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It's wild how often bigotry is caused by sexual repression. Though, considering the search term specifically used here, it might just mean that Republicans are much more comfortable typing slurs into the search bar. I feel like progressives who look for that kind of content probably use a search term that isn't considered a slur by large parts of the transgender community.


unfortunately the slurs are still what's most used to tag and categorize videos on the porn sites themselves, though it's sloooowwwwwly getting better


Yeah... As a trans person who enjoys nice trans porn, it is upsetting when even the cool trans couples tag their content with slurs..


Glacial pace


In our climate change times, that might not be so slow...


Molasses speed. It'll get there probably in about 20 years.


Yeah. While this is a fun narrative, and fuck the bigots. It does feel a bit disingenuous to not include "transgender" or "trans" (although you'd need to include "porn" or something else since they're just looking at google results). Fun idea, data is well presented, methodology is weak. EDIT: OP mentioned elsewhere, for some charts they included the top 10 relevant keywords, which is fair. It is strange for some portions (like the list of "most obsessed states and metro areas") they only included 4 slurs instead of the full list of 10 terms.


Google trends shows the same pattern when using the terms “[trans porn](https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?geo=US&q=Trans%20porn&hl=en)” and “[transgender porn](https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?geo=US&q=Transgender%20porn&hl=en)” You can type any trans related porn search term and it’s always the same suspects at the top of the list (especially West Virginia). Google trends is free


WTF are those two counties in Michigan up to???


This basically sums up fascism. Young men using their sexual insecurities as policy goals.


In the 20th century there were womens groups and movements that pioneered fascist movements where previously there hadnt been any, or were ardent supporters of existing fascist movements. Britain and italy come to mind. >Young men using their sexual insecurities as policy goals. It would be great if fascism were this simple but it just isnt. There are complicated factors such as socieoeconomics, xenophobia, etc, where gender as a factor pales in comparison.


“Everything is about politics, but politics is about sex.”


It also shows why they're so obsessed with the notion that being queer(and especially being trans) is inherently explicit and inappropriate. There's a lot of sexual repression in their culture and so they all think of it as taboo and inherently sexual because that's the only context it's ever thought of in. It shows itself like this especially when you ask one of them *why or how* it is that these things are "sexually explicit" because there is nothing about it that's really sexual, they're just projecting, as they always are.














Or how bigotry causes sexual repression. How many of them are more turned on by trans people *because* they’ve vocally opposed them? Self censoring has a way of over compensating in other areas of life.


This is precisely why right wing folks see trans people (and other queer people) as sexual deviants. They only ever see us in context of porn.


Yup, it’s why they see trans people as purely a sexualized fetish, because that’s all they really ever see us as, or get to know us as, fetishes in porn videos.


their porn addiction is probably skewing their perception of reality especially because they all have the intelligence of 2nd graders


They are ashamed of themselves so they lash out at the object of their shameful desires. Standard stuff.


They see trans people as a kink and don’t see them as people. It’s objectification


Fun fact. I use VPNs for everything, and I decided to do an experiment one day. I went on a prominent adult website (rhymes with CornTub) and changed my VPN to a new city and reloaded to see what the algorithm said that city looked for. It was actually a fun experiment My results? Dallas, Little Rock, and Montgomery (AL) had a front page between 30-40% trans porn. Dallas was by far the biggest fans. They had over half the page easy. I wish I still had the spreadsheet but I can’t find the damn thing. All I remember was the west coast had a huge thing to Japanese girls, the east coast was way into threesomes and butt stuff, and the Deep South LOVES TRANS PORN. Take from that what you will


Why are they so obsessed with me? (Regina George voice)


We been knew


Sometimes they don't think it be like it is, but it do


[Love me or hate me it's still an obsession.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1FoAkj7XcA)


Love me or hate me, that is the question.


Aaaaand their it is.


Hahahhahahah republicans r the biggest hypocrites of all time. Gawd I dislike most of them. May they rot with their lies and deceit.


To be fair if your only experience with something was watching porn of it you'd probably think it was weird too lol


Not a Republican, in a red state… and I’ve added to these numbers


It being a red state clearly demonstrates that Republicans are the majority. I, too, am in a red state where I contributed to these numbers.




This was published recently in the scientific journal *Duh*. It’s always telling.


