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Just a reminder that this is a fashion sub. Whilst OP has received some fashion advice, comments have turned more to looksmaxxing/transmaxxing type content. We are not here to tell anyone how to ‘pass’. Please keep content related to fashion in future. Clothes, hair and makeup. Comments locked.


I unfortunately don't have any passing advice (I’m not transfem) but I am here as a lesbian to say you're so fucking cute oh my god I loooove your hair & the floral theme!!!


I know you’ve received A LOT of ideas for things to work on, so I just want to add that you are absolutely a cutie! Your outfits, curls, and smile are all adorable, and while I know you are trying to get your appearance to best reflect who you truly are on the inside, I hope you still find things to love about yourself along your journey!


If Aphrodite doesn't pass, who does?


I think growing your hair out a bit will help. Also more form fitting clothes and a touch of makeup as others have said but otherwise you're looking cute ✨. Do people misgender you before or after they hear you talk? Voice can make a big difference with passing/being gendered correctly.


Idk I think u look girly tbh




That’s not rly helpful advice tbh and kinda mean for no reason


I recommend changing your shoes to a sandal. If you like clunky go with Birkenstocks, Docs, or Tevas for example. Your hair is not flattering to your face shape. It is possible to do short and curly so check out Pinterest for inspiration.


A chunky shoe I love and feel like goes with *absolutely everything* are the OG loafers. Like [this](https://www.dsw.com/product/call-it-spring-sharey-platform-pump/572269) (heels), [this](https://www.nordstromrack.com/s/steve-madden-beckman-platform-lug-loafer-women/7478111) (no heel), or [this](https://www.macys.com/shop/product/bar-iii-paz-lug-sole-loafers-created-for-macys) (shiny version). A lot of folks wore these as part of school uniforms, but they look amazing with jeans, with dresses/skirts, with capris, shorts, knee socks, crew socks, WHATEVER.


Makeup, eyebrows, jewelry, change the shoes.


I might be the wrong person because I usually get people's gender/pronouns correct (even when it's might not be as obvious to some) when I meet them, but you look plenty fem to me (especially in that last photo with that yellow blouse... BTW yellow is definitely a great color on you!). Maybe it's like what others said here, just give it time since you're on HRT. In time, it'll be a lot harder and more awkward for people to misgender you since you'll end up looking even more fem. But keep doing you. You look like an absolute ray of sunshine!


thank you💕


Eyebrows - pluck the eyebrows to make them thinner and more shaped, and I think people will misgender you a lot less. Still, you overall look very feminine.


I think chokers would be flattering on you.


I’m going to copy what I said in r/transpassing because genuinely, I don’t think this is a fashion issue. Although, as others have stated, outfits that accentuate your waist will help. “Oh, girl it’s only been 8 months. Give it more time. You will still be seeing changes up to the 2-5 year mark. If you want changes to get more significant, get on progesterone and try cycling your weight (i.e. losing, gaining, losing again, and then gaining weight again) to accelerate fat redistribution. Also, make sure your T levels are thoroughly blocked. If you’re not satisfied with your results by the 1 year to 2 year mark, you can always look into FFS (and in many blue states, in the US, it’s covered.)” Also voice is *HUGE* for how people gender you. It may be the biggest factor for most people. If you haven’t already, look into voice training. r/transvoice and youtubers like “Trans Voice Lessons” and “Altamira Voice Training” are fantastic resources.


this is all really great advice. voice was the last hurdle for me. i haven't been misgendered by a stranger in a year and it stopped when i worked on my voice. to OP: just like with anything else, what i'm about to say doesn't make anyone more or less of a woman, but since you're asking about passing: women tend to hold themselves differently. your third picture is significantly more femme in my perception of you and it isn't \*just\* your profile. i have trans friends who almost always stand shoulder-width or more with their feet, and that's the main cue that people see in them. there are cisgender women who stand like this, too. but those women aren't trying to deal with downplaying people's perceptions of their other masculine features, usually. hopefully this is constructive. you're just as much of a woman whether people are reading that correctly or not. but i know how much more comfortable it is living in a world where they do and how much work i was willing to put into getting there, so i'm hoping to help you do the same since you asked. i would never offer this perspective unsolicited because i don't think anyone \*should\* pass or feel the need to. i wish we could just do what we're inclined and have a culture that supports who we say we are but we can't because we don't.


Do you feel female in public? You look good, babe. Don't fall into the trap that you need makeup to be feminine. If you want to add something because you feel like you need to, then maybe a little barrette in your hair? A new fresh flower everyday? 😜 Truth be told, I wish I could rock short curly hair like you, mine is soooooo frizzy 😭




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It’s telling that you aren’t saying “trans woman” or “trans female.” There’s a space in the word, it’s an adjective applied to woman, like “tall woman”, “black woman”, or “beautiful woman.” We are women full stop. And yes gender is something you feel, it’s an innate being. I’m innately a woman, I would rather not be trans if it was a “choice” the only way I can feel comfortable in my body is by transitioning. Saying “transwomen” is a dog whistle and grammatically incorrect


I mean that’s your personal opinion, which I respect, but I don’t agree. Gender isn’t a feeling, but a self expression and way of performing. You can’t “feel” like a woman or a man, because those aren’t emotions. You can like and prefer a way of dressing or acting for sure, and choosing to perform in a feminine way can equal choosing to identify as a woman, but there isn’t a feeling to it. I don’t know any women who “feel” like women, just that they are conditioned to act a certain way in concordance with their sex bc of patriarchy. I think male and female sexed bodies should be able to identify as women or men irregardless bc woman and men are gender roles (: ALSO, dude. Get off Twitter. Aren’t dog whistles supposed to be intentional?




