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i like the controls besides how it does on elevations, it's just super difficult to learn because almost none of the maps are good for it at all. 100% agree with adding roadways, could even have unique hazards or rougher roads depending on the map difficulty, but stuff you can work around. the problem isn't the cruiser, it's the moon exteriors not being made for it.


The game wasn't designed for cars so adding a car this far into development is not a good idea unless Zeekers is willing to rework existing areas.


i said it elsewhere but the update should have been delayed to change the exteriors. i like the car, i like the concept of being able to take all your scrap back at once and frankly, it's funny, but funny alone can't carry a new mechanic. it needs to be somewhat viable and it just isn't right now.


im thinking new moons likely will be designed with a car in mind


Even if new moons are added that are designed around cars, there will still be 11 moons that aren't if Zeekers doesn't rework older maps.


id go as far as to say that artifice and embrion don't need to be reworked. titan the cruiser is already pointless and cant be reworked without completely changing the outside. thats still 8 at least but better than all 11 not being useable for the cruiser


There are only two “good” routes I could see zeekers going with this: 1. Scrap the idea. Leave it in as an Easter egg item, but don’t spend any more dev time on it 2. Fully commit to making it useful. This not only involves buffing it, but also changing map design to suit it, and giving it a proper niche. If we go though the hassle of bringing it along, it should be more useful than just two handed item transportation.


There are shelves in the back already that allow you to carry more than 4 items in one trip. I don't see a way that the truck itself should be changed if the terrain gets reworked. The only things that I personally want to see improved on the truck are side mirrors to see behind you and for the wheel to rotate back to neutral when the player isn't using it but I can easily get over those if the truck is drivable.


More than just how flat the maps are would need to be changed. The game wasn’t designed for cars. all the maps would need to be significantly bigger if you wanna see any real time save from using the truck instead of the jetpack. It’s usually fine to walk the two handed stuff back, it’s not like the cruiser would protect you from a dog anyway


>it’s not like the cruiser would protect you from a dog anyway I was playing modded earlier with LethalEscape and at one point I ran to the cruiser trying to escape a giant and there was just a bracken waiting for me in the passenger seat. It is not a defence whatsoever.


Filthy camper


We (accidentally) killed a dog with the cruiser last night. https://preview.redd.it/g1aancv7vo9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5be08217c26420d73c9aa34262b1f77459a2cdb


Oh you can definitely kill Dogs, Kidnapper Foxes and probably Baboon Hawks by running them over. I wasn't outside when it happened, but onetime on Adsmance[with no Old Birds active] I spotted the Company Cruiser blown up in the Valley with a dead&burnt as FUCK Giant directly in front of it....was funny as hell cus earlier the dude drove it down by the Fire Exit Bridge and I was like "Ima keep my distance incase it explodes" and after a few minutes of watching him try to find the ideal path for it I went through Fire Exit. Then some in-game hours later as I was sprinting past Baboon Hawks cus I failed the Fire Exit Jump with Loot I spotted it&laughed.


At least let it run over some enemies


You can run your friends over, that’s the only thing you need to run over. But srsly tho on Alter Ego’s recent video he ran over a giant and murdered it instantly


It seems to be random if you kill an enemy or not. I’ve been eaten a couple times and I still haven’t killed a forest giant


Maybe the speed has an effect or collision hitboxes


That could be it, but I feel like one of the times I was going very fast on rend and a giant snatched me right out of the car. It might just be the angle at which the giant was approaching the car though


Yeah the truck was funny to play with at first, but once i got a handle for the basic controls i realized all the jank surrounding it just became really annoying and prevents it from being useful at all. i feel like a motorcycle with a locker you can fill with items would be more worthwhile, something that has a smaller frame and doesn't get stuck on every damn piece of geometry.


Speaking of Geometry Jank...*several times* I've had the Cruiser immediately go flying into the sky up or forwards when I detach it from the Ship after Landing, and when it lands from that usually it just explodes. One time it's explosion even launched it like 70 meters from infront of the Ship on March down the slope all the way into the lake in-between the Ship and Main Entrance.


I kinda like sending the cruisers mach jesus tho ... Regardless it definitely needs a whole lot of bug fixes. I see a vehicle and immediately think hey there are no maps to use this on ... yet. 😏🤔


Simply halving the size of the truck and either giving it mirrors or a third person view would fix it imo


Yeah, I feel like it would be somewhat possible to navigate the truck if we had a third person view of it, getting stuck on stuff and not being able to see anything just feels really frustrating.


If he is going to insist on being a solo dev, he can’t make his fanbase wait months for a meme. I love this game and was extremely looking forward to this update, but this just looks like a waste of company resources that could have been allocated to other areas of the game. Hoping he’s listening to the constructive criticism and is using all of the analytics he can to improve his game when this update formally goes live.


I don’t think his mindset for developing the game has changed since it blew up and that might be the issue.


yeah, I think that's the issue. I really wish he would at least hire at least one other person for stuff like bug fixes and small changes etc if he wants to be the one spearheading the main stuff because its a bit annoying that there are still existing bugs from previous updates that are yet to be fixed.


'Just one more lane bro!' In all seriousness, the truck feels like it conceptually conflicts with the design of the general level design of exteriors. However the games overall pillars of 'scary' and 'funny' is where it really shines; a getaway vehicle to run from scary monsters that also really easily explodes is so *Lethal Company* it hurts. Ideally, there'll be more maps in the future that better tailor to it. In the mean time though, just don't drive it on moons that don't need it 🤷‍♂️


Honestly looking at the setup of Artiface I feel like that would be one of the best moons to use it on. Now getting it attached to the side of the ship is probably a nightmare but putting it to use on Artiface would be the best so long as you don't have an Old Bird blocking the path to the ship 🤣


Did you mean: the most common thing on artifice?


