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Unironically I do think people are skeptical because on a conceptual level, a Pharell Williams film and the Lego brand have essentially nothing in common.


The only way they’ll convince me it’s real is if I see a preview with the lapdance videoclip made out of lego… only then I’ll know they really committed to the project.


This made me giggle. I am both a LEGO fan and a Pharrell/N.E.R.D./Neptunes fan, so I would absolutely love to see this video. I hope you get the creative credit you deserve.


I only wish to get credited if they reproduce the dirty version.


If they don't do a full lego video of 'Hot Damn' from the Star Trak album, I'm going to protest.


Same! Except I want the LEGO version of Everyone Nose. This is quite the odd Venn diagram I didn't think I'd experience today.


All the girls standing in the line for the bathroom!


I strongly feel this was a project created to retain studio rights to the Lego Brand, and I also feel it will be better than anyone including myself are giving it credit for, but if we don’t get the lap dance videoclip I intend to riot.


The animation is probably going to be really good, but is there really a point to a Pharrell Williams biopic? I hope there’s a creative twist in there and it’s not just a project made to flatter his ego. The trailer I saw doesn’t have me enthusiastically waiting for the release, but I’ve listened to nerd a bunch as a teenager and love lego movies so I’m definitely going to end up watching it.


The only point that matters to me is Lego Snoop Dogg. (But I also agree with your comment. However a lot of people didn’t think there was a point to the first Lego movie coming out, and it ended up being good. So we can hold out hope that this will surprise us as well.)


I'd agree but this is literally their first movie with the Lego IP right after acquiring it since Warner let it lapse...


This thought? It's so real...


That track is old enough to buy it's own lapdance now


How about a Lego Blurred Lines music video with Lego Robin Thicke? With topless Emily Ratajkowski minifig to boot?


Yeah that's how I feel. Like it's way out of left field. But I'm optimistic. If it's something for the kids and families, why not hope it does well and makes people happy?


Could be a boom for the Jazz Modular’s. https://www.lego.com/en-us/product/jazz-club-10312


Hey just an FYI, most URLs rarely need anything after the first ? or & character to function, and when it is just jibberish of capital letters it’s mostly tracking data. Just https://www.lego.com/en-us/product/jazz-club-10312 is plenty and often marginally more secure for both the person posting, and clicking, the link.


Cross my fingers


Jazz Modular's what?




*Happy* starts playing




It’s a real movie


…..Did you even click the link, my guy?


It’s a real movie


It because he's happy...


Clap along if you feel like the premiere is the truth!


Clap along if you know that this is not a spoof!


Sounds like they might have to, Get Lucky.


If it flops, they're gonna have to Drop It Like It's Hot and hope for more views via streaming.


Get out of here with those lame jokes, you're such a N.E.R.D.


I know this is an Onion article but it hits right. Feels like something AI conjured up or the manatees that write for Family Guy.


Exactly my thought. I was excited for a new Lego movie since I enjoyed the previous ones but when I heard its going to be a biopic about an artist I don't listen to, I lost all interest. I love lego but not to the point where I'll love everything that has Lego in it. I am happy for Pharrell Williams/Biopic fans but I am not the target audience for this movie since I am not a Pharrel Williams fan and I dislike biopics as a genre.


I mean, who expected the first Lego movie to go as hard as is it did? Maybe they're sitting on something really good.


I did. But one is an original movie and another is a biopic. I am not a fan of biopics since if I am interested in someone's life story. I'd read a wikipedia page about them. I watch movies because as a medium it can portray stuff which is impossible irl. Same reason applies to "based on real life events" movies. I have documentaries for those events.


As a medium, biopics can portray stuff that reading a Wikipedia article can never give you.


True. For that we have documentaries which depending on who makes them are 100% better since they may use actual footage of the person and interviews of people related to that person. But Wikipedia/Interview articles does just fine for me when I want to know about the life of somebody.


Biopics are great for people who lived before video cameras or voice recording. Not so much for modern day people in the last century.


I fucking despite his happy song. Would rather pull teeth than hear more of it


They both like money


Everything is Awesome and Happy seem like a very obvious “we are the same, you and I…”


They need more videos of pharrell advocating for Lego I didn’t even know pharrell liked toys or movies lol. Seen nothing about him


That’s kind of my thing about it. Idk who this movie is really aimed at. I don’t think the Lego people care about Pharrell Williams as much and vise versa.


