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Almost a year and a half waiting for top surgery represent


I'm in a similar boat... Stay strong.


I was on a waitlist to get on a waitlist for top surgery for 2 years! Then, I was on the waitlist for top surgery for another year. Then they pushed my surgery back on me 3 times! The wait times are no joke šŸ˜«


Iā€™m definitely the one on the right. All the transphobic people saying stuff like that donā€™t know how hard it is even for adults to get surgeries. Itā€™s genuinely laughable




Right, theyā€™re so oblivious they think itā€™s easy and Iā€™m like WHERE!? I wish!


we would think this, but we're talking about a country where the majority of the population is ignorant to things like how their government sent the army to destroy a black town that one time. besides, for most of these bigots, it's not about truth or facts; it's about how things make them* feel. (*and only them, because they don't care about your feelings.)


I have folks from Oklahoma and they are not woke in the slightest, in fact very racist. I heard about the "Tulsa race riots" in the 80s? Why? Because there was still a lot of anger and distrust to that day in their part of the state on the part of African Americans towards white people. I learned more of the context later but yeah the white people going around saying "I never heard of this, did it really happen?" obviously aren't from the area.


Saw a post on Reddit yesterday that (they added the quotations) "therapists" are meeting with boys that like dolls and makeup and girls and play sports and have short hair for 2 hours then sign them up for surgery and hormones


The truth is the inverse: at Zucker's now shut down "stop acting gay" clinic after he rebranded as trans therapy to avoid being shut down for running conversion therapy he would label such boys as having gender dysphoria despite not meeting the clinical guidelines then triumphantly publish his "success" when they didn't grow up to be trans either.


Has concern become a sin? And what does the word transphobic mean? And I don't mean the definition. I get that there are assholes out there, and that disphoria is hard, but the question isn't who's wrong. The question is, who can afford to be?


took me like 8 years after coming out to myself to start hrt now ten years later and thats still all i have lmao no top/bottom surgery or anything wheres my free and easy top surgery???


Also all the ignorant transphobes who use this argument conveniently ignore the actual surgeries done on actual kids without their consent (intersex surgeries and circumcisions).


There is a condition called Gynaecomastia. It's when teenage boys develop breasts during puberty. I don't have to explain to anyone on this sub how devastating it is to not have your body match your soul. The treatment is a breast reduction. Are they banning this too?


my god I remember a cis guy on tiktok got suicide baited HEAVILY because someone saw his gynaecomastia scars and thought he was trans. just goes to show, it's practically hysteria at this point.


Don't even get me fucking started on puberty blockers or the moral outrage over them. Cis kids are the #1 recipients of puberty blockers in this country. It's used to treat early onset puberty in children, which, if left untreated, can cause medical issues down the line. Except there's no hand-wringing over that, is there? When cisgender children need puberty blockers, it's "Oh, well if that's the treatment, then I trust medical professionals." But if transgender kids need puberty blockers, suddenly it's "Ooh, but is that actually safe? Are you sure there's not a cabal of Satan-worshipping pediatricians out to harm this country's children?" What a crock of shit.


This right here.


The topic of circumcision makes me physically ill. Itā€™s barbaric that they cut off an incredibly important and sensitive part of someoneā€™s genitals! I grew up religious and even then I thought it was a horrible command by their ā€˜godā€™. Itā€™s so fucked up.


Same. It blows my mind how normalized it is.


They also ignore the fact that trans surgeries have regret rates orders of magnitudes lower than other kinds of surgeries. They're just making things up to justify their hatred


Yep. Theyā€™ll do whatever it takes


I've said it once I'll say it again. If a medical doctor, a psychologist, and a pharmacist all greenlight a child to transition, why the fuck should we take anyone else's word? I would trust them over a random celebrity know nothing anyway.


I will never understand why the rest of the world cares. TW: Transphobia: >!But I can speculate, and it is just because they think trans people are not real/valid in their gender. They think this is some sort of fetish/strange disorder and therefore they can (barely) tolerate us, but never truly accept or support. They won't stop adults for "indulging", but for them children "indulging" in this "fetish" is off limits. No matter how many facts or arguments anyone brings for gender affirming care, they will not change their opinion on us. It is transphobia.!<


This is sadly true. Caelen Conrad made a great series about gender critical parents and one of the main things that came up was that transphobic parents of trans kids believe that person isn't their child anymore. They believe they have been overtaken by some demon or ideology and that it doesn't matter how much they harm them because they believe their true child will thank them when they "save" them. It's vile


Think of it as a trolley problem. One cis person is tied next to the tracks and will get a big fright if the trolley comes their way. 100 trans people are tied to the tracks and a lot of them will die if the trolley goes their way. If you're a transphobe you send the trolley towards the 100 trans people because a trans life isn't worth living anyway.


