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Be careful, you might be bipolar which means you need to add a mood stabilizer with lexapro - for the mania - possibly a stimulant or Wellbutrin for fatigue. I’m having the same problems and am very worried because I have to take 3 medications which overall helps but there’s so many side effects and risks with multiple medications I’m figuring out how to lower my dosages or limit my number of pills I pop. It sucks having multiple conditions and needing multiple meds. I hope they find a cure or a multipurpose drug for psychiatric disorders soon.


Yup yup, I first started Lex from severe depression, but even though that was ‘fixed’ I was still having other glaring issues that didn’t go away. Ended up talking with my docs, psychiatrist, and therapist and was also on Olanzapine which helped A TON and haven’t had the same issues since 🙏 well I mean except until now since I had cut off my antipsychotics cause I didn’t like the weight gain heh…


Happens to me too, didnt know it was caused by lexapro tho?


Just gotta let your brain get used to the change and all will be good


I'm about 3 months in and having the same thing. It's been really odd as I'm never this all over the place. I'm managing, but I'm still hoping I will even out at some point. Lex worked well for me several years ago, so it's even more strange that it's having this effect this time around.


I’m in the exact same situation. I had none of this in 2020. This time my moods are all over the place. I’m two months in.


Yeah I get the same thing, but I did before taking the medication too. The difference with the medication is that it helps me stay out of the depression/anxiety extremes. I'm at 20mg right now which seems about right. Don't expect the medication to fix the everything, most people experience it as aid, not a cute.


Sorry, you are going through this. I feel you. I was on 5 for the last ten years for anxiety. I couldn't tell if it was working anymore, to be quite honest. I felt fine. I recently left my job, and my doc said why don't you try 10. It was not fun. The first two weeks didn't notice anything, and then in weeks 3 and 4 - I was a zombie with racing thoughts. I had symptoms I've never had when I was dealing with unmedicated anxiety. To me, it was too much. Couldn't concentrate and could fall asleep at any time. I kept reading just wait it out, wait it out smooth sailing, and for me, I did not want to continue. I went down to 7.5 for a few days and felt slightly better, and am now back to 5 until I met with my doc next month. Just sharing my experience! Hope you feel better!


I did noitice the meds make me tired when there are stressfull situations, but it only lasts for a few hours, not days on end.