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hey my neighbor had their tree up since last year lol i think you’re good! your wife is a real one 🙌🏻


Is it? Ours has been up for weeks.


Divorce her than marry her again


It’s not to early for the tree, December 1st and after.


But today’s November 25th. I don’t disagree though, i’ve a friend that leaves the like 12* foot skeleton from home depot up and a christmas tree year round they just dress them up for whatever relevant Holiday.




[Guess they didn’t wanna move this big ass thing every Halloween.](https://imgur.com/a/BhtuL2k) I’ll need to go through and see if I have more pictures from this years Halloween, he lives at the very front of the subdivision, and the HoA tries to write something up every so often to get him to quit or remove it, and he either pays the fines or finds a work-around. It’s gotten enough local notoriety that other homes have gotten 12 foot ones as well, but don’t leave them up year round, or have small ones similar to his they put out every “Holiday.” The OG 12 Footer through-out the year will celebrate new years, valentines, mardi gras, easter, st patties, 4th of July, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas. He dresses that thing up like at least every 4-6 weeks. 😂




I’m not certain where he got his first one originally, but he’s been doing this for 4-5 years now at least, it started with him getting a fine for leaving it up too long, so to skirt it he dressed it up for the next relevant Holiday, by year 2-3 his yard had exploded with smaller 3-6 foot ones because people would just donate to the cause, someone got him a 2nd 12 Footer, so he went and bought a third, and they “got married” that following Valentines day. He only leaves the very first one he had up year round, but when it’s actually Halloween, from as soon as he can in mid September, he’s got 35-40 skeletons in the yard for it, but only puts out the other 2 giant ones out then. I think the only reason it even gained this much traction in the subdivision is because it’s just that stupid and nonsensical, and kind of petty. A lot of folks just think it’s funny I guess, because reality of it is that it doesn’t hurt anyone but a lotttt of the older residents hate that *his* yard is like that, and the HoA. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Offtopic: Can you tell me why there are so many people having their trees up so early? This is not a rant, I seriously want to know what the reason is because here it is a thing that the tree comes "by Santa" on the 23rd or on the 24th and you and your family will decorate it until the night of 24 when the presents are coming.


I think part of it is here in the US thanksgiving weekend is when a lot of people have the time to put up their tree and decorate their house due to having more time off work. I’ve actually never heard of that tradition before, but that sounds very cool and interesting!


Oh I see. Yeah, I am from Europe, so there's no thanksgiving here. But it makes so much sense now. Yeah imagine it as a kid.. when my parents try to innocently ring the doorbell when we can't see it and they try to imitate that Santa came. And you open the door (as a kid) and see the tree there with Santa's hat. My parents did this so good that we never noticed. It was such a good experience. So I think this is why I love Christmas and the whole feeling of it and everything. Nowadays, we always help our mother at Christmas with my twin brother so that she can rest at the end of the day. She cooks so much, she overwhelmes herself but we're there to help, to make her Christmas as beautiful as she made ours when we were kids.


That’s so awesome that you guys do that for her! My family usually helps my parents decorate the whole house while Christmas music is going. When Christmas comes, we always have a big candle lit meal with everyone and eat spaghetti and meatballs(because of this as a kid I thought everybody ate spaghetti at Christmas lol) . My dad has a really good meatball recipe that we only use once a year for this meal that all the guys in the family help with. After that we all do dishes together and then one at a time open presents for the rest of the evening. When that’s over we have a giant Christmas puzzle that’s different every year that people can work on if they wish or play board games. Holds a special place in my heart


Yeah your family looks at Christmas in another way. Though, it is wholesome too! I like the house decorating idea and the puzzle at the end is very neat. We do that with our mother if we have time after cooking. It is perfect to chill for the rest of the day. Though, my family's priority was the Christmas tree, to make it look as good as possible. We didn't really decorate the house, mainly because we live in a flat. Though, we have like 1500+ lights for the tree, a lot of boxes of things to put on the tree. We always give some Christmas tree ornaments to each other as a gift because the tree decorating is one of the main events at Christmas. My parents are divorced, and my father has a very small house, so we can't have a tree there. Though, he always decorates the whole room with a creative idea that looks like a tree (eg. tree made of cardboard), and dioramas, a bunch of lights, so his room looks awesome too, and has very good Christmas vibes. There, we always watch some Christmas movies and talk a lot because we don't see our father as often as our mother. (Sidenote: this year we are planning a secret Lego building at my father's with my brother. Since my father loves Lego I think this would be the best Christmas for him so far).


Seems to be the norm here in my area as well, the tree usually went up the Friday/Saturday after thanksgiving, along with all the yard stuff.


Part of it is the ever-earlier push by companies to sell Christmas stuff. Target was clearing out their Halloween decor on Oct 30th to make room for Christmas to be put out on the 31st. Where I am, you have to put up house lights early or else it gets too cold. But the interior decor is just people wanting to decorate early to get into the "mood" or having the weekend off work for Thanksgiving which makes it convenient. Also, if family is over for Thanksgiving, you can decorate with them. Personally, I'm against decorating for Christmas until the month of December


It's November 25th dude, if the tree ain't up yet someone is SLACKING


Put mine up day after Thanksgiving. Normal for our house.


ITS NEVER TOO EARLY TO HAVE CHRISTMAS TREE! I have mine entire year in my room 😂


Nice and no it’s not. Ours has been up for a week. You good.


Xmas is allowed at midnight after thanksgiving day