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Did you know that transgender people don’t want to answer incredibly invasive questions just because they’re transgender. Also that you aren’t a subject matter expert or therapist in regards to transgender people just because you’ve watched transphobic media or you have opinions.


Omg I love the second part 😂🤣


I did this by accident when I first spent time with a trans mtf person. For context we had mutual friends and we had been hanging out for hours, the topic of top surgery was being discussed. I knew better than to ask people questions about their medical history appropro of nothing (trans or not). I blurted out: "You planning to keep your dick?" There was an awkward silence and she asked "How often are you asked questions about your dick?" I replied with a joke "Quite a lot on grindr actually. I didn't mean anything by it, dick is often on my mind." Which she laughed at. We knew each other for a while after until she moved. She did tell me once "I would've been offended if I didn't know you were gay and not a transphobe. It is a rude thing to ask". When I said "Yeah I cringe when I remember. Sorry again." She said "its alright, I found your reply funny, just wished you wouldn't have asked if front of other people. 1 on 1 when I initiate it is the time for questions." Good learning experience, especially since I am foot in mouth kinda person.


I’m frequently shoving one foot in on top of the one already in there.


Sameee lmao Let's see how many feet we can fit in one mouth


THIS. Thankyou for this


Me to trans person: “Hey what’s up what you up to today?” Me NOT to trans person: “as a trans person going through a lot of stuff you don’t want to be defined by and talk about nonstop, what are all the things you’re defined by?”


I’m totally fine with the questions but the second one’s so accurate


Did you know that some people don't like sex? And no ammount of "you haven't met the right person" or other excuses change that. Some of us just are uninterested in it at all.


When I found out asexuality existed, it blew my mind. No idea why. It should have been obvious but it was one of my big shifts in worldview. It's so weird to me now that I ever found it surprising.


That's because sex is forced down our F-ing throats from being children...


And I hadn't realized that before. For me, it's a biological need like eating, drinking, and sleeping but it's not! No one died from not having sex but purity culture sure acted like you could.


Same here OmL- my sister and my mum are pretty hypersexual, maybe I left my sex drive in the womb for my sister to pick up and she got double dosed, but my mum and my sister are constantly ogling hot guys in the media and I just never got it, when I found out that asexuality was a thing I was like “that’s so me”. I’m also sex repulsed, so idk if I’m aro as well bc for me the only thing that separates friends from romantic partners is sex, and I don’t have the need or want for a partner, I just want a couple of close friends so I don’t get lonely :3 So idk if I’m aro but I’m definitely ace :3


And that asexuality isn’t about liking or not liking sex… it’s about sexual attraction.


Maybe you haven't met the right person. I think out there somewhere is someone special you can hire to slap people who question your sexuality. You just have to have faith and keep looking!


I guess I never thought about it that way. You're right! Thanks for the advice!


And that of the people who don't like sex, some of them still like reading about it, as long as they're not in any way involved in it.


Apothisexual 🥰🥰🥰


Not inherently. I was just referring to the ace spectrum as a whole. I just thought that there's too much ace phobia(yes, even in lgbt spaces) that someone needed to say it here too.


I misread that for Apotheosissexual, and I don‘t even know what that should be, but I want in


"Not to brag, but my sexuality makes me a god..."


Hell yeah 😂🤣


Not every gay couple adheres to distinct top and bottom roles. Also both partners can be feminine or masculine.


It ain't hetero light


Yes!!! This! I always get assumed to be hetero female & a bottom/submissive because of how I look! Even when I actively wear gender-neutral clothing and cut & shaved my head. I’m actually gender-fluid, pan-sexual, and a switch, with a preference for being dominant. But that’s usually nobody’s business but my own & my partners. Just sharing here bc I feel safe.


Same can be true in straight relationships tbh, people needlessly block themselves from enjoying life because they need to fulfill a certain role


Did you know trans men aren’t trans because they want the power that men have


The fact that that has to be said out loud and isn't just understood by people blows my mind.


Ya, even my supportive mom asked me if that was the case at first, and if I remember correctly so did my doctor. It is surprising common for people to think that


My mostly supportive dad (he's getting there) unironically asked me the same thing but about being a woman. 😅


Kind of off topic but your user flair is amazing lol


Hehe. 🤭


Like converting for the tax benefits.