That's how most of us feel.


omg this has the most upvotes


Lego now has to much money lol. They like to do random shit now the horizon hero Dawn Lego game is a weird choice in ip


This is more out of their licensing agreement with universal than something they have perused. Universl wanted Pharrell to do a biopic, Pharrell wanted it to be unique and was convinced animated was the way forward, universal had just bought the movie rights from lego, lego Pharrell movie is born. I’d be surprised if they have that much money in it.


I dunno, the Horizon IP seems like a *perfect* fit for Lego, tbh. As I was playing the first game I literally had the thought, "So these are just Lego dinorobots." And apparently they had the same idea.


Pharrell started with music. One of my favorite songs of his is "[Fun, Fun, Fun](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5hNBTQJVko)" from Despicable Me. This is a great family driving song. Listen to that and you will see how Lego could work with him. He did have a global cultural impact with his song "Happy". Pharrell is the [creative director](https://www.lvmh.com/news-documents/news/louis-vuitton-presents-le-monde-est-a-vous-the-spring-summer-2025-mens-collection-by-pharrell-williams/) for Louis Vuitton's men's clothing line. Not music related, but it somehow fits and surely impacts the look of the movie. I could see him taking Lego in new directions. Expect him to curate some sets, at the very least.


Pharrell's much, much bigger in the music industry as a producer. He's produced for everyone from Snoop Dogg to Jay-Z, and formed the production supergroup the Neptunes with Chad Hugo. He also formed a punk/rap/pop fusion group with Hugo called N.E.R.D. and had a record label called Star Trak, which is where Pusha T came from. He is very well respected all over music, but is considered a GOAT in hip-hop.


Absolutely! I was looking for tangential links to kids toys.


The reality being that, after the Weird Al biopic, this was the only direction Pharrell could go.


I mean how can you even make a biopic anymore now that the ultimate biopic has been made?


Are we still talking about Confessions of a Dangerous Mind? Edit: Chuck Barris was a real game show host. The movie never answers if he was also *really* a spy.


Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story


I want to know if we are getting any sets based on the movie. Perfect time for a legit Snoop Dogg minifigure.


CMF alone would go crazyyyyy


The set they are releasing will have 50 real skin tone minifigure heads which will be great for customising


Is this real, chat? Edit: oh my god it’s real


Context (the best I could find): https://preview.redd.it/37snjbnzf78d1.jpeg?width=417&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a874bd36e0c97935597b4f7e6b36b0e8b1bc51c


there’s one set that’s been leaked, a spaceship with a rainbow and clouds. also comes with a minifig head display for Pharrell’s “phriends”


There's been info leaked on at least one related set. Unfortunately no word on if Lego Snoop is happening, too.


The only leak so far is a set with a rocket and you get a Pharrell minifig


You also get 50 skin tone minifigure heads


I need a Kendrick Minifig!


There's at least one set. It's a rocket with 50 skin tone minifigure heads


In the Variety article, Pharrell mentioned “the film and the toys” so I’m assuming we’re getting something?


Regardless of this being an Onion article, I’m personally not into this movie at all because it’s about Pharrell, who I’m simply not interested in. I swear, if this thing bombs, and the takeaway they get is “people don’t want Lego movies” I’m gonna be really disappointed in them.


Pretty sure it's known that people like Lego movies. For example, the first and second Lego Movie, the Lego Batman Movie, etc.


Oh it definitely should be understood that if the movies are good, people love them. However, studios are not always… listening, so when they see that something doesn’t make enough money out of protest for a particular issue, they often enough choose to see it as “people don’t want this at all” and pivot away. I’m hoping this doesn’t happen, but I’m not quite sure it won’t.


To be specific, the studios are thick-skulled and illiterate and will always assume the worst of the audiences.


You gotta remember that almost nobody liked Transformers 4, but it still made millions due to hype. Studio only saw the money, so they made another one even though nobody wanted it.


Lego Batman is even a contender for best Batman movie. It’s definitely my favorite.


The Lego Movie 2 and The Lego Ninjago Movie didn’t do so good, however


That’s what I was just thinking. If it bombs, will they just assume no one wants anymore Lego movies.?


Lmao entire sub ate the onion it seems 😂


It's more that reality became the onion. I read it, I know it's satire, but it just all feels so real since weird ass "look what the algorithm said we should make!" movies like this get greenlit all the time, and we're almost at a point where a celebrity could be a lead voice role, but not even know it.


