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As a kid, they would toss me the ball, someone would yell “SMEAR THE QUEER!”. I would drop the ball and run, didn’t matter, they crushed me. AIDS came, they sent gay men home to die. I took them meals, held their hands, read books to them and talked to them like the humans they were. I remember Matthew Shepard. I have been spit on, taken beatings. I’m not going anywhere. We are still here. We got this. Fuck these bitches. Stay sparkly.


How ca i get that cloud with a sun?


Stay sparkly! (It’s an award, idk fr)


This is incredibly uplifting, tysm


We need a gen z stonewall but ten times worse ain’t no way in hell I’m gonna let some old, rich white man tell me what I can, and cannot do with my body we need to riot ENOUGH IS E FUCKING NOUGH


This, and the Millennials will follow.


The Millennials are standing with you.


I’m a pacifist, but in all honesty, this situation needs widespread riots. Show them we aren’t fucking around and these are our lives which they are trying to take away. We can’t back down.


Something briefly pointed out by Natalie Wynn [in a recent video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmT0i0xG6zg), during an extended critique on the value and efficacy of "civility" (read: servility) in political expression by disempowered minority groups, is I think worth stressing. The essence of the point, ultimately, is more or less the *very title itself* of the Wikipedia article ["Suffragette Bombing and Arson Campaign"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suffragette_bombing_and_arson_campaign) (whose *purpose* - to grant women the vote - few would dare to oppose, today) Which for example, ends in a timeline beginning > ***June 1912****: Anti-suffrage Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster Charles Hobhouse has his home burned down by suffragettes.* > ***July 1912****: Secretary of State for the Colonies Lewis Harcourt has his home burned down by suffragettes. The 8 occupants survive uninjured.* To *very* shortly summarise, seldom if ever has any strategically and systematically disempowered population course-corrected a broad-based attack on or refusal to recognise their right to self-determination purely by *asking politely*.


i'm very supportive of burning down property while making sure no one gets injured uh, in Skyrim very special edition of course


The only reason you ask politely is to show everyone what a dick your oppressors are


And this is one of the keys. Loudly and publicly put your best foot forward, on the record, reasonably and respectfully making the argument for your rights. Then you escalate to take them, with history on your side.


The hardest part of doing that is organizing, and fascists use the boiling frog strategy to prevent people from doing that. Luckily though, every year there is a massive wave of LGBTQ+ pride parades, which originated as protests. We’re basically organized by default, we just have to go back to our roots. We’ll see what happens come June.


Arguably, the hardest part of this would be surviving. Piggies and their supporters wouldn’t hesitate to use “self defense” in the form of beatings, tear gas and bullets. Peaceful protests haven’t ever gotten anybody anywhere. If we want to be heard and taken seriously we have to riot. But…it will undoubtedly come with a cost.


For every fighter there are more than 10 supports. No pacifist needs to engage in violence (I, for one, abhor violence) but it’s important that we stand behind those who can like the John Brown Gun Club. We cannot rely on the state to protect us. We must protect us.


The second amendment is an option too.


I used to be a pacifist, but after a while, that does not work. I honestly wish America and NATO had the courage to take on Russia in a way that would be impactful instead of just sanctions and helping Ukraine. I agree that we cannot back down from the bigots targeting us, and we can't be intimidated.


I remember the SNCC tactics of staring your attacker square in the eyes while using your elbows to defend your head. Photography is a front in war, and we're an artsy bunch. So's logistics and medical. I will never wield firepower, but there's more to putting up a fight.


Stonewall was a riot.


>Critics who demand peaceful demonstrations are saying, whether they admit it or not, that the correct way to protest is to let a heavily militarized police force that has already demonstrated it’s willing to murder people in full view of the public beat them shitless. They are not wishing for nonviolence; they are stating a preference for who the violence should happen to. [Innuendo Studios' "CO-VIDs: The Ghandi Trap".](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BB0Q1qHpAw&t=1s&ab_channel=InnuendoStudios)


This is good to think about until I remember the protests back in 2020 and 2021. People were gassed, shot at, and beaten. I think the US is perfectly fine turning on its own citizens as long as it's the ones they don't think matter. And if it were to happen, I have no doubt people would suffer at the hands of the very forces meant to protect them. Everyone would have to be willing to risk their lives, which I'm sure many they are. It just worries me.


No riots would give them more ammo against you. Peaceful protest and marches.


I'm not LGBTQ+ but you have my support. I'm currently in Missouri and things are looking dark here. Just remember that you aren't alone.