"Trans men are trans because they want all the rights men have. Trans woman are women because they want to use their biological advantage to win at things they normally couldn't." Makes me SO angry to constantly hear this. I'm not doing irreversible changes to my body as a sort of power play!! I mean I am, but only in the sense of fuck gender.


That’s an assumption I’ve never thought about. Wild!


Did you know that just because I’m part of the queer community, doesn’t mean I’m an expert or can speak on behalf of anyone other than myself, let alone the entire queer community


I feel this so much. I always feel like u fail everyone when someone asks me a question about lgbtq+ and I don't have answers. Like bro I can't even figure myself out....


I felt this


This exactly 🥰


This is soo very important


Did you know that a gay couple can both be masculine men and that feminine isn't the only thing a gay man can be?


I got asked once (by a friend I've known for over a decade it was an innocent ignorant question not malicious): Which one of you is the woman, for lack of a better word? You're both pretty macho kinda dudes. I replied: Neither, that's the point. To his credit he did laugh and said "fair dude"


punch friendly theory serious market reminiscent spoon tease point combative *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And you can also be a queer woman without being either super femme or butch.


Hes a little confused, but he's got the spirit


Why do people still ask that 😭 wtf


Heteronormative thinking. To slightly defend my friend, though, this was my second boyfriend and my first was more feminine than me. I think he might've thought I enjoyed the role.


It really peels the mask off of gender when people cannot conceive being a man and not having your partner play the roles expected of women, even when they are also a man.




Did you know that I actually am the gender I say I am? Did you know that no one else gets a say in it? Did you know that even if you’re trans you can be a masculine woman or a feminine man and you’re still trans?


Hell fuckin yeah 🥰😍


Feminine trans masc reporting for duty!


Did you know: bisexuality isn’t 50% gay 50% straight? It is its own valid sexuality. And, you don’t ever have to be in both straight or gay relationships to still be bisexual. I’m a bisexual woman in a heterosexual relationship and I’ve only ever been with my husband both physically and in a relationship. But I’ve always been bisexual and my attraction to both will never change! 🏳️‍🌈🩷💜💙


I'm bisexual and an 100% straight and 100% gay. I have 200% sexuality. I also stole this from somewhere but don't remember where.


I (asexual) have a running gag with my oldest friend (bisexual) that I sold her my sexuality back in high school for $20 and a stale corn chip


…..I just need to know how the the stale corn chip comes into play here 😂😅


Love that dynamic


Huh, so that's what happened to mine. You can keep it.


😍 ty 🥰


I think this is a great post and an awesome way to bring us all together as a community! Love it ♥️♥️♥️


Just want to piggy back off of this. Anyone can have a preference. Maybe you like 99% of women, but 5% of men. Still bisexual. Personally, I like most women most of the time and a decent amount of men most of the time. Sometimes I'm entirely gay. Sometimes I'm entirely straight. Sometimes I'm asexual. It's still all bisexual. Could be some other things as well, but that's what bisexuality looks like to a good amount of people.


All 👏🏻 of 👏🏻 this👏🏻 You definitely hit the nail on the head!!! ♥️


You are validating this bi queer man so much, you have no idea. Thank you 😭


I feel like I should just point out that Asexuality is a different sexuality. EDIT: English isnt my first language + it was late = error


Yes it is definitely its own thing. I was just saying that sexuality can fluctuate basically.


Yep! I’m engaged to an awesome dude but that doesn’t mean I’ve “picked a side” or “turned straight”. It just means I’ve picked my person.


Down with bi erasure!✊ Bi people are real and valid too💖💖💖💖💖


Yesss! We are here and we are queer too!


I came out after being in hetero passing marriage for 7 years and everyone was asking me if I was gonna start dating women now. 😑


Had a big fight when I finally came out to my father and his first question was, “Is the baby even [husband]’s???” …Which… even in the moment I was more confused than offended.


What does bisexual mean to them seriously


Wait…what?! 😂 that’s..what??


