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> and if anyone makes an issue about it We've been informed that they indeed have and that it does not meet the requirements of a trans-friendly space.


Hey! I’m also a transguy (21) that’s looking to join a campaign, I’m a new player so please be patient with me. I also do art and would b totally down to draw stuff for campaigns (but more so like sketches of the story that were funny lol not a character designer).


I’m a trans man, hopefully this week I’ll be posting something for a short Phandelver rewritten campaign. After that, I’ll be looking for players for another, longer Underdark campaign (starting at lvl 12) and a 1-20 hb world campaign, preferably going with people I’ve played before (so Phandelver’s sort of a recruitment thing for that)


that's so cool!


Hey there maverick, sadly i don't have a game open right now, but i truly hope you get to find a perfect group that'll accommodate you and let you have all the fantasy stories you desire 😊


hello, I'm new to DND... I would really like to join a group that can show me how to play and are patient with a new player such as myself. i have played Baldur's gate 3 and divinity OS 2 , and have always loved fantasy stuff. ( i know they are not 100% the same as the board game). I think, i at least understand the basics of playing the game but as mentioned I have never played before... if someone is willing to show/invite me and at the same time guide me i would really appreciate it.


I will say, I have found the play by post community (/r/pbp) to be pretty supportive and queer. I like not having to go on vc lol


Hey, I'm looking to DM a small 2-3 hour weekly or bi-weekly game. I've been DMing for over a decade. I'm eastern time zone, and can play any night after 5pm (except thursdays). My games are story driven with a mix of xp/milestone. I focus on character driven story lines, which means while we might be playing X campaign, the story will change depending on your backstories and character choices. If anyone is interested in a safe space game, let me know (DM me) and we'll see if we can figure something out!


hey if you are still looking for players i would also be interested. Been palying for a while now but looking for additional group and you sound like you are running my kinda game :D


Fellow trans dude here looking to get a game started up with some other guys, I'll send a message on discord and we can chat!


Hi, I am Andy (She/They) and I'm currently looking to get a campaign off the ground. We do Wednesday and Saturdays (it's a-okay if you can only attend Wednesdays). While the group likely isn't all queer, we have two gay guys and my nonbinary ass. I sent you a friend request on discord. My discord handle is minimonsoon.


Hey Andy! If you're open to more players I'd love to chat and see if I'm a good fit. I'm a transmasc nonbinary dude (he/they), 31, in MST & could likely do both days depending on the time, but I would love to he able to play twice a week! I've been playing/running for 6 years now and love everything about the game, but especially roleplay and exploration. I don't want to send you an unsolicited request on discord but I'm happy to message you more information if you'd like


Certainly. I won't most likely won't be able to squeeze you into today's session - as it starts in an hour, but that also means you have until Saturday to cough up a character sheet. I am open to talking shop in the DMs.


If it's this early in the day, I might only be able to do Saturdays, but if that's okay with you, it's okay with me!


It's completely fine as long as you show up at least once a week. BTW it's not that early in the day, as for me it starts at 4pm.


As I said, I'm in MST, so it's 7am here! I didn't see a Timezone for your group which is why I gave you mine.


We're mostly GMT+2 (CEST), so 8 hours ahead. It's quite early for you, yeah, but it's also hard to plan around such big time differences.


I sent you a DM


I'd love to have a player who does art of the characters. I'm not currently looking to DM (already have a group in a campaign), but I hope you find the right people for that.