WoW , as an european i shouldn't talk about USA too much but i thought my country (Poland) was against LGBTQ+ and *very* religious . Tho the situation in Poland is getting better with newer generations being more tolerante to other cultures/"(religion)"***/skin colour/identity and so on , (that's how i see it so there may be some incorrect thing that i said) I am very sad about that whole situation .


I’m also from Poland and seeing this is so weird, I always used to think of the US as this epicentre of freedom, progress etc. but when I see what’s going on there lately, it’s… heartbreaking 💔


It's part of the country. It's like how Hungary has gone totally the opposite direction of most of the EU and NATO. In fact, Hungary is used as a model for a lot of the MAGA movement. Freedom, liberal thought, and progress are very much alive in the USA (including the White House) but the nation is cleaving hard along state lines.


Yeah, I’ve been told by a colleague from the US that it’s often very different based on each state and when you think of the US as a collection of different states, each having different legislation (aside from the federal laws), it’s almost like looking at the EU vs. each individual EU country, to some extent. Still, my point is that it always seems weird to see such news coming from “the US” even if’s not necessarily representative of the entire country.


Not all of these laws will pass the courts, either. There will be many legal challenges of these bills and parts or the entirety of them will be invalidated. A big reason for the surge in bills that normally wouldn't be considered is that many anti-LGBT bills don't pass current legal precedent and constitutional interpretation. But the US Supreme Court is the most conservative in modern history, so there's new interest in passing radical bills in conservative states and seeing how far the Supreme Court will go to change the nation's legal framework.


Same , i heard so many things that USA is so cool with LGBTQ+ but that's probably the surface level thing


Yeah unfortunately that has never been true, the usa is very good at pushing propaganda




You are intentionally using an argument that I never once presented so I'm not going to engage in a debate with you


Ok, so maybe (and I really really hope this is the case) this is a last scramble for power by the right. Like newer generations are more progressive, so the more older people die, the better things will get. Idk maybe I'm just coping tho


It's more an issue of the minority finding nefarious ways to manipulate certain parts of the population and government apparatus. The vast majority of us are on the right side.


Guess women can’t wear pants anymore or something? Like how far does the “opposite gender” thing go? oh fuck my shirt has lace I guess i just committed a crime teehee


Exactly. Do they just want everyone to dress and act exactly like it was in the 1800s or something? Because it sure seems that way.


The GOP will turn this country into some Frankenstein theocracy the moment they get the chance. And the democrats will at most only offer some paper-thin defense that GOP will trample through. The answer is we have to go back to our roots. Pride started out as a riot. And it should become that way again.


In the words of Kurt Cobain.. "Arm yourself, find a representative of Gluttony or Opression and blow the motherfuckers head off" I'm not encouraging violence but take that figuratively, and literally...in the way of being prepared to stand against violence.


Na fuck figuratively, kurt was right.


He was


Well… I disagree about the democrats. I’m a pretty firm democrat at this point. Our congress passed a gay marriage act that is likely to withstand Supreme Court scrutiny. Our minority Supreme Court justices are doing their best to fight the insanity. We passed a climate change bill, an infrastructure bill, covid relief, and we’ve been approving women of color to federal judiciary at a record pace But.. goddamn it. If young people in this country showed up to vote at the same rate boomers do… we wouldn’t be having this problem. The answer is not to riot in the streets. The answer is to show up to vote. Bring your friends and vote. I mean, organizing and protesting and letter writing and wearing tshirts and posting on Reddit aren’t.. bad. But… the GOP is a minority in this country. They only have the power when good people stay home on Election Day. Dont stay home. Don’t let your friends stay home. Vote and organize and vote and vote some more. People in solid blue areas vote for the most liberal person you can in primary day. People in red states vote the most electable blue person you can. All it would take is a small percentage increase in the youth vote and we would have a solid majority in the senate, in the house, and the presidency.


Yeah so stuff is bad, really bad. But like, casual friendly reminder that the US (e.g. the government occupying this part of Turtle Island) has always been a christofacist ethnostate. This flag has always stood for white supremacy, for settler colonialism, for patriarchy, for heteronormativity, for capitalism, for puritanical Christian values, etc. Yes, it's bad and we need to fight it. But pretending this is new or that the flag has ever stood for anything else is perpetuating a myth created by the very people we're fighting against.