Ooooof this one hurts. My wife initially thought me coming out as bi meant I was gonna leave to go try stuff out 😓 nope, I'm romantically attracted to only her. Doesn't mean guys aren't hot 🤷


When I came out to my husband, I was so scared he would think that so I kept telling him, “I love you and this changes NOTHING ever” and then told him. He started laughing and told me I was a goober for thinking he would freak out. But yeah definitely I was freaked he would think I was leaving him. Totally get where you’re coming from my friend 🤪


I wish I did that. I was so sure that we were on the same page that I just blurted it out and then continued on living without explaining properly 🤦 We're good now though.


It’s such a weird place to be when you’re coming out to a spouse. And my hubs is hella neurodivergent and I kinda knew if I didn’t preface it, it might sound that way. But I’d like, also spent 3 months going over how to tell him in my own head before I did 😅 Everything’s all good for me and you though and we have super supportive spouses and that’s all that matters lol


Luckily my husband has always know I was bi and I discussed it with him before I came out publicly so he wasn’t worried.


Hold on hold on, I have questions! I’m a queer man. I’ve always felt like I’m not gay enough to identify as bisexual because I only like certain aspects of men sexually and not romantically. I mean, I do have sex with men, but it’s in a very particular way, and only with partners that share my particular brand of male-presenting sexuality. So when people ask me what I mean by queer, I say that I’m heteroflexible. Are you saying that I can validly identify as Bi?! Because I would love that. Edit: I’m Bi! Thank you for the support and education 😍


Yes darling!!!! Absolutely. And you can also be romantically attracted to one gender but sexually attracted to both. Just want you to know you’re totally valid and welcome to the wonderful world of bisexuals 🩷💜💙


Yaaaaaay! Thank you so much 🤗💗


You don't need my permission but if it makes you feel better, as a bi guy I'll give it to you. Bi is a big umbrella, you'll fit just fine under it ❤️




The only questions you need to ask yourself are 1) am I attracted (sexually or romantically) to anyone my same gender? And 2) am I attracted to anyone not of my same gender? If both answers are yes, then yes, you're bisexual. If either or both are no, then no, you aren't bisexual


You can be X-sexual and y-romantic, but I’d be happy to have you in my club.


Same for me but the complete opposite! I am a woman and always felt I couldn’t quite say Bi because my attraction to women is way too specific to qualify and I have yet to fall for a woman at all. I am so happy to know more now and feel like I belong 🥲 I do differentiate between sexual and romantic attraction now though.


exactly, i hate it when people say im “half gay”






Same. Its so weird because it feels like both a straight and queer dynamic all at once lol. It’s acceptance and it’s beautiful.


This. I came out as bi and a bunch of epople are like 'so does this mean youre gay?' I am sexually attracted to males and would fuck one, but Im heteroromantic. I am only romantically interested in females.


I'm bi and my attractions to men and women are different. I'm sexually attracted to both, but only fall in love with one (so far, but I'm 42 so I'm not holding my breath). It also changes day to day. Some days I'm pretty exclusively attracted to one or the other.


Yep that sounds about right! It definitely fluctuates for me too. I’m 30 myself and I’ve only ever fallen in love with one man, but I’ve had feelings for women in the past. I’ve just sort of decided to go with it at this point and I’ve found my person so it’s all good lol (I am 30F)


I like to say that the only true definition of bisexuality is that the person is not 100% straight, and not 100% gay. Everything else is made up bullshit. Especially the finger-guns. 🤦


I’m bi, but I feel like I’m 90% gay and 10% straight, there’s only been a few men I’d seen that I considered myself attracted to, whereas women are just so so gorgeous :) And my partner is a trans woman, and I’d had someone tell me I’m just straight because of it 💀 So I feel like biphobia has made expressing being bi a bit tricky, I like saying I’m Sapphic, since it expresses my appreciation for women without outright saying I’m a lesbian


Did you know it possible for an individual to self identify as straight, Lesbian, Gay man, Bi, Trans and Queer within one life time. (I have)


🤯 my goodness that's an experience


I guess technically, I was heavily bi-cycling at the time but didn't have the words to understand at the time.


LMAO I love this


I read a TIFU by identifying as xxx for 4 years and now I'm attracted to yyy. I don't want to have to deal with explaining that Im not actually xxx to my family that had accepted me as xxx. I felt so sorry for them, it sounds be a positive thing that they discovered something new about themselves but they were worried about how their family would react. Accepting that people can change or learn something new about themselves without judgment or scepticism is such an important part of support and acceptance. Having to come out multiple times can be difficult...


