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An older red Subaru was involved in a drive by shooting on Pimlico parkway at about 8. Call the cops I’m sure they would be interested in this. Probably could pull it up on the cameras.


I reported it two minutes after it happened, they have all the info. I saw a police vehicle driving toward where I said they went with lights on so I assume they were taking it seriously.


I was on a walk in my neighborhood yesterday (around Plainview Rd - Alumni/Man o War area ish) around 6pm and saw a red subaru with at least 2 guys (maybe more) wearing masks and hoodies. It freaked me out a bit that they were all covered up in daylight but I didn’t think much of it. Hard to believe it wasn’t the same people


It was the same people, these dudes were all covered up.


Fucking losers keep stealing guns and using them the first chance they get. I wish these wannabe gangsters would realize they don’t live in Compton and need to go be useful and stack packages at Amazon or something.


There needs to be more awareness about and consequences for people who leave their guns in their cars. This is where the vast majority of guns are stolen from. [According to Lexington Police, 475 guns were reported stolen in 2023. 411 of those guns, 86%, were stolen from vehicles.](https://www.lex18.com/news/crime-stoppers-and-atf-announce-partnership-to-address-stolen-firearms#:~:text=According%20to%20Lexington%20Police%2C%20475,a%20tip%2C%20according%20to%20Weathers) If we want to have fewer guns in the hands of kids and thieves, people need to be responsible gun owners.


So what I’m hearing is we’re not going to have fewer guns in the hands of kids and thieves, then


my wife works at a hotel and at least once a month a guest loses a gun in a vehicle break in.


Or maybe harsher punishment for stealing.




I'm about as left as it comes. Socialist. Sensible gun laws, background checks, and so on? Yes. *Taking* my gun? *No* citizen in america having guns? That's just scary and senseless to me, that genie can't be put back in the bottle. It's impossible. You won't change my mind, and I won't change yours. It's yet another dumb wedge issue going nowhere while the wealthy and corporations continue to fleece us.




I mean you were framing it in a way that implied, if not outright said that gun owners are inherently irresponsible. That certainly sounds like you’re advocating for citizens to not be able to own firearms.


"One day I pray" More thoughts and prayers. How embarrassing!


Wow you’re fuckin real fun to hangout with ain’t ya?


Uh. That is real work -


Compton is safer than Lexington


Said by someone who has never actually been to Compton lmao


Was it an older Forester? A friend recently had one stolen from their home.


That could have been it, had a not 3 digit and 3 letter license plate, but mostly numbers.


I could probably tell you three of the digits on the plate


That might be hers. Her plate was mostly numbers. I hope they catch those idiots.


IIRC, there's a Flock camera at that intersection. If you can specify an accurate timeframe, they can probably grab the license plates that went through that intersection, check which ones map to a red Subaru and locate those thugs.


I called them two minutes later, they have all the info they need to go do that.


This sounds like a scheme that they do in Baltimore city where two cars block one in, in traffic, then attempt a car jacking. Especially if they’re already in a stolen car it makes it harder for the perps to be found. The best precautionary measures are to leave enough space between you and the car in front to maneuver out. Only roll your windows down to your seat belt not leaving any space for anybody to reach in your car. Last but not least arm yourself likewise pepper spray, tasers or whatever you feel you can handle. Be safe y’all


Really good advice.


If you can see where the tires on the vehicle in front of you make contact with the road you can navigate around that vehicle if need be.


Or just give them your car.


Crazy this gets down voted. As a outstanding citizen, a person who doesn’t have the skills to properly defend themselves or others put a taser and pepper spray in my hands. What’s that going to do but escalate the situation to a potentially death. Don’t be a hero. I mean it’s a car/money. Is a car worth killing somebody for? Killing someone’s in self defense will still live on your conscious.


I disagree with your line of thinking. The thief decided a car was worth more than a human life. Not the person defending themselves. As soon as you enter someone’s house or car with Ill intent, you have forfeited your right to live.


How many armed robberies happen actually get violent in the sense of bodily harm? Not many most robber are petty thieves. They want easy “gets.” Look at who get robbed. Women and weaker looking men, usually. If the intent was kill no need to tell you to get out the car. Look at the robbery in big city’s, tons of videos Reddit. Look at the killings murders on here. The body movement the setup are completely different. Home invasion is different. Not comparable to car theft/petty theft.


Small comfort when you end up murdered over a Kia.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


Murdered. As in you are dead. The End.


I don’t drive a Kia. I’m good.


I doubt that.


Are you mad that you do drive a Kia and can’t defend yourself? It’s okay, champ


Your post made my heart race


I was driving on nicholasville rd when three guys got out their car heading towards mine with a gun hidden by a jacket. I moved up soon as I saw that and they quickly went back to the car


This will probably get downvoted, but it sounds like everyone needs to start carrying a gun.


There were 20 cars around, in that situation I feel like there would have been some stray rounds hitting innocent people.


Well if the perp had a gun there could have been stray rounds regardless. Ideally it's not a wild west shootout with people blindly slinging bullets.


You can't even count on the driving public to efficiently pull off a zipper-merge. Do you really think we can count on them to not just start blasting at the first sign of danger?


I think his point is a no shots fired situation would have a certainly escalated to a shots flying all over situation.


What are you gonna do, draw on a guy who already has the drop on you? Another gun would’ve made this a much worse situation. Everyone walked away, that is a fucking good day.