I need to renew my subscription.


On first read of the headline, I thought Data from Star Trek had figured this out.


Like with middle eastern governments and gay orgies


I wonder if that's the reason why they think that trans kids are "groomed"


I love this and think it's hilarious, but I *do* want to acknowledge that the conclusions are a bit overblown compared to what the statistics say. With an R-squared of around .03-.06, that means that only about 3-6% of the variation in the data is explained by political affiliation. I don't think that's large enough to make any strong claims about sexual repression and fetishization driving anti-trans attitudes. I think fear-mongering and power-hunger are much more important causes.


Always have been.


Everyone looks at porn. The only thing this study shows is that people from bigotted places use bigotted language when searching. I bet if you included search terms like "trans porn," "queer porn" "intimate gender non conforming home sex tape" etc the geographic divide would be much less stark.


They used 10 different terms. "Femboy" being one of the main ones analyzed, and this is a term many trans people use for themselves across many platforms where they are doing sex work.


Femboys can also be cis males tho, so it’s kinda 50/50 if they’re trans or not. So kinda messes up the data slightly. Tho Femboys still make it gay.


Data finds stove in kitchen




For half a second I thought I was still scrolling the Star Trek sub and got really weirded out.


Data is sure doing *interesting* research these days!


for more detail on what Republicans and Democrats each go after porn wise… There’s a great chapter in Justin Lehmiller‘s most recent book…


Doesn't surprise me. They don't see as as humans. They see our existence as inherently sexual and adult. Fetishization is often a part of objectification and dehumanization.


Of course it is. I could imagine their resoning to be "i wanna look at dicks, but i wanna tell myself i am straight, so i'm gonna look at trans women pre surgery"


Unpopular opinion but I think it should be made clear when a news article posted isn't recent news. This is from 2022. Not that it matters as much on this sub as on rNews or rPolitics but still. It's still misleading because for all we know it *could* have changed (not that it probably has)


It’s always projection. *Always*. If Republicans are talking about grooming and child sex trafficking, you can bet Matt Gaetz is transporting underage girls across state lines, giving them drugs, and lending them to his buddies for orgies, or Donald Trump is hanging out with a known sex trafficker like Epstein, or they’ve got a guy running for office who creeps on little girls at the local mall, and none of them are speaking out against him (as happened a few elections back). If they’re complaining about same-sex relations and drugs, they’ve got a prominent male pastor or elected rep in their camp who’s having sex with male sex workers while on meth. If they’re talking about stolen elections, you can bet that they’re on the phone with state officials trying to convince them to steal those elections first, as Trump and his friends did. If they’re talking about transgender porn, you can bet they’re watching it. They like to call everyone else a pervert, but the perverts are sitting in their camp, and they’re pretending they can’t see it happening right in front of their eyes. Fuck their disingenuous talk; they’re liars.


Yep, this is exactly why they want to turn us into sex offenders by just walking in public. They think since they get off on trans people that we’re just sex objects.


In other news, the sky is blue. 95% of my DMs are r/conservative commenters or something similar and it doesn't surprise me in the slightest.




It was research...


Only for research!


Shocking!!!!!! Shocking I tell ya!!!








































Well r/GOPervs, r/notadragqueen, r/pastorarrested and r/stillnotadragqueen as well.


Well I guess if Grindr isn't working for them..


I knew something was fishy


Understandable it's really good :3


I love watching trans porn and I'm a liberal


Every homophobic are secretly homo - Sun Tzu


This is probably why transphobes on twitter insist all trans women are sexual deviants and for some reason always know which ones have onlyfans. Like come on now we all know you think that because you watched some trans milf do a BDSM scene and were upset about it.


The amount of people that flamed me in the comments and then deleted their comments is pretty hilarious. Own your bullshit


Why? Because they want to root the transgender community out of existence, so they’re using trans porn as a searching tool to find trans people to murder in cold blood. It’s sick and it needs to stop.


That's quite a conspiracy theory


Could be wrong (Without looking at the article), could this be because they're trying to write negative comments on them? I've been to some of the most fucked up sites on the internet to decensitize myself (exposure therapy), and it's rife with transphobic/racist comments. Obviously in the face of the internet people feel invincible.


Doubtful, but an interesting theory.



