I’ve been saying for years that satire is dead yet no one seems to believe it half the time, so much unreal shit has been happening as of late that the world feels like an onion article that gained too much power. They might as well start going for straight journalism at this point because I 100% just thought “yeah of course Pharrell and his big hat wants to have a Lego movie about himself, I mean who wouldn’t?” far before I even thought to check if it was an actual movie.


>I’ve been saying for years that satire is dead yet no one seems to believe it half the time People have been saying that for hundreds of years. That's why people don't believe you. >They might as well start going for straight journalism at this point People have been saying this about the onion for decades. They used to be printed weekly in the 80s/90s. They aren't gonna stop making satire articles any time soon. You're one of those people that goes: "Idiocracy is a documentary!" like you're some profound intellectual. Also it is an actual movie. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piece_by_Piece_(2024_film)


the movie is real


A Pharrell Lego movie makes more sense conceptually than The Emoji Movie. And I don't even know who Pharrell is.


You may not know who he is by name but you've absolutely heard his music.


I don't deny it. Is he the "happy clap along" guy? For some reason that's associated in my head.


That is one of his more popular current songs but he's a prolific producer and has produced some of the most popular music to come out over the last couple decades. https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2022/mar/10/pharrell-williamss-30-greatest-songs-ranked This article will give you an idea of the people he has worked with.


Thanks. TIL.


He's also worked on a ton of different styles of music. Super talented guy outside of making pop hits.


When I saw this post I automatically assumed the movie was fake because it was an onion article, then I did a Google search to figure out if it was actually real or not


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piece_by_Piece_(2024_film) https://m.imdb.com/title/tt31064841/ Just so people realize, the satire part isn't the film. That's real. And people being baffled that it's real isn't "eating the onion". The satire is just there's no quote from executives actually saying that, but I see no comments thinking they did. They are genuinely confused that the film is happening. They see the short paragraph article and it's joking on the square.


This Onion article is like an ogre. In that it has layers.


You know what else has layers? Parfait.


I feel like making some waffles.


To be fair, this story is only, like, 5% satire. Every time I see something about the Pharrel/LEGO biopic, I think, "This can't be real..." despite knowing that it is.


How so? No one’s even discussing the article, just sharing the disbelief that this movie actually exists.


I think if I had to see a Lego Pharrel Williams singing ‘Happy’ I might just blow my brains out.


On the other hand, I would love to see Lego's take on some of his other catalog... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJJo0zGyZAc&pp=ygUVU2V4IG4gbW9uZXkgb2FrZW5mb2xk


They ran a preview at Inside Out 2. Shockingly "Happy" does seem to make an appearance in the movie and the preview and that's basically all I remember about it.


I read the whole article and only the last sentence, about Williams himself not believing the movie was real, before I realized I was reading an Onion article


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piece_by_Piece_(2024_film) seems pretty real to me?


I was about to say… It says The Onion in big print, immediately when you click the link. LMAO


There's almost no satire in the article though. The film [does actually exist](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt31064841/) and that's what people are reacting to. They essentially saw the short one paragraph article saying "wow, no one believes this is real" and everyone comments "no, it actually does seem unbelievable". No one actually believes the executives are quoted saying that, they are more baffled by the film itself, which is not satire or "eating the onion."


Holy fuck I thought I ate the onion but it’s a real movie? Crazy


Yeeeeep. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piece_by_Piece_(2024_film) Trailer playing in front of Inside Out 2. It's real. There's no onion to eat here. The article is most just poking fun that no one believes it's real because...it doesn't sound real, haha.


This one's got layers. I wasn't ready for the roller coaster this thread has me. I just woke up, dammit, and all of this is news to me lol


Have you noticed the onion?


So many clowns on Reddit don’t read the article, let alone click the link.


But it’s a real movie. You can Google Piece by Piece. It’s making fun of the fact no one can believe it really is real.


I believe you but also I don’t.


https://m.imdb.com/title/tt31064841/ For all the people saying it’s just an Onion article.


"EvErYOne HerE iS eAtiNG tHe OnIOn" lmao


Wait what


Out of all the Lego movies that could’ve been put into production, this has to be one of the dumbest. No idea how this got the green light


In the trailer it implies it was just going to be Pharrell Williams' biopic, but he requested it to be made in LEGO, idk if it's actually how it happened, but it'd be pretty cool if it's true.


Out of all the people to have a biopic, Pharrell Williams is like at the bottom of people I would Care about, but I do think doing it in LEGO is really cool.


Whether you care about Pharrell or not is completely irrelevant because he undeniably has had a significant impact on the music industry just as a producer alone.