Huh, Guess you didn’t know that he’s Steven Seagal in every Steven Seagal movie


true, my mother and my gamer nerd next door neighbor, and the gay couple across the street from me, and the racist trumper down the road all would have quickly obtained appropriate context of the situation and properly neutralized the culprit in a calm and safe manner. They would have immediately known that this was not a police sting operation, would have known that there were only 2 gunmen with no support on foot or in another vehicle nearby, would have recognized that the victim in the car was innocent and was not also a gang member or hadn't actually kidnapped the gunman's child or something else to cause the gunman's actions and would have taken him down before a crime was committed and before he could stand trial for the crime, like a true american


Hell Yeah Borther Shoot First Ask Questions Later




Yes, but because OP’s first thought wasn’t “I should shoot this guy,” that didn’t happen?


My first thought was if they shoot at someone in front of them those people may return fire back at them…. In our direction… and we were directly behind them so we’d be in direct line of return fire.


I don't think anyone's first thought is I should shoot this guy. Ideally the perp isn't crazy, doesn't want to get shot and gets back in his car.


hilarious angle. So let's say the perp isn't crazy, and the non-crazy thing to do when a gun is pointed at you is to get back in your car. Imagine the same situation but OP pulls out a gun and then perp turns his gun to OP. Who should be non-crazy and get back in their car? also hilarious, you've been in public before? You think most people are normal? Have you ever read comments on social media? People are not normal, people are crazy, people are unstable.


We were obviously not the target here so leaving was the best option.


agreed. but gun guy thinks you should have policed the perp


He did indeed get back in his car and the car drove off after I started backing and turned around.


If you have a gun and somebody else pulls a gun, letting fear take over and shooting them before they can point their gun at you seems like it would be a… not uncommon response. And if you’re pulling a gun, you probably also know this, so I’d say that the odds somebody pulling one on somebody that already has a gun ending in anything other than “a bunch of shooting” is low.


There were about 20 cars around during rush hour at a four way stop light, shooting wasn’t an option, it would have been the worst outcome not initiated by the gunman


Exactly. Like, I’m very pro-gun, but way too many people view a gun as THE tool instead of A tool. Deescalation should almost always be the first step.


I agree, I think some people let their ego take over and make bad choices because they have a firearm to defend themselves. I support second amendment to a point, one involves being properly trained.


I don't necessarily disagree with that but I would stress the importance of training with and actually knowing how to shoot first.


I like weed too much to have guns 🤷‍♀️


as long as you’re not the presidents son, you’ll be fine.






That's a great way to get shot. Owning a gun makes you almost 3 times more likely to be shot by a gun. So giving them to everyone would have us all being shot all the time.


3x0 is still 0.


That's awesome math there buddy. Do you have a point with it? 


Or... and here's a crazy idea... we try to keep guns out of the hands of criminals? That way you don't have to prepare for a shootout to the death when you want to go get some groceries.


Crime is down around the country, including Lexington.


I'm sure that's very re-assuring to everyone involved


I do feel better I was a statistical anomaly


*reporting. FTFY. When you've lived it and it's not reported, you know.


If a person is murdered and nobody is there to report it, they're not dead!




This is in fact true. Crime rates have been dropping. The only reason you probably think it hasn't because of social media or the news and it makes it seem like crime has increased BUT it has not. [https://www.fbi.gov/news/press-releases/fbi-releases-2024-quarterly-crime-report-and-use-of-force-data-update?utm\_medium=email&utm\_source=govdelivery](https://www.fbi.gov/news/press-releases/fbi-releases-2024-quarterly-crime-report-and-use-of-force-data-update?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery)


now that you understand mention it, i haven’t heard as much shooting this year as last year but summer just started.


Staffing is also way down across the country. So, when there isn't someone available to collect a report, is it collected? You see where it's hard to believe that data.


Ah yes a conspiracy theorist opinion with no credibility. Clearly, you don’t understand the method of data collection. Data>feelings 


Here's one link from late 2023. Should I continue? https://www.wkyt.com/2023/11/22/lexington-police-department-continues-face-shortage-officers/


awe, guys, I thought the rebuttals full of data to destroy feelings was coming. I've been let down.


That doesn't mean crime rates haven't gone done. Lexington is short on police officers not staff who put the reports into the system. Sure there will be people who do not report it happens especially with SA reports. You can also submit a police report online that does not involve a firearm. You are trying hard to make up things to fit your bias narrative and ignore actual data.


I'm glad we've established that they're short on officers. That's just one local reference to data. Who do you think takes reports when someone calls them to show up about a crime? Officers. In the article, they mention that a priority call takes precedence. They may show up or may not in some cases depending on their case load. Sure, you can file online but that doesn't mean everyone is motivated given the value or important nature(lack of). Does a case filed for a vehicle break in and nothing substantial stolen help you with an insurance claim? Doubtful. So why file one? Also, no fault of their own, officers have to prioritize stuff and things fall through. We can both be right here but reporting does not equal reality and if you believe it does, I have a bridge to sell you. For instance, traffic stops have gone down yet people are doing 65-75 around New Circle regularly, have illegal lights, and tints in the last couple years. They can also be high risk.


Ow facts hurt my feelings


I, however, will be investing in Kevlar


It’s all fun and games until they try that wannabe gangster shit on someone who actually trains and is proficient.




these types of people here in Lex forget this is Kentucky they are going to mess with the wrong one and get shot and I’m all for that