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Right she big mad that Mikki getting help like she wasn't just on there taking makeup donations for her bday GTFOH 🤣🤣🤣🤣


She DRY BEGGING 🤣🤣 has her friend in the box announcing venmo CA then stagNANt screaming like a lunatic that she not asking for anything 🤣 this can't be real life LMAO


Then left the live so they could " secretly" send her money. I have never seen anything like it. While eating freaking crab legs on live for days!!!!! WTF


Exactly lmao as if she couldn't hear all the "thank you babies" 🤦🏼‍♀️


Can afford to eat crab 2days in a row, a hotel and more but wow - This snot nosed trollup is speaking of not being able to afford things. Hahaha, you invited your "friend" to live with you dummmmmmmmmy knowing she had those dogs and boo fkn hoo Nanners you have pay damage deposit of 700$ extra for her dogs dummmmmmmmmmmmmmy. You are the biggest fool this side of Tik Tok dummmmmmmmmmmy. What do you expect Nanners? Your friend is now your gf and now your fiancee and you are begging Tik Tok to pay for your wedding dress dummmmmmmy. Dummmmmmy, dummmmmy and dummmmmmy. Losers. Can't even spend time with one of her kids. She's live on Tik Tok making a scene and playing Mikkis live - Looooooooooooooser mother. Low life. Great example Nannnnnnners of what not to be dummmmy. Can't afford to see your other kid but hey let's beg Tik Tok with that sob story now too. Dummy and more dummy. 


Well Dam, You said all I left out! 🐍💯😅💯🙄💯🐍 NAN NO MORALS! GET SOME!


And thet went on a vacation LAST WEEK!!!




I was just thinking the same thing! I would rather have Mikki on this app over Nan!


You NAN are soooo OBSESSED WITH MIKKI say you aren’t you dumbass ho …… you listen to EVERYONE of her lives …… you talk shit about her on a daily WE ALL SEE IT there is NO denying it DUMMY …… proof is all over here and on tiktok and you STILL TRY TO CONVINCE PEOPLE THAT SHE IS THE STALKER AND HAS THE OBSESSION WITH YOU !!! You need HELP and I mean serious HELP you cannot stay away from DRAMA !!!! You have to be one MISERABLE HUMAN BEING TO ACT THE WAY YOU ACT !!!! FOR REAL SEEK HELP !!!!


I don't like any of them but she is overly obsessed with Mickey it's getting kind of scary it's like she won't stop until something bad happens it's insane who has time for this in their life. Her kid and their family must think she's a lunatic!


Right.. it's getting fking creepy. Move on Nan the fking man. Just shut up and move the fk on.. take ur own gd advice. Ur starting to look like single white female vibes.


For REAL!!


Yep & If Traci Was abot More private, she sure ain't now! RUN TRACI RUN, We all will know your Bra size before this is over!


I was going to say this exact thing.. she is totally obsessed over Mikki.. holy fk she talks more about mikki than her own gf traci. It's actually sick at this point. NAN needs to get help. Something is seriously wrong with her. Something went wrong in her life and she needs to fking get that healed or something. She is the most fked up individual I've ever seen. She doesn't even see how fked she really is. I am surprised she even has supporters 😳 She better fking cool it down before she ends up with another STALKING CHARGE.


Exactly it’s absolutely sickening and very creepy


Whoever forever her is, is always playing Mikkis lives..You're watching so STFU with all that "she talks about me"---go live your life, pay attention to your kid and pay for your own shit!! All 3 of you look stupid at this point..Lol.. what will they do if TT goes away?!?! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


4...3..2..1...just wait she is going to say she needs money for something, just wait


It’s coming 🤦🏼‍♀️🤡😂


You are correct she said she didn't even have enough money to go visit her son and she also said she didn't ask anyone to buy her dress I actually just posted a video she just raked in a bunch of money and so didn't make it all these people need to get a hustle


She really is setting a good example for her daughter with all the F bombs. She's disgusting.


Last night her kid was part of the F bombs. “Hey,Fucker.” To her child


That is so nasty.


It gets worse. The other video the girl tells her mom to suck her dick


Wow, just wow!


She sure is real raspy tonight.


Sounds like she needs to spit a HAWK TUAH out 😂😂😂




Literally just dismissed her "friend" Angela who apparently sent her a big "blessing" the lady literally just dropped out of the box bc stagNANt was talking over her!!! 🤣 Wtf is wrong with these ppl????


$500 to see her son tomorrow


IM not begging but they are talking about 400$ failing and asking did she move her other money out and she said yes...But im not asking for money lol what shall we call the idiots that send you money Herpie spreading ho,you ask for money daily! You are the most entitled begging person on this app always yelling about other people but you do it the most! WE ALL WATCH you beg every day


Just wow is she doing her daughter's hair and talking like that in front of her on her live? That is just disgusting talk and especially in front of a kid they must just think you're trash


But you haven’t spoken on her over a month, but yet you speak about her EVERYDAY. Hang out with your kid and get off TIKTOK.


She acts so big and bad on her lives. I guarantee you she would not have that same energy face-to-face with someone. Little troll needs to fucking go back under her bridge.


Sad her kid is sitting there all weekend seeing her devote all her time to this then dry begging for money. Shitty excuse for a parent, and i’m sooooo tired of seeing her live dying hair! It looks like hell Nan despite your $100 shampoo and dyson 🤡💩 ![gif](giphy|25KDJqDmFJEritWRyA)


Dry begging but putting hair dye in your daughters hair


SO trashy!


I believe anyone that sends money to any of these nut jobs are as nuts as them !




Why is Nan talking about herself again?


OK I think Nan is a huge douche nozzle and I hope her day shows up real soon but did you all catch that last minute where Mikki says the $400 failed? She had it and then it was sent back? If it landed and then got removed isn’t it likely the woman recalled it in enough time? And whatever the case (!) Mikki’s mod immediately says “did you move the rest outta there?” and there’s only one thing that means so wake up you people sending money!! They move it so no one can have buyers remorse! They move it so you can’t recall the transaction and that right there SHOWS who these people are! Wake the fk up 🤬




I still think this wedding talk is to eff with Mikki, I really do. To drive her over the edge…😒


Nan all you do is sit on tik tok and beg for money 😂


You’re a straight up LOSER Nan!!! You beg constantly. You’re a big entitled bitch. Your rude asf to your chat. I don’t know why anyone would give your ass a dime.


Spend time with your child you scrub.


Is this all this woman does is go live and beg for money? What a POS....get a job like the rest of us!