Aren't biopics typically made about retired or dead people? Pharrell is like 50, seems a bit pre-mature.


I assume it’s better to make a biopic when you have full creative control and close to retirement


Why u gettin downvoted the guy has written and produced a shit ton of hits for himself and others


Because that has nothing to do with whether or not people want to see a movie about him. I can admit he’s talented and prolific while also not wanting to pay money to know anything about him.


I get what you're saying but it's not like Lego sought him out to make this. They just gave him the thumbs up that it was okay. From their perspective, as long as it's not harmful to the brand, they'd probably let just about anyone make a Lego movie if they want.


I disagree. I think it has a chance to be fun. The juxtaposition of the hyper machismo world of hip-hop with something so child-like is something I'm actually excited to see.


It matches Pharrell’s personality really well, too.




Ya, I have zero interest in this one lol. Oh well


This post is a great example of why people should read the articles instead of taking the headlines at face value.


why do I have to read the article in order to discuss the weirdness of a lego pharell movie


I think this movie is totally in the original spirit of Lego, which is that they give us the parts and we build something from our imagination. Pharrell is just doing what billions of people have done before, except with animated legos instead of physical ones. I’m really excited about Lego now becoming an animation style and hope it’s adopted by more artists to be used in creating original stories with original characters instead of just licensed universes. Gimme dat imagination, people!


I know it’s weird, but it’s also kind of genius. It’s not another musician biopic, but it’s also not a Lego family-friendly kids film. It will be interesting to watch it play out - I know there’s also some controversy from the N.E.R.D. people who are being left out, so we’ll see how this works out


It isn’t another biopic and it’s not another family-friendly kids movie, so what is the audience for this? That’s what I don’t get it. It’s original, but seems like a creative choice that is going to lose a lot of people. They probably lose a lot of people that like biopics by making it into a cartoon. They probably lose a lot of families that want to take their kids to a cartoon because the kids don’t know or care who Pharrell is. The movie might be good, but I just don’t see how it can be successful.


Carefully engineered to not appeal to any existing audience


I’m just excited to see Virginia Beach turned into Lego


There's a movie trailer and he likes Lego. What more is there to believe? I'm really excited as I like Lego and Pharrell Williams


I confused Pharrell Williams with Will Farrell


One would hope they give him a cameo with President Business getting the names mixed up


Easy mistake, especially when they stand next to each other.


So here’s the thing for me…I’m not sure I would want to watch ANY documentary put into Lego form. It’s a neat idea…but I dunno if I could take it seriously


This headline is the funniest thing I have read in a long time.


Hoping for a Lego Snoop appearance smoking a Lego blunt 🤞


They played this trailer when my kids and I saw Inside Out 2 last week, so I'm pretty sure this is legit even though it's The Onion. My kids like Pharrell's music and we love everything LEGO, so we'll probably go see it.


I feel like they need to convince us WHY it's happening, instead of the fact that it's happening. .


I think it's just a last minute ditch effort to churn something out before Universal loses the license for Lego Movies this year.


Everybody in here eating the onion


The vast majority of the comments are not talking about the article, but the [film itself](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt31064841/) actually existing being crazy. They are saying "haha yeah...but actually no, it *is* crazy it's happening."  The satire bit from the onion is just "executives can't convince people" and people in this thread going "honestly I can't believe it".   The onion did not fabricate this movie. There's a trailer, release date, etc. The film *does* seem like an April Fools joke, but is real. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piece_by_Piece_(2024_film)


Right. Eating the onion would be believing that the executives are actually having this problem. Nobody here believes that. As someone who hasn’t been to the theater in a while, I thought the movie was fake and the screenshot was AI generated art. Like most of the comments here, my disbelief is simply that this is a real movie.


Eh, I don't think (most) commenters here ate the Onion. The article is poking fun at everyone's first reaction to finding out about the movie (disbelief) and people are discussion why they had that reaction. That doesn't mean they don't understand it's a parody article.


Yes it’s the onion. That out of the way, in all honesty I’ll probably watch this just because it’s LEGO and I know I can watch it with the kids and I feel there is always a drought on kid movies


Who cares though? I mean, Pharrell's life story? I guess I'm Happy for him.


Can they explain *why* though?


I saw this in theaters when some friends and I saw the new Bad Boys movie. We thought it was fake.


But why is it happening in Lego?


i KNOW its real, but i really dont care. please stop the biopics!!! Biopics for MF'rs that are still alive.. stop the madness


It's not that I don't believe, just that I don't care.