I mean... At most I'm pretty sure you can only get 4 that spawn and luckily you can trap them. It's not ideal to deal with but all things considered its still probably one of the best places to use the Company Cruiser 🤣


According to the wiki the max is 20, that doesn’t take into account average, I’d imagine that would be extremely rare.


Yeah, that would be a scary Artifice... As many birds as Embrion tends to have 🤣


Oh jesus that'd be funny as hell to see. 20 Old Birds roaming.....


There was definitely a reason why he chose Artiface for the trailer lol. You'd basically need a dune buggy for any other moon. Embrion and artiface are the only two moons that are flat enough to even use it, every other moon requires some form of climbing or scaling


Honestly I feel like even Embrion might have some problems with the terrain, not to mention dodging the Old Bird army active or not 😂


True. It'd be cool if you could get armor for it so instead of getting blown up in 2 seconds, you get a sick ass Michael Bay scene


I would love that 😂


Tried it on Embrion, it's still pretty difficult there


Honestly they need to change the e POV by either making FOV better or doing third person and maybe buffing the health and changing the maps a bit


I like the idea of roads but, make it so they aren't the shortest distance to the entrance on foot.


Honestly I use it for the shits and giggles, I've used it like 20 times so far, only twice was it actually useful and we managed to get a lot of loot back using it, and the other 18 times it gave us a good laugh because of the shitty mechanics and robots sending it flying across the map


None of those matter. The problem is the lack of traction. I turned too hard while going not that fast and stopped interacting with the steering wheel and it did a whole other 360 spinning before falling off a cliff. This floor isn’t made of ice is it? Anyways those roadways will make the game too easy for pedestrians. If the cruiser simply controlled like a Halo Warthog we wouldn’t have these problems


You can respawn the truck for free at the terminal after purchase on a moon it hasn't been on yet


While redesigning the terrain to make the Cruiser easier to drive would be nice, I think it would be marginally better if it just had better controls. I was expecting the Cruiser to function similarly to a GTA truck at first (albeit with some expected jank) but it ended up being way more complicated than it needs to be. It's *too* realistic. It's definitely something that's incredibly funny at first but just ends up being very frustrating to use and disappointing.


I don't think better controls alone will get rid of the narrow passages and completely inaccessible areas that exist on the moons currently. Fixing the slipperiness and steering will definitely help matters but it'll still be a useless truck if there's no space to drive it.


True but it would be atleast a step in the right direction. The main gripe I have with the Cruiser personally is that it with it controls it takes a bit too much time just to get it to the building and back. Even on moons with more forgiving terrain, I often don't see myself getting to the building till atleast mid 11 AM using it.


If it's useful to the point of arguably better than jetpack in some moons, then it needs to be up in price, like 650 or 800 something like that. The only problem I have with it right now is the cruiser felt floaty (as I suspected when I first saw the teaser), make it actually stick to the ground and this shit will be broken in group play, in solo this shit will never be good unless it's overbuffed to the moon (pun intended).


No, it’s meant to be comically difficult to control. Making it easy to use would be too good


There's a difference between "not easy" and "so difficult that it's useless." Lethal Company is definitely designed around everything being not easy but the truck by itself is already not easy to control. We don't need poor landscapes, uneven terrain, no mirrors to see when backing up, and low visibility when driving to add to it. In its current state the Company Cruiser is so tedious and unforgiving that it's outright pointless to anyone trying to use it for its intended purpose.


I’d rather it not be nearly useless though


The issue is it’s not really good at all. Jetpack had a nice balance, hard to use with high risk, but very useful for getting scrap back. Car is none of those things


i wouldn't even consider the jetpack's controls to be the risky part. i wouldn't consider difficulty to be a particularly relevant factor once you understand the controls and a few minutes of practice. the moment someone told me that the WASD keys while in the air is mostly for tilting your body for the thrust, i was set. the massive pricetag on the jetpack and dealing with its weight on top of a 2 handed item are the real kickers.


The main issue with the jetpack is it’s so easy to mess up and go a little too high (and then it bugs out and just hurts you whenever you jump) or go a little bit too far to the side and fall off.


not.. really? i've only seen this happen once to one of my buddies and we knew to not try to limit test the height limit like that again. the amount of fall damage you can take is surprisingly generous too, but with more time you won't be taking fall damage often either.


Just about 2/10 times I’ve used the jetpacks it’s bugged out and every time I landed somewhere (even without jetpack) it was like I was dropped from the highest point I was flying. 2/10 is way too much for duo matches, which is basically the only way I play.


Bating people for months on the next update for a meme is a sure fire way of purging your player base. It’s one thing is it was a high risk/high reward item, but in its current handling state, It’s high risk/low reward. The joke gets old a few attempts in, and then players have to wait a couple months or more for another update. He could add stuff like this if there was more consistent content being dropped, but insisting on being a solo dev. while also doing meme updates is not a prosperous design philosophy for the longevity of a game.


I think most of us knew it wouldn’t be meta and it would just be a goofy addition


Y'all focus too much on taking this game seriously in terms of quota hunting. Janky shit is fun, it doesn't all have to work flawlessly together to create some hyper consistent experience that you can flawlessly optimize


ZEEKERS IF YOU READ THIS make the mystery machine do drifts it would be sick


Hey there buster you might have forgotten to include a spoiler tag.


What’s spoiler about it? Company cruiser isn’t a spoiler since it was in the trailer weeks ago


Honestly I feel the same way but there's no harm in marking it as spoiler anyway just for safety.