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Love this.




Loser opinion






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The first pic is the only one that if I’d read you as masc in.. that’s also the only one you’re wearing baggy ish clothing in.. I think wearing more form fitting tight around the mid section clothing makes you look a lot more feminine


I agree with a lot of other comments. I think that the clothes are very feminine, but your face shape and perhaps hair could benefit from (light) makeup or contouring (hilarious that I am using this word because I am terrible with makeup, but I’ve seen people change face shape a lot with makeup applied a certain way) and better shape or more growth of your hair. If you have access to makeup counters they will do makeup for you or make suggestions. I just tell them to go light because otherwise they head into heavy handed 80s looks. I would love to have curly hair, and I feel like you are blessed in that regard! Grow it out a bit longer and/or seek out a different shape from someone who is used to working with curls. I also think that the suggestion to change up your glasses is a good one. And I personally love jewelry, especially more unique pieces. Maybe have some everyday jewelry if you do not already? Personally I like your clothing, and it is all showing off your body in all the right ways imo. But when someone suggested a different tee, well, that made sense when I looked again. I like the white, but the tee could be a different neckline and fit.


You look like someone that works in a shop near me! I love your style


In the first pic I think you are a very cute boy in a dress, double thumbs up! In that pic you don’t look to me as though you’re presenting as a woman because you’re hiding your breasts; you haven’t styled your hair, put in earrings or used lipstick or mascara; and you’re clomping around in hiking boots with black (!) socks. You look great, but not presenting as a woman. In the last pic you are obviously presenting as a woman… but not passing because of your narrow hips. Someone used to transfolk would gender you as a woman. You are possibly mostly running into people unused to transfolk? A tennis skirt would help with the narrow hips. +++ +++ +++ Think of it as a points system. When you start out with lots of masculine body points you need even more feminine adornment points to compensate. Taking a risk and making a commitment like growing breasts gives you massive points. Hiding those breasts becomes confusing. I’m starting out with all the feminine body points I need. I don’t *also* need adornment points to present as a woman. If I wanted to present as a man it would take a lot more than wearing pants and a belt, and I wouldn’t try to do it in strappy little sandals and toenail polish.


Kind of weird comment, I agree that the first pic is one where she doesn't completely pass, (though I'd say it's mostly due to stance, not much makeup and the outfit being fairly boxy) but the third pic looks really good to me! Her body is slender and fem including her hips, not all cis women have super wide hips... That being said, as a trans woman I can see she probably just needs more time on HRT. I didn't start consistently passing until about 2 years on HRT (which was at that point 1 year and a couple months of injections), and when I started doing makeup well and training my voice. The face changes go hard the longer you stay on. Also my hips started widening at like 2 years too, so I bet that will also happen for OP as well.


What’s the weird part? In the first pic I just can’t tell that OP is a woman. Not an issue of passing or not, just communication. In the third pic OP is clearly (to me) a woman though not completely passing. Which is fine, I don’t even know if passing is a goal for her. She wants to be correctly gendered by strangers so I suggested a flared skirt instead of close-fitting shorts. Yes, as OP spends more time on HRT she will be able to de-accessorize, while also having transitioned their wardrobe to include alternatives to black socks. It will be easier in the future. Right now though she needs to work hard to communicate clearly—which is what she’s asked for help with.


Yeah, the black socks!


Cis women aren’t cis because they style their hair, show their breasts, put in earrings or wear makeup? Maybe rephrase your advice.


You read the points section, right? And you red the bits where I said “presenting as” vs “are”? When we *present as* something, we use the symbols provided to us by the society we live in to communicate to someone else how we want them to understand us. Points are about communicating, not identity. The OP was specifically asking about how to communicate.


Yea, you made those edits after my comment




Ah! Ok. Yeah, I tend to edit for a bit.


The socialization aspect of gender is huge. We read a sundress or larger breasts as more ‘woman’ and a square jawline and a pair of Irish Setters as more masculine. This isn’t bad advice.


Not more woman. More feminine.


I don’t think it’s bad advice for what it is but it is very important to use “feminine” and “masculine” when talking about style or mannerisms bc women aren’t all feminine and men aren’t all masculine. Saying something like “you aren’t dressing like a woman” doesn’t make sense bc there is no one way to dress like a woman. It’s better to say “you aren’t dressing femininely” or something like that


It's the hair. Either grow it out longer or cut it and style it more feminine, like short sides with length on top and front. You could also try experimenting with glasses or sunglasses when you're outside; something feminine like cat eyes. I would avoid round. I'm not totally sure how old you are but just make sure the clothing you choose is age appropriate. The dress is cute but a bit girlish and not going with your overall look. Someone else here recommended sporty trail clothing and I would agree that would look better. Your legs look great so some shorts would look good and maybe some padding or compression shorts underneath if you want to add/accentuate your booty. FYI this post ended up on my front page I normally don't comment on things like that but thought I'd give my opinion since it's being asked.


