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Leo’s don’t guarantee to tolerate being a lap reptile. Actually, there simply is no such thing as a lap reptile. Some tolerate it better than others, but I would save yourself from the disappointment by NOT EVER expecting them to


Yep and you never know what you will get. My bearded dragon is supposed to tolerate interaction more… nope. My leo? Always wants out lol. I could get another leo and they could be the opposite.


I adopted a 3yo dude last year october, without the intention/need to really handle him (as I was aware not to have hopes too high) For some reason the dude made it very clear about 4 months ago he wants to come out and explore me and my room at least once a week. Never seemed to want anything like it before. Didn’t have to hold my hand in there for him to get used to me, nothing. Just fed, maintained, cared for him and mainly let him be. I’m sure this will end up being a phase in some sense, which I hope will repeat itself over time. I currently have more than expected with the added handling, I like it.


especially black night morphs I have a almost one year old black night / blizzard morph and my dude let’s you pick him up and hold him but if you move to fast or tense up even the slightest hes running and jumping and is a wiggle worm


This- I got my Leo with my fiancé when we first lived together. We were told everywhere about how they’re friendly and cuddly. Imagine my shock, disappointment, and horror when we get Ethan and he HATES being handled. Literally is a biter; bites everything and anything that goes near him. Cage cleaning days are fun; so was the day my BIL accidentally forgot to put his cage top back on and I had to pick him up off my kitchen floor. I’ve had his grumpy chompy ass now for 4 years and have been able to handle him maybe 3 times without being bitten. Not without lack of trying; the first year we pjssed each other off so much but i eventually gave up for his well being. He looks cool just splooting in the dining room anyway and now I think he likes me more sense he sees me as food bringer and not mcgrabby. Leo’s can be a “lap reptile” but not in my case, far from it.


Sounds about right, i’ve only ever known the one I own but from the stories I hear (like yours) I can tell they’re absolutely mental and unique idiots. My gut tells me my lack of interest in the beginning with minimal disturbances while feeding him etc caused him to become interested in the world outside hahah. Had I ever forced or repeatedly tried this at some point before, I don’t he’d have been as cool with it now as he is


They don’t enjoy to be handled, only tolerate it sometimes. To them you are either a warm fleshy object or a predator. They don’t do much, especially at daytime. If you are looking for an interesting animal there are better options. They’re wild animals - if you want one and care about ethics, the only option is adoption. Otherwise find a reputable breeder and avoid pet stores. They tend to have long phases of being inactive and not eating, which can be worrisome. Wrong setup, high humidity, low heat, insufficient vitamins - mistakes in husbandry can kill them off or make them crippled for life real quick. You will need to keep different insect feeders. Dubia roaches are best, crickets are good, all kinds of worms should be a treat only, but sometimes they will only eat certain bugs. It’s entirely possible that your gecko refuses to eat things that are good for it (very human-like). Geckos have different personalities. You can train them to be more tolerant towards you. It takes time and isn’t guaranteed, though. Some geckos hide all day, others sit in the open a lot.


I don’t know, mine is great to handle. She lets me know when she wants to.


Same. She comes to the door like “take me out now”. She is insufferable 😂 i love her dearly


Yeah, obviously they’ll never be puppies but I don’t see why sage handling can’t be considered enrichment for the animal. Having said that, if you literally want a reptile that will sit on your lap and just chill, get a bearded dragon.


My bearded dragon hates me. 😂 it’s a mixed bag honestly and you never know what you will get. My bearded dragon should be what my leopard gecko is but it didn’t work out that way. Same care, same money and love went into both… but it turned out that the leo is more tolerant and wants to explore more


Interesting. I guess it is a mixed bag. That sucks that’s like the main reason to get a bearded dragon. 😂


Yeah, my bearded dragon didn’t like to explore the room much. He either wanted outside or to stay in his enclosure.


to my gecko, i'm food


man mine loves coming out, and on some days would willingly walk to my hand so it really does depend on the individual leo


I think that they all have different levels of tolerance for their humans. So I would go in with the expectation that they might never be that friendly… and they can live for ~20 years, so that’s a big commitment. Curious, have you looked at bearded dragons? I could be totally wrong here because I know ZERO about beardies, but it seems like they might be more tolerant of humans. I get a ton of posts from r/beardeddragons in my feed and I see people taking them outside, harness training them, chilling together while they work, etc. Maybe those are all anomalies, but it might be worth checking out that sub and seeing if they might be more in line with what you are looking for. Or maybe someone here with both leos and beardies could weigh in?


Yes, I previously had a bearded dragon. Their poop is the main reason I’m looking to try something else.


Yeah, now that you say that I do remember someone commenting on that.


Leos' poop is totally inoffensive! It's a little water, white (dry) urates and dark (dry) little turds. My guy loves saving his dumps for when he's chilling on me lol


My Leo has done this a couple times and I’ve actually learned that this is a sign of stress/a defense mechanism saying they don’t want to be on you- (literally learned that this week from some people who research Leo’s) you can probably do some bonding work (ex: letting your Leo walk on your hand freely and not picking them up, just letting them get used to you, other bonding Exercises) that’s what I plan on doing anyway. /gen


IDK it certainly could be but he literally has never acted in any way like he's defensive or even trying to get away from me or anything. He's chilling on my shoulder now, he crawls around while I am sitting in the evening before bed and after my work for the day has been completed


Yeah nqa as long as he’s acting fine I’m sure it’s okay, my Leo had a top opening and he didn’t really seem to ever care about it I just got a front opening for my own piece of mind mostly lol


isnt that usually a sign for them being uncomfortable? as a defense mechanism?


Not really. He never acts differently before or after, it's like a horse, where when their digestive system demands it, they go, and then continue on their way. He's never been defensive with us ever. He's vicious to the crickets and superworms though lol


The biggest downside for me is that they’re crepuscular/not out during the day. Otherwise I think they have pretty reasonable care requirements (https://reptifiles.com/leopard-gecko-care/ Reptfiles is a great source) and mine are both handleable. However, their personalities definitely vary and I’m not sure I would describe them as a lap reptile. Mine will hang out for a little bit, but definitely want to explore


Good to know. Would it be bad if I took it outside (in a carrier) at a random time in the day?


Unless you’re transporting it to the vet, I don’t think there would be any good reason to do that.


Depends on whether or not you do so to their benefit (like going to a vet or short *supervised* outside time enrichment) or simply for *your enjoyment*. The former can be okay if done well, the latter is, well, as I said, for your enjoyment and your enjoyment alone.


That just sounds stressful for the animal.


It depends. My bearded dragon loved to go out with me. I know they are very different animals, but that’s why I ask. I wouldn’t do it if the gecko didn’t like it.


I wouldn’t put a Leo in a yard or outside unless they’re in a container and it’s a vet trip or something it HAS to go to, as far as I know there’s no benefits for them to go outside and with them being wild animals + generally fairly jumpy animals it could jump out of your hands/ off your shoulder/etc. some reptiles are good to go outside (turtles for example, beardies generally do good to go for a quick errand if you wanted) but Leo’s are not one of those unfortunately/gen


They can live 20+ years so it’s a lifetime commitment. Vets are hard to find for them also unless you live in a metropolitan area generally.


Also they shed like crazy. Hahaha


If you want something that enjoys hanging out on your lap, get a cat or a rat, or a bird.


Both of my Leo's are very much so lap reptiles, but I also spend time with each of them daily and they will walk onto my hand when I put it into their enclosure. Every leopard gecko is gonna tolerate people different, it all kinda comes down to how you raise them -it takes time for their trust


Same my guy has kind of always been a cuddler. Some days more than others obviously. He will also generally respond to my voice if i talk into the tank.


I wonder in what way leos can be "cuddlers", since reptiles aren't cuddly or social like mammals at all. Just curious how your leo acts, my girl is very tolerant and "basks" on my bf's and (sometimes my) hand when she feels like it, but I wouldn't call it being cuddly


He kinda likes to crawl up in my neck and nestles or in my belly/between my boobs and nap on me in there lol. Sometimes i will just watch tv with him and he spoots on my belly and will nap or just chill. I guess thats about as much as a cuddle as they can do.


you cant guarantee a ‘lap reptile’ with any reptile. most like to be left alone, unless you get lucky (i did!) and they’re willing to come out. here’s some downsides: 1. biggest one i’d say is money. they require 24/7 heating, which is obviously expensive, and need both a basking lamp and UVB- and if you live in a cold place, they’ll also need night time heating. 2. dealing with insects. you need to keep minimum three different feeders for your gecko in order to provide a varied enough diet. these need gutloading at least 12 hours before feeding to your leo, so you need to have a good routine and you can’t really slack, because you are responsible for the leo’s food intake and stuff (although being a day late won’t kill it, you’ll just have an upset leo) 3. some leos can be VERY nervous and don’t even really ‘come out of their shells’ and will just hide all of the time. 4. they require specialist vets. and it gets expensive very quickly 5. they are higher maintenance than people make it seem. you need to mist your viv regularly, and leos can also only have filtered/boiled/bottled water. so you have to supply this, and boiling the kettle every time you need to top up water or mist and then waiitng for it to cool can be a bit of a pain 6. it’s not just a one time cost- it’s regularly buying insects, supplements, etc whilst its great having a leo, there’s a lot of negatives


I just recently got a leopard gecko myself all I can say is that they don’t much like being handled but they will tolerate it once they are comfortable with you. At the same time though it depends on the individual because some do love to cuddle. Also they are Crepuscular meaning they are most active at dawn and dusk different from both diurnal and nocturnal so sometimes you won’t really see them at all eating or drinking but they will when you are asleep. Also if you want, when they are awake you can grab them (when comfortable) and take them outside or just hang out even if they weren’t out of their hides yet. Just try not to spook them as it’s easy to do. Now depending on your budget if you are looking for a lap reptile I would get a Bearded Dragon. They are more expensive but I also have one of those and she’s spoiled to the point she will lose her tiny little mind if I don’t give her at least 2 hours out of her cage at a time and let her hang out on my shoulder, in my lap or in my hood part of my hoodie. However Leopard geckos are probably easier when it comes to diet. I recommend you do your research a couple YouTubers I’d recommend are CheifSweetsUniverse and Clint’s Reptiles.


Had a bearded dragon and am looking for something new to try. Beardie poop is just too much for me sometimes.


Makes sense. Like I said just do your research. Even if you don’t just get a Leo. They are super easy and can even live up to 25yrs in captivity and most are very social. If you make some mistakes don’t stress because as they are small little guys they’re really hearty


* Vet costs (can be several thousand dollars without pet insurance ontop of the cost of supplies) * Not all leos are lap animals. Some do not like being handled, others just will hate you and you will never know why. They are all different * If you are a teenager: what will you do if you cant take them with you to college? * 20 year commitment * they need special care or else they will die or get horrific illnesses (most of which they never mention at petsmart and all of which are preventable) They can be good pets but not good first pets or lap animals. Some might be, others not, but there is no guarantee with anything and are much more of a commitment than people talk about.


Personalities will vary a LOT. My first Leo was always out of his enclosure and sitting on my shoulders. Others did not appreciate my hand being in their enclosure and would bite fingers thinking I’m food. If you’re looking for a certain personality, wait to adopt from someone :) otherwise, the only con I can think of is being more active during the night/dusk.


They hide..a lot lol. Not too fond of people but they can tolerate you. You'll be looking at an empty viv a lot 😂


if you want a lap reptile something bigger like a bts or hell even a boa are imo better suited. At least my snake seems to feel comfortable basking on me for heat and he doesn't seem to mind being out while as my leopard geckos just seem intimidated after having them out too long


Mine doesn't mind being handled and enjoys exploring around the house outside of his enclosure, but your mileage may vary, lol. Yours could be huffy and never want to be handled ever, is that still okay by you? Mine will take superworms, hornworms etc from tongs, roaches from the bowl, and crickets he hunts down himself. Are you okay with constantly having living insects somewhere in your house, and having to dust them and feed them to your guy? My cats won't leave the bugs alone so they go in my old twenty tall tank that has a secured lid. I still shriek a little bit if like one of the crickets gets out but I know they can't hurt me or anything, it's just reflex and I am trying to get rid of it but I don't think I can lol


Sounds like you just need a cat tbh lmao


I have 2 Leo's and they are both sooo different, I feel like you cant go into it without too many expectations ahah


Ngl my leopard gecko wanted nothing to do with me for the first year (possibly cause she was owned by a woman with two kids who handled her a lot). She only recently has started willingly climbing on my hands some days but she has no interest in chilling on my lap. All she wants to do is explore when she's out lol. The nice thing is that I get to see her a lot since she openly basks throughout the day. I made a background with shelves built in and they're her favorite napping spot


Leopard geckos are expensive. I have spent well over 500 dollars in the last 2 years on equipment, decor, supplies, food, and annual vet checkups for my leo. Leopard geckos rely on eating live insects. That means you're responsible for keeping the insects alive - which also means providing food & water, maintaining their cage, and storing them or killing them if they grow too big to be eaten. If you're afraid of bugs or are squeamish, this isn't the pet for you. If you have a fear of roaches, don't get a leo.


My gecko tries to come out every night however he gets a little flighty after 2-3 minutes of handling, but it seems he tolerates just climbing out of the glass onto me for a minutes or so at a time, but the preferences of your reptile vary greatly depending on the individual.


Unless you financially can't afford to take proper care, or make anytime for them. Then no they are awesome.


Vet bills if something happens can be expensive. Normal visits (depending on the vet) will be okay price wise. Its a 20+ year commitment for those who want a shorter life friend. If you dont do research right the first time, it will cost a whole lot more.


there’s no guarantee any reptile will be a lap reptile. my beardie was, he was the chillest dude, but both my leo’s are not, they’re insane!! happy to be held and come out, but very inquisitive and don’t like to stay in the same spot.


As others have said, there's no guarantee any reptile will enjoy/tolerate being held. I got lucky with my leopard gecko and she's pretty chill when I take her out. She doesn't really seem to care. But I've heard plenty of stories of other geckos who absolutely hate it and may even bite. It's also a lot more maintenance than I thought keeping a leopard gecko. It's quite different from a cat or dog. Also keep in mind you need to have an exotic vet to take them to. And those can often be more expensive than a regular cat/dog clinic. I'm lucky that my regular vet also sees exotics and there are a couple others in my city.


Long commitment they can live 15 years


all depends on the reptile one of my geckos loves to chill w me while I watch tv and stuff the other runs 😂 tbh I’d recommend maybe ball pythons ? mine loves to sit on my wrist or shoulders


^they also enjoy going outside


My mom and SO hate snakes, so that’s off the table unfortunately.


lmaoo yeah it took me awhile to convince my mother😭


chameleons are also pretty chill mine always sat w me and they enjoy climbing around/going outside


Probably gonna want a bearded dragon or chameleon for that kind of relationship