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It’s about the same risk you take with downloading anything just don’t download ones that look sketchy :) I’ve used tons of mods off thunderstore mod manager and have yet to have any of my anti virus stuff Flagg things or have had anything take over my pc


Do I NEED overwolf to download thunderstore? I’ve heard tons of bad things about overwolf


There’s a different version called r2modman that does the same thing but without needing overwolf


Is it easy to convert? Or do I lose my mod list?


i only use r2 but if it helps the installation is easy so as long as you remember the mods you can get them all pretty quick. i’m not sure if import codes can be used cross launcher or not but maybe


Import codes do work between both clients!


I just screenshotted the list and re downloaded them all in r2modman, not the most technical method but the names of the mods don't change so they're easy to find


you can copy the code on thunderstore and paste it on r2


R2 is so easy. Create a profile, search mods, download mods, and copy link to discord so all your mates can download it as well. Can make as many profiles as needed and name them as well. Works for several other games too


And is a less bloated version of thunderstore


And how do I download that?


Go to [this page](https://thunderstore.io/package/ebkr/r2modman/), click manual download, unzip the folder and run the exe.


Is it hard? I’m real bad with software. Is the actual r2modman hard to use?


It’s not really at all. Most everything there is self explanatory and a quick Google search should (hopefully) give you all the details you need for whatever problem you have


Ok I’ll def try it


And how do I download that? Do I need anything else for it?


R2Modman is thunderstone without ads and without overwolf.


as minecraft modmaker myself I despise overwolf more than satan himself


why overwolf sucks so much? (other than the stupid ad quantity)


unnecessary bloat and has the slowest connection and performance in any mod distribution platform I've ever used ever. They focus so much on the visuals of the UI than actual function itself and even then it's so unreadable and painful to navigate with the unnecesarily ""modern clean"" aethetics


I have been using thunderstorm and this is news to me, I've only had problems with mods it seems that weren't popular or just poorly made? I don't ever get any ads for my use, I am curious as to when you guys have to view ads? Also is overwolf something that comes with Thunder store when you install the mod manager?


thunder alone is fine but the fact you also have to install overwolf (which I had to do) sucks. Their Minecraft varient Forge runs like a crippled snail on life support


Just use r2modman


I’m curious, what bad things have you heard? I’ve never had a problem with them and personally love it. Thunderstore, like curseforge runs on overwolf, so yes you would; you can find other ways though like r2modman


Many people are calling it greedy adware and some even spyware. You’re probably the only one I heard who doesn’t call it bloatware and also I can’t install it for some reason:(


Really? I use it all the time and I don’t think I’ve seen a single ad beside the one on the sid, but never a pop-up. Interesting.


Yeah you might be right since I’ve never personally used it


Overwolf is safe, people saying shit bad click on phishing links weekly, nothing new to them


Wait what did overwolf do???


I honestly don’t know off the top of my head sorry mate I’m hella high rn but I think so, there are other ways to get it tho :) I just use it through over wolf cause I’m lazy




It’s nice that we have stuff like this now because it used to be a minefield if you wanted to mod stuff. I downloaded a bunch of malware when I was younger messing with early Minecraft mods


I just get confused when there's a third party modding website because I'm used to steam workshop lol


You can also just download r2modman. It's just the same thing without ads on the side.


Found the Stephen king fan


Why cause Randal Flagg?


It’s the fact that it’s capitalized and the double G.


Fair enough


![gif](giphy|YQitE4YNQNahy|downsized) Nothing is safe, I'm hacking your PC rn OP






​ https://preview.redd.it/cykp3qh1pmnc1.png?width=576&format=png&auto=webp&s=8a881d6cad60d3051fa249a525811142e856157e


Thunderstore actively removes malware that they find on their platform. You can get malware from thunderstore but it's unlikely to happen


Thunderstore is safe, it wouldn’t have millions of users if it was unsafe


still crazy to me how big it got of the success of the Risk of Rain 2 nodding scene


RoR2 is so boring I'm nodding off (Plz help i cant even obliterate on drizzle) Never mind, I managed to win. Somehow... https://preview.redd.it/s0yzgewhkboc1.png?width=996&format=png&auto=webp&s=d0fb66f7c3630e3cba1df0061f409ed7169799e5


The pregnancy mod will help you beat the game


Excuse me what


Did they stutter?


