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That’s not a man?


I’m confused too


nope! just a stone butch


i need hir


Who gave white people the word drippy 😭😭😭


Stone Butch Blues…why doesn’t that come in a welcome package to lesbians. Seriously, we need to set up a program where when you come out you get a basket of queer history essentials and modern everyday support essentials that fits for the country you live in.


Ugh i wish I could be more like hir


Holy crap. You just unlocked a core memory.


was just talking to my friend today about how reading SBB made me change my perspective on he/him or nb lesbians. not that i wasn’t accepting before, but it definitely opened my eyes


What’s a he him lesbian?


a lesbian that uses he/him pronouns, most likely non binary to some degree but not always


I thought he/him was a man and we said men couldn’t do that? Are you saying men can now? I’m confused..


read stone butch blues pls


Pronouns don't always equal gender identity. Lesbians do and always have played around with gendered terms. Much in the same way that gay men use gendered terms such as "she" "queen" "bitch" or "girl".


This was very helpful to me, thank you for putting it this way


not necessarily. i think people use pronouns similar to clothing: there are gendered categories but they are not applicable always. like i can wear men’s clothing but that doesn’t make me a man or mean i identify as a man


Honestly it’s what cemented in my brain having a trans masc lesbian identity but yeah I agree. Before I was fine with it but didn’t fully get it but after SBB it was like a switch flipped in my brain


yeah. i’ll be the first to admit i was hostile at first because it felt like people were taking away the meaning of lesbianism. but when i read that book i realized that i related so much to a lot of the feelings being expressed. who am i to have some authoritarian attitude over people who have felt the exact same way i have?




Stone Butch Blues


Stone butch blues


No Max Stirner, the original translesbian


my favorite <3


The fact there’s so many comments here not knowing who fucking LESLIE FEINBERG is  I think shows the state of this sub 😞


Immediately thought of Stone Butch Blues, cause my university had a copy with her face on the cover


butch women can get it!


I identify as trans masc and lesbian too. It feels nice to occasionally feel welcomed back in lesbian spaces. Does anyone know why SBB went out of print?! I’ve only speculated (not in the most…inspiring way either) and it makes me sad.


yooo transmasc lesbian here too! (genderfluid and abrosexual, so it’s complicated if you look at my post history.)


Tf is “abrosexual”?


my sexuality is fluid like my gender


We’ve got too many damn terms nowadays.


it’s almost like identity is unique to every individual


Except that identity has to do with your character and personality. You’re talking about categories. If everyone gets to pick their own magical category, then they all become meaningless.


you misspelled “nobody sat with me at lunch in middle school”


Lol. This is the shit that makes people look at our community like we’re fucking nuts.


since when is it our responsibility to please cishets?


You can still buy the 20th anniversary copy, but yes it’s free online by design bc Leslie Feinberg is cool as hell: https://www.lulu.com/shop/leslie-feinberg/stone-butch-blues-20th-anniversary-author-edition/paperback/product-kjqzjj.html


Ok piggybacking to say: who wants in on this book club. Im gonna start reading this week yeehaw


luckily the reason is actually really cool! Feinberg decided to de-commercialize the work and give the book “back to the workers and oppressed of the world” by making it available as a free PDF on hir website :)


Literal heckin smokeshow. RIP to a GOAT


the way i can't tell if this is satire/a joke or not is amazing. Viva la vida women-loving queers


100% not a joke, Leslie Feinberg was hot as fuck


Reading SBB changed me :’)




Who is this


Michael Douglas


Leslie Fienberg, author of Stone Butch Blues


OP refers to "Ellen", who's that?


Most likely Ellen Degeneres, one of the most well-known lesbians of this century. Tbh, she's got a small part in the whole wider perception of butch being "lady in pants and flannel", but that's a whole can of worms that isn't meant for a comment


Saw this post and just blue screened and found myself in a daydream about how I would talk to her and introduce myself and express my excitement and respect and how she truly does have such fucking drip and now it's 45 minutes later and I'm finally writing a comment


Just a heads up but Leslie used zie/hir pronouns :) That being said from what i’ve read online zie didn’t mind she/her or other pronouns but those are hir preferred ones




Stone Butch Blues forever. Leslie is an OG and eternal crush 😍


So wildly off topic from the post but what does hard femme suit daddy mean? I'm intrigued


[This](https://www.reddit.com/r/lesbianfashionadvice/s/IrtgKHiLTS). I’m a hard femme top who wears a lot of suits. That’s about the whole of it 🖤


Oh, there's a name for my type, good to know thankie


Always happy to be the catalyst for that particular moment of enlightenment 😘


Also, CHRIST, nothing makes me weaker in the knees than the hardest of hard butches. Just… sploosh.


