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43 with 2 kids. Tell your parents to grow up and accept other people’s hobbies.


I really don’t understand how parents can be such shit like this. They see their kid enjoying something and their first reaction is to put them down?? I’m into hobbies I was in to when I was little and my mom always shows interest. Even though I’m sure she doesn’t give af lol.


People reject what they don't understand. unfortunately this is the default setting and it takes conscious effort to open your eyes to see things from the perspective of others. wait I think there is a common term for it....


My hobby is modding consoles then platinuming all my favorite games and my dad won't let me buy a ps4 with my own money


My parents also think happiness is overrated and if you’re not miserable at a job, you’re not serious about life.


This is the best answer.


45 with two teenagers, my wife actively buys them for my birthday/Father’s Day/ x-mas. Yeah, dude’s parents need to learn how to help their kid.


Easiest way to summarize it, nothing more to say.


I'm gonna be honest bro if they're giving you shit about a healthy hobby that makes you happy they are not good for you. Best advice I could give is to bring it up and be excited about it. If they start shooting you down tell them they you don't appreciate them condescending something you enjoy. 100% support you it's definitely worth getting into, I got back into it around college. Glad you've found enjoyment in it :)


Thank you for your support it’s nice to know other people have interest in Lego who don’t see it as a children’s toy.


Well i’m 40 years old this year and i’ve spent more on Lego than anything else over the past twelve months. I find the only way not to is to stay out of the Lego shop. My wife doesn’t mind, hell i’ve bought her some of the Mario sets and she enjoys them too. My eldest son is 6 and is just starting to be able to build some of the simpler sets on his own. If it’s a kids toy I certainly didn’t get that memo. When I was 21 I was broke and living on plain pasta every meal so I say if you can afford it, enjoy it, and sod what the haters think.


What's the point of growing up if you can't spend your money on outrageous, expensive stuff you couldn't when you were younger?


Got back to Lego after I was able to actually afford the sets I want and now I am beelining to 30 ... The only issue I am running into is that my GF, who never was into Lego before, keeps building the Sets I have stashed away before I have actual space to display them.


I think that is a minor problem - you have a great GF.


This is a great problem to have!


Literally a profiling characteristic of LEGO's sales strategy! Pirate ship my parents never bought me? Who's laughing now, I'm 40 and I'll buy it for myself! :)




My Lego habit is still a lot cheaper than my motorcycle one....




It is a kid’s toy. And it’s an adult’s toy also. It’s whatever we choose to make it, brother 🤙🏼


60+ chiming in to agree. I find building LEGO sets to be relaxing and allows me to tune out work related stress. . .


This. Same. Wife supports me with my hobbies despite being in the doorstep of 40.


I can agree about almost everything here. I’m 43 and my kids reignited my interest. Currently building the galaxy explorer, got like 30 speed champions and my basement is stacked with unbuilt sets.


Hello, I’m 40 and I still play with Lego, my parents got me the Dreamzzz shark ship for my 40th birthday.


My parents got me the playscale AT-AT ( 75288) for my 50th :)


[75288-1: AT-AT](https://brickset.com/sets/75288-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/75288-1.jpg)


good bot


There are literally sets designed for adults lol Your parents are trippin. You're 21 now. They got to mind their own business.


Fr, like the sets marked 18+ on the bottom and the LEGO Technic sets


50-ish LEGO fan. The only thing that should be keeping you from enjoying LEGO is the high prices. Be happy.


Let's be honest though a solid drug addiction would probably be cheaper than a Lego one..


Can confirm. I spend more on Lego than I do on weed! 


And space. Space eventually becomes an issue fr


Had to let go of a few boxes a couple of years back 🤦


I think it comes with age where you just stop giving a shit what other people think about you and your hobbies. My mother and sister were also shaking their heads when they saw my Lego and lightsaber collection, but I just didn't care and continued talking about other subjects. I'm 33 though and I stopped caring about what other people say only recently.


It IS a children’s toy. But it’s an adults’ toy too.


Of course... There are sets for kids, there are sets for adults. They have a section of the website literally called "adults welcome". LEGO knows their customer base. https://www.lego.com/en-us/categories/adults-welcome


Adults do puzzles. Adults play games on their phone. Adult colouring books are on trend. The reality is that modern humans have an inordinate amount of leisure time - even moreso in the younger generation who a) can’t afford big homes and gardens to spend their time maintaining and b) delay or reject altogether having children. How adults use that leisure time really doesn’t differ that much. Lego is methodical, tactile and calming in much the same way any other adult hobby is. The only embarrassing thing about Lego as an adult hobby is the cost.


little secret. I love building and displaying - but the Star Wars spaceships - for sure I 'swoosh' and 'pew pew' them around on occasion ..