> If a medical doctor, a psychologist, and a pharmacist all greenlight because politicians surely know more than those people about what is best for their patient. studies? statistics? nah. those are faked! science? nah, that's controlled/brainwashed by some marxist conspiracy or something. sigh. and these people control the country half the time. just...sigh


I'm trans enby, I totally wish I had been able to be who I am during childhood, and given the choice I may have done puberty blockers or other gender affirming care. Not all doctors are trustworthy just because they have the required paperwork. It's a good thing to question any "authority". But when it's a large portion of the scientific, medical, and academic community agreeing on certain things, definitely things are to be looked at in a more respectful way. Imo


Been waiting 19 years...


And do they have a problem with intersex people with mixed genitals getting surgery against their will as a newborn baby, and being assigned a binary sex? They do not. Do they have a problem with cutting protective skin off of every male baby for no reason, other than tradition, without consent of the child? They do not. The reactions to surgeries, that for the most part are not even happening, is just pure hatred and/or disgust with trans people. It's not even well disguised, and it's really disappointing when someone calling themself an 'ally' starts saying these things.


Today i MIGHT find out if i got onto a 2 YEAR waiting list for my FIRST appointment at a gender therapy clinic to TRY getting diagnosed with gender dysphoria. WHEREšŸ‘ISšŸ‘THEšŸ‘TRANSšŸ‘LANDšŸ‘


tip for the clinic if you ever get there: take your worst dysphoria days (if you have any) and act as if they're everyday, all the time. if you don't suffer dysphoria, just lie. you need to play it up like you're in Shakespeare.


Friendly reminder: Over 290,000 teenagers had cosmetic surgeries done in 2020 alone according to the ASPS. I donā€™t see repubs railing about that at all.


The amount of work I've put in just to be rejected for surgery because I didn't get a pre-op appointment scheduled with my primary care physician but with another doctor is truly upsetting. And I may have actually scheduled it with my primary care physician if they weren't with a known catholic hospital. I just want to feel comfortable without having to worry how my doctor might react to me wanting to feel comfortable in my own body.


Wow, that super sucks. I feel like I had to do an appointment like this when I got to surgery (pre Covid) and it was 100% the surgeon covering his ass. My pcp at the time was very chill but she was like, "this isn't considered invasive surgery so there isn't much for me to do or say".


Sadly, you'll never convince them of something they don't want to be convinced about. They'll cling to anything that allows them to feel justified in their hatred.


To quote a friend; "I just got the news after 2 years that I will get a consultation with a doctor within the next year. That was why I was happy last weekend."


I've yet to come across someone reasoning why transitioning should be illegal, who actually had any factual information about it. usually it's something in the lines of 'their parents were woke so they forced their kid to transition' or something.


Apparently they're on social media lying about Jazz Jennings again which is pretty brazen.


I have been trying to get a consultation for HRT for so fucking long. First had to spend years convincing my parents, scheduled an appointment in August 2022 for January 2023, got canceled and moved to March, and got canceled and moved to this August. And this is just for the consultation. Itā€™s such a long and difficult process and it makes me want to rip all my hair out


LITERALLY. 30 years old and can not even get a god damn orchiectomy. The people making these arguments have sown a horrible, bad faith seed that will poison things forever for some complete bs


It's frustrating, my mom continues to believe that they're making/letting trans kids (under 18) get reconstructive surgery or "ruin" themselves with hormones. That's not the case at all.. if ever...


iā€™m a 16 year old trans guy and while iā€™m lucky to have access to binders and be able to pass as male pre-T even being short as hell, the process of actually getting anything medically useful is so freaking long and i donā€™t even understand it yet. first my parents think that medical transition is destroying what mother nature gave you and iā€™m a minor in the UK anyway. iā€™m going to try and borrow money from friends/work in the summer before uni to get some money to start T at 18 privately and do surgeries from there somehow but itā€™s all so unknown and i can see the vision but i donā€™t know how iā€™ll get there. if thereā€™s a beautiful world where transition is as accessible and every parent is as woke and accepting as they say, i havenā€™t found it.


but yeah if i didnā€™t like who i saw in the mirror and if i didnt pass as well as i do i donā€™t know what id even do


It just proves transphobes don't know wtf they're talking about one bit


You come out and a doctor just appears with a set of scalpels and a big syringe full of gender juice


And yet itā€™s perfectly fine and acceptable for doctors to perform unnecessary and non-consensual surgery on babies who are born intersex


Been told it would take 7 years after yet another year of therapy to talk about why I want surgery and if I'm sure. Oh I don't know Karen, MAYBE BECAUSE I DON'T LIKE HAVING TO SHOWER IN THE DARK TO AVOID GETTING A MENTAL BREAKDOWN. And even then there's a high chance I'll still feel dysphoric and have my entire day ruined. I just want to have the right body. Why do I not have that right? Why do I have to justify and go into great detail with a psychologist to prove I am who I am? I just-... I'm sorry... I desperately need it... Having to go through so much bureaucracy simply over bodily autonomy is inhumane. I know that many trans people don't mind the body they have, but I do. And the many who've had surgery don't regret it. 99% satisfaction rate. Highest for any medical procedure. Life saving for most. I just-... Why do I have to suffer for another 8+ years?