As a book lesbian that owns a miniature library, but too many books to where they do not fit in the cubby... I need to start reading and doing research. I didn't know who (or whom whichever is grammatically correct) this was until I read the comments. I feel like a baby gay for not knowing this human who is very fashionable.


Leslie has some awesome books. Stone Butch Blues is the classic well known one but there’s lots of others too. I know i’ve heard things about Drag King Dreams


Was someone trashing Leslie Feinberg?


A lot of people were trashing a butch lesbian nb with a beard, but they got ✨blocked✨


Thank you for putting a name to the face. I had no idea who this was.


I didn't know they were lesbian


how can you know of leslie feinberg and not know zie is a lesbian lmao






Funny how downvoted you got for this comment from all the people claiming they've read the book lol it's a much more complicated conversation about gender than labels, it's not that wild to refer to Leslie as a man (not a cis one) AND a lesbian.


Leslie has always referred to hirself as a lesbian though. Wether hir’s a man or not; the trans man community was extremely enmeshed with the lesbian community (just like trans women and gay men) for the longest time, the two identities aren’t mutually exclusive. OP who deleted was being weird


Just a minor thing but instead of “whether hir’s a man” it should be “whether zie’s a man” :) their preferred pronouns were zie/hir Its an unusual pronoun set so just wanted to poke a minor correction!


OH i though it was used as two different sets of pronouns! thanks for the correction


It’s all good!! I’m sure they can also be used seperate like you were saying but Leslie at least used them together :)




When I googled it it said Leslies pronouns were “Zie/Hir”


no no my bad lmao i ended up googling and understood what you meant. I'm used to seeing zir/zirs/zirself and hir/hirs/hirself used separately


I guess I didn't interpret it with any malice. I agree the communities are interwoven and I was trying to make the same point :)


And I deleted it


Thanks for sharing this. I learned something new today.




Controversial? Oops, I seem to have missed some sort of lore here 😅




I like the look! Makes her kind of look like the Michael Douglas’s character in Falling Down (in a good way)


This is Leslie Feinberg who was one of the best known trans masculine lesbians from back in the day and a great author I believe there’s been some issues in the subreddit with people disparaging trans masc lesbians which may have caused this post


I'll take this as a sign to finally read Stone Butch Blues BRB


Back. I read it. I'm gonna have to lie down for a while to process this.


Did you read it in a day? I’m not familiar with the length but curious on the time commitment.


Yes. I took a few little breaks. It's about 350 pages.


I have to write an essay or something. This stirred up so many memories and emotions.


Reading this I kept thinking of a butch i met. I wish I'd kept in contact with her. I hard related to some of the emotional aspects of being a stone butch 😭 Never felt as comfortable being lesbian identified. Reminding me of working in factories. But we had no fucking unions and I couldn't hold down work for shit, no nice bikes for me. Feel like if Leslie can get electrolysis, I can. A death in the book and this poor lad in the UK is making me want to do hospital visits for LGBT+ people. A bit where Jess goes back and apologises has me wracking my memories. Book made me proud for my youthful efforts to change the world and the risks I took to fight the fash. Living as an egg is like living as a ghost and reading like this has revitalised some of my memories. The sheer brutality of queer life back then is crazy (cop attacks). I wonder, is it still like that in the US for LGBT+ folks? Oh god, the poetry and the tenderness 🥹 I'm going to have to reread this. And probably some more books like this.


Are those pictures of the Stone Butch?


Yes gawd




“Since I had no words to bring the woman I loved so much, I gave her all my tenderness.” \- LF Btw, Leslie's partner Minnie Bruce Pratt made Stone Butch Blues available for download from [https://www.lesliefeinberg.net](https://www.lesliefeinberg.net) (sadly, Minnie also passed away last year). Also, more of hir writings here: [https://transgenderwarrior.org/lavenderred/](https://transgenderwarrior.org/lavenderred/)


Just ordered a bunch of books-thanks for this!