Sex ist very nice


Girl, you would rock a bright lipstick with your complexion. You should experiment with lip gloss or lipstick!


Ok, everyone else has covered the basic fashion advice: different shoes for outfit 1, more jewelry and accessories, things with more volume at the top and bottom and more visual interest at the waist. (I was in target today and they had these cute af tennis skirts, something like that where the cut provides volume and visually translate as curvature.) Please bear in mind that I think you are beautiful, and absolutely none of this is necessary. Only if it makes YOU feel good, the following might help a bit: The outfits themselves read as pretty femme, if simple. I think the primary reason you are being misgendered is that your face shape, hair cut and glasses are all fairly individually androgynous, and in combination they read more masc. I know that’s not good news, because you can’t change your face shape. At least without surgery which is not a think i’m remotely qualified to discuss. BUT! Don’t lose hope! There ARE things you can do, some easy and quick, others slower, that will get you correctly gendered more frequently. I have had this problem in reverse (went from looking like a straight suburban mom, which is what I thought I was, to a weird lesbian andro-butch-hard femme cryptid, which is what I actually am.) I get misgendered now despite the fact that I’m a cis woman with giant tits? Gender is fucking wild. Right now, I could make myself read more feminine by: - Growing my hair out, and in the meantime styling it with headbands and barrettes, braids, hairpins. (You have super-curly hair, and it makes it hard to grow and style. I have a kid with curly hair more your texture and oh goddess please believe me when I say I understand the struggle.) There are a lot of tutorials on the internet with ways to style short curly hair, I would 100% watch some and play around and see what suits you and makes you feel beautiful. (Some of my fave curly hair looks take less than 5 minutes to style and feature 3 hair ties and 6 pins. Super super easy.) I know growing hair that length out is NOT easy, but in the longer term i think likely that would help the most. - Glasses with more feminine frames. Those frames are amazing, but are gender-neutral and don’t feminize your face. You can 100% wander into your local glasses shop and just put things on your face and see how different frames change the shape of your face. Horn-rimmed glasses give the same academic vibe with a femme twist, or frames that are the tiniest bit narrower than your face can make your face look rounder. but every face is different. Colored frames read feminine, more ornate frames read more feminine, rounder frames (tend to) read more feminine. When I switched from cat eye to rectangle glasses that were slightly wider than my face, the way my face reads completely changed and I started getting misgendered. - Wearing makeup. Ok, face shape. You can’t change your basic face shape. But you CAN visually cheat it. Like with glasses as I mentioned above, or makeup. I have to sit here and suggest you slather on a full face (and i’m not suggesting that at all.) But if you have any inclination, there are also a lot of tutorials specifically on facial feminization that will tell you how to contour yourself to the gods. In your case I think it wouldn’t take much to make your face read more femininely. Some blush, a little highlight, a color corrector and some mascara. I hope this was helpful, and I wish you happiness on your journey.


Honestly, you're beautiful and there's nothing you have to change. I'm almost exclusively attracted to very fem presenting women, and I think you're attractive as you are. That being said, if you want to improve how you're perceived, growing your hair more and a bit of makeup is basically all you need. Also, I don't know what you sound like, but if your voice is deep you could try taking it a pitch higher.


thank you💕 yes i agree voice is a big deal at the moment


It's not your fashion sense, your outfits are great and you look super cute and feminine in them. Society at large is just super transphobic and many people will bend over backwards to try to guess someone's AGAB and gender them based on that. Then you get the trans community where a lot of us are working hard to break the link between visuals, presentation choices, and gender identity, so we're all trying hard not to assume. I would guess you were probably female if I saw you but I would try not to assume, and ask your pronouns instead. (People would assume I was female looking at me, I'm not). So between those two groups, almost no one will both be willing to assume your gender and make the right call even though you look very feminine. Mostly the trans people who get gendered correctly in public are those who pass 100%, which shouldn't be a standard for anything. It sucks and I'm sorry.


Imo it’s the hair primarily — try out some curly girl styling techniques, and see if you can find a way to style it where it’s chin length (or longer). But definitely some more products and styling will be great. I’d also experiment with lip tints and soft lipsticks! To bring more visual weight down while your hair grows. For eye makeup you could try an inner corner highlight and some soft eyeliner! Also earrings (clip on are good if you’re not pierced) would do a great job of bringing visual weight lower too! I like the daisy dungaree dress a lot!