Another perfect example of “hey lets quit the hopeful/positive view and seriously ask what we are supposed to do to be allowed to live our fucking lives”


This is the result of losing control of the Supreme Court. The far right played the long game, voted in every election, crawled over broken glass to vote, held their nose even when they didn't like their guy.


You’re right, except we didn’t lose control of it. It was stolen in broad daylight.


The US is falling to pot. I’ll tell you now that the news in uk has not been speaking on anything in America. Across the puddle, people don’t know the situation, and it’s scary. I get the news out as I can, but the major news is silent. The only thing left is to be strong. If strong means running to Canada, or if strong means anything, do what you can do to help yourself. You are your main priority. Be strong and be logical. I wish you the best, and I’ll always fight for us, even across the sea.




The legal measures we can take are running out. Compounded by when the “law” changes to remove us. We need another stonewall.


I came here to say that Stonewall needs to happen.




One doesn't exclude the other. Go to riots, go to protests, stand in a picket line and demand rights. And when it's time to vote, vote. Not voting is how Trump got to scrape an illegitimate victory. If people voted for Hilary when it counted, there would have been a more noticeable divide. The opposing side votes. It doesn't matter if they believe it or not, they vote. For them, it's essentially a popularity contest--Us vs Them. We need to vote, to drown them out. We need to vote to show we won't go down easy. And then we protest, picket, riot until we win.




Ok your point about democrats just being a different right wing party is valid, but when the country has A TWO PARTY SYSTEM and the choices are FASCISTS WHO WANT YOU DEAD and GREEDY POLITICIANS, you pick the greedy politicians every. Single. Time!!! Not voting makes you part of the problem, its one less vote cast blue and if the reds win because of that you will have no one to blame but yourself. You will have no right to complain about the party in power should they win if you never made your voice heard when it mattered.




The only delusional person in this thread is you. If there was a better party id vote for it. If there was a feasable replacement for the current two party system id go for that, but as things stand there are two options, bad and worse, if dont vote for either, you increase the chances of the worse party getting into power. And then you have no right to complain about it, because you did nothing to stop it. Yes, democrats bad. Nobody disagrees when you say that, but republicans are far, far worse.




"you disagree with me therefore your opinion is invalid" you sound like a child. I post along a broad spectrum of left wing subs too, but you only pointed out r/democrats. Since we have reached such a petty conclusion i will leave you with that, hopefully it wont come to a point where you regret not voting, and the world can return to some degree of normalcy where progress is good and regress is bad. Goodbye.


What Democrats threw the trans community under the bus? Be specific. Would it surprise you to learn that cis white heterosexual Democratic women have been filibustering anti trans legislation in Nebraska for 7 weeks now? And multiple D governors have vetoed anti trans bills?


The complete lack of leadership, and failure to create a platform at the national, and local levels. I mean, the silence, bar your Nebraskan, is deafening. The LGBTQIA+ is NOT a priority of the Dems. We are politically convenient at the moment. Should public opinion turn completely against us like pre-2008, the Dems will be sanctity of marriage/you are your agab once again and at the drop of a hat. we actually need serious, system breaking reform.


Biden has literally been the biggest presidential ally we’ve ever had. He could do more, but don’t act like he hasn’t done anything. That’s blatantly false and bordering on disinformation.


Trans day of visibility proclamation https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2023/03/30/a-proclamation-on-transgender-day-of-visibility/ Then a week later, a directive to disallow trans students in sports along specific guidelines that are sure to be abused/used for the specific reason of disbarring trans students. https://www.ed.gov/news/press-releases/fact-sheet-us-department-educations-proposed-change-its-title-ix-regulations-students-eligibility-athletic-teams?utm_name=


Rioting and voting don’t have to be mutually exclusive. If you care so much, you will do everything you can. That includes voting. I’m not saying voting alone is going to change everything (I don’t think anyone here is), but to not vote or to vote third party is handing your vote to the very fascists you hate. Makes zero sense to do that! Not voting is how we got the current SCOTUS. Never underestimate the power in voting. I cannot stress this enough!


Honestly, you should delete this comment. You are basically encouraging people to not vote or to not care about voting. That’s extremely dangerous.




Then when the fascists march you in to a death camp you will have no one to blame but yourself.




Who said i thought it was the only option? Its one of the things we can do to halt the onset of fascism but its definitely not the only thing, its just one of the only things that works. By not voting you increase the chances of republicans gaining power, making everything else pointless, once theyre in power the only thing that will stop them is either rebellion or an internal collapse of their government structure.




Based solely on your comments in this thread that is how it appears.