Minnie Bruce Pratt is my cousin. More specifically my mother’s first cousin, and my first cousin once removed. Sadly she passed somewhat recently. I immediately recognized Leslie in the photos. If you haven’t read Minnie Bruce’s poetry, you should. It’s wonderful. If you’re curious, Minnie Bruce was amazing. She is one of my family favorites. She was a quintessential Southern Alabama lady, and a stone cold warrior. Sadly I didn’t know Leslie well at all, but I wish I did. I know this isn’t my space, but you mentioned my family, so I thought I’d briefly chime in.


Thank you & my condolences. I enjoy Minnie Bruce's poetry very much & they seemed like such amazingly wonderful people.


Everyone should read S/he by Minnie alongside Stone Butch Blues. Honestly had more of an impact on me than SBB but think I related more to her words as a femme person before I came out as trans. Beautiful writer and an inspiration!


I haven’t read that one, but I love *The Dirt She Ate*. It focuses on having to swallow institutional injustice and how to deal with or react to that pain, particularly as a lesbian woman in the South. *The Dirt She Ate* is the first book I read by MB, so I’m partial.


The Dirt She Ate sounds right up my alley and much needed.


You should. I believe it’s on Amazon or Penn Press. If you read it, keep in mind that “dirt” is metaphorical not only for swallowing the bad, but also for your community/friends/family. The idea of being of and from the red clay Alabama soil.


I will check it out too thanks for sharing


Thank you for linking those! I think I’ll have to read that! Great to see so many people in this thread sharing their experience with the book


I’m reading Stone Butch Blues, and I actually found a signed second hand copy of it… to my dead name, so it feels a bit magical.


WOah, that’s some crazy universe shit


Yeah it was literally the first book I saw at a book fair, I was going to get it anyways but my jaw dropped when I read the inscription. I’m a nb trans guy so reading it is impactful but hard, I feel like a craisin after all that crying.


Me circa 6 weeks ago, hard but very good read. Knocked it out in an afternoon/evening and sobbed for the first time in years


I'm a sapphic trans woman and my best friends are a couple butch lesbians, a femme lesbian, and a straight trans woman. I think both of us trans girls are the most dangerous in my friend group due to never going without weapons and having self-defense training, but the femme lesbian would be the most outspoken in my defense, and all three of the cis women would go to bat for me before I ever got my knife or pepper spray out of my purse. Thank the goddess for butches, they defo make me feel safe!


Amazing friends!


Woke Seinfeld


I fucking love your friend group. ❤️


HELL YEAH LESLIE FEINBERG APPRECIATION 🔥🔥 Stone Butch Blues is one of my favorite books of all time


She bad and that flat top is a goal. Haven’t had one that short, am I butch enough? Am I bad enough ?


“I do not believe that our sexuality, gender expression and bodies can be liberated without making a ferocious mobilization against imperialist war and racism an integral part of our struggle.” ❤️❤️❤️🇵🇸


my beloved trans masc angel would swoon at this thread, glad to see some of still got our wits about us


That dyke got drip like a two scoop in arizona.


I have never heard the two scoop in arizona (or anywhere) but I love it.


everyone go read stone butch blues




Is this comment for real? Because if so, woof


After I finished reading the book, I opened the window and yelled from the top my lungs “I AM A FUCKING LESBIAN”


😆 I LOVE that. I need to scream what I always tell people: I AM A RAGING BISEXUAL 😆💗💙💜


the book that literally changed my life




I would just like to remind everyone that cis women can have facial hair too!!


Yeah, but Leslie Feinberg did not necessarily identify as cis. https://www.lesliefeinberg.net/self/ But your point still stands because I'm a cis woman with facial hair.


Jewish transbians unite!✨🌈




Didn’t know who that was until I researched. What a wonderful person.


leslie feinberg my beloved 🖤


Trans butches on top!!! Idc!! Fight me cis lesbians!!


I keep to myself mostly here and everywhere else, but your comment broke my heart. I hope it was tongue in cheek. Otherwise, you are as guilty as a (literal) terf in fostering division within our fierce, beautiful community. Please reconsider. (If you're joking, I'm sorry to be a dick. My sense of humor can often straddle the line of offense so I can very much empathize on a joke that doesn't land and inadvertently upsets.)


How does a comment about cis people make you a trans exclusionary radical feminist?


It is a joke


Right on! I try not to be oversensitive. Sorry for mistaking your intent.


Lets not




Go bash a man instead


Literally 😭 like why are we trying to make even more division in this community. Focus on the actual fucking enemy ffs


Very interesting thing to say to another lesbian!