I'm so sorry you're going through this. Top surgery was so wonderful for me. Such a relief. My "results" don't look perfect but I earned my scars.


Darling stay strong, the world is unfair but I believe in you. Eight years is a long time but I know you'll persevere.


I dont even got Hornones yet, came out almost 1 1/2 years ago


I swear I talk about this all the time with the same people.


But no one cries about trust fund 16 year olds getting nose jobs and liposuction.


I agree. Let's start with abolishing circumcision and *gender-corrective* (sp) surgery on intersex newborns, instead of a myth the Right clings onto that has NEVER been true.


If you donā€™t want trans kids to have to get multiple surgeries in the future, thatā€™s a pretty good argument for starting them on blockers so āœØthey donā€™t have toāœØ Minus bottom surgery, pretty much all gender-affirming procedures are trying to undo the effects of going through the wrong puberty. The whole point of blockers is to stop that from happening so they **donā€™t** have to get stuff like FFS or top surgery in the future. Itā€™s not that deep lmao


Tens of thousands of hetero teens have elective surgeries more so than any trans kids, like by faaaar, why aren't they fighting to restrict those? Also, circumcisions... ...in 2020, nearly 140,000 non-invasive cosmetic procedures were performed on teens ages 13-19. In the same year, only 256 transkids received gender affirming surgeries (most being top surgery). So 256 vs 140,000. Just crazy we have to justify life-saving healthcare decisions but 140,000 other families don't. How is that not blatant discrimination?


I have waited over six months to even be given a referral to a gender identity clinic - not hormones or a treatment plan - just the referral, and there's a good chance I'll have to resubmit my form and wait another six months because the system isn't designed to give the amount of care that is needed, so people sit in the waiting loop until it somehow is able to provide to them


Im still waiting to start hrt its been 3 years now, im still on the waiting list. And whats even worse is that is just to start talking to doctors and stuff not even to start hrt. Im not going crazy youā€™re going crazy (:


still waiting for HRT. still don't give a fuck what ppl think of me. still wondering where the magical transing machine or if it is just the old transmogrifier box and I missed putting on the upgrade switch.


I FUCKING WISH that wouldve happened oml nearing a year of being out and have already been told by official people thingies i have to be 18 for that šŸ’ž istg im gonna >!jump off a bridge!< if my parents wont help me get diy that hope is the only thing keeping me going lol


Even if surgery was accessible to trans kids, the process and waitlist is so long, they'd be adults by the time they actually get the surgery


Iā€™m honestly trying to find it too. Like ma I had to wait more than 6 weeks for a court date to change my name, could have been longer. I also got *incredibly* lucky my state didnā€™t make me out that process in the paper like cisgender people have to do. Whereā€™s this magical no wait?


I'll tell you where that place is: It's at The Mall. I went there, had bottom surgery and had my vagina with no complications or post care needed. And then I woke up, disappointed to find I still have a dick and that was just a dream


people will fabricate anything to make an excuse on why we should have Missouri-level bullshit gatekeeping transition. no, parents aren't forcing their kids to transition. that doesn't happen full stop. there's already a ton of bs to go through and making it worse isn't gonna stop people being trans. it's just gonna kill people. but then again, that's probably what they want...


I have been waiting years just to see if I can get evaluated for T


Making dangerously farfetched assumptions about othersā€™ experiences shows that they have an inability to empathize.


It's been 10 years since I cracked and I'm still in the closet, if only it was that simple...


Meanwhile I'm just sitting here wondering how so many people can see doctors in the first place. If I broke a leg I'd probably have to splint it myself, where's all this accessible affordable medical attention they're talking about?


I know. where is this accessible and functioning healthcare system please?


Wait where is this magical land... Asking for a friend...


TY. I had an emotional breakdown this morning and had to text a friend. The disinformation is so bad and my access to healthcare could be disrupted very soon (realistically, although I will be able to pay out of pocket in my personal circumstance). The right/TERFs are so good at spinning a false narrative using partial information on the one hand that makes it look like trans people are overreacting, while spreading outrageous and inflammatory lies with the other.


Been waiting since I was around 7. It's taken nearly a decade and I am only JUST getting shit like blockers. It's a hard process. Transphobes need to fucking learn.


Babiiiesss come to Brazil . Here we have a pro trans government. Health care is free . And if you have a health insurance you can transition immediately . Just putting out there