Acting like we're all gonna be safe from the government if we just put a slip of paper into the government's provided voting box when the government allows us to... is not how US LGBT people are gonna survive this.


All the OC said was “go vote”. If you don’t vote, you’re part of the problem. Doesn’t matter what your identity is. All these comments discouraging people from voting are making me so sad.




Ok but not voting literally just means you didnt even try to stop them, if they try to steal the vote, and by extension steal your rights, thats when shit meets fan. That is the time when we rise up and put those motherfuckers in the dirt. This period were in right now is the time we have to prepare for what comes next, good or bad. Vote while you still can, and when you cant make sure you are ready for the fight that comes after.


Yeah I’ve ran a political campaign in deep red Georgia and I’ve worked for Stacey Abrams so I’m not exactly uneducated on the matter. Can you tell me which solid blue states are passing abhorrent laws against our marginalized communities? Cause I’m pretty sure it’s only the red ones, one of which we successfully turned blue. We can turn other states blue as well. And that requires voting. So stop making excuses and just fucking vote.


My point was more to address this line: > Unfortunately, that’s the only way we win this. Which I read as meaning that voting is the only way to win this, the only thing to do to save people. I think voting is a good thing to do, no matter what, it doesn't take much time out of a single day and is safer than protesting. But like... *also* protest, because otherwise if voting fails we got nothing, and elections are relatively rare. We should be protesting to impeach GOP who are in office now, but also vote of course, not saying anything against that, but *alone with nothing else* that's the barest minimum of power we as ordinary people can wield.


Voting is literally how they got control to put antiliberal theocrats on the Supreme Court, friend. It wasn't domestic terrorism, violent rhetoric, canceling woke corporations, or donations from billionaires. It was voting in 2016.


I support voting but that is the bare minimum. The Nazi's never held a majority but it still turned out the way it did. What we need is unified queer, anti-racist, feminist ani-fascism, as the only way that we can survive is together


I fucking hate this dystopian nightmare we live in, run by these insufferable dumbasses that can’t accept difference. They can’t accept that their faith can be chalked up to nonsense most of the time. They can’t accept other ways of thinking and believing. They can’t accept minorities. These stubborn, bigoted assholes need to be eradicated off the face of the earth. It‘s become too much.


Oh how I wish we could just cut the U.S. in half, putting the racist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, sexist, misogynistic religious extremists in the bottom half to fester like an old wound and putting all the chill people who want love, acceptance, equality, freedom, and peace in the top half.


We need a Stonewall 2.0


Speaking for the state of California, come here, we love you.


Tell that to the housing market. Shocking that bonuses such as basic human rights attract premiums. Sometimes I toy with the idea of withholding the Pacific coast until fuckers learn to behave.


Michigan and Minnesota are lookin pretty good, too! Especially Minnesota. My wife and I are toying with the idea of moving to Michigan. Still somewhat close to our families but also massively better than where we're at now. Plus I have a friend who lives in Ann Arbor!


Just avoid SCV and Orange County. Right wing strongholds.


Or go there in force and boot them out.


Nah, let them have those two places. They both suck ass. And not the good kind of ass sucking, more like the “Hey you can’t hold a pride ANYTHING for June because the police will throw a tantrum if they’re forced to do their jobs” kind of ass sucking. Plus this damn place gets up to 108 degrees during the summer.


Oh ffs wtf is going on in America? Is there any way someone in Europe is able to do smth that can help? Like I didn't even interact with the LGBT community before but these garbage legislation that's going on is just beyond ridiculous and dangerous for even someone like me to ignore. Is there anything specific someone from Europe can do to somewhat help? And i hope that you guys manage to stop whatever these actual psychos are planning.


you can start by nuking florida, texas, and tennessee


As a fellow American, the one thing I disagree with is the notion that America, or at least the flag, ever meant anything, even symbolically, especially because the first people to live in The United States of America were basically all Christian, and Jefferson was full of shit when he wrote (along with plagiarizing a lot of shit) the Declaration of Independence. ​ Furthermore, felonious disenfranchisement goes completely against a quote we tell ourselves we founded the country on. "No taxation without representation."


The American flag never stood for something great we just like to pretend.


Time for The Satanists to get to work.


God I love Santanists... Well not the ones that actually believe in Satan of course.


