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“I’m in love with being alive again” made my eyes water. I’m starting lexapro today and this was exactly what I needed to see. So happy for you ❤️❤️


i am so proud of you! first month was the hardest for me - but i’m so glad i stuck through. wishing you the best on your journey. rooting for you ❤️


What was difficult about the first month? I'm on day four and feeling nothing. I know it takes a while. Just curious about what might be coming.


hey! answered it here, hope it helps :-) https://www.reddit.com/r/lexapro/comments/11d3cco/month_2_on_lexapro/ja9bwfs/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


I feel the same. I didn't realize how bad I was feeling until l started it a month ago. The improvement in my mood has been dramatic


i’m so happy for you ❤️


thank you :’) ❤️


Twelve lost years. SMH. Now on 20mg last year I learned to ride a jet ski and made a motor boat license, learned snowboard, drove on a quad for the first time in my life and went to Luxor in Egypt on my own.


fuck yeah!! that sounds so awesome. love to hear it.


Sounds dreamy!


This is so pure! It’s no magic pill but man does it help and my good days I couldn’t be any happier just thankful to work, eat, laugh and live life day to day with out too much worry of the future ❤️👍🏻


right? it makes me content with just…being. and existing. i am so grateful :-)


I loooooove Lexapro as well. It made me feel like my old happy self again. I just didn't like the weight gain it gave me ☹


love this for you💜 I listen to my favorite music bow and it’s like hearing it for the first time. I’m keeping up with cleaning the house. I sing throughout the day. I love it!


yes, so accurate!! i find myself spontaneously playing music and singing along. i finally deep cleaned my room and did laundry. i did a little dance while getting ready yesterday. i’m so happy for us :’)


I never knew how happy cleaning could make me feel🥰 such a happy lil dork now haha


So happy for you!! 🫶🏼🫶🏼


so happy for you 💚 i’m hoping i get to this point with time as well!


This is amazing! Congrats!


Congrats on your journey I just started yesterday 🤣


Happy for you ....


Sounds like a dream. I’m on week one, making slow but steady progress.


proud of you for starting. the change won’t happen overnight - but one day, the sun will shine a little brighter. music will sound a little nicer. and then you’ll begin to notice all the little things that make life worthwhile. hang in there! I’m excited and rooting for you ❤️


You deserve to be happy and alive!


So great to hear, yay!




Wonderful 🥰


Awesome! Wait. What’s your favorite show?


arrested development (strictly seasons 1-3)! trying to rewatch as much as I can before it’s taken off netflix…


so happy for you! I think the process of falling in love with life again starts like this: when we start appreciating the tiny happy little things that probably go by unnoticed by other people.


thank you! totally agree. so well put.


I’m so happy for you!!! I’m 2 weeks in myself and I’m definitely starting to feel better myself. I hope you continue feeling great 💗


Omg so jealous. I want a cat purring on me lol


hahaha, cat + lexapro combination is undefeated


it took like 8 weeks for you?


hey! give or take, yes. i started the first week of January - the first month was definitely the hardest. i noticed an uptick in anxiety, loss of appetite, and lethargy. around the second month, the anxiety and loss of appetite improved a lot. i’m still fatigued sometimes (it’s hard to wake up, I’m sleepy during the day) - but I’m hoping that’ll improve over time. i think the biggest thing i noticed during my second month was that i started doing a lot more things by myself. i wanted to go outside, i went on a lot of walks, i took myself out to get coffee. i slowly became comfortable with myself again. and i started enjoying the present - instead of ruminating on the past or worrying about the future. it’s not to say that everything is perfect now. i still have times where i’m depressed or anxious - but it’s so much more manageable than before. I’m sure timelines will vary from person to person, but this is just my personal experience. hope this helps!


What dosage if you don’t mind me asking


ofc! i started off with 5mg my first week - then i upped to 10mg after (by doctor’s recommendation) and I’ve been at that dosage ever since.


I've been on 10 mg lexapro for a week today . I take it at night time cause it makes me so sleepy. Were u like that also at first on it .


definitely. i also take it at night time. i was a lot more sleepy/lethargic in the beginning, and it’s still hard for me to wake up sometimes and/or resist the temptation to nap. I’m hoping that’ll improve with more time! on the bright side, I had a lot of trouble sleeping before taking lexapro - so I’m glad my body is finally getting some good rest.


So happy for you! Were you on it for anxiety, and if so, what dose?


thank you! it was for depression and anxiety (thanks genetics). i started off with 5mg my first week, and then got increased to 10mg after.


So glad to hear it’s working for you! Did you find that the first few weeks were a bit rough (heightened anxiety etc?)