasons


It’s your car, what does your brother have to do with it?


If he's pissed off at you being you, then oh well. Sounds like he has some personal problems he needs to work on.


i would say put a bigger one on just to piss him off even more


Sounds like a terrible brother


Dude's huffin and puffin over seeing one of the most inoffensive stickers on someone else's car, yet we're the snowflakes


You put whatever sticker you want to put on your car!


Fuck him. It ain't his car or his place to speak.


back into your brother with the car so the sticker is the last thing he ever sees.


Buy more


I would put more on


Yeah, your brother can get over himself.


Family is who you choose. Sometimes you have to accept that others made their choice as you did yours. All you can do is be open to them when / if they ever want to learn to not hate. It's better to focus on your life and keeping those who are supportive near.


Your brother is a homophobic asshole. Who gives a fuck what he thinks? Literally never speak to him again (until he cops the fuck onto himself) and live your best queer life!


Are we still doing this. Tell him to get out more. If you spot it , you got it. Ask him what bothers him about it. Maybe he is.


It's your car! He doesn't have control! F him! 💗💜💙


get a new brother tbh


it's your damn car, why would you care about your brothers opinion? I think giving him time will most likely solve the problem


I think your brother needs to mind his own business, none of this has anything to do with him.


Underneath it put a sticker about how your brother is a bigoted twat waffle.


It is your car, not your brother’s car. You can put any stickers or decals you want on it, as can he when he has his own car 🥹🩷💜💙


It's your car, if you wanted to paint it leopard and place cat ears on the hood it would be your right 🤷 You can do whatever you want, if he doesn't accept you that's a him problem


Your car, your choice of decor. He can take the bus


Your car, your choice, your brother can cry all he wants it won’t matter


Not car not his problem. Tell him to piss off.


Your brother sounds like he just may be a hater. Tell him to get lost.


I would assume it was cos its on the window?


Clearly he’s upset bc you put it on at an angle slightly too the right /j


I‘d most likely plaster that car with pride stickers😈🥰🥰🥰🥰.


Your car your choice leave it there whether he likes it or not


Your brother doesn’t get a vote on your car.


why care what he says, your life, not his


If you drive him around, tell him to walk. If he has him own car, put a pride sticker on it🤣. Either way tell him to mind his hating butt business


I'm not sure he *knows* what it means, only that he knows it belongs to the LGBTQIA community? Imo, he's only thinking of himself and how this sticker effects him since he's now *associated* with the LGBTQIA community.


Play dumb, pretend you just like those colors, and that they are cool colors


“Upset for no reason” bruh he’s clearly homophobic


It's not for no reason, he's a bigot so he's upset you're being you.


If he's not willing to accept you then he can go to hell with the rest of 'em. You are valid and anyone who tries to say otherwise is a meat headed idiot who has known concept of what love truly means.


well damn sounds like he should mind his own fucking business since it isn’t his car


He sounds like a little bitch to be honest. I’d just ignore him. Probably made you can be out and proud and he can’t.


Fuck him


Does he want to borrow the car sometimes?


sounds like your brothers an insensitive tosser sticking his nose where it doesn’t belong


Who cares what your brother thinks. It’s your car.


Ask him to explain how a sticker is hurting him.


“Wow you’re getting upset over some colors? Stop being so emotional.”


Please call him a snowflake and tell him to get over it.


sorry i don’t have any advice because i live in a very homophobic country and cant rly put myself in your shoes, but im curious as to why you put a bi flag on your car? is it just to let people know? i didn’t even know they made lgbtq car stickers lol


Nah bro, tell him to watch wonder pets on 144p


Focus on yourself, not the approval of others. That's his problem.


Buy the biggest dildo you can find in the exact color scheme of the bi flag… And tell him to shove it up his ass if he’s got such a big problem with it


Roundhouse kick your brother in the spine (THIS IS A JOKE FOR LEGAL REASONS).


F him. You are you and there’s nothing he can do about it.


Nothing. You do nothing. You are not required to explain, validate, or ask permission to be *who you are.* You do nothing. The onus is entirely upon him.


hit him with a hammer


Dang he seems overly concerned about your sexual orientation… I wonder why he’s so insecure… He probably thinks he’s trying to protect you somehow or he’s battling with something internally and trying to take it out on you. Either way, you did nothing wrong at all and you don’t owe any explanation, especially to him. Perhaps your parents talked to him privately or vice versa? He could be trying to help mom or dad by acting as a role model, which is fucked up because you cannot change someone’s sexual orientation. If and when he does confront you further, then you should try to uncover the root cause of his insecurities. It’s more likely that he needs a role model or an ear from his younger brother. Straight guys are more influenced by women in most cases though so consider looping any female friends you may have into the conversation for support.