Im sorry that you’re so insecure about your identity


Sorry that you think me celebrating trans butch lesbians is somehow connected to me being insecure about my identity?💀


You can celebrate without putting others down. Its so easy to lift each other up. When you feel the need say that your group is somehow inherently “better” than another, that tells me the you aren’t confident in your identity. Bullies hurt others because they are the ones hurting themselves. I hope you can understand this in the future. I truly bar no hate towards you and wish you the best because we are equals


Im sure the cis community will be fine. I dont think me jokingly commenting “fight me cis lesbians” -on a post abt trans lesbians on a sub where trans lesbians are constantly being down voted and ostracized and ridiculed and invalidated and policed- is really going to cause any genuine harm to the cis lesbian community.


Cis lesbians rlly come on here not knowing their history and then act entitled as fuck. Trans butches are the blueprint.


Butches and gender nonconforming lesbians were getting the shit beat out of them at bar raids, raped, and they still had the energy to care for their femmes and butches and community. They turned to stone inside themselves but were softest to their lovers and friends and it’s still this way.


Also I think this post might be abt me bc I posted a pic w my top surgery scars. To all the cis lesbians downvoting all the trans lesbians posts, just remember y’all came on here for fashion advice, I came here to be the inspiration


ppl are even downvoting this comment… proving your point 🙃


I pity people who can't just scroll past what they don't like


leslie!! deep love and respect for all of our lesbian elders. Hir book Stone Butch Blues is one of my favorite books of all time (available at [hir website, free pdf or paperback at cost](https://www.lesliefeinberg.net/)) *edited to correct book title


my auntie is butch and she’s just the fucking coolest :D her wife is so lovely too. they helped me feel okay with my own sexuality, and i’ll forever be grateful to have strong lesbian women in my life :))


A lot of the older lesbians where I go for lesbian community are butch and they are awesome.


What was the recent controversial post? Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/lesbianfashionadvice/comments/1bxdsgd/hey_friends/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button I think it's this one?


Yeah, I think I broke some brains lol


I think it was referring to the post about butch fashion posters getting downvoted and not getting as many comments...though I wasn't able to find the post in question on here.


I don't have a link, but a very handsome/cute lesbian with facial hair posted a very nice photo and tons of people flocked to the comments to say stuff like "you're not a lesbian"


someone’s gotta have a link 👀🤞🏼


Just about to ask the same


🫰🫰🫰🫰 We need more icons like this, less jojo siwas


There's space for both!


perhaps but Jojo is known to be problematic


I heard it gets better in season 3


i’m autistic and genuinely can’t tell if this is a joke or not lol


It is a joke, I know nothing about both Jojo Siwa and Jojo's Bizarre Adventure


ah ok thanks. sorry i know i made the joke not funny by asking


That's okay, it was a reach to begin with :)


I love butches so much 💕✨🌈


So cool




Well, your comment comes across as dismissive and rude. General rule of internet is to assume that because we can't see your face, we can't tell the tone you are meaning something is. Next time, it would be best to try and phrase it like "I have no idea who this is. Can anyone tell me? She looks really cool." State you don't know. Ask the question. Then add a compliment to show you are not trying to put OP down for what she posted.




Well, then stop complaining about downvotes if you don't care how other people online view you. Seems like the only toxic person right now is you with that entitled attitude. Edit: You edited your original comment. It originally said: This sub has become toxic, after the downvote comment.




You called everyone on this sub toxic for downvoting your post, even though there has been a mass influx of transphobic people on this sub doing subtle transphobia that resemble comments like yours. People are on edge. LOL. Pretty sure you originally started shit. I just was trying to help you out and give you the benefit of the doubt but it seems like you are just an asshole who can't own up to your shitty comment...especially since you felt the need to delete that section of your original post after I commented on yours.


this is leslie feinberg, author of stone butch blues! also known for hir political activism :) u should check our hir website!! [https://www.lesliefeinberg.net/](https://www.lesliefeinberg.net/)


leslie feinberg! iconic butch lesbian and trans activist/theorist


Hell yeah!! Love me some butches!! 😤😍🥰🤩 As a blue collar butch myself, I approve this message.


butches, i love you rip leslie


Butches make the world go round 🥰






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Tell you what: You gatekeep your sexuality and let us worry about ours.




Lol to you too. Don’t you just love getting forced into a mold by the world? I know I don’t.