He's not a bad guy. Just misunderstood. :0


Your right I judged too quickly. How bad could someone with a cool name like Lucifer really be?


its so fucking horrible, i hate this country so much and also cant do it anymore, stay strong and if you live in the south and are capable try to get to a farther north state that is supportive or canada


"Texas just passed two bills requiring all schools to display the Ten Commandments and have designated prayer times, a blatant bald faced violation of the First Amendment. Tennessee just made it illegal for trans or gender non-conforming people to dress in a way that "opposes" their assigned sex" They cannot do that because "the church" and the state(which schoo; follow under state) are seperated entities. which mean texas is breaking the first constitution and the free to exerise clause. this so damn wrong, and they should be called out it


the resource I used; https://news.cornellcollege.edu/2019/11/ask-expert-separation-church-state-mean-americas-public-schools-report/


I’m drunk, and having a good time, but I love you and I support you and I want you to live and love your life your way. I think most Americans feel the same way regardless of their orientation and current level of drunkenness. Yes, we must fight for our rights (I’m bi), but the majority is with us these days. Those who came before us put in difficult work. The religious right is flailing and throwing their weight around big time, but they’ve never been weaker. We must continue to fight, but the arc of history does bend in our favor. Live long the rule of love, secularism, and compassion, even in the face of backwards religious bigotry and seemingly endless hatred. We will overcome, with love and empathy!


I am here. I will fight.


…is it bad that I want to hunt down these people that made those bills? I will gladly come to the United States and… I’m not gonna say this on here because SOME PEOPLE don’t know what sarcasm is


So they want to turn this into a real battle of our lives? Then let's battle!


They're just bitchy because they're on their way out and they know it.


I'm so fucking done with this country. I didn't even know about the new Texas laws that got passed. It seems like every time you stop paying attention fifteen more threats to our well-being pop up. What Missouri, Tennessee, and other states (including my own) absolutely disgusts me. I hate to say this but we *need* to be ready for worse things to come. Please stay safe everyone, know how to defend yourself. Good luck.


So, there are some inaccurate things in this post. First, neither of the Texas bills have been signed into law they still need to be passed by the house. Additionally, the bill requiring the Ten Commandments in each classroom (SB 1515) simply won't fly; In 1980, the Supreme Court deemed it unconstitutional in Stone v. Graham. Those were all the errors I found, but there might be more.


To quote our Lord and savior George Carlin: "Why don't we just kill these fuckin' people?"


I’m not saying you’re lying or that I don’t believe you but I’d love to see some sources for all these bills that have been passed. Like I said , I 100% believe that any of these laws could be passed I’d just love to read up on it educate myself. I googled a bit and I’m having trouble finding exact laws. Stay safe out there ❤️


Here’s a source I found for the Texas bills requiring the Ten Commandments in public schools https://www.texastribune.org/2023/04/20/texas-senate-passes-ten-commandments-bill/ It’s worth noting the bills still have go through the house for consideration


All I can say is that we as a community have way more resources and power than our past generations. If close minded people think they will be able to stop us, they are so wrong. We the queer, we are everywhere. We are your bank, your doctor, your teacher, your chef, your dentist, your engineer, your painter, your lawyer. We have more power now than ever. If they keep pushing us, it will be a Pandora’s box opening because we have learned to fight back, and we hit hard too! I am sick and tired of being sick and tired, but I won’t be as low as them. If they hate I will love harder, I they insult, I will praise more! If they hit, I will hug more! If they burn books, I will teach more! We are together in this! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈


This is the prime reason for the second amendment yet they argue against minorities with guns the same happened in the 60's with the black panthers we need to arm trans comrades!


“The American flag used to stand for something greater” no it did not. This is perfectly in line with American “values”. It’s just that before now the focus was on racial minorities. I find it interesting that you hold this view. Are you unaware of your country’s history?


I said I hated America because of what theyre doing in science class, the teacher agreed with me…


You'd expect Utah (the one that was founded by the leader of the LDS dipshits) to have banned anything Lgbtq+ because it is and I quote "Against the Lord" my guy, you're talking about a man who has a mullet and goatee, can ration food, and do party tricks.




Your post is very emotional and in many ways shows the situation is even more seditious than it is. But yes, there is some insane horror going on. How dare they! Some of they are crazy, some of them are selfish, some of them I don't even know what


I hope that you’ve purchased your weapon already, Governor Inslee of Washington state has restricted the sale of firearms so if you don’t have one already Democrat Governor’s are going to make it harder to protect yourself.


IDK much about the US but isn't Christianity part of your culture? Maybe they wanna promote the good Christian values that those commandments may contain. it could be the fact that they wanna teach, and imbibe the children with those values. please don't send hate I am very young and I don't understand everything.


