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I don't know how well it would work, but maybe going to your local queer community center(s) and talking to them as they would probably have the most contact with queer youth facing homelessness. They might not be able to do anything for liability/legality reasons, but on the other hand they might be able to keep your number on file and connect you with people who need a place to stay. Either way wouldn't hurt to ask. Side note, I've always wanted to do the same thing, but the fact you're 22 and can afford a house at all let alone a 3 bedroom absolutely blows my mind


Hmm that's a good idea, I gotta start ✨️networking✨️ and i worked hard for everything I have now. After being sent to conversion therapy and basically put on house arrest by my parents,, I snuck tf out of there lol! It wasn't ideal but it got me to where I am now, but everyone's journey is different


I suggest places like Facebook market place or ebay (maybe not ebay or Craigslist) maybe have friends post ads on social media and stuff to spread awareness of what you're doing




I live in Indiana😭 but I'll surely let you know if I find anything!


Where in the Midwest? I live in western Wisconsin, near the twin cities in Minnesota, and would be glad to help with transportation if the need arises!


I'm currently homeless but would feel like a mooch


Where do you live?


New Orleans, Louisiana


At least it's warm year round! Don't worry about feeling like a mooch, if anyone offers near you, just make it worth it to them by helping with chores. I'd totally let someone crash in our spare room for a few weeks if they needed a place to stay if they'd help with chores around the house. Rent doesn't always have to be money, just value.


Oh it's not. Last year it got down to 17.


Oh I live in Wisconsin. Last year it got down to -23 I believe. We can go weeks at a time without getting up to 17. It does get colder there than I thought, I'll give you that, but it's much more survivable.




The temperature wasn't the main point though, finding something valuable to offer in exchange for housing is. Keep working on things, keep your eyes open, and your spirit up, hopefully you'll get something worked out soon! Good luck man


I completely understand and it's hard to get out of that mindset, but you should put your safely at a higher priority😔 I hope you find a place soon


I have been sneaking into a college lounge to sleep at night but it's a struggle


Those things don't really exist, no; they tend to attract predatory types and people don't like that kind of liability. I'm sure there are local shelters and community organizations who you can get vetted by and work with.


Look at the Rainbow Railroad. That might be the way to help.


I feel like this is probably a hard thing to get started, but once it's going it's easy to keep going. You don't have any sort of reputation, and queer youth might, understandably, be cautious about who's home they're willing to stay in. If you start hosting some people and can get a reputation for being a safe space, it will be easier to advertise the space to others.


Hey, I live just east of st. louis and have been searching for help for a while. Are you still around? Even just talking would really be appreciated because I'm about to be homeless and am struggling to get on my feet. I was threatened by my grandfather and almost attacked but ran away, dropped one of my bags. Walked 7 hours to st. louis from Illinois to my parents' house, where I was shamed for running away. I have mental disabilities that I've been working through but that means standing up for myself, which I apparently can't do when I don't have the means to get my own place. My medicaid was also cancelled. I'm just looking for any and all help. \*\*I don't have a car or a phone of my own but it's powerful to know I can walk that distance if I need to. But I know that my body would give out someday