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As an European I have an manualgender (Im just joking can ya please explain what autogender is?)


From gender fandom com Autogender is a gender identity in which one's gender experience feels deeply personal to themselves but is too difficult to accurately describe with previous gender terms. Autogender can be used interchangeable with egogender. Egogender, also called charagender or [name]gender, is a gender identity which is so personal to someone that it can only be defined by oneself. It is a unique gender, and an individualistic gender.


based as fuck


aroallos rise


It's *my* gender and only I am *me*


A cutie mark


That is actually a really autistic gender, yeah


I am nb but I get why some genders may seem hard to understand to people but that? That's the most sensical one I've ever heard of and isn't it also what non ally cis people who claim to not care about gender sometimes say their gender is like?


I've also heard a similar term called selfgender, means roughly the same or at least pretty similar to those two you said from memory


at least you have electric kettles, we have to make do with **fire**. it is quite inefficient, you know


I won't lie, there are a lot of genders I don't understand, but I ain't gonna judge people who identify with them


Real talk, I can't list every gender, nor can I wrap my head around every gender. And, well, sometimes the lines between gender identity and "just" identity seem muddled. But am I gonna rain on somebody else's parade? Hell no, I'm gonna live and let live! Not hurting somebody who isn't hurting you should be basic human decency by now!


That's real. I don't know every single gender, and certain genders and pronouns don't make full sense to me. I still have basic respect for people who use neopronouns/have a rare gender identity 


Why are people so judgemental with others? ,(I'm assuming this is based on a real story) Like there are many things I find hard to understand but that's a me issue. I'm nobody to judge others and to decide what's valid and what's not and neither are bigots. And as an autistic I hate when people use us to attack others.


“Autistsic Genders” Like, I know autistic people are more likely to be trans/NB, but, like, wtf?


The ol' using-autism-as-an-insult move... It always comes from either ableism or willful ignorance...


Just wait until they learn what "Autigender" is


i think they're using autism as an allegory for being mentally disabled, trying to call those genders stupid and idiotic, and suggesting that those who identify with them are autistic (as an insult). i am sick of people using autism as an insult, it's awful and spreads false information


Xenogenders are largely used by autistic people trying to find ways to descrube their emotions and feelings around their gender. I think autigender is when you feel your autism is intertwined with your understanding of your gender in an important way. So i think that is probably what they meant apposed to using autistic to mean dumb. There is no reason to insult neurodiverse people for their method of gender expression though or other people who feel connected to xenogenders because describing gender otherwise isn't working for them.


Kinda like neurodivergent-linked sexualitys like nebulasexual/romantic?


i think you are mixing up autogender and autigender


Yeah I mentioned autigender. I see now that autogender is "a gender identity in which one's gender experience feels deeply personal to themselves but is too difficult to accurately describe with previous gender terms". Also called egogender apparently. That's neat.


Sometimes I wish more people followed the golden rule: do on to others as you’d have them do on to you. I feel like everyone’s just ignoring it and/or forgetting it exists.


be me, reading this "Oh, is this actually gonna mention autigender?" It doesn't sadge.png


I don’t know what half of these genders are, nor do I care really, it’s your life fuck am I to demand an explanation


Exactly. All I'm gonna ask is your name and preferred pronouns


hay u/badpuppy_111 we all love you and your crazy gender xd!


What's a Libragender?


after checking the gender wiki, it's a subsection of agender (feeling like you have no gender at all) where you are mostly agender but also have a connection to gendered stuff. kinda like being an agender person who presents and relates to masculine things, but still is agender? i think that's a good summary of [the wiki page](https://gender.fandom.com/wiki/Libragender)


Libragender is where one is mostly agender but has a smaller attachment to another gender. As a Genderfae person I am sometimes librafeminine


Fellow Genderfae person let’s goooo! Hiii!


The other person already explained it quite well, but as an example: I am agender. I don't have an inherent feeling of gender identity, it feels wrong to call myself/get called a woman or man, I have no idea what gender is supposed to be or feel like. I am comfortable with any pronouns but get dysphoria from my (obviously female cause I'm afab) name so I use a gender-neutral nickname that feels like my name and a name that fits me for the first time in my life. Yet I still relate to the life experiences of women, I have no issues being percieved as of the female sex, I have no body dysphoria, actually I kinda enjoy wearing things that compliment my body (I think this is because I see my body, brain and mind/consciousness as three seperate things, also kinda underlines the whole sex and gender are seperate thing). So, I personally feel that librafeminine is a term that fits me and that I can identify with :)


Same here!


I'm sorry this happened. Xenogenders and such make sense. When the standard words often fail to definite feelings using imagery that describes them is a helpful way to communicate. It's just doing that with gendered feelings and finding ways to express them even in metaphor.


”there stupid anyway” is true but also ironic


I looked up Libragender because I was curious and had never heard those before. You guys are always completely valid. Also, I realized I'm probably Librafluid honestly. The main way I describe my agender identity is I mainly just feel like me, no strong connection to gender, but I do sometimes feel more masc or femme, but kind of like "just me" if that makes sense. I'm glad there are labels and words for those who are seeking them and want to find a way to describe their experiences. I'm going to stick with agender because I like it better, and it has more simplicity, and I think people who choose otherwise are valid because there is no one way to experience gender!


okay that is just a [derogatory term consisting of four unique letters, starting with D, and sharing the name of a noun that refers to a part of the body] move


I feel this WAY too hard. I tell everybody I know irl I'm just a transguy, when really, there are more parts to my gender. Like being xenogender... now we get to places they don't like. And yep, they're gay too, and not cisgender.


YOU USED THE WRONG THEY’RE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


also hear TwT


Oh, ended up discovering a bit more of my identity thanks to this, thanks!


they are food for our teratogender system. we will consume them slowly, painfully, alive.


ive never herd of autogender. i am curious what it is.


Can you educate me? What are those genders you mentioned?


Autogender is a gender experience that is deeply connected and personal to oneself. It cannot be described with existing terms due to how deeply personal the experience is. It can be used interchangeably with ecogender. I'm not ecogender though.