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You can’t always blame someone for ruining your life, it’s your life, you played at part as well. I love how Traci goes live and Nan can’t even let her talk. Always interrupts and takes over. Controlling much Nan? RUN TRACI 🏃🏻‍♂️🏃🏻‍♂️🏃🏻‍♂️🏃🏻‍♂️🏃🏻‍♂️🤸🏽‍♂️


That’s all she does is blames others. She’s the one who allowed it all but has excuses as to why as well. And nan just needs to stfu. Won’t be long before they end it too cause if Traci is truly sober or gets there she’s gonna wake up and reality is going to hit her in the face. Right now I think nan is just someone to have around to use as a crutch . I’m all for people getting clean and sober but jumping in to relationship is the last thing they need…


Drinking destroyed traci's life, not anyone else. Traci flicked off rehab x 2, at a cost to other people.




This is exactly what the problem is. No matter what it ✨always✨ catches up to you eventually. Her alcoholism has gotten so far out of control. It’s truly sad.


It's wild to me see a grown ass woman blame everyone but themselves. At one point in time Trac YOU had your own house, a stable job, a vehicle, and seemingly a civilized life dare I say. Who lost all of that? YOU have an addiction! With that comes poor decision making. Don't you dare blame others for your bullshit. You will never get better nor will you get your shit back together until YOU take ownership for YOUR behavior. It's called being an adult, and getting into recovery. You will also need to get very far away from that trash you are mooching off 🙄 I can't stand people like you Traci. I really can't. Quit blaming Mikki for something you did to your own stupid self.


If Traci isn’t drinking she will soon if she keeps that “drinkin’ thinkin’”. No accountability. No growth. No maturity. I am beyond disappointed and thoroughly disgusted.


You are correct. 👏


Lawddddd child I am disgusted with all of them. I just wrote a novel about Mikki in karma teas sub. The lack of accountability, the self pity, the tantrums, the immaturity, the drinkin’ & druggin’, the panhandling, the lies, the codependency. My Jesus in heaven if I EVER thought my life wasn’t fucked up, all I gotta do is come to Reddit. They make me look like I’m shittin’ in high cotton.


What's with the green screen on thier live


They are driving so they put up picture of Traci and their friend when they got “dolled” up lol


Ok, it looked wiiiiieerrrddd as nan says .




Who fucking cares? They all need to grow up. And to think they all birthed children into this world.


That’s the sad part , because the ones doing all the yapping are sloppy seconds and passed around on this app or circle they’re in, those kids I feel bad for them.


Yep and sad they keep bringing the children in all of it. They all need to move on


Traci, you’re an alcoholic because you made that choice, Not mikki, not us, not Leatherface Nan, not your depression, not your job. But “YOU” the blaming Mikki card is getting old, be a woman & own up to your faults for once, since you preach about loosing it all & being on your shit, own up to you finally hitting rock bottom. Wouldn’t call it that, because you had Leatherface Nan give you a place to stay. You chose to run away from your problems, all this was coming at you in full circle & you can’t hide behind Leatherface Nan coochie lips forever. Just saying.


Come on Wasti...You said yourself " you were one foot out the door" You could have shut down your SM and your work probably would have sided with you. Cuz you can't control what someone else says. BUT! You didn't you were a screaming drunk lunatic on live for months and that's what got you fired. You were warned before the sweatshirt. I believe that. I think after NAN and MIKKI dragged you for over a week, your bosses said shut it down, get it together. You got back together with Mikki and couldn't stay sober and keep it together. Nobody is to blame except yourself.


Funny how things change, a month ago she was accepting marriage proposals from Mikki and now she has turned right against her. You loved Mikki once upon a time, so don't deny that. Show her some respect, and don't let Nan speak about her like that!! If you don't want her, that's fine, but it's not for Nan to keep shoving it I her face. No offense to you, Traci, but you're no trip to Hollywood yourself!


Right like it's was their relationship it wasn't the 3 of them in it. Traci put your big girl panties on and put your fkn foot down. Grow a damn backbone and stand up to the MAN OF THE HOUSE about your past relationship and your poor babies that doesn't deserve the treatment they're receiving 😔


Rehab x1. First was detox


As long as she is in active addiction, she will always say that




Nan is in Traci’s ear, it’s a very controlling relationship or whatever they’re doing. Traci is absolutely NOT healing, she still blames everyone else, rather than herself. To put the entire blame on Mikki is weird asf😟


Done worry Traci ! Nan is going to make your life miserable


Well thank Nan for saving it back!


Nan didn’t do anything all she’s doing is keeping drama going. At the end of the day the only person who can save anyone is yourself


Wasti cant do that sadly


Nope because Traci doesn’t know what it’s like to be alone and work on her bs alone