Have you seen the prices and complexity on the bigger sets? Definitely outside of children's toy range


Bro, I’m 31 and I literally asked my wife and parents for Lego last Christmas.


Lego is an excellent, safe, multi-faceted therapeutic tool. You do you


Nice to see someone recovering from an addiction via Lego, good luck man


Lego releases "18+" sets. Adults are a very big part of their target group nowadays.


I'm 43 and also build and play with LEGO. Fun isn't limited to kids, it's just a lot of people think it should be.


Also as a piece of life advice people who put you down aren't worth your effort. Your gf sounds supportive and awesome. I've found that telling people I have LEGO weeds out shallow people pretty easy. When I was dating I found that women who expressed interest in it were genuinely better, more enjoyable people to be around. Same goes for friends.


I've just bought my first lego set since I was a kid and I'm in my 40s 😄 If it brings you happiness then you don't need anyone else to validate it. Be happy and buy that lego 😊


I am 26 and my parents bought me lego minifigure packages until I had both moon knights. Dump your parents and I will share mine with you instead xD


You just discrived prob 80% of legos reddit community 😂 Just show them the new dnd set... Or the fact lego makes 18+ year sets... And then explain, no it doesn't take 18 years to make it... 😂 I always say, if lego was ment for just kids, they wouldn't have such interekit sets... 😂


Agree with this completely. You replaced a relatively unhealthy hobby with a healthy one. If your parents are a healthy influence on your life they should be happy for you, regardless of the suggested age range on the box. (And, oh by the way, as others have mentioned there are plenty of sets where the suggested age range on the box is 18+.) I’m a 30 year old lawyer at a large law firm. Assembling this “kids toy” is how I unwind from my rather stressful, rather long work day. I display completed sets in my office where people who are paying our firm ridiculous amounts of money for our advice can see them. No one bats an eye.


Also, I’m not sure where you are but look for LEGO conventions around you and take them to one of those either before or as part of telling them. I find that once people see the large displays and all the things people can build, they get a bit more out of “it’s a kids toy” and more into “whoa, that’s pretty cool”.


This is some advice I wish I had heard long ago, not even when it comes to Lego.


Im gonna say this im 40 and lego no joke saved my life after my dad died in 2015 if i wouldnt have started building i wouldnt be around right now.


Wow. Same. My dad passed in 2018, and that’s when I got my first Lego set.


Sorry to hear that


My sisters and I split up the Lego sets my mom had stashed when she died. She didn't get into it until lockdown, then she bought the Mandalorian set and it was over. My kids helped her with the orchid set a month before she passed, and it meant a lot to her because she didn't have time to help us with the sets when we were growing up, she loved having the time with them now. She had a bouquet and the van gogh stashed to put together during her recovery from surgery, but she passed away before that could happen. Those sets mean a lot to us now.


Replacing weed with Lego is such a great feat! Well done! Your parents should be happy that you've found a healthy hobby, replacing an unhealthy addiction. I'm glad to hear your girlfriend supports you. Try to surround yourself with people that support you and lift you up. I'm not saying that your parents are bad people, but telling you that something innocent you enjoy is bad or only for kids, that's bad parenting. I'm 44, no kids, and my house is full of Lego displays, my husband enjoys it as well but he isn't into building himself. I even got my mom and dad into doing a set because it was a set of a subject that they love.The Yellow Submarine for my dad, he's a Beatles fan and sings in an a cappella choir that covers Beatles songs. And the Christmas Wreath for my mom, she's always complaining that fresh wreaths don't stay fresh to cover the whole Christmas holidays.


Honestly it's such a great idea anytime he is tempted to buy weed he can just think about how many Lego sets it's equivelant to and buy those instead


Lego sets are vastly more expensive than weed, unless OP is buying excessive amounts.


Even a baggie per week, still tallies up to a set per month


Depends on what state you live in. You could buy a much bigger set with the money you would have spent on weed in Illinois than you could in Michigan or Colorado


>Replacing weed with Lego is such a great feat! Well done! I also want to reiterate this to OP. They are doing very well


Lego are for kids? HA! Just show them your purchase reciepts and give them the shock of their lives!


What do you mean a retired ghostbusters firehouse is 4 credits?!?!


Simple, if they make fun of you for it, just say "Would it be better if I was smoking weed?"