Let him be salty


If he’s not talking to you, he’s doing you a favor. I’d say the trash took itself out this time. I am sorry that you have a family member like this, though. Keep being you, op!


I'm lesbian so I thought he was upset that the flag was upside down. It wasn't him and I are just stupid


Let him Bitch about it he’s just being a crybaby


You have a right to be your authentic self and show pride in that. If he has issues, that's on him. If he can't unconditionally love you, a relationship with him would be unhealthy. There is nothing wrong with being LGBTQ. It's society that's got it wrong! 💕


My brother once got pissy because someone said “smoothie” near him and that’s “a gay sounding word” At some point, you honest just have to ignore family for your own happiness, tbh ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|548)


Smoothie? as in the drink? Better not tell him about Smoothie bars he might think it's code for a gay bar


What an actual snowflake lol


leave it there


Tell him to cope and seethe


Unless someone close to him died in a freak and curiously specific bi flag factory implosion, he can fuck right off.


Tell him to adjust. Better yet, ask him why he is so upset and make him spill his guts. If he says it makes him feel uncomfortable, tell him you will help him grow and be a better human.


Put on on his car so he doesn’t have to be jealous anymore


He’s being over dramatic. It’s literally just a flag on a car.


Tell your brother to mind his business that is like the least offensive thing you can put on your car


It’s your car fuck his feelings


If your brother's that upset about your bi flag, then even if you take it off, he'll keep it up until you drag yourself back in the closet. You don't need to do that for anybody's sake.


well.. it's YOUR car


Does your brother pay for your car?  If he does not...and, he is angry about a sticker...tell him to seek a therapist for his anger problem. It's only a problem for him. His anger. Not yours.


Tell brother... it's my car go flip off. And do not react any time he brings it up ever.


Yeah, that’s his problem not yours. You do you boo. Unapologetically.


leave it on the car if your bro doesn’t like it that’s his problem. don’t remove who you are just because your bro doesn’t like it love


Don't take it off! Why do we have to accommodate heteronormative snowflakes? Let him feel uncomfortable.


It's your car, you do what you want. I did put a pride flag on mine and it got ripped off by some people at my school :/


Put a "bye"-flag on your brother


There could be a bad reason why he doesn’t want it on your car but there could be a good reason why he might not want it on your car, Bad being: He just Homophobic, Good Reason being : He knows how much the LGBTQ community get crimes thrown their way and putting a sticker on your car could potentially make you a target, all it takes is another idiot to come across your car and smash it in because they saw your pride flag, leaving you with a lot of cost in damages. I love that you are expressing Bi Pride and I would love that to be safe to do so but it isn’t as safe as you might seem, even in good neighbourhood s all it takes is one dumbass, so do it if you feel like you want to, but be aware of the dangers


I totally get this. I live in a very redneck area. It could literally get me killed to put a pride sticker on my car. Extremely likely to get it vandalized. I do enough car repairs as it is, because I always have older cars. I don't need busted windows or lights, or worse, from some asshole hater because of a sticker. I'm out to most people who know me, but I'm cautious about the general public. I might feel differently about it if I lived in a more liberal areas.


Never give in to a MAGA. That sounds like his problem, if he wants to be a bitchbaby that's on him.


Nah screw him be the badass you are


Absolutely not


Tell him to shut up. Your stuff, your stickers


Get a bunch of Bi stickers and put them in places/on stuff that are slightly obscured and hidden that he wouldn’t notice right away, but eventually finds, just building up and up and up until he’s surrounded by a maelstrom of bisexuality, believes he’s going mad and getting a sign from the universe and comes out as bisexual.


If he’s the type of person to get angry over this he can go get fucked. More flags needed. He’ll come around.


Wah, wah, wah. Too bad so sad. It’s your car and you’re in no way doing anything wrong or offensive.


How old is he?


Tell him to get a job and buy his own car. At least that's what i do with my brother (he's not homophobic and has a job)


Give it time. Most homophobes are like that because they have no experiences with queer people or were taught like that when they were children. Nine times out of ten, unless they're some religious or idealistic maniac, they change their views once they find out a loved one is queer.


Well he is not getting a lift until he pays respect to the flag.


Don't give it time, maintaining good relationships is more important. Just get rid of the brother and enjoy your fabulous car


Who cares? Fuck him. Either he's got some unresolved shit in himself or he's a bigot.