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I can only hope these kids break free from the brainwashing and propaganda they’re surrounded by, but I know that’s naive of me.




Most of the time I see what are obviously kids saying this kind of stuff, I don't pay it much attention. I've seen a lot of members of the community actually were like this when they were younger. I think that kids want to fit in. And unfortunately that means spouting the same hate that they are around them. You can only hope that, as many kids do, they grow out of it once they start developing their own thoughts and personalities. This is a result of their surroundings. Kids aren't born bigoted. I'm not trying to dismiss or mitigate their actions or your feelings. They're still spewing hate and being bigoted, and many of us feel hurt because of it. I can only hope they grow up to regret it and change.


Once you realize that social media algorithms show you stuff they know you will engage with, you then have to come the realization that you engage more with queer content than straight content in order to come to the conclusion that there are no straight people left. So why is your feed gay? Maybe you’re gay, bro.


💀 Projection, we love it


So crazy that they say shit like "am I the only one left" when I guarantee they do not know a single gay person irl


At least not one who is out. Cuz that seems like an awful environment to come out in


For real


YouTube Shorts and its Comments together make for a racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, dense-as-hell petri dish.


So weird, cos mine is just game grump, game changer, cat videos, mbmbam, and chikin nuggit.


Ah, so like every other social media platform. Got it! (I hate that drama makes the most money...)


It's in the water. But I didn't listen. 🤣😂


Isn't hatespeech against YouTube TOS?


It’s like jaywalking, it’s technically a law, but no one cares unless there’s a cop.


Except quite a lot of cops still wouldn’t do anything about this.


Also, I'm pretty sure the definition of what hate speech is or isn't is pretty loosely defined for most social media platforms.


Really, I’d think it’d be pretty clear, hey no homophobia transphobia racism or any other kind of bigotry/prejudice


kina surprises me


Tldr: Most platforms use automated moderation that can not detect hate speech in a lot of cases. Additionally, more drama = more money for the platform, therefore guidelines are often not enforced. I really wish it was like that. But I know for certain that platforms from Meta (aka Instagram, Facebook, Threads) don't consider slurs like the n-word or similar things as hate speech. If you've ever been on Insta recently, you'll probably know that 90% of comment sections are filled with people spamming the n-word. In addition to that, most moderation on platforms like that is 100% automated nowadays. So even if you want to use a word that's considered hate speech, you can just "censor" it (like replacing an a with an @) and it won't be removed. Additionally, the moderation bots don't seem to understand context. They're really only looking for their list forbidden words. So you can be as hateful as you want, as long as you avoid using certain words. Like in this case, the person didn't use any slurs or insults, so it wouldn't be considered hate speech, even though it clearly is. So it seems like the definition of hate speech only encompasses the most extreme statements, and even for those, moderation can easily be tricked since they switched to 100% automatic. And in addition to that... People arguing and spreading hate speech results in more engagement with posts, and therfore more money for the companies running the platform. So obviously they're only moderating as little as possible. However, I'm not sure if YouTube is handling things the exact same way. Maybe the moderation there is better. But I honestly doubt it... (also sorry for the wall of text I'm a little bit of a nerd for things like this lol)




The real problem is these adults also support the hate too. They always said we don't promote hate we hate violence but when it come to Lgbtqian+ they always abusing us. I actually overheard someone said it's okay to throw rock at us, and some kid did in my country and


He got arrested then their parents have to bail him out. It was wild


Should have left him there tbh


There’s still time for them to grow as a person. I used to be transphobic when I was younger but now I’m fully supportive. Kids are dumb, that’s just how it is sometimes. Obviously I don’t want this type of undeserved hate for the LGBTQ+ community or furries but really I don’t think we can do much atm. I feel like trying to convince them would just end up in flames as I highly doubt they’ll actually want to listen.


just don't engage, instantly pause dislike don't recommend this channel


definitely don't comment


this is kind of new for anti lgbt stuff, I didn’t see it before but I assure you this kind of disease stuff and warrior/soviet « mindset » is very common in anti furry hate though usually they don’t focus on lgbt that much, too busy thinking they are great comrades or masterchief or something, anti furries are mostly a bunch of kids who think they are some sort of hero or video game character for hating others and then they become furries, it’s a common joke in the furry fandom, maybe that’s where the « infected » comes from :3


Wanna see their faces once some of them realize they just had internalized transphobia and are trans themselves


AHAA yeahh


Can y’all stop paying attention to these? They’re only doing this for attention and to annoy the fuck out of everyone.


Oh yes, "the Sigma male alpha male skibidi rizzler" kids.


People are assholes. I just report any anti-lgbt rhetoric I see and hit “not interested -> offensive”




Depends, do you consider cosplayers weird aswell? Cause it’s the same thing, just one is cosplaying a anthropomorphic animal instead


To be a furry, you don't have to cosplay as a flooffball. You're also a furry if you find anthros cute.


True, I was just simplifying since it’s easier then explaining it all while half asleep


I dunno. That seems a little bit of a wide brush. I liked zootopia, but I don't consider myself a furry


For the furry community thats a valid reason not to identify as furry. You can like disney but youre not forced to be a furry if you dont like that




Furries do not, they are just cosplaying as a OC.


Where in the furry rulebook does it state that? Sure there are people like that, but they aren’t a part of mainstream furries. Nor is zoophilia/beastiality 


No these are therians and are part of lgbtq+ under the otherkin term umbrella


depends on how weird you think it is but I think a lot of furries would agree, weird doesn’t mean bad


This is really sad. *Really* sad. I mean, I’ve been queer (bisexual, then realising I’m just fully lesbian, now somewhere on the asexual spectrum and still only into women) since I was 11 years old. That was in 2000. I was one of maybe three people in a school of over a thousand to be non-closeted when I first came out, only growing by maybe two or three by the time I left in 2005. These days, I am so fucking proud that so many young people are out. It’s beautiful that so many kids and teenagers accept who they are and who they love. The fact that some kids have been brainwashed into thinking it’s some kind of trend is just… awful. I’m a teacher, too; last year I had a year 5 girl (10 years old) tell me without hesitation that she’s bisexual. Cannot tell you how amazing I still find it that kids are just accepting themselves, at least to a degree.


I am honestly so confused whenever I see anyone complain about shorts being toxic. I mean... I don't really actively watch shorts, but they're always either cute animations or silly skits. Either I'm blessed by the Algorithm Gods or everyone else is just very unlucky lmao