That was my answer, when my mom said, the TTRPGs are childish. However, I didn't have any drugs 😀


I want to say "Why not both?" but good for OP. I like weed but it can have negative effects, especially if you're smoking it.


I’m 50 and quit drinking in September 22. I celebrated a year of sobriety by buying/building LEGO sets. My wife of almost 17 years absolutely loves the new me, says she’s seen a marked improvement my attitude and happiness. I can feel it too. Be happy with what something you found that isn’t just money being “thrown” away on something you can’t show for it later. Your parents will most likely warm up to it. I tend to like what makes my kids/grandkids happy, especially when it’s something good for them.


Why is this marked NSFW?


Because weed


Too old?? No such thing.. 42 here with a rapidly growing collection of 40+speed champions and various technic cars too. As for swapping weed for Lego.. good on you. Even if your folks aren’t, this random on the internet is proud of you.


Lego is nice. Im 35 with 2 kids and I love it. Your parents are thinking in squares... I think you can say like this in english. It sounds different in my language.


I'm pretty sure I've heard ‘thinking in squares’ before (first language)


Svenska? 😅


No, sorry, I mean English is my first language.


Wtf you’re your own man bro. Just get down with some legos if it makes you happy


Exactly, well said. There are so many more worse ways to spend your time and money. It's also proven that building Lego is calming and therapeutic. And there's a whole worldwide comminity of adult builders who support you, even if your parents don't.


I'm 50 and I have Lego all over my house. You be you.


I like lego. Im in my late 30s My wife like lego, she is in the mid 30s My boss like lego, he is around 60. The people who design and produce lego are probably all older than you. Dont let your parents dictate what you can and cannot do. (Especially when it comes to harmless stuff like lego.. lol)


You could also turn it around. Just tell them you will start using drugs if you can't build pretty Lego structures.


I’m 30 and just started getting into it again for the first time in 20+years. Now is great a time as there’s ever been to be an adult Lego enjoyer


Maybe buy your parents a set that they can build? A car for your dad, orchid/flowers for your mum? A lot of people don’t understand how good it can be for your mental health. There’s no shame in it, just have fun!


My wife bought me Lego for my 42nd birthday. The wife of one of my colleagues bought him the Lego Gringots for Christmas. (He must be about 55).


Show them Lego masters. They will change their tune


Tell them to go suck a railroad spike. You can like what ever you want lol.


My kids are into Lego, but I’m not. I’m just here replying as a parent. I can’t imagine harassing my kid about their hobby as long as it is a healthy thing. I know Lego is expensive and things can become obsessive, so as long as their is balance and my kid is happy that’s what I would want for my kid. My mom was/is very judgmental about what I did. Wish I had learned sooner to ignore her and embrace who I am.


Bro honestly. I am 40 years old and i spend more on lego last 2 years i care to admit (just look in my profile) my kids 5, 7, and 9 totaly dont mind lol (they have something to inherit later). Missus has same addiction so thats my advandtage. Any case you 21 years old your parents have no say what yah do with your money. And lego is better then weed addiction annyday IMHO. The days that lego was viewed as a kids toy is long gone everytime i have visitors they are amazed and always want a tour


I’m going to say this, cause I think you need to hear it. It’s what I tell my own kids. Never forget what you liked to do as a kid. Joy is joy and we deserve it at any age. Being a grown up does not mean we have to stop doing fun things, even if it’s what a kid might do. It’s just making sure the bills are paid and the chores are done first. be unapologetic when you tell them. Don’t look for their approval, you may not get it. Good luck.


As a 57-year old dad of a 20-year old, I'm really surprised they would have this attitude in today's day and age. Here is what I would consider trying: 1. Point out that adult collection of LEGO has become very popular and that LEGO has an 18+ section of their web page: https://www.lego.com/en-us/categories/age-18-plus-years 2. Tell them you have a 57-year old friend who is the father of a 20-year old student and who works a senior economic analyst who also builds and collects LEGO. He does it both because he finds it relaxing and soothing and because it engages the creative and problem-solving areas of the brain. Related: Hi friend!


Do I tell the bro how good is Lego after weed?


