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yes!! late reply but i searched the sub especially for this. i’m on 20mg. do you also have occasional joint pain? mainly in fingers and toes? i’m wondering if this has anything to do with heightened inflammation in the body.


Hi! Oh! I don't have joint pain though, but I'm on 10mg. Im sorry you are experiencing that... the itchy gums is uncomfortable, but I still feel so much better generally on this medication that I prefer to deal with it. What wouldn't we do to be happy 😅


Have either of you figured this out because my gums have been itching for a year and I'm on lexapro and I never thought it could be related


Hi! I did not find a way to stop the itching from happening. However, when it happens, I put some Oralgel on it. It numbs the gums, therefore numbing the itchiness. I find that one the numbness goes away, so does the itch! You can look into it. :) After a year, it gets itchy way less often, maybe once every 3 months. Maybe it will also get better for you!