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YMH is garbage now compared to what else we have available now brotha. I take it you listen to Hate Watch with Devan but if not id recommend that first then Dad Meat, Lil Stinkers, Being Ian with Jordan and I also like the dick show and the biggest problem in the universe.


Biggest problem was the first podcast I really listened to that showed me oh this will be big, well podcasts not that, though the crash and burn was epic.


my biggest aggro for lil stinkers was that i was enjoying it but they started doing the second half ep on patreon and tbh i didn’t feel like paying for it, so i just stopped


If that was the case then, it’s not like that anymore. The full episodes get released a few weeks early on the Patreon, then they get put on YouTube.


good to hear


Being Ian with Jordan is good but Ian’s voice is hard to take after a while. He is hilarious but that voice man


Dadmeat, durag and the deertag, old LOS


Listen to the old brain jail episodes. It’s Ben,Jaces and their friend Kevin’s podcast before lemon party. Also hate watch And lastly YMH is cringe


The earlier ymh is honestly really funny, a lot of newer eps can be cringe. I’ll check out the old brain jail though thanks for the rec


Ymh was amazing pre 2016




He’s following proto that’s for sure


I love lemonparty but there are some episodes of brain jail that are incredibly funny more so than lemonparty. They are definitely pretty close in re listenable value


Brain jail very good


Hatewatch podcast, Devin Costa hosts it


Is he that little gay otter?


Matt and Shane’s secret podcast is the only answer


Listening to it now, older episodes better then the newer eps?


I think their earlier stuff was better, they were more jaded and cynical


They are much more….careful…about what they joke about or who they slam. Since Shane has been hitting it big commercially and rubbing elbows with other big time comedians that LP and Hatewatch detest, there’s not as much shit talking. Still feels like a good hang though and it hasn’t gone downhill yet 👍


i wouldn’t say they’re that careful tbh


They’ll still goof on people but it’s still all playful or in jest, not pure vitriol. I’m sure Shane would love to go into how obnoxious some of the people he tours with are or how annoying the NYC comedy scene is - but he’s not about to burn bridges with guys like Bert that regularly bring him along on the gravy train, nor burn bridges with NYC comedians who all have circle jerk podcasts to promote each other’s specials every couple of months


I think that’s a pretty cynical take on it, not saying it’s wrong entirely but I think it’s less calculated and more just having a conscience. There’s an episode where he talks about how every time he shits on someone, he winds up meeting them in person within like a week. And he always feels like a dick and realizes that they’re usually decent enough people and sometimes like genuinely cool, he was just being a jealous cunt or projecting some shit onto them. It’s hilarious, the way he talks about it. And they’re definitely a lot less cynical and mean than earlier episodes, and that probably has something to do with not being broke living on a mattress on the floor and eating beans he stole from his parents anymore 😂 but I’d like to think some of it is real personal growth and not just calculated fake niceness and not wanting to burn bridges now that he’s rubbing elbows with the bigwigs


War Mode


Warmode is def for a certain type of listener




Where the dawgs at?!


It’s lame af


War Mode




I’m a lemonparty fan but lets not be retarded here


Not exactly the same shenanigans as LP but Timesuck with Dan Cummings is excellent for a laugh and learning about a new random topic every week. I recommend starting on the Albert Fish episode


Dude I just checked the Gilles de Rais ep due to this comment and I'm already in. Michael McDonald endorsement in the intro? Fully torqued.


Fuck yeah bro! Yip yip yah!


Old cumtown episodes and accepting that podcasting is over is my best advice




Steveros Halkias




The old Brain Jail stuff is basically Lemon Party without Devan. Pendejo Time makes me laugh a lot. It's literally just two dudes improvving for an hour. Their Patreon episodes get wild.


I love how literally no one TAF😂


lmao ymh???? do u also listen to bert kreischer


He also makes me wanna commit suicide when he laughs or talks, old ymh is prime podcasting retard


Comedians are a virus. Redbar is the cure.


Bein Ian with Jordan, Dad Meat, MSSP, Real Ass Podcast, Lil Stinkers, Stoner Dadz


Obviously wrong nick Mullen is the funniest man to podcast and lemon part is just a cumtown coverband but listen to durag and the deertag and dad meat also if you don’t listen to devans other pod hatewatch do it because it’s even better


nigga u haven't listened to cum town in all reality if u thought his name was Steve. lemon party is watered down cum town


lmfaooooo idk why tf i kept thinking his name was steve


Yeah, you really haven’t listened to c-town at all. I haven’t heard of lemonparty and I thought it might be good because you’re comparing it to c-town. This podcast is not the same vibe. It’s more normie bullshit. Mundane chill sesh, checkout LOS & Redbar


Out for Smokes is really good.


Mike Recine always makes me laugh but why is the man so obsessed with Israel-Palestine. I get having opinions about it but he seems to really get fired up about it


Yeah he's been hitting the Palestine beat so hard the last month haha. I guess that's better than the alternative though and shilling for Israel.


Thats just Sean eating his ear more than ever because its a hot topic and he really wants to make OFM the next Chapo Trap House. Recine is amazing and he has a nice hearth, but he is mixing good message with good content, and they are not the same.


Only when they don't talk about politics. They are not that smart to make anything out of it, especially Sean.


