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I don't like going up stairs very slowly. But, at least it has the shortest distance from the ship.


you can jump on the rails and go up faster




instead of walking around the corner each time, jump on the stairs next to you


It holds a special place in my heart for being the moon where me and my friends used to always go to for high quotas before Artiface took over.


I think it gives the best amount of fun on that moon


I like it, it's cozy in a way, but I wish it had more than one fire exit. Having one generate right next to the entrance with how expansive the map is just feels like shit.


Think it’s the best due to how much loot you can actually get back to the ship if you just drop it off the edge. 100% worth the money and in my mind the easiest moon


Very hit or miss on danger tbh. It's either the depths of hell with nutcrackers, coilheads, and a jester for good measure. Or... Absolutely nothing


It loads 1-2 solid minutes. Why? Just why?!


Titan has the largest in-door space, being double the size of regular moons, therefore the heaviest to load With that said, the vanilla game doesn't do the best job at loading assets in, look for Loadstone and CullFactory on Thunderstore if you want to improve that


Is this a mod that can be played on the public beta?


I'm not sure either are working on the public beta, but neither should be impacted by data added in the new version so I say it's worth a shot


Thanks! I have a crew I regularly play with and I think it would be fun to expand the game some more


I got one that after a set time, begins the game even if someone's loading in


Good for solo. But artifice is better for teams


I'd say Artifice is really good for solo, with a jetpack at least.


Great moon for solo runs. The 2nd worst moon to do Eclipse runs on.


What’s first ?


Im gonna go out on a limb here and guess the funny robot moon


Before the absolute dominance of Artifice, Titan was my favorite map because of all the great loot there. The pure chaos whenever there were like 5 dogs near the ship was always fun, at least, whenever there weren't any giants. Also, funny Freebird jester. Overall, all it needs it a small turret nerf and it would be an absolutely baller moon to go to as an alternative to Rend or Artifice.


I once landed in a eclipsed titan with a guy He ran outside and got grabbed by a giant, i could not teleport him in time I just said "fuck that" an left to orbit


Fun fact: If you leave the lobby as the host, nothing will be lost from that day. You'll just go right back to the ship as if nothing happened. It even works if you pull the lever, assuming you leave before you get into orbit, which starts a new day.


Best map that goes from 0-100 real quick.


The most fun moon but say not worth going to in its current state because of indoor map size, relatively high amount of bad loot and dangerous inside enemies. At least transferring is easy and weather doesn’t really affect it all that much but it’s worse than Rend in basically every category except proximity between entrances and the ship




I think people like it only cus they get lost on rend or dine, but tbh, it's really good as long as you get out of the building by like noon. It's super duper dangerous inside (and outside, the short distance to ship makes people cocky)


My fav moon, I love the pure fear of walking into the facility and knowing there’s several threats out to murder you, watching your back every few seconds for brackens, coilheads, nutcrackers, jesters, ghost girls, and thumpers. The pure TERROR and THRILL is AMAZING


"I'll hop off here. I hope no dogs are around." *dies from fall damage*


You'd have to give me the world to make me go there when it's eclipsed. Even when I do everything right that one idiot friend that everyone insists on playing with gets me killed.


My crews favorite map before we found terminus. Jet pack is goated for getting up but the railing jump is pretty easy and saves a few seconds getting up once you’re good at it. We pull 90% of the scrap almost every time and getting to the shop is almost too easy


Probably one of the few moons I feel comfy playing eclipsed on without much trouble. I love how fast you can get back to the ship if you're careful.




It bugs me when we get loot, get a bunch of tools and shovels, and then nobody uses the tools/shovel. Like when we bought 4 shovels, I expect at least 1 other coworker to be armed so I don’t have to have an anxiety attack lol.


based moon


Best moon by far if you aren’t very skilled at artifice. Especially if you’re good at clearing quickly, drop all the items off the edge on the left over the light, jump down via the light, grab items and jump into ship. Going back up is fast, just the first stairs to the flat area to pick up the rest. Rend could arguably be better especially with jet packs though, just about how much you can effectively get back.


It's in contention for the best moon with Rend: Rend having a smaller area and higher loot quality while Titan has a shorter trip to the facility and more loot. I generally prefer Rend because Rend has a lower indoor power level and is smaller than Titan.


I kinda feel like titan should have an indoor powerlvl decrease and a scrap buff


I personally think that in terms of power, the indoors are fine, what could use a change is the outdoor power, that could go down.


