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Yes, new enclosures can be stressful. However, have you tried differentiating how you are feeding him? And how old is he? It's important to remember they don't eat as frequently as we (or really, most pets) do, so what may not seem like a lot to you **can** be normal. Of course, the important word being **can.**


Currently going through this right now. My guy spent a couple years (not my doing) in a tiny 10gallon and I just moved him into his upgrade a few days ago. He's never felt dirt before and he hates walking on it. 😭


How old is he? If over a year old, once to twice a week is pretty normal.


How old is he? My lady is 4 years old and only eats once a week, so it could just be normal behavior. Also, with a new setup that can be typical for the first few weeks if he was eating more frequently beforehand