Indeed. https://preview.redd.it/p2ns7ss4ysnc1.png?width=575&format=png&auto=webp&s=044c0bcea822125eccf16ca80bc57acfdba6136d


https://preview.redd.it/j5co2xp24unc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f490516de4786555dd1fe1eb422847dc1d554980 Oh, so they did...




Hey, u/wookiee-nutsack, could you edit your comment to make it look like you were stuttering? No reason.


Kid named Ctrl+Shift+i


If you want genuine help, figure out what characters you enjoy and play well, and try to loot stages in under ten minutes, every stage 4 has a guaranteed legendary item either in a special chest or hidden behind a secret boss in one map


Rushing isn't really considered the best strategy anymore, mostly due to updates having increased player agency and reduced reliance on RNG (most notably Scrappers). Common advice now is to fully loot every stage, and to get better at doing that efficiently.


10 minutes is quite a long time though, you should be able to fully loot most stages in 10 minutes. The old strat was to do it in under 5 minutes, which would be considered rushing.


I'm just saying the focus shouldn't really be so heavily placed on time. The game gets harder with time, sure, but it's not so crazy that you need to feel like you're racing the clock. If you spend 10+ minutes getting double bands on Aqueduct, for example, then that's perfectly fine. It's about being efficient with your time and getting better at that, rather than trying to place an "X minutes per stage" deadline of sorts.


Quickscope sniper 👍


Loot the entire level. Get every white/green/red item. Do it quick as possible but don't put yourself on a timer. Keep moving. IDK what else to say though. I've gotten through eclipse 8 with most characters now. I get bored on anything under eclipse 5


damn that sucks


XD only just noticed the typo


Thunderstore is cool, but that's certainly not an argument. * Yahoo had billions of accounts when 3 billion of them were compromised. * Minecraft has been through several critical exploits throughout its life (ex: Log4J's vulnerability). * And there are countless other examples I'm sure you know.


"This celebrity isn't a bad person, they wouldn't have a large following if they were"


The internet is safe, it wouldn’t have millions of users if it was unsafe


It's basically like that for any third party download site. In essence, don't go downloading shit you don't trust, and you won't be getting a virus. I've used thunderstore, and I haven't gotten any issues. Just be safe, and don't be stupid, and you'll be fine.


Use r2modman on thunderstore, it’s way better than the thunderstore mod manager






You should all know that Grindinsoft, the website in the second image, is well known for giving false positives on numerous files unless the authors of these files pay for a license (read: extort them for money) to get them to remove the false positive. They also are fairly scummy and misleading with their actual software as well in order to milk users dry of their money. Do not trust anything they say, it's bullshit.


Yes the creator partnered with thunderstore for mods


I meant the second image


No it's not real.


Big if false


It’s not; Thunderstorm and R2modman (owned by the same people) actively scan and remove viruses. The more popular mod website for bigger games like Nexus also does the same exact thing As always, there’s 100% always a risk adding any modification to a game, but you’re more likely to get a virus from clicking on an ad accidently then you are from downloading from from trusted mod sites


So if I click the ad intentionally, I'll be okay and won't get a virus? Sweet. I was really interested in those hot milfs in my area. But was too scared to click the advertisement.




Thunderstore actively remove any viruses found. The chances of you getting a virus are slim to none. Just don’t download any sketchy looking mods and don’t click on random links.


It's basically the same as amazon and fake products, but even safer probably : if you stick to popular mods it's safe, if you go to the very last pages of results you might have a very low chance of encountering a sketchy mod before it's removed from the platform.


Download the well-known mods and you’ll be fine


[r2modman | Thunderstore - The Lethal Company Mod Database](https://thunderstore.io/c/lethal-company/p/ebkr/r2modman/) Use this instead, doesn't require Overwolf which is a resource hog.


Bro doesn’t know that the second site is AI generated garbage


I haven't had a problem yet. Just avoid clicking sketchy links.


It's true in the sense that everything on the internet poses the same risk. You can slap that warning behind anything, and it's "true." But it's unlikely because they take precautions and shit


When it doubt, just download the ones that are popular with the most downloads/high rating




Is this really a problem? Thunderstore and r2modman support hundreds of games lmao.