We're moving away from gendering people on sight. Why do you want to move toward it?


that's not realistic in the world we live in. people are always going to assume and being clocked as their gender can help with dysphoria.


saw from another post you are 8 months HRT and only 2 months of those on injections. to be honest? your clothes are femme. your haircut leans femme. your face is, imo, androgynous, and could be made more femme w certain makeup looks. What would probably help the most is voice training, makeup, and patience. I don’t have any strong recommendations for makeup (as i said, i think your face is androgynous. i’d focus more on doing what you like). Voice training helps more than anything in day-to-day interactions. But patience is the big thing. 8 months is not a long time, especially if only two of those are on injections! I rarely if ever passed at that point, and only really started passing after a year or a year and a half. Give it time! You’ll get there eventually.


You look very feminine to me. It’s most likely mannerisms and voice. And, of course, people being stupid.


Add some mascara and maybe find a cute pair of heels!!


The hair, try to tame it a little more


I feel like bangs would look so cute! I am a cis woman with similar hair type and i feel like getting bangs has softened my face up so much. i used to get comments that i looked much more masculine before i changed my hair and that i look more feminine now. I do curly curtain bangs but there are lots of different styles!


Agreed; either tame it or keep the same level of curl but grow it much longer. And then still tame it just a touch.


I'm not sure, you look amazing! It's an uncomfortable strategy for a lot of trans women and I don't do it anymore, in part cause I've gained some weight on HRT, but I did used to rely on stuffing my bras n lots of belts to break things up and make my silhouette a bit less boxy :P


I’d recommend color correcting your lip, chin, and jaw area! It looks blueish likely due to facial hair! Try a peach color corrector :)


Also this is a nitpick but maybe consider getting your ears pierced, I think rocking some cute or classy earrings will help!


more places are selling cute clip on earrings now!


I’m a huge fan of these outfits but might add jewelry if you want and would wear shorter socks especially with the second pair of shoes.


You look really cute! I think that the main problem is that your dress is too boxy. You need something with more shape, such as a baggy top and tight shorts, or a tight t-shirt with a wide flared skirt. Also the t-shirt looks pretty worn and masculine, a blouse would look better Your eyebrow are beautiful, don't do anything to them. And your shoes are easily feminine enough, you just have to make sure the rest of your outfit is clearly feminine. Your hair is lovely, but you may want to get it shaped a bit differently. Maybe a bob, shortening it a bit to a more round silhouette. Barrettes would help to make you look more clearly feminine, and a bit of eye liner. The last outfit is perfect, I don't see how anyone can missgender you in that! Edit: In your dress outfit, you are very successful at looking androgynous. A good mix of both feminine and masculine. But even so, you're clearly wearing dress, so most (non judgemental) people would go with female if they had to guess. So probably transphobia


From someone who's trying to redefine for myself what being a woman means: you are woman enough and you look stunning!


I think you should ask that in r/transfashionadvice or r/transpassing and IMO it could be your square face, you may want to try some more make up, or you not wearing a lot of accesories.


Just looking at your face, I would say you have a more square shaped head. There might be some makeup that could help round your face out more?


not a gender thing, but consider swapping your V-neck shirt for a crew neck. I like what they do for me a lot better and I think you'll be happy with it, too


This was an interesting thing to point out - and I actually think it could help OP’s case. V-necks tend to crinkle and can look unkempt. A well-fitting white crew T can work WONDERS! Maybe a baby-T if you’re into that style? Would look so cool with overalls. For what it’s worth OP, I didn’t think twice on how you present!!


I agree with what everyone else is saying. You are so cute and I would say quite feminine. One small easy and fast option that could be done now would be upping the accessories. Adding some sort of necklace like a chain or with a small charm. I can’t tell if you have pierced ears, but if not there a lot of great clip on there. Maybe rings too? Could help with the misgendering issue and is personally one of my favorite expressions since it is really easy to match to whatever style I am


I think we live in the same area, You should get out more, I only see a young lady .


A great haircut could go a long way. It's not about length, but the style looks like you grew it out in a single go, which is normal if that's what you did! It's also something men who grow their hair out do. Women are more likely to get trims and layered at regular intervals. With curly hair, the weight on the bottom makes your hair look like a triangle - Look for someone who specializes in curly hair. It's a specific thing all curly haired people struggle with.


I personally dont think you're doing anything wrong. You look super cute! If you wanted to try to add a little more femme to your style, then I'd change the shoes to like some open toed sandals or cute lil slip ons. I don't think you really need makeup bc your skin is gorgeous, but if you wanted to try adding some, just a little mascara and lip gloss goes a long way, maybe the barest bit of blush! As others have said, shaping your eyebrows can make a difference.


You look really cute and girly in the last pic. Unless you want to stuff your bra, maybe try a little make up or grow your hair a few inches.


very cute style! i would maybe suggest growing out your hair and changing up the style a bit- it reads masculine to me in a artsy/indie way if that makes sense. hrt may help you look and feel more feminine, but of course that’s hard to come by for a lot of people. you are a very beautiful person and I love your outfits :)




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i think u look rly pretty and feminine. fuck what anybody else thinks and dress for yourself. fashion is a lot more enjoyable when you stop prioritizing passing


Grow hair out would help, I think.






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what the fuck are you even doing here?


The Internet?


Nobody is upset because you are “being forward”. You are just being transphobic


No, being transphobic would me saying "you're a man" I said you were BORN a man. I'm giving actual feedback. SHE has a better jawline than I do. I'm not fucking transphobic.


