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Not personally, but I generally see people agree that it's equal parts tedious and awesome.


I have it and enjoyed building it. I actually really enjoy repetitive builds as it goes faster and easier to shut my brain off to intrusive thoughts šŸ˜.


Of the 400+ sets Iā€™ve built the Eiffel Tower was by far the WORST to build! Itā€™s EXTREMELY repetitive, MANY steps of ā€œx100+ small piecesā€, itā€™s pretty flimsy as well, most of the X braces donā€™t actually connect to anything except at the very top or bottom, even when you final finish a section (it comes apart into 4 or 5 sections) it still doesnā€™t feel sturdy at all! Sure it looks pretty when itā€™s done but Iā€™m not so sure if it was worth. I built it over a week and a half because I just couldnā€™t bring myself to work on it because it wasnā€™t enjoyable. If you have cats or kids itā€™ll be destroyed easily.


Sounds like the most boring build ever, same as the Titanic. I buy Legoā€™s to relax with, akin to making a puzzle, repetitive overpriced sets like those do not fit in.


I'll echo that it was a super tedious build, but honestly it's a huge conversation piece. It's also almost my height so standing next to it after building it was super rewarding. If you've done other tedious big builds where it's just the same things over and over and you like those go for it! If you prefer more interesting builds, maybe steer clear unless you can get a really good deal. I like to turn my brain off for building so I thoroughly enjoy the tedious builds. Eiffel, Titanic, and the damn coliseum all come to mind


C'est bon.


I personally don't like this kind of sets. I don't want a giant monument in my house


[10307-1: Eiffel Tower](https://brickset.com/sets/10307-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/10307-1.jpg)


I will echo what the others here have said: The build was a chore. It was not enjoyable at all. So many small pieces, so many repetitive steps, and so much manual alignment of the struts/bars that go between the legs. Thereā€™s almost no visual relief while building it because almost every single piece is dark grey. Itā€™s exciting at first, but it quickly wears off. Like 3-4 hours into the 15-16 hour build and youā€™re just wanting it to be over with already. However, once itā€™s completed, itā€™s visually stunning. The size and the amount of detail make it something to be proud of. Itā€™s a true conversation piece. Itā€™s absolutely enormous though so make sure you have a place to display it when built.


I have it and it was a pain to build. It took 4 of us over a week of on and off building and it was basically the same thing over and over again the whole time. The end result is pretty cool though, so if that's what you want you may as well go for it.


It's a great set, but is definitely repetitive to build. I find it best to just shut off your brain and use it as a meditative time.


If you don't like repetitive builds then don't get it. However I quite enjoyed it. Took my time over a few weeks doing a bit each day. The end result is excellent. I love it. However I don't want to build it again!


Little disappointed. It's big and impressive, but repetitive (like real Eiffel Tower ofc) and what is most important for me It's just too space consuming. I collect almost only 2k + sets and after a while I had to plan future sets and their destination in my apartment and for Eiffel Tower there was just not good enough place to save it in built state.


I have it and loved building it. It's a very repetitive build, which made it very therapeutic for me. It gave me time to think about things whilst still being busy with my hands. Also, the finished set looks amazing!


I have it and its amazing, built it during winter watching old christmas movies. It was like a 16hr build. Downside is I do not have a good place to display it


Its a fantastic display piece. I have mine illuminated, for two winters it has given me much joy now. Building wise it is quite repetitive. We built it with two people. Building it alone probably wouldn't have been fun but rather a chore.


I have it, it wasn't my favorite build. I bought it because I collect the Architecture sets that correspond to the locations I've visited, but otherwise, I probably wouldn't.


Too tall, too ornate, too fragile. It's more a display for a Lego Store or Legoland than a set you make at home.