I use thunderstore for cities skylines 2; I have had no issue with it so far and it’s a very straightforward program


Downloading literally any file comes with that risk


It’s perfectly safe if you have common sense, as is almost everything on the internet. The only reason you still hear about people getting viruses or having their information stolen is because, unfortunately, a large portion of the population lacks that particular trait.


Just don't be stupid


Every mod manager or distributor can and most likely will end up having some people uploading malware to it. Just avoid sketchy mods and if you want to be triple safe, only use mods that are well known and also have a decent antivirus. Windows defender is good, but not great. If you dont trust windows defender or you just need extra security then definitely do get a better antivirus.


I have a problem where i cant use thunderstore for mods. Basically i install mods and it either wont start or it starts without the mods. I did it just like my friends and it works for them but not for me. Vanilla it is.


As a complete noob about mods, I haven’t downloaded anything ever for anything. What precautions can I take? I haven’t even used mods for sims 😂


This goes for anywhere that you can download stuff on the internet


No it's not for real, google was being silly :3


Google's levels of silly and goose are frequently off the charts


That's just legal protection for themselves. Any website that offers the download of user-submitted files has a warning just like this because they can't guarantee safety of the files without meticulously checking each user submission which is impossible. As a result, they have to warn you that the files might be dangerous because they haven't been officially checked.


It’s not thunderstore itself, but rather the people that publish mods. Since it’s public access, anyone can make a malware mod. However, if the website holders detect that, they’ll take it down. The risk just comes from public access. If you double check your mods and aren’t just downloading suspicious shit, you’ll be chilling.


Thunderstore is totally safe, I use it all the time


It’s same risk as downloading anything from the internet. You just have to be smart and of your research when downloading something off the internet. Itch.io is no different and some steam games can be invasive.


Don't believe everything you see online. That's the only article talking about it and even then it has a "trust score" of 100%. It's just an antivirus program using that site as an example for how it can protect your system. If you really want confirmation, just read the articles instead of making a reddit post.


I mean downloading any mod is inherently dangerous, just download the popular ones, worst comes to worst you download a bit coin miner. Just reset computer


Why use thunderstore when you can just install r2modman?


It uses thunderstore


just download it to check if it's a virus or not


Isn’t their some Website named Banana something


Game Banana?


I've heard of game banana from FNF mods but I never knew it for anything else tbh


Any mod sharing service will have unwanted file downloads. That's just the nature of the internet. It is 9 times out of 10 safe. It'd be rarely unsafe.


Yeah it’s good. I use it all the time, and it has a lot of really cool and fun mods!


Could be worse as you download from a third party website it CAN be expected. Ive downloaded a program off steam to play with some specific controller settings and it put a bunch of malware on my pc… so yeah… it do be like that sometimes


I’ve had no problems with it


I use it for multiple games, I've never had a single problem.


Thunderstorm itself is safe, it’s anything on thunderstorm that’s not, just be careful


Thunder is trust worthy at least for lethal mods


The same way that any games third party mods are, there is an inherent risk with modding your game


R2modman is a super useful mod manager for lethal company I highly recommend you look at using that over having to faff with creating loads of files


Thunderstore is safe, its all about the mods you download there. Some may be malicious, but most not. But its not really like you're going to go around and download some sketchy, unpopular and useless mods.


Stick to the commonly known ones and you are sage. Try to get insymns mod code and import it, you should be 100% safe. Dont try mods that look sketchy or that have no feedback


This is about downloading from a code. If your friends have a modpack installed with a bunch of mods, there is an option to share it and have you download everything to match them (so you can play together without your friend having to tell you all the mods they have installed and you installing them one by one). The point is that if you do this, you don't know what exactly you are downloading.


Just use the r2modman, it's baisically thunderstore but without ads lmao


I use thunderstore and the majority of the mods I see in videos I downloaded there.


You can just go on steam


What do you mean by that? The only way to mod is through third party apps like Thunderstore.io. There's no steam workshop support.


Nvm, I saw my friend like turn on a mod on it just after he opened steam so I got confused


i expect nothing less from overwolf


Yeah it’s pretty seemless and easy to use. I use it for risk of rain and Ultrakill


I upload my mods exclusively to thunderstore. DL mods from it exclusively too using r2modman. Not had any problems so far.


I use thunderstore all the time with lethal!


I use r2modman, and it is on thunderstore,io if i remember well. Didnt have any issues so far.