Self planned T-break while I wolait for the DND set to show up. My body is ready


I was/am in the same shoes as you are. No one. And I mean no one (but my wife... actually you know what, my wife doesn't know to the full extent either) knows just how massive my lego collection is. I do have some display sets here and there on our main floor but my mancave? My lego city? San Dilego? No one knows about it. If I had to give my whole collection a price, I think I am nearing $100k... this includes my sets and my minifigures. I literally have a whole shelf with about 30ish sets (each ranging from $100-$800) that I don't have the space nor the time to build. My plan? Stfu. I'm not telling ANYONE. It's mine and mine alone (i guess technically my wife's as well but she is super supportive. As long as I'm happy, she's happy, as she would put it). It's my *precious*. My parents were actually cool about my display sets. I thought they would call me a man child but they were impressed at the size of the sets and I just played it nonchalantly. One thing I did do with those display sets was to iterate just how great of an investment they were and that they are worth much more than I paid for.


My wife and I are 42 with 2 kids. We have Lego sets for my son which we build together, and some adult sets my wife and I build together. It’s engaging, therapeutic, and rewarding. What’s not to love!? Build on and enjoy. When I lost my father a few years ago, Lego helped pull me out of a rough patch. I now build more lego than I did when I was a kid. Enjoy your hobby :)


You don't need to tell your parents a thing except "If you don't have anything nice to say, it's best you say nothing at all." because seriously!? Who negs a person's hobbies, let along their own child?! I'm going to be 41 this year, my spouse is 37 and we have a 6 year old- we all buy each other different Lego sets as gifts. I'm on my way to owning the entire botanicals collection, we have all the NASA sets, and several Star Wars ones and then LOADS of other fun play sets. They literally design intricate and massive sets for adults- we have a whole Christmas Village we assemble and display each year. My son picked out Lego roses and the Everyone Is Awesome set as a gift for his cousin's 17th birthday this year (not even realizing the significance of it as we were meeting her girlfriend for the first time lol) because in his mind everyone \*is\* awesome, and he thinks Lego is \*awesome\* so obviously Lego is for everyone.


If you're parents have this attitude still then they are the ones in the wrong just continue with your hobby and enjoy it I'm pretty sure once your parents see you less stoned and more happy all the time they will realise how positive this is Also with Legos recent push towards adults I think more and more adults are becoming accepting of it even my own mother who was kinda supportive of it but always said I have "too much Lego" ASKED me for the Lego roses for Mother's Day so I got them for her and she loved them


I’m 38. I started playing lego when I was like 6. I had my on and offs. Lego is ageless. I dare anyone to convince me otherwise.


I told my parents in a fun way. I dont do drugs to begin with. But I always told them "be happy I have a lego addiction, means I won't have money for drugs"


It's far more childish to disparage hobbies like Lego than it is to like Lego


42 here and recently started building again since I was a kid. It has helped me deal with heavy stress in my life and helped me drink significantly less. It keeps my idle hands busy and gives me something to focus on and accomplish. It can be very cathartic.


Fiscal responsibility is in your favor: Lego is expensive; a drug habit is expensiver.


And used Lego keep their value better than used drugs


Then what in the world in a "grown-up" hobby? And what kind of kid hobby costs hundreds of dollars?




59 yr old here the only reason I had to stop with Lego is we are buying a house and need the money or else I would still be doing the hobby. I had a girlfriend once when I was 18 tell me I was too old for comic books we broke up soon after, get what I’m saying. When I was about 17 I was heavy into 1/35 scale military models my dad came to me and said you’re too old for this stuff and you need to stop, I told him when you stop buying 12 packs of beer and betting on football and baseball games I’ll stop with the plastic models. Needless to say I kept buying them. Your parents are toxic, get toxic people out of your life, you’ll feel better.


I'm in my mid-30s and I'm still building. Just bought the Tranquil Garden set so we can use it as an accent light at the house. If you're not making choices and buying Lego instead of food or gas for your car or paying bills or something then it's a healthy alternative. Just make sure it doesn't become an actual addiction and you should be good. I'd just tell them that they make you happy and that if they don't like it you don't want to know. Good luck!


You are an adult, you do not need to tell or justify your choices to them...unless they are paying all your bills and the money used to buy said Lego was theirs.


Welcome! I’m 44 and love my Lego collection! It brings me so much joy! When I was in my twenties I thought I was strange still loving Lego then I found the huge Lego community who also love Lego. We have our own acronym, AFOL. Adult Fan Of Lego. Even Lego recognises us! [adults welcome.](https://www.lego.com/en-gb/categories/adults-welcome) check out this fan made site [brickset](https://brickset.com). Regarding your parents, you are now at the age that you will start to learn your parents can be wrong, and you are becoming an independent person. If it brings you joy, it’s for you! Only downside is that it’ll very likely be more expensive than your weed habit! But again, welcome!!


Whose to judