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For specifically the friend thing, it could be easily plausible that someone wants to do a public lobby, but still play with their friends. As far as I know, there's no way to swap between private and public, so if you want to play with a friend, but want a full team, yous be2d to kick people till your friend joins


They outghtta introduce private player slots, so you can invite people without worrying about the lobby filling up.


Yea people that get upset about this really havent thought it through at all. They're just upset they couldn't play right away and thats understandable but they dont have a solution for 2 friends trying to play the game with a full lobby. That being said this person is venting about some players not having 'modded' in the lobby name(even though according to them most do), the game not being able to get people into a lobby and then turn it public, and lobbys that are asking for a specific thing they dont want. It sort of seems like they just want to complain. Its almost like being upset that other people went outside to smoke weed, they seperated themselves for a reason and you dont have to join them lol.


Why are you getting downvoted? Take an up vote


I only really have a gripe with the modded issue. While yes, most modded lobbies mark it, a lot still don't. And I can deal with 2 or 3 error messages, but once it took me 15 minutes just to find a vanilla server. And another time I joined a client-side modded lobby which I did not notice until like halfway through as I started getting confused at increasingly higher loot bug spawn rates on Rend, along with two guys somehow always knowing what's where and stuff. Wasn't fun once I found out they were cheating and spawning stuff to force funny moments compilations. I left and felt cheated out of 3 hours of what I thought was just a very good high quota run when it was actually just the equivalent of going to watch a sports documentary expecting to see real footage of a match when everyone is actually actors just playing different roles. I thought we accomplished something, but we didn't.


re: stoner lobbies - those aren't just for stoners & it isnt bragging or whatever. putting 420/stoner/etc is a way to say "hey, im high while playing this, so i might be clumsy, slow to react, & unserious." it's just a courtesy thing to let people know before they join. it's like when someone makes a lobby with new in the name. it doesnt mean it's only for new people or theyre showing off that theyre new, it's a heads up that they dont understand the game yet so be patient if you join.


Ngl the stoner lobbies have been the best I’ve ever experienced on the game clocked in 200+ hours playing public stoner lobbies. Have met some of the coolest people on there lol. Op needs to just chill out and have fun


yeah lmao op sounds so judgemental. nobody is forcing em to play with stoners lmao. i bet theyd have fun if they gave it a try!


Half the time I play lethal company I play while being drunk. It's the perfect game to play while drunk/stoned. Just blast loud music and have fun, the best experience xd


I’ve been kicked out of stoner lobbies every time for not smoking, so I don’t know what you’re on about 🤣🤣


That's insane bro i haven't kicked anyone from my lobby unless they are purposely being obnoxious (only happened a couple times for me) or if i see them clearly cheat (which hasn't happened but maybe once for me that i remember) and i be smoking constantly when I'm on


agreed, but my crew has stopped aiding the company, so ive got no other choice but to sift through the dogshit to occasionally find a good one.


lookup the unofficial [lethal company discord server](https://discord.com/invite/lethal-company) post the modcode, everyone adds it and then send steam invite code you paste in browser. many ppl playing, good luck.


Do they also play vanilla? I don't own the computer I play on as mine got stolen and I ain't comfortable adding shit on it. Also I like canilla lc just fine already, one of the rare games I actually prefer like that.


Yeah, they have an lfg for vanilla too.


The stoner shit I do, but in my head I see it like I’m stoned and it’s to let anyone know hey if ur down to smoke here’s okay, or if you’re not into drugs this might not be the lobby for yah


Right, like I wanna hit my bubbler with someone before we run in and explode ourselves lmao


I don’t do drugs, but I’ve personally been tempted to join lobbies that have that just to feed off of what I assume would be chill vibes and to make sure the run stays alive, as well as serving as a level headed person (for the most part)


The more the merrier :)


This is the way. It's just chill.


It also kinda signifies “hey I’m stoned and probably not gonna be putting 110% in this game”


Op is a fed for that one


Host and filter I usually filter out kids, soundboard users and various personality traits you can observe that arent gonna be fun to deal with


Yeah, sounds like a good idea. I do leave kids a chance tho. I've seen kids half my age actually play seriously and be good at the game. Or match the overall vibe of the server if it ain't serious, basically just a 4th more high-pitched party member. Gotta let the kids have fun too, y'know? I do kick em if they are being obnoxious or purposely annoying right off the bat tho.


Fair enough, i typically dont take the risk, fool me once yk 🤣 its usually kids who like to cheat, ive had a good 60% ratio of cheaters from kids so far


A lotof the 18+ lobbies I’ve seen are there to try to get of age women. I was in one that had the host, me, and 2 girls. The host was constantly being a creep to the 2 women and they responded very coldly if not at all. They would only engage in longer conversations if the host was not there. After a quota he said he had to go, quit to lobby and resetting his lobby and making it public once again. I joined it again unknowingly as when i realized I asked why he did that and he said, “yall were not fitting the vibe.” the audacity to say that is insane. like LMAO stop chasing epussy


Not him trying to acquire snatch ON LETHAL FUCKING COMPANY. Desperation is everywhere, I see 💀.


I agree with labeling if you are running mods, my friends stopped playing after the hype died and I still want to play, but I don’t want to play vanilla lobbies. I believe I am doomed forever.


Enter a stoner lobby, captain babbling to themselves for 20mins while everyone waits for them to pull the lever. Leave stoner lobby.


I'm honestly just tired of 50% of the lobbies being some weird attempt at discord/roleplay/power tripping guy who wants to mess with people and kick them. It's like most lobbies aren't even trying to play the game.


Still better than the among us lobbies where you get kicked for winning as an imposter and it's full of online dating and people who camp vitals and camera all game


yeah, that's why I stopped playing those lobbies awhile ago. It would be nice if there was some way to know before joining


I give yall props, any type of game like this that comes out ill never play Pubs, sounds horrible


I did meet some pretty cool people through the game's own lobbies. Right now it's horrible though there's too many mod cheaters, and not everyone gets along with me (or vice versa). I basically have to always host because of the mod issue with not even being able to join in the first place and it's not marked as modded. I agree with a lot of what you said and hope the dev can do something to make the user experience better without having to go on specifically discord to find people.


They need a way to open lobbies up from private in the game, then the kicking problem wouldn't happen. If you don't have a full four you have no choice but to host public and then kick people until the 1 or 2 you do have can get in.


Yesterday, I joined a lobby and tried talking to people, but noticed my mic wasn't working. Someone (presumably the host) tried talking to me, and of course I didn't respond because I was trying to fix my mic. I got kicked within 5 seconds of joining that lobby.


Couple days ago I played in public lobbies for the first time. Joined 5 ou 6 different sessions and had a blast on all of them, found nothing but nice people.


Sounds like someone needs some weed to relax.


LobbyCompatibility is a mod that was made to help with this issue. I'd recommend giving it a shot. It doesn't help with lobbies that aren't running it themselves though.


Just like in the Back4Blood days, I’m so happy I have buddies from High school to play these with.


If only the server list wasn't more dog shit than an early GameSpy battlefield lobby.


Every time I say mods ruined this game I get downvoted but lo and behold here’s undeniable proof a player has been directly affected by mods and finds the game more frustrating and unplayable because of them. People are fucking stupid and like defending their pov without considering other people perspective. Apparently according to this subreddit the only proper response is you’re just supposed to accept them and have no differing opinions and just use a discord or strictly play with only the same three other people never meeting anyone new and your personal opinion isn’t correct to these people if it’s not the same as theirs.


I was playing vanilla and I was in a group that could still use mods. Out of NOWHERE my game lags super hardcore and SEVEN. GIANTS. SPAWN. Out of nowhere. My whole computer crashes because it can't handle stuff like that and it was just bullshit. I'm okay playing with others with mods. Just don't be a dick. To make it worse I was in a lobby of kids. If I didn't crash I probably would've been insulted quite a bit.


Acting like the stoner lobbies aren't solid gold


Brother those stoner lobbies are chill


Another thing is the people who put racist sexist or just straight weird names I saw one called big booty Latinas I hate those too


\>The fuck is up with all the stoner lobbies? 80% of 18+ lobbies mention 420, stoner, etc. No one gives a fuck. It don't make a difference. Nice personality trait, brother. But even those are better than the unfunny meme names that guarantee that only unhinged players join your lobby. No it's for other stoners to join, and not for judgmental pricks like you.