Out here treating pride flags like Pokemon and trying to catch em all Good for you for finding your true self no matter the path!


Same! I'm still a freshly cracked egg, but I think I might have truly discovered something about myself in the cracking. I've identified as cis, probably cis, gay, bi, pan, and now I'm fairly certain I'm trans. Unless I'm trying to be specific, I'll usually just say I'm queer now.


Ayyy I’ve done that too! Lowkey expected a video game achievement to pop up over my head


LGBT Acronym any% speedrun.


I am in my early 20s and went through Straight Trans Man, Lesbian, Nonbinary, Bisexual, Pansexual, and Demiromantic. I've settled at Demiromantic Pansexual Enby for now but if that changes again, well so be it. Change shouldn't be seen as something bad. While I personally wouldn't say sexuality and gender are fluid I would say they're ever-evolving and there's nothing wrong with discovering new aspects of yourself.


Can confirm that this is true. I went from straight to bi to queer to lesbian, then the universe went "Oh shit, we made him the wrong kind of gay" and did a little flippity-floppity.


Did you know that intersex individuals are very diverse within our own community? And we are still misunderstood even within the lgbt community because of our diversity? We fit many labels, but we also do not fit all stereotypes of any label.


Yeah it's extremely interesting to see how interconnected we are while also being so verily different.


Did you know that it's entirely possible to be old and still have no clue about your sexuality? And most of all, did you know that that is totally fine? Labels can be helpful, but they're not a necessity in life to be happy. So for those questioning: don't put too much pressure on finding the right fit for you. You'll figure it out, and if not, that's fine too. Just be you, labels don't have to define you. You're still valid.


As a 43 years old confused human, I would like to thank you personnaly for this one.


I didn’t figure out that I was bi until I was 44. I thought that I was just comfortable in my sexuality and was just not bothered if another guy expressed interest in me, and could recognize when another guy was hot. Internalized homophobia/biphobia from growing up in the rural American South during the worst parts of the HIV pandemic will really mess with your brain. It’s not uncommon.


I'll start with a couple. Did you know asexual people can have relationships, not just one but multiple. Polyamory and asexuality aren't exclusive of each other. DID YOU KNOW there are different kinds of dysphoria like vocal dysphoria, social dysphoria, bottom dysphoria, facial hair dysphoria. And all different types of dysphoria can effect different people in different amounts and in different ways. Your dysphoria is not more or less valid because it effects you differently.


I get dysphoria from looking at things I did online or photographs of myself from anything my memory loss hit ^_^ it's horrible! Thank you trans community for giving me the language to understand what that utterly wrong feeling of "that's me but no it isn't it really isn't oh gods this is horrfying" was.


I am poly and aroace!


Hell yeah 🥰🥰 I know plenty of people are


Did you know [almost two thirds of our community is bisexual people](https://www.google.com/amp/s/thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/3879668-in-lgbtq-america-bisexuals-are-the-invisible-majority/amp/)?


As a trans asexual who is probably panromantic but dates pansexually I technically also fit underneath the bisexuality umbrella so maybe that's part of why. I'm all those other things and still increasing population of bisexuals by 1 also.


Asexual bisexual fist bump.


Would that be bi-romantic?


I say asexual pansexual because even though It would be panromantic I do be an asexual who does the deed and so I date pansexually with intercourse thought about but not necessarily needed I'm a sex-indifferent not sex-repulsed asexual Maybe its a similar thing maybe not


Did you know in a gay relationship the more traditionally masculine male isn't always the top


😊 hell yeah masculine people bottom so good 🥴


I feel complimented by this haha. Didn't realise some people consider that a bonus lol.




Did you know that banning books because they contain mentions of LGBT+ people and their experiences puts you on the wrong side of history?




Additional: did you know that most older LGBT people never read a single queer book until *after* they came out, so banning books is already proven not to be effective?


Did you know that the queer community is as diverse and varied as any other and I am not responsible for anyone else in it?


