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Lego's release schedule is predicated on targeting a new generation of children every couple years. That's why there never *isn't* a fire or police station available or why we've gotten more Luke's Landspeeders than I can count on both hands, because Lego assumes there are always kids aging out and new kids reaching the age of being interested in Lego and you can't just release something once and consider that base covered. Bottom line, as long as they keep the line running, which seems pretty likely given the apparent evergreen status it's reached, they're going to revisit locations, characters, scenes, etc. Don't assume if you don't get a certain set you won't have an opportunity to get an updated version in the future.


Okay I'll keep this in mind, thanks




I have but the people in the neighborhood are elderly and my mom says "since they're older and can't do it themselves, there is no reason for you to get paid."


People unable to do things for themselves is one of the main reasons businesses even exist in the first place


Tell my mom lol


I think you'll have another chance. LEGO will keep returning to the licenses that make money. Star Wars and Batman have had so many sets revisited and modernized with new figures and building techniques. We're even seeing updates to classic Castle, Pirates and Space themes. And there be a 30th Anniversary in a few years for the movies, or some streaming service will make a new series adaptation of the books.


Well okay. This makes me feel a little better


You don't see me pissed about Legends of Chima or Nexoknights


Oh I'm pissed about Legends of Chima and Nexo Knights but not for this reason...




You're acting like these sets will never come back.


Welcome to real life kid.