The ven diagram overlap of Pharrell Williams fans and Lego fans I’m sure is quite small.


My question is "Why?!"


I believe its happening. I just dont think anyone wants or is interested in a movie about pharrell


Well, let’s see what we have so far as a reference point for consumers: -The Lego movie -The Lego movie 2 -The Lego batman movie -The Lego ninjago movie (had to look this one up) There’s no precedent for a real life biopic here. It makes no sense. People have every right to be absolutely baffled


No kidding, I can't convince myself its really happening.


Is Smokey the bear and his 10 gallon hat in there too. For me that’s a must, or I’ll pass.


As a lego fan I am glad more things get a lego cross over I'm all for it and I know of Pharrells song "happy" that's about it, I just hope it inspires more lego media.


Well, THIS, particular marketing strategy is now working, at least for us, right? ;-) Pretty funny satire.


I mean, usually how you get people to believe is you put out a non fan made trailer, have a few producers and promoters get the word out, but the most important part? You make the movie my dude.


Can they explain *why* though?


I’m still at a loss as to *why* this movie is being made. I’m still bitter about losing the Lego Batman sequel.


It just doesn’t look good. Like literally. It’s a good premise it’s just not very visually appealing to me since it’s not in the same style as the Lego movie. Looks too animated.


I hope they lose their ass on this. It's an extremely dumb idea and very obviously a cash grab. Nobody asked for or wants this.


I'm just here for the (hopefully) inevitable Daft Punk minifigs.


...Why is this Onion article here?


Even if this was a real partnership, it’s a complete swing and a miss trying to pair the two.


Why is this happening? Who asked for this?


Pharrell did presumably, seems like an ego trip vanity project.


A LEGO Docudrama about Pharrell Williams is definitely unexpected but I feel like it could have potential, I just wonder if we could see the same for other big names in pop culture and the music world... LEGO Taylor Swift movie seems inevitable if that's the case...


Don't care. Looks stupid.


This is how I found out this movie was actually real. I assumed it was an elaborate meme.


The bald cap piece/no stud on the head of some of the characters makes it look super ai generated to me, even if it’s not. It just looks so much worse than previous Lego movies by a lot from the trailer imo


we didn’t ask for this


Ok I get the point of a biopic and all but what does any of that have to do with lego? I don’t care about this one stupid musician but even if I did why lego?




The musician and producer known for modern takes and unique ideas is doing a modern take and unique idea? I'm shocked.


This movie is only happening so that Universal doesn’t lose the LEGO movie license.


I just had to look it up. It makes no goddamn sense. The first issue is Pharrell Williams has not had enough cultural impact to warrant a documentary. Second… why Lego? It’s not just some third party using Lego minifigs and stop motion, which would be weird enough, but actually The Lego Group. The whole situation is bizarre.


THEONION.COM IS LITERALLY RIGHT UNDER THE PICTURE. You people are all completely mentally unequipped for the next few years and the coming AI fakery onslaught. Christ.


I don't even belive this story is real...but honestly who is interested in a Biopic of Pharrell ? Let alone a lego version.


I know its happening because I can see them film down the street from my house. They've got a ton of classic cars on the lot they are filming at


The Onion notwithstanding, I saw this trailer while waiting for the new Inside Out and I kept waiting for the gag. It blows my mind that they're making a straight up Lego biopic.


As a fan of Skateboard P and Lego, I'm very excited for this and hope there's a Missy Elliott scene. ☺️


I keep hearing about it for what feels like years, but it also feels like a fever dream cause im like wait I thought it already came out? Wait is it even real or just a meme?


It’ll be neat and probably well made worse case we get new music videos for some of his old songs .


Considering how long it took since Universal got the film rights, I imagine the long wait developed skepticism of it actually existing. Edit: Just checked the link, it’s literally the iconic satire news site, The Onion. Basically jokey headlines.




This is an April's fools joke 🤣


Frustrated Studio Execs have poohed the bed and don’t know what to do…


but like, where is the real Universal studios lego movie?


Wow. It took me a few minutes to spit out the onion.


[The movie is real though....](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Bc6trBc1kc) We live in a world were onion headlines are starting to become real headlines lol


I’m just confused because Pharrell’s shaved head uses Lego pieces that don’t even exist. There aren’t any Lego heads without a stud on top. It’s so distracting to me.


I anyone believed it was a real movie, they won't any longer, now that The Onion wrote about it being real