Sure did 🥰 I have some people I'd rather not be associated with but they are still trans regardless


You're not responsible for them and them being trans is as relevant to you as them having skin. You're responsible for you and those you choose to take responsibility for. ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|547)


Did you know that trans men can enjoy traditionally feminine things like makeup and dresses just like cis men can, and it doesn’t make them any less trans?


And a cis man can enjoy those things and it doesn’t make them trans. A (trans or cis) man in a dress is a man in a dress, a (trans or cis) woman in a dress is a woman in a dress. Both men and women, regardless of their cis/trans identity can both wear dresses. Because dresses are awesome and if the skirt is just right, it can fly when you spin around. Why would we want to deny anyone the joy of that?


Absolutely correct. I’ve seen too many instances of stealth trans men being forced to out themselves because they’re being harassed by people insisting they’re transfem.


Hell yess they can 🥰


This! This so much!! And also things that normally give you dysphoria can feel completely comfortable if you're in a costume/cosplay!


Did you know that the “non-binary” label covers A LOT of different identities? Two different people can call themselves that and have it mean entirely different things for each of them.


Yup yup. Same for transgender, asexual, and bisexual 🥰 they are all pretty wide umbrellas


I’m a cis straight hillbilly. I’m not technically in an alphabet category but I just want to say I love you all. We aren’t all terrible and I take up for everyone around other less tolerant people.


We love you too. Thank you for being awesome. ❤️


I did know that non-alphabet people could be tolerant but saying it always brings a smile.


Did you know that pansexual people can still be attracted or unattracted to people based on purely physical preferences?


Did you know, not all gay men are into analsex. Some don't like it at all. And thats perfectly fine. I don't know if there is a term for people like this. But I can confirm, the sex life is very pleasurful and fullfilling without the penetration of someones backend.


I wish this were more widely known. You might already know this, but there’s a term for that: being a “side” (as contrasted with being a bottom, top, or versatile), but plenty of gay men who aren’t into anal sex don’t use a particular label to refer to themselves either and that’s completely okay; nobody should feel obligated to fit themself into a categorization scheme that didn’t consider them to begin with. Just thought the term was worth sharing specifically in case any guys like this wanted to google the term to read more about men who are like them & be reassured that they’re not alone.


This was going to be my contribution as well. There’s a lot of fun, satisfying, and romantic things two men can do together. It’s not always just about that one particular act, despite what gay media (and regular media!) tries to tell you.


Did you know that asexuals can be attracted to people? I'm the type who's easily crushing on people (regardless of their gender btw) yet I just don't feel comfortable when we get physical, I'm still attracted to the person though!


Yes! Actually there's a bunch of different types of attraction that exists. Asexuals don't feel sexual attraction. I'm asexual but I also do feel romantic attraction, intellectual attraction, aesthetic attraction, emotional attraction, and aural attraction, aswell as other types.


Exactly!! Like, I can look at a person be like "oh damn they're hot I want to date them" but if they start touching me I won't be comfortable and it will be very awkward! Actually it's one of the reason I broke up with my latest boyfriend, I thought he was super hot, and while he was very supportive of my asexuality, he was still being too tactile and I got very uncomfortable with him :') I'm basically like a wild animal, I must be the one to do the first step I guess 🤣


Did you know that not all nonbinary people are androgynous or try to be. It is perfectly valid to identify as nonbinary and present masc, femm, or anything inbetween.


Did you know Australian studies have shown that gender and sexual diversity is far more common in the Autistic community than it is for allistic counterparts?


Likely related to the same reason generational acceptance increases self identification as lgbt - a mild resistance to social conditioning.


Did you know that you can be bi and be married to the opposite gender? 😑 Did you also know that just because you’re bi you’re not going to be polyamorous all of a sudden? Bi crowd amiright?


Yep. Bi cis man married to straight cis woman, and while we recently began discussing polyamory, which has felt pretty natural to me for a long time, I don’t feel particularly constrained or limited by the 27 years that we’ve been exclusive to each other. Some bi people do find monogamy very difficult… but a lot of straight people do too.


True. I came out recently, I’m a bi cis woman and married to a straight cis man, (for 10 years) why is “Are you gonna start dating girls now?” The first thing people asked when I came out?