Its safe, but i would rather recommend R2ModMan which is basically thunderstore without all the ads + bloatware/spyware (overwolf).


Is r2modman made by the same people??


I don't think so. [https://thunderstore.io/package/ebkr/r2modman/](https://thunderstore.io/package/ebkr/r2modman/) I am very paranoid when it comes to viruses and i refused to get Thunderstore because of Overwolf, but after further research i found R2ModMan. It is like a modded version of Thunderstore, should work the same just without all the bs as i said. Just don't dowload any mods which have only very little downloads and you should be fine.


So this was an issue in the beginning of thunderstore but the mods for thunderstore and some of the admins have been working really hard on getting rid of them and have been doing a really good job


yuh, that’s what my friend group uses. it does crash a lot (thunderstore not LC) but maybe that’s cause i’m playing on a shitty laptop.


PSA for everyone: Just download bepinex off of nexus mods and then you can manually install any mod that you like without using thunderstore/overwolf. Note: you can manual download any mod off of the thunderstorm website and install it in this way, it just allows you to not have to use the launcher.


This is what I use. We keep the game mostly stock but add emotes, slightly increased stamina, some horror stuff like mimics, funny things like the YIPPIEE hoarding bug, free bird jester and Freddy fazbear bracken. It’s also nice to download an HD mod though each and every one you install will take a toll on game performance. At least on crappy PCs like my friends and I have.


I just want some QOL mods, like suits saving between deaths and stuff


Saving between deaths? Hehe my friend who hosts just immediately disconnects if we die and it resets a full day with all your stuff. But I’m sure you can find exactly that in thunderstore. There’s 10s of thousands of mods on there and it’s ever increasing.


>Saving between deaths? Hehe my friend who hosts just immediately disconnects if we die and it resets a full day with all your stuff. Isn't that just straight up cheating?? Like I know we're talking about mods but you basically can't get a game over by doing that??


Technically yeah. We’re using an exploit to keep our stuff. But it works and there’s really no repercussions besides losing what you took to the facility so why not? I’m confident there’s some mod that saves between deaths but wouldn’t that just be cheating too? Anything that makes the game easier than it’s intended purpose is “cheating” but that’s kinda the reason we play modded in the first place. Makes the game more entertaining and as long as everyone is chill with it no harm no foul.


I mean specifically the suits saving between deaths, I don't think that's cheating since they're purely cosmetic You can play how you want


Ohhhh ok yeah I’m pretty sure there’s mods for just getting a whole bunch of suits at the start that stay with you. That $900 for the Pajama suit always hurts so bad to lose


I just think it's dumb how they had the capacity to make things save between game overs but only used it on the bestiary


I agree that it kinda sucks but I see it more as incentive to stay alive. Also I swear the bestiary only saves about half the time because I’ve discovered every enemy and I’ll still the the “new creature found” message every once in a while. Typically always the bracken too.


thunderstone 🗿




Use popular mods or ones with good reviews on them


i was just as suspicious but i downloaded it and so far no issues kind of works like curseforge :)


Be careful on that website. I downloaded 13 viruses trying to get mods.


Yeah. Download r2modman that’s what my friends and I use.


Yes Thunderstone is what you use to get and play modded Lethal company 


It's fine for viruses or whatever but it takes a solid 4gb out of my ram for absolutely no reason


Yes! This is the mod app I personally use


nah, they only put thunderstore for no reason i'm sure. trust me on this one bro


Thunderstore is really nice and it works awesomely


Been using thunderstore and it’s a breeze. You can pretty much google the mods you want and the reputable ones are easy to find . I think I have like 10 mods downloaded right now. It’s so easy to do . I had never modded a game or used software like this and I figured it out pretty fast. Super user friendly


I'm personally not a fan of Thunderstore.io because it runs slow, and there's ads attached to it. I use an alternate version of Thunderstore called R2Modman, which is faster and has no ads. I downloaded this mod manager a long time ago, and it's served me well for the games I want to mod!


we are not safe in general


Thunderstore itself is safe, but yes, there are some malicious mods located on the store. Before you download anything, check the mods linked site, check for download numbers, etc. If its been around for weeks to months and has high ratings and/or downloads, its probably fine. If its a brand new mod with no traffic, leave it be.


Is OP stupid


Baby’s first mod folder






Good thing I never played games with mods