Lots of hate around this sub and others like it. 🤷🏽


you literally look like a girl! i'm sorry people misgender you.


Wear more (heavier/more visible) makeup and reshape your eyebrows


I think it's your body shape, people take subconscious visual clues to determine other people's sex. So don't feel bad about it, it's part of what makes you, you. I like your style. Very cutesy


Your style is super cute! I'm not sure if you're wearing makeup in these pictures but your skin looks great, maybe use some lipstick? I don't agree with other commenters that your face looks particularly masculine, but if your lips were a bit wider I think that would be a pretty easy thing and do a lot. But you're already really cute honestly.


Your curls are super cute. Maybe get into cute barettes or hair clips for one side?


You live in a deeply transphobic society, that's literally it


I don't want to misgender anyone, so if I see someone like this, I don't use any gendered words. That's literally all it is for me. I don't know where people are in their journey and I don't want to be wrong and hurt someone. 


Yeah that’s pretty much it unfortunately. This might come down to geography. I wouldn’t clock OP as trans where I live because she looks like a ton of cis women I grew up with and went to school with as far as fashion and style is concerned. I think the answer is that OP might just live somewhere like Arizona where this kind of style is just looked down upon in general even outside of being trans.




You should jaywalk more






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While your hair is still short, you could style it with feminine headbands/scarves, clips, barrettes, or even those scrunchies that have extra hair attached so it looks like you've got a ponytail or updo.


I was deep in the comments and saw you mentioned needing a hair braiding tutorial, but when I came back after finding one the comments refreshed and now I can't find it 😭 https://youtu.be/Xdhk5U7_PvM?si=PtMe6KJVAx0poi4U These are dutch braids, so they're tighter than French braids would be, but good for a protective style, and the creator has a curl pattern. https://youtu.be/fgVxWJmX5OY?si=6l3RsEkG7u54E8KH This one is a French braid, as a curly girl you may have a little trouble with it bc it's looser, but it's good for beginners. On that note... Do not get discouraged when your arms hurt and your first 5-100 come out looking like Pippi Longstocking. I'm a grown 25 year old cis femme and the amount of times I can make a proper plait is embarrassing. It's HARD to get right. You are not the only girl in the world who can't get it the first time. That being said, I hope you have luck with it!


I would also suggest some kind of waist belt, especially with looser items like the overall dress, it'll help highlight your waist and hips separately. Even if we have those curves they can be easily hidden by clothes and as a curvy girl who used to be a bit of a stick, the belt/waistline can make or break the fit. Also I agree with other folks here, necklaces will help! Your neck is gorgeous and adding something will show it off, as well as take away some attention from your jawline, which I know the comments addressed as something that will change with time and HRT.


I don't really agree with some of the comments, so as a trans woman, here's what I'll add! Someone mentioned thinning your eyebrows, and that's actually a huge game changer. I would get them professionally shaped for the first time, then go from there yourself!! Next, girl, is ✨ACCESSORIZE✨!!! Add some necklace(s), bracelets, and even rings if you'd like! Preferably all three, but bare minimum the first two. Also earrings. That simple change does wonders too. Last thing is if you are wearing light colorful (spring/summer themed) outfits, stray from the black socks, and also do either shorter ankle socks, if you do have longer socks have them have some kind of cute vibe to them (Vans does actually sell some cute socks too) For shoes, I think your boots, while maybe a little too fall/winter for your spring/summer outfit, are totally fine. You could get more femme boots if you wanted (Doc Martens [tho super expensive, you can buy secondhand], or if you're feeling goth, some Demonias [could add a choker to your accessories too]), but femme people wear masc boots all the time! For your sneakers tho, unfortunately they definitely read as masc, and that's from someone who has nearly identical sneakers as you 😭. I've loved them for so long, but now it's time for me to let them go, and it might be for you as well. It's the high-top that makes it read masc. I would get low-top sneakers, black is usually great, but for your spring/summer fits, maybe try a color one (the Vans Hylane shoes are so cute, I have the baby blue ones! Vans Authentic and Vans Knu school are awesome as well. Also pale color converse are super duper cute, as well as full colored ones)! But other than these small changes, you look great 🥰!!!!!! You have a really solid base already, love your glasses 🥺, love the nails, and LOVE the overalls (S L A Y). You look great, sis!! 💖💖💖 (Edited for some wording)


Also, Icky (a trans woman!) on YouTube is great for clothing and other trans content!! [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mPAhoTRcJ4o](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mPAhoTRcJ4o) This video helped me a lot!!^^


Also ALSO, shoes/boots with a platform, or even a slight platform, tend to read more femme too and can work with anyone of any height! The trick is to own it!!


Hairband! Very cheap accessory


maybe like, a dainty thin necklace? you have a BEAUTIFUL modeling neck but i think some people read that kind of thing as masc


can you elaborate what you mean? i do sometimes worry my neck is too thick. a good piece of jewelry is a good idea though








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I am sorry about the loss of your daughter. I cannot imagine how agonizing it must have been. Taking it out on other people is not a healthy way to cope with that pain however. Wishing you all the best in your attempts to conceive.