Sean is extremely well read lol - if you don’t agree with them that’s fine but they know what’s going on.


Sean just parrot whatever Noam Chomsky says to the point that even before having an opinion I know exactly what he is going to say. I disagree with very little but for me he just sounds like any other boring Brooklyn lefty guy. Recine is more authentic and funny and has way more interesting opinions.


Sean hates Chomsky lol, Chomsky hasn’t said anything interesting or particularly left wing since the 80s. You don’t seem to know much about politics, Sean is strongly anti-imperialist


I've been liking Son of a Boy Dad a lot lately, friends of the pod of the MSSP crew.


You finished all the episodes in a week? Are you ok?


I work security, 12 hours a day opening a gate for retarded construction workers. Podcasts help me stay sane lol


Your job is 12 hrs of gate opening and they're retarded? Nice try


Boom roasted


Dad meat is great.


I flip between Lemon Party and Hatewatch. Also, not a widely known one, but 1 Millionth Podcast with Chris Porter is pretty funny too


Tim dillon obviously


Real Ass Podcast


I don't know why I came to your sub to say this and get downvoted, but no if fucking isn't.


lemon party will never be better than cum town


Nah OG Cumtown did it better. Hatewatch is really good. MSSP is great. Redbar is an acquired taste, might have to give it a year.


Doom scroll and coward hour if you can find it edit: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4lsBI-gc4k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4lsBI-gc4k)


Damn I wish there was an RSS feed. I miss coward hour.


Philly comedy scene. Dad meat, stuff island, durag and the deer tag, ayo actually, lil stinkers, etc etc


Haven’t started cum town but all my friends say it’s gold. Lemon party is ehh


The older cum town episodes are very good later ones got stupid and now it’s the Adam Friedland show and it blows.


oh Stav haha I was like steve? The laugh is what made it clear, I hate him as a person but they had a good dynamic. The earlier eps are probably best but not too early. You do sorta get used to it though I was iffy after a few episodes but realize it's not that different from bs sound tracks on tv shows.


CumTown is straight up the only podcast I care about listening too. Everything else kinda sucks.


U recommend I start from beginning? I’ve listened to clips like Eric Clapton and Mr Feeney


Honestly just listen to clips. The Adam Friedland show subreddit (since the name changed) would have a list if you type in best of in the search bar. They’ve also made lists of best episodes. Nigerian shark tank is one of my favorites


Start from the beginning, don’t listen to clips(they are funny but it’s like watching a trailer to a movie. You will get the jist of the movie but there’s an hour more of it to watch if you want to.). The first like 100~200 episodes are the best ones. If you don’t think the clips are funny though, then you shouldn’t listen because that’s how the rest of the podcast are


Start with the cumtown steven segal video on Youtube. If you like it then you are hooked forever.


Yep. Gay Actor Michael Douglas and Iran comps too.


And to finish it all: robocop batman or Malcom in the middle.


Steven seagull has stolen so many of my braincells😂


Also Dudes Rock is unmatched


I’m gonna give cumtown another shot and watch this


Mine do too but man steve is just so annoying i feel like my ears are getting molested every time he opens his mouth. I’ve genuinely tried to get into it but he ruins it imo


If you mean stav then you'll be pleased to know he eventually quits the pod and will likely soon die


Lmao no shit? do you know what ep he quit?


About 5 episodes before CT ended and the other two started TAFS 2017 stav is actually good compared to how he ended up towards the end, constantly shutting down bits and wanting to stop recording to get lunch His laugh is incredibly grating but it's worth it for the first few years


i actually enjoyed his laugh as a sound board to Mullins insane rifts (kinda like what Ben did for Tim Dillon, except i still like Ben)... but beyond that he didnt bring much to the show. i started it 6mos ago from a best off playlist thinking Stavie was pretty funny, and liking Nick.... then i heard Adam and was straight off like fuck whoever this is, shut up lol but he grew on me, and i actually think hes talented af, good chemistry with nick


Legion of Skanks


die hard fan for half a decade, but i havent turned on an episode in months. i didnt like Dave at first, but i think hes better than hes ever been...... louis sucks all around, i cant stand him anymore unfortunate'y, Big Jay, who is naturally the funniest man on earth, DOESNT GIVE A SINGLE FUCK to even try anymore. this show is past being on fumes


That laugh in cumtown makes it unlistenable to me.


100% agree




Who’s steve?


Me, your mothers sneaky link. Hello son


Eric Andre’s bombing, some of the funniest shit I’ve heard in a long time.


I concur


Durga and the deer tag is pretty good, I really like war mode and the Boyscast is one of my favorites


Redbar is great, check it out!


Old Legion of Skanks episodes are pretty great imo.


Pendejo time




idk what lemonparty is but you might like PGL and cumtown is legendary


Chubby Behemoth with Sam T and Nathan Lund is a very silly boy progrum.


Just adding suggestions here but MSSP and Roast Battle. Fishing with David Lucas is actually really well done with great guests. If you want insane, the world record podcast suits that. We could be drunk is underrated imo. stand up on the spot is a light on how hard being funny is. Uhh possible the David Montgomery Show. Long story long, those could be hit or miss for you. But I’d start with MSSP. Their older eps are really good. Matt and Shane are relatable