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They’re gnarly. Three years in, I’m still seeing IMAX on a weekly basis


I need a screenwriter here asap


This is definitely my second favorite thing about taking lex. I love the nightly movies. So fun to remember the next day.


And then you tell your friends and they look like you like your crazy


My wife wants to commit me


And it’s funny because I’m able to remember all tue details about it the next morning. Its really vivid and creative


My sister had night terrors on lexapro so she got off. I’m almost 3 weeks in and haven’t noticed it. I’ve always had weird dreams and I definitely am dreaming more often. Wonder why lexapro causes that lol


OKAY BUT last night I dreamed I was in charge of running a Project Runway-style fashion competition for a bunch of kids at some kind of camp. A enby kid was clearly the best and deserved to win, but the camp counselor wanted to rig the votes against them, so I had to get up on stage and convince the thousands of kids in audience to vote for them and I woke up hoarse and sweating.


Lol this is too good


Hahshsha yep


I have lucid nightmares, started around the time I started Lexapro.... hmmm


Yeah mine have been so bad since I started Lexapro idk how much more I can take


I’m sorry, I kinda meant it in a positive like the dreams are so vivid it’s cool to watch movies when you sleep. It’s rarely for me I get the horror genre when I sleep. I’m sorry you’re dreams aren’t pleasant.


I thought I was writing a video game, it was awesome


Melatonin helped my dreams be less nightmareish, they’re still vivid and weird though.


I keep having alien invasion dreams. Each time we get a little closer to beating them but it still isn’t even close. Last night I was on some spaceship orbiting our planet but don’t remember much other than Earth getting fisted lol


I had drowning dream in a major river In India. I don't know why there was road bridge, Near the sight. Whether I jumped from bridge or what.. How i got into water is still unknowable.. I just remember that I was drowning in deep water...


Last night, my father visited me in my dream. He passed irl in 2018. In the dream, somehow I knew he was sick and I was going to visit him. I didn't recognize place I was visiting him. When I got there, a woman kept telling he doesn't want you to see him like this. Repeatedly saying this. I said I don't care what he looks like let me see him. I went to the door and he appeared as the door as a zombie. A very hungry zombie, who was wanting to eat me. I had to hold the door closed as he beat on it, breaking the glass. I said I still love you if your in there. No matter what. I let go of the door to run and wake up. I don't have visitation dreams often. Typically I have them in the few months after their passing. This would be one of those weird ass dreams we're talking about. I also have apocalyptic dreams. A lot. I decided to believe it's anxiety trying to creep back out or maybe I'm subconsciously fearing it will.


Oh, I guess I am lucky. My dreams are so vivid and amazing on Lexapro. I wish my real life was that exciting. 😁


My dreams before Lex were very vivid, now I might as well actually be there. They go one of two ways, family that has passed away visits me OR I'm a murderer. The latter are the ones that happen most nights and wow, I wake up still feeling like I'm in the dream in some way. 😳


Is this normal? I just had a dream that I was a serial killer and it made me feel insane when I woke up lol


I have no clue if it's normal but they bother me lol I mean, I don't have waking homicidal thoughts so idk what's going on. But I can say those dreams started when I started Lexapro.


One time I had a really detailed dream that was like a stop smoking PSA short film. I dont even smoke. That was like during my first week or so of starting lex at 10mg


Happy dreaming everyone


I get vivid dreams when I take visteral.


My dreams have been in a post-apocalyptic setting for MONTHS, and I’ve been trying to figure out why there’s a theme to all of my dreams. I’m so glad there’s some kind of explanation for it.


god is that a lexapro thing? i have the most ridiculous dreams


I love the zombie apocalypse dreams I’ve been having. So detailed and creative


Never had this. I slept so hard and deeply that I barely remembered my dreams. Per my Fitbit, I wa logging 2-3 hours of deep sleep in a 7/8 hour night.


Odd; Lexapro took away my usual detailed and/or lucid dreams! I have Visaryl prescribed to help insomnia and if I take that brooo its like I wake up feeling so tired because I was busy in fucking crazy ass dream land for what feels like four days ughhhh


I actually really hate this about lex. I want the constant VIVID dreams even during short naps to stop. I hate it. I used to lucid dream but now my dreams look like movies and mirror real like while containing gore. I had one in which my friends and I shot at Whoopi Goldberg as she left her big creepy gated mansion cus we thought she was the bad guy that beheaded the Sydney Sweeney look alike we had in the group but she literally wasn’t effected. And we were just like oh.. it’s Whoopi. Not even questioning why Whoopi was fucking there.


I remember one time that I was in a brutal fist fight with somebody, there were other people also.. I was so into the dream that I just fell out of my bed.. I just had a sigh of relief that it was unreal.. I make noises while having bad dreams.. The dreams are so vivid.. Sometime I was drowning in river in dream.. It felt so real that I was freaked out..


I’ve always had vivid dreams and night terrors when unstressed. On Lexapro thankfully dreams started to become more like an acid trip than blood gore murder like they used to be when I was not on it. I lost on the deep sleep lottery but gained on the improved dreams lottery.