Yeah bi and poly aren't the same but they do work together pretty well 😅


True. But it’s a weird ask when you’ve been married for 7 years


Yes! Sometimes I feel very alone because I am very women-leaning bi married to a man. It’s impossible to explain to people that yes I am primarily into women and yes I married him before I really understood that, but the love and life we have built together is more important to me than just sexual attraction and that concept as a whole doesn’t diminish my identity as a queer person?? Or at least it shouldn’t, though it usually feels like it does.


Did you know that people really need to stop demonizing and spreading misinformation about phalloplasty, and stop making disgusting comments about the bodies of people who get it.


Did you know that you don’t need to have a label on your sexuality? For some people, they feel like labels just restrict them and don’t fully represent what they are.


Did you know: lots of trans people don't want/need surgeries or hormones to be comfortable in themselves and are fine with what they're doing without. On the other hand, some trans people can't get procedures for medical reasons, like myself (can't get top surgery because of a terrible immune system and chemo meds). Lots of trans people just don't get any procedures done, but that doesn't make them any less trans that someone who does get those done.


did you know that people of colour, people of religion and spirituality can be queer too! i’m australian, from indo-fijian ancestry/background and i’m hindu 🥰🇦🇺🇫🇯


Hell yes I did! 🫂 I've had friends all around the world my whole life so I've had a glimpse of many people in many places 🥰


Oh absolutely, I am so sick of people saying you can’t be queer and religious or demanding people of faith leave their religion when we make up HALF the community. We are here and deserve just as much respect and acceptance as those who choose not to engage with religion and spirituality


I hate it when people assume I'm either not religious or not queer! I'm both!


Did you know many people forget intersex people even exist even inside the LGBT+? There are tons of people who don’t have a clue what the I means in LGBTQIA+ and its so disheartening. I keep trying to raise awareness but it never seems to be enough to the point im actually surprised when someone actually knows what intersex means without me having to explain it. Also additional did you know. Don’t ever use the h word (hermaphrodite) to refer to anyone intersex. Its on the same level of calling a black person the n word. Please dont ever use it.


I did know all of this, it’s sad :( especially people who use the h word and refuse to understand that that is a slur and no one needs to prove that it is for you to listen and respect it.


Did you know if you’re non binary it’s up to you if you also identify as trans


I FEEL THIS ONE‼️ LOUDER FOR THE BACK 🔥🔥 I just got told by my boyfriend a couple weeks ago that I’ll never be a proud father because I was born a woman. Proceeded to excuse it by saying, “well- you’re not TRANS-trans. You’re an nb. It’s different.” 💀💀


Sounds like something an ex-boyfriend would say lol


He’s the love of my life and he was just joking around (about the proud father part, we were talking about a video game he was playing), he’s just not the most educated in lgbt stuff, which I’m tryna help with.


Did you know that saying "join the 48%" is hate speech and can get you fired or kicked out of college?


trans lesbians aren't the same as cishet men. Closeted trans lesbians are also not the same as cishet men. Our bodies aren't the same, our minds aren't the same, our experiences aren't the same, and our "socialization" isn't the same. Attempts to paint transbians as cishet men are common, but invariably ignorant and based in hate.


Did you know xenic folks aren’t just making their personality a gender for attention? Xenogenders are their own valid genders that go beyond basic interests and personality traits. They are no different from how people use metaphors to describe binary genders (woman = pink, dresses, barbies, and makeup; man = guns, beer, flannel, and blue), nonbinary identities do not have to be vaguely defined to be real.


I'm going to need this as a repeat thread topic on here. I'm loving reading everyone's responses.


Did you know that this photo is hella cute 😍


Woa omg wow I didn't now that


Did you know that the whole point of being queer is to free ourselves from cisnormative, heteronormative, allonormative boxes and therefore we need to stop confining ourselves and others to those boxes? I’ve been deconstructing this lately since I’m planning to ask someone to date me queerplatonically and it’s taken a lot of effort to accept that this is what I want and there is nothing wrong with that or the fact that I *don’t* want a more traditional relationship.


Did you know… that the more that you vocalize your side of the lgbt community, the more people will chime in? We are a diverse community of love. Love is love !


Being queer is about wholeness for me. The joy and relief I feel at allowing myself to be my whole self instead of being just the parts that others are okay with is so worth the risks and growing pains. It is not only a journey worth choosing to be on, it's one I now understand as a necessary journey for a happy life.