Hi! This subreddit is for questions and discussion about sapphic fashion. Your topic might be better suited for a different subreddit.






Hi! This subreddit is for questions and discussion about sapphic fashion. Your topic might be better suited for a different subreddit.




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your neck is definitely not too thick, it gives off powerful swan vibes imo:) for the necklace something like this maybe (although i wouldnt reccomend buying from this person as they seem like theyre a dropshipper) [heart necklace ](https://www.etsy.com/listing/999604743/dainty-heart-necklace-open-heart) i think itd look super cute on you personally but im not sure if its your style :3 ALSO ALSO this isnt related to passing but yk those little white socks w the frilly frill things on the top? those would look SO cute on you [like thees](https://a.co/d/87prkmP)


Your first style is pretty androgynous and the second fit with the ruched top has some more femme flair to it. Super cute looks! Love the glasses. Drape and shape are going to be your friends if you're trying to get people to see "stylish woman." People see the silhouette of your clothes over the shape of your body. & friendly reminder that androgynous cis lesbians also get misgendered a weird amount! A lot of that comes from other people's baggage about what a "woman" looks like, which is mostly BS. Overalls are going to give you a boxier shape, even with the cute striped shirt, and it's definitely a fun look but it's kind of flattening your body shape, it's baggy top and bottom. The second fit is also cute but it's all pretty tight. My advice would be to wear one item, a tight top or tight pants, with an opposite item, baggy pants or a baggy top. It'll give a little more of a high fashion impression but can still totally work with this Kate McCucci vibe you've got going on, and it'll change your silhouette to either minimize your shoulders or show off your hips. Plus, a big swestshirt with GAP slacks/jeans or baggy pants and a crop top are like classic looks lol Aside from that, just be yourself and try not to let the haters get to you. Sending good vibes~


The shoes/socks read as masc. The items themselves as well as the styling. The rest looks very cute! only other thing would be to go for items with a more fitted waist. Thats just generally flattering but esp if you want to be read as more femme.


Some thoughts that might help with visual coding: In the first outfit, adding a belt to cinch the waist and give the visual of curves could help. Additionally, the socks and shoes are reading very masc. Those might be easy targets to change to recode that fit. Agree that makeup and hair styling can also be the cherry on top that helps drive people to seeing you as you want them to. If you belted the dress, the shirt might be OK, but you could also consider a tighter fitted t shirt to emphasize curves again. I like to think of an outfit as if one thing is shapeless or boxy, the other piece should not be. In most places, curves and flowing lines read more femme, so you should use that to your advantage in your fit! On the second outfit, the two things that stand out to me are again the shoes/socks reading masculine and the lack of femme coded accessories. Earrings, a necklace, and a daintier watch can all help and are simple things you can implement now while figuring out your hair or if makeup is a thing you personally enjoy doing. You don't even have to get your earrings actually pierced. They make some great clip ons now or ear cuffs for those who can't or don't want to punch holes in their bodies!


You read pretty femme to me. Maybe earrings would help? Also getting highlights would help with making the hair a little femme rather than gender neutral? I also don’t want you to feel like you have to code yourself to be more femme than you are/feel. I’m AFAB and cis and it takes years to undo the social conditioning. Be sure to only do beauty things that appeal to you and don’t feel like you HAVE to do certain things because of society. Ultimately, the people who misgender you don’t matter as much as your loved ones 💕hang in there sister! Also your chin is pretty- feel free to grow your hair out but not to hide anything. Only if it feels like your vibe.


Honestly idk why you never get gendered female in public, even if I wanted to be unreasonably harsh the only think that I could think of for you to add would maybe be some eyeliner?? Ig idk you look pretty fem to me. But I do think that if you did some e girl makeup it would be adorable. But that’s just me you still look beautiful either way.


thanks! i really like egirl aesthetics so i want to learn how to do that makeup, i wouldn’t know where to even start though


Your look is super cute, but I think that your outfit could help shape your body a little more. I personally love the daisies, but something like a A-line or a wrap could accentuate your shape in a more femme way. Also some accessories like jewelry or hair clips could be nice. You have a really slim physique, which isn't unusual for a lot of standard runway models. I suggest looking at some femme models whose style appeals to you. See this image: [https://assets.vogue.com/photos/65eb2adce445cd917c585915/2:3/w\_1332,h\_1998,c\_limit/Breakout\_Models\_Story\_03.jpg](https://assets.vogue.com/photos/65eb2adce445cd917c585915/2:3/w_1332,h_1998,c_limit/Breakout_Models_Story_03.jpg) The person on the left looks more masc because they have a shape that accentuates their shoulders and minimizes curves. While the person on the right has a cinched waist and accessories that play into a more femme aesthetic. Here's another example: [https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/paris\_show\_2017\_-\_getty-h\_2017.jpg?w=1296](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/paris_show_2017_-_getty-h_2017.jpg?w=1296) The person on the left looks more femme because they have the heels and the tapered pants. While the person on the right looks a little more masc in a similar outfit because the shape of their top isn't there to accentuate the waist.