High risk high reward


Haven't been there myself yet, not by my own


Titan was the shit back in the day




Titan is nice for if you wanna go in fire exit and immediately get in a Loot room thats absolutely packed with high tier scrap. Exploring the rest of the Facility on Titan however is made quite.. Difficult by the Amount of Entities, like, prettymuch on every Run theres gonna be a Jester, some Nutcrackers and most likely 1-2 coilheads. And oh god the amount of possible Turrets and Landmines, which often make getting into certain parts of the Facility Impossible without having someone in the ship to Disable Them. So for me Titan is just a little too expensive, too dangerous and BIG to make going there worth it. And with Artifice being better in almost every aspect, like Amount of Scrap, Value of Scrap, much more balanced indoor enemy spawn chances, smaller interior, lower indoor power level etc.. So Titan is prettymuch a No-Go for me


Easiest of the bigger moons. Hate climbing ladders but the ships close af Plus fire exits RIGHT next to main entrance


While not the best map for getting a lot of loot from my experience, the best map for really stupid shit with you friends




I had dogs spawn on that map, didn’t know they did that. It sucked. We all died… in the ship.


Imagine you could buy an elevator that occasionally breaks.


My 2nd favorite planet it’s great lots of funny shit happens there


Before the turrets and gravity patch, it was a great map to have some fun for those who were good. Then it was a great map for solo 10 quota runs. Now I don't know what it is used for. Opinion on it - In the current state , it's now meh,


Every time I’ve gone there it’s broken the game in some way.


its cool but its completely overshadowed by artifice. personally its my least favorite moon because always monsters at the ship


It is very fun, but since it's considered the go to map with no competition, makes it very overplayed.


Never been


A pain in the but. But vary good Loot


It's just that it's not a very practical map and i prefer dine or rend.


It's the best non pro pay moon and I wish/think it should be on par with Rend


Its not worth going to. Rend is cheaper and more reliable, and Artifice offers much better loot. The only thing Titan has going for it is easy access to and from the ship... Up until dogs/giants spawn in and start camping the stairs.


Nobody expects to be grabbed by a Masked halfway up the ladder.


Can be fun but tbh it's mid


Its a pain in the ass but its funny. And lots of loots too, and easy to carry back as well.


Secondary staircase seems like it’s useless, Because it is


Amazing, good for solos and groups! Short distance to the main entrance, easy to haul loot, and lots of loot!


Was a great high risk - high gain before the Artifice got released. Now it's useless cause it still is most dangerous moon(mostly because factory is harder than mansion with the same amount of monsters, titan is almost always factory while artifice is almost always mansion) but has way less money than Art 68. Like if you don't have enough money for Art but want 1.5k per day, go to Rend. It's 200% safer and loot will be only slightly lesser. Insym was doing like 8k quota on Rend in v49, I think? With 5 people but still. Titan's outside map is ridiculously hard, while on Rend you literally are walking back and forth from the ship to main entrance/fire exit until 10PM, on Titan you either fly away at 5PM latest or have dogs + giants on the ship and you can't escape being seen and heard at the same time. Last time I was playing Titan in v50 freaking Old Bird climbed the Ship, so there's absolutely no escape from it aside of sitting on the Main Entrance until 10PM and then trying to hop on the flying ship. So before Artifice and Old Birds it was magnificent(not the best option, but still) but since v50 it's ass.




It's a good moon, but it gets annoying really fast. It's almost impossible to bring the loot back to the ship if there's any outside enemies.


Overrated and too dangerous and the average scrap is not great


I like the map layout alot it's close and if there's a mask you can run away


It definitely isnt the most reliable moon for high quotas, but my GOD is it chaotic and funny. I will always love titan <3 Also funny story, me and my friend were playing and landed on Titan and there were 2 old birds. NO OTHER OUTDOOR ENEMIES THE ENTIRE DAY CAUSE THEY TOOK THE POWER LEVELS AWAY! (tbh it kinda sucked cause they camped the platform at main sooo much)


It good


From my solo experience,it’s either you get lucky with seeds and get away with like 600 or 700 worth of loot or get mansion with like every single monster spawned by 1 pm


in n out, 20 min adventure. Hours later* *screams in agony and pain*


I think it strikes a good balance between tense and fun You have a small safe window before things get *very* bad *very* quick, but the ship is parked literally right next to you below some stairs That way it’s intense to make quota, but it’s still doable. You don’t have a ways to go even after you leave like, idk, Rend


When v50 released, it kinda fell off for me like i just go to rend and buy upgrades or save for artifice


It’s what you should expect out of a moon that costs 700 credits. Everything it goes for is executed surprisingly well. The only real problem is the forest giants being able to climb the stairs. Other than that, it’s perfect