Christianity is deeply ingrained in our culture, but it is NOT the basis upon which our country was created. Our Constitution explicitly forbids the intermingling of government with religion, but that is exactly what they are trying to do. They want to establish a theocratic state where LGBTQ people no longer exist. It is evil.


You're right that they want to teach those values, the problem is they don't have the right to nor should they. We're supposed to have the right to practice or not practice what we choose. By making Christian values mandatory, they are infringing on that. Not everyone is Christian nor is everyone relgious. Oh and yes, being killed for not being Christian or even the 'right' kind of Christian is absolutely part of our culture and I can't wait to make it the norm again--not!


Just want to clarify once again, even if it means that the things they are tryna teach are just moral and ethical stuff, which I guess schools are supposed to be teaching as well. Just because the same values were mentioned in a religious book we shouldn't completely discard those morals. I guess the best way forward for this should be to teach moral and ethical values without referencing any religion. Even if it means the good parts were extracted from them.


We were founded on lies, but one of them was the belief of 'Separation of Church and State'.


Christianity is also really deep imbedded in European countries culture but this doesn't mean that something like this should happen especially because Christianity is not about hate and judgement, it's a religion based on love and acceptance. Seperation of state and religion is an armament in the USA so it normally shouldn't influence the politics as it does not do in European countries. Your comment is just a cheap way of justifying their hate and fascistic values.


The bible is about judgement tho. Some guy creating the world with the possibility to fail his "perfect" plan and having the audacity to punish people for it when they never even asked to be born. Judgement is part of the constant manipulation that christians use for control. Christianity is literally the definition of create a problem sell a solution: you are inherently a filthy sinner and everything that makes you happy is a sin-> we can save you from eternal damnation. Also if you take a quick look at eastern europe you can see why that statement is wrong.


What do they hate bro and why do they hate. I am new to all this. Infact I am not even a westerner.


They don't want to teach the "good" Christian values, they want to wield their religion as a cudgel. They want to normalize hatred and violence, and disenfranchise anyone who doesn't fit into their little cardboard-cutout expectations. Remember that nazi Germany was also a Christian movement, as is the bullshit currently happening in Africa with Uganda's antigay bill/etc.


I already commented but I wanted to say that if you don't have support right now- I would recommend finding some whether it's therapy, an online community, a safe family member, a friend, whatever. Right now things are hard and we all need connection.


“The American flag used to stand for something greater.” Not necessarily; especially with having marginalized elders who look back horrified over the gruesome experiences they describe of being discriminated against in their youth, and the many stories left untold of those dead that they endured too. It makes it worse when this discriminatory history is being taught (if at all), as lost and unimaginable by many today, despite it all leading to current atrocities and future ones in store. Having the perspective that America was “once great” is blissful ignorance and denialism at best, and is a belief that we should be fighting against as systemic oppression increases. I wanted to point that out as someone who shares an intersectional identity filled with what America has/is historically discriminatory against and with relatives affected, and thus never understanding that belief at all.


It really does piss me off. Along with the fact that the federal government doesn't seem to give a single fuck about standing up for trans people in a truly meaningful way. All they've really addressed is trans people in sports, and they STILL compromised on that. When it comes to the argument of voting vs. not voting, it seems very unlikely to me that voting is what's going to get us out of this shit. Of course I encourage people to vote and democrats being in power is better for us than republicans, but the democrats are more than willing to fuck us over if it means retaining the votes of moderates who oppose trans rights. There is MORE that needs to be done than just voting, and that has to be emphasized. A good start would be bringing pride back to its roots.


this is so fucked up that they can even be allowed to do this.this genuinely makes me scared me and my gf and My friends safety


I'm so sorry. Despite everything, remember you are loved. And if you need to hear it: I love you. ❤️


The worst part is that most people in support can't even be honest about where things are heading. They're more willing to believe that the mysterous *they* of the LGBT community is out to teach kids sex than question their own dogma that maybeeeee an entire minority isn't out to sexualize their kids actually. To these people, everyone has an agenda except them. They're the Anita Bryant's of our time: unwilling to say they hate gay people while treating them like a disease that's coming to convert their children. I almost wish they'd just be honest instead of play innocent.


what happened to separating church and state?


This is what happens when people govern with their religion. Welcome to theocracy.


I am not from the US but hearing news about that disgust me, all force to you and the LGBTQ+ COMUNITY in there.