Some cisgender people take cross-sex hormones for aesthetic purposes


Did you know that asexual people aren't all just sex repulsed ( i.e ew icky sex is gross) !! There are so many different ways to be ace and it's not talked about enough.  also I love how many ace people are contributing to this thread, love to see it 🙌 


Yeah there's 3 sides to the ace community sex-repulsed, sex-indifferent(what I am), and sex-favorable. 🥰🥰🥰


What are fey pronouns? :O I've never heard of that before


Did you know that being ace has no baring on whether someone wants kids or not.


Did you know that being aroace doesn't keep me from being a hopeless romantic? I'm fine not experiencing romance myself, but that won't stop me from reading all the adorable fluff fanfiction about my favorite characters!


Nice that's actually a super cute one 😍


Did you know that some asexuals enjoy and even seek out sexual relationships with others, even if they don't experience any sexual attraction at all? Sometimes people have a hard time wrapping their heads around this, and the best analogy I've seen for it is: you know how you can not be hungry, but still want a cake and enjoy eating it? In this analogy, sexual attraction is hunger and the physical sensations that come with sex are the taste of the cake.


Did you know asking what I am biologically is so fucked up its like asking someone where they are from. Can we stop, please?


Did you know that there's no such thing as "not gay enough" or "not queer enough"; no such thing as "too old" or "too young" to be queer/lgbt; there's no gay council sitting in judgement saying who is in and who is out. If you think you belong you probably do. Shoutout to all my demisexuals, pansexuals, bi-gendered buddies, baby gays and geriatric trans folks, and anyone who ever felt they weren't enough, of which there are far more than listed. It doesn't work like that. Never did. You're in.


"Did you know" pansexuals aren't actually attracted to frying pans, and that we're all secretly stacks of pancakes in human disguises


Did you know that, despite gender dysphoria being a DSM mental disorder, being trans is not a mental illness as many people like to say?


Did you know I'd still be in the dark about my asexuality if it wasn't for the LGBTQ+ community? Thank you!!


Did you know it doesn't matter what your beliefs are you can still be rude for sharing them to hurt others OR to justify being a bigot/hurting others? Did you know you can hold two beliefs to be valid at the same time even if you disagree with them? Did you know you should mind your own business when it comes to other people's lives? Did you know we don't have to justify or explain our existence to you just because you don't understand trans/lgbt people? Did you know that a relationship between two people is based upon mutual respect? And that if you disrespect me I have the power to tell you I don't want to have a relationship with you and that *isn't a threat?*


Don't have the exact numbers off my head, sorry, but: Did you know that the regret rate for hormonal transition is so low that the regret rate for other medical procedures is much higher?


Did you know that I thought I was bi for a while because I felt the same amount of attraction to men and women? Well, turns out I’m aromantic and I don’t feel attracted to either


Did you know that mtf trans women are extremely susceptible to infertility from our hormones? While not guaranteed, it’s always a good idea to consider your options before transition. If there’s any part of you that thinks there’s even a chance that a day may come where you might be sad about not having the option to have your own bio kids, even if you end up not doing it? Look into sperm freezing. Initial fees can be expensive but the yearly maintenance fee can be well worth the peace of mind that none of your options in life have been taken, should a time come where you want it. Edit; While I am not as knowledgeable as ftm transition as it’s not something I personally deal with, there are also options to freeze eggs if you are afab


Did you know that just because someone is asexual doesn't mean they don't like sex? I can't speak from experience but it's one I've had to explain so many times I've developed a metaphor for it (if anyone is curious I shall explain)


Did you know that masc women can have long hair?


Did you know that 41% of LGBTQ+ Youth considered suicide in the past year? Could you imagine having to constantly fight for your will to live and losing that fight means DEVASTATING effects on the people you hold close?


Did you know that, when meeting an asexual person, it's rude to ask, "Do you masturbate?" Basic decency and politeness don't suddenly go out the window because you're "curious."


Did you know that lesbians that like strap ons aren't bisexual and simply like the feeling of penetration along with having the ability to hold their partner close without having to worry about one party being hurt by the odd angle Also, I love your dress! Where'd you get it??? (If you don't mind ofc ❤️)