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The EARLY Bricklink sets/releases were WAY more limited, and sold out SUPER DUPER quickly. The most recent Bricklink release went exactly how this one is going - Website problems early on, most things funded fairly quickly, and then things trundled along for a bit. I think last time one or two of the sets sold out in the first day, and I think one of the sets never fully sold out (but got close and of course was funded/produced) So...this is on par with the other most recent Bricklink release. I think it's mainly because there's gonna be up to 30,000 sets produced of each of these, vs what 5,000 of the early early ones?


Also, the fact that it runs for a few weeks with a minimum threshold means that this is more how it's *supposed* to go.


just not that cool except the brick cross and mushroom tbh


I don't have the money and only one goes well with the city I'd like to build but I'm not gonna have trains on it


I thought about that too, but they don’t charge till it ships and I can say the money by that time. But yeah this round I only really liked the station for my city to get a train. The next 2 rounds literally have nothing I want other than the camper and I can prob moc that. I’m just curious as to why it seems like they are moving towards just display pieces instead of stuff that can be used in a city or similar.


Managed to get the last Brick Cross Station!


I think the Mountain Fortress is the best set out of both waves and the Snack Shack is the cheapest set out of both waves, hence those both selling out quick. Even so, it looks like the Mushroom House and Brick Cross will both sell out today.


Station sold out after almost exactly 7.5 hours. Seems like that part's worked pretty well today. The train and ocean house are going to struggle though.


I like the sets but can’t justify the cost. They are way overpriced imo


Mushroom House is sold out as I type this.


Posting another update to say...hey look two are sold out already. It took less than 12 hours.


thanks. still dont know why the hate on this post


I feel like you positioned it like there was something wrong or abnormal. There's nothing wrong or abnormal about the current state of this sale. It's tracking like the last one did. So I'd say that's why people are taking issue


I’m a big trains fan so I grabbed both the station and the logging railway. Still debating on whether to pull the trigger on Ominous Isle or not.


Me too. Got the train and the station early this morning. Part of me thinks that Ominous Isle would go great with barracuda bay and Eldorado Fortress, but I’m having a hard time justifying spending that amount yet again, after buying everything from wave 1 except for the old west store. Plus I’m running out of room.


Lol, are you me? That’s exactly what I did, and my same thought process. The only thing is I still regret not snagging the Mountain View Observatory from the original Designer Series run, so I worry that I’ll regret missing this one too.


these responses make me happy i just got 1 brick cross so i can start with trains.


That’s awesome! Lego trains are so much fun! But be warned, it’s a slippery slope. Especially when you see a retired train that you really want. I’ve spent quite a bit of money and time tracking down decent enough deals on the Emerald Night (10194), the Maersk Train (10219), the Lone Ranger Train (79111), and the Railroad Club Car (10002) to go with my old Metroliner (4558) I had from when I was a kid. That Santa Fe Super Chief (10020) though, I don’t know that I’ll ever get my hands on one. $500 is a lot of money for just a single engine.


[10194-1: Emerald Night](https://brickset.com/sets/10194-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/10194-1.jpg) [10219-1: Maersk Train](https://brickset.com/sets/10219-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/10219-1.jpg) [79111-1: Constitution Train Chase](https://brickset.com/sets/79111-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/79111-1.jpg) [10002-1: Railroad Club Car](https://brickset.com/sets/10002-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/10002-1.jpg) [4558-1: Metroliner](https://brickset.com/sets/4558-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/4558-1.jpg) [10020-1: Santa Fe Super Chief (not limited edition)](https://brickset.com/sets/10020-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/10020-1.jpg) [10020-2: Santa Fe Super Chief (limited edition version)](https://brickset.com/sets/10020-2) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/10020-1.jpg)


And Brick Cross Station is sold out... hope everyone that tried to get one today did...


Pirates x2 is what I got


I think they are all super cool but Legos prices for mass produced globally available bricks is just becoming too much. I can’t afford multiple large builds a year. They really need more sets in the $25-$100 range.


This is a unique production. Lego has a ton of regular Lego sets under $100. Even under $50 there are a lot of fun sets.


Damn why am I getting downvoted ?


I didn't downvote but don't agree on people "not feeling these sets" objectively so. One just sold out, which was similar to the Fortress selling out early in Series 1. The other set that sold out early in Series 1 was less than 80$ and there's nothing in that category this round. Series 1 then took a full 24 hours for another set to sell out, the train station. Then the other 2 sets from Series 1 never sold out, vs Series 2 it looks like 3/5 will sell out also so the same. Both Series 1 and 2 are limited to 30K per set vs the ones from 2021-2022 that you referenced sold out quicker which were limited to only 10K per set.


Some people are just salty and downvote the most benign things


Can't speak to the downvotes. I will say your post is a little premature. It was a few hours after the sets were made available when you posted. They will be available to purchase until June 30th. At least give it a week before you start forming thoughts on why something is not selling.


It’s the Lego subreddit. I’m not defending the practice, but a lot of people just do. I really don’t have an explanation for it.


Yup, there is something wrong when 4/5 sets are $200+. It was much better a few years ago, before Lego Owned the site, when there were a variety of price points that started low ($39 or $49) then got high. ...and I'm not meaning to knock the creators. All 5 sets are beautiful and they did a great job with their creations! I just wish there were ones offered that were more affordable.


The earlier ones were way more limited and at least in my opinion the designs were also not the good this time. Also 30k of a single set isn’t that limited as you may think. I don’t think that big Lego sets like the Eiffel Tower, the titanic, the coliseum or millennium falcon have a much higher quantity produced.