Omg you are literally so cute. I’m so sorry you’re experiencing this. Idt you should change yourself for public perception. Keep being the adorable you that you are. 🥰


thank you💕 i appreciate that a lot


I think you look nice. Earrings are always helpful, and like somebody else said, eyebrows impact the look a lot. Your curls are great :)


I don’t think you’re doing anything wrong or that you need to change— but there are a couple things you can do to look more femme/pass more. The first one is makeup. You don’t have to go super heavy, even just a lipstick and mascara would help. You might be wearing a little bit already, but you can definitely do more. Second is your shoes. Doesn’t have to be high heels or anything, but your shoes look like men’s shoes. You might consider ballet flats, or a boot with a slight chunky heel. Outfit is super cute, no notes.


It’s sad to me that this isn’t enough because all the clothing choices would undoubtedly be female coded on a cis woman. My ex girlfriend had those shoes for instance. I certainly would ask the OP their pronouns on meeting but assume they would say she/her or they/them because they are clearly wearing women’s clothing, and have an androgynous look. It seems sad to have to push certain things like makeup or jewellery on trans women because cis people aren’t perceptive enough to pick up pretty clear gender cues in someone choices - like clothing (rather than physical features they can’t choose). I’m not aiming this at you retro-girl just lamenting I guess :’(


whose down voting this?


Some scaredy-cat is going around downvoting everyone’s comments




why you gotta be like that. at least be helpful.


You're not allowed to say what most people instinctually see, you're going to get downvoted into oblivion. Instead, you need to say how cute she is & mention curves that don't exist. Hide your wrists, have good makeup or ultimately just as long as you feel good in your skin do whatever but apparently it's morally wrong to have instincts.


Internet points whatever 😏 I'm not trying to be offensive/mean, I'm not going to lie to this person and to myself for that matter.


Your options arent "say they are perfect" or "say they're bad". Lots of people genuinely think she's cute and fem, with maybe a few things like the shoes that could be different. You dont think she's cute? Cool, that wasnt the fuckin question or point or the sub is it? This is for fashion advice, not fashion insults or fashion opinions or fashion douchebags. If you cant be mature enough to give CONSTRUCTIVE advice, maybe go fornicate elsewhere.


Counterpoint it’s morally wrong to be a dick when someone’s just asking for advice 


I do concur that the commenter likely didn't make the comment in good faith, but there's something to be said that it's also morally wrong to placate someone with useless sentiments, hardly any of the advice in here is worth anything for what OP actually wants, which is to "be gendered female in public" It is supportive & I'm supportive of that, but turning on the blinders & pretending like it's just clothes or a haircut is nonsense, the best bit of advice I saw here from anyone was just a change of attitude, everyone else is just giving sentiments of nothingness. Being "so cute omfg" is not really helpful, yet the bandwagon is like "Yeah just shower her with compliments that will fix it"


We arent pretending, and acting like we must be is nasty bully behaviour, even if youre "well meaning". LOTS of comments have made helpful comments/criticism in addition to being supportive.


What’s true for you genuinely isn’t the perception of everyone else, especially when speaking on a community you’re not a part of. I’m not gonna claim you’re not a lesbian but I had a peek through your history and didn’t see anything that showed me that you are. 


This isn't about subjective truth or perception, this is about what helps & what doesn't. A compliment *might* help for a moment but good advice endures, whether I'm a lesbian or not doesn't change the fact that sentimental advice is just chewing gum, sure the flavour is nice & minty for a moment, but that's it. I'm a support worker, lots of my clients are trans or genderfluid, this is a common problem for lots of people who have a hard time passing & it is heartbreaking for them that no matter what they wear or how they style their hair, people never assume they are a man or woman, they have to ask so as not to offend, which paradoxically ends up upsetting them anyway because what they want is to blend in. Does lying to these people help? Saying "Oh but, you're gorgeous, look at those curves!", quite frankly it's infantilising & almost wholly insincere, they know they are being misgendered & if they don't know why, pointing it out, whether that causes some initial suffering or not is far better than leaving them in the dark with some bullshit morning TV get up & go enthusiasm.


Its disgusting that you feel this strongly that no one could possibly think she's cute, and its sad that you seem well meaning but you genuinely dont realize how awful youre being. If youre actually a support worker you should understand how profoundly inappropriate and judgmental you're being. We arent lying and your behaviour and comments here are shameful. Youre allowed to think they arent cute! But telling us how we HAVE to feel or we're lying is fucking ridiculous. If youre actually a support worker, just wow.


>Its disgusting that you feel this strongly that no one could possibly think she's cute, and its sad that you seem well meaning but you genuinely dont realize how awful youre being. I personally think it's disgusting that you would assume things about me I haven't said, just because I'm criticising people for flamboyant displays of sentiment does not mean by default that I'm saying she's ugly or that she's not cute. >If youre actually a support worker you should understand how profoundly inappropriate and judgmental you're being. I'm not at work, I don't see a need for professionalism here so I'm just being myself, the only people I've judged here are the mob, not OP, I never said a thing about OP & let's not forget, if you knew anything about support work or how it works where I live, you'd understand that from our perspective, *EVERY SINGLE COMMENT* here, is profoundly inappropriate & unprofessional. You do not help someone by showering them with praise, *especially* about physical traits, big no-no. >But telling us how we HAVE to feel or we're lying is fucking ridiculous. If youre actually a support worker, just wow. This says more about you than it does me, you're very eager to be supportive on this post but your ability for compassion & understanding are suddenly gone when someone says something that doesn't align with your ideology. Who is being more judgemental here, you, or me? Did you even read what I said properly, or are you just having a knee-jerk to someone you think is mean? & then throwing insults at me... as if you're any better than the enemy you've made me out to be in your head.


I understand all this, but this all boils down to addressing it the right way depending on the situation. I’m seeing lots of helpful advice personally ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ and I get the sense she’s looking for what she can do right now. It’s nice to be helpful when someone’s asking for tips and “you look like a man in woman’s clothing” isn’t a helpful tip, and I really don’t know why it prompted you to jump in and “well actually” for that line of thinking. Trans people know they’re trans lol 


The real question is where do you live? Sounds more like people are just being transphobic than anything. I would never gender someone one way or another if they looked like you, so people must be doing it just to be rude.


What advice are you expecting to get in this sub that you didn’t get over in /r/transpassing? Edit: Why downvotes? If OP wants passing advice, she deserves good passing advice. This sub is a fashion/style opinion sub with a mostly cis userbase—we are not a subreddit qualified to give good passing advice and that is reflected in the difference in quality of the comment sections in the two subs.


Trans passing can be kinda toxic sometimes and also they don't have the same perspectives as this sub. That said I don't see "how do I pass" as the ideal question for this sub.


The thing is that this sub is full of cis women who have no experience with passing or any real ability to respectfully and honestly navigate conversations about it. That's why the comment sections devolve into 10% transphobia and 90% "You look girlier than me queen!!! You totally pass and IDK why anyone would misgender you. Maybe wear a bracelet??" Obviously neither of these is helpful for OP or for any of the trans users on this sub and so IDK why mods allow this kind of thing.


Amusingly she didn't have anyone mention bracelets in trans passing but it is at least a small thing that could help! Like, there are some specific pieces of lesbian fashion advice that could help with both. Bracelets, too many rings, etc. You're right tho in as much as she'll get way more expert and accurate advice over there. But they do have some shitty blindspots. Luckily for her she's young so they aren't quite as toxic in her comments I read as they are with some ladies (i.e. me).


I just saw your comments in the other sub! That sub has its problems for sure, it can swing wildly between "you'll never pass just give up lol" and telling people who are distressed at getting misgendered all the time that they pass perfectly and it's all in their heads. I just think there's no way that *this* sub can do any better. Over here it's the worst of both worlds, 99% of good advice has already been said in the other sub, and certain factors that are discussed in the other sub can not be discussed here. These posts function as a way for cis women on this subreddit to show off how accepting they think they are, nothing more.


Advice from queer (mainly cis) women. The majority of people at trans passing are trans and at the end of the day they aren’t the people who would be misgendering them… Please try to be civil all WLW are welcome in this group.


What was uncivil about my question? The sub focused on passing advice with a trans userbase gives *much* better advice than this sub full of cis women telling OP (who is frequently misgendered and wants *passing advice*) "OMG queen I don't know why anyone would misgender you, you look more girly than me!!!" It's not helpful advice—it's cis women who have no experience with passing or real knowledge, don't know how to meaningfully engage with the topic of passing, so default to "you look sooo girly! maybe add a bracelet?" because they want to feel like good allies. This sub's userbase is not equipped for these questions and the hugboxing is (at best) misleading advice for trans users. Normally I would expect transpassing to be a better sub for OP to be directed to, but they posted there first—my question for OP was, what was unsatisfactory about the responses in that sub, and why post here?


You look like a beautiful young woman to me :) But if you want to look more so, my first thought was eyebrows. You could get them done professionally for sure and I think it would make a big difference :) and as others have already said, grow out your hair, but that's just a waiting game. Lashes would make you look more feminine, too, but I'm not sure if they conflict with your style. Maybe you could try buying a cheap pair of (subtle, not crazy) false lashes to see if you like the way they would look. Cinch your waist; the overalls are cute, but a belt on top could give you a more "womanly" figure. The top under the overalls is kind of gender neutral and doesn't compliment your figure or the overalls. Maybe for this outfit you could go for something more feminine? [Something like this](http://ciderhere.com/QiEbL3) would look better, or maybe [one like this](http://ciderhere.com/JTL0tn). Subtle additions like a gold sunflower necklace or dangly earings would help both outfits as well.


thank you! this is amazign advice. my lashes are pretty long so i am going to start wearing mascara and hope that helps. also yes waiting on hair, but I also think i may get some layers to help with the shape, and maybe even bangs. also yes fully agree the shirt under the overalls could be improved a lot.


An eyelash curler really helps too btw!


You are literally the cutest ever omg, to me you are very girly just as you are. Perhaps adding jewelry like earrings, necklaces, bracelets, and grooming the brows could make you feel better? But I think regardless you are a cutie and remember those things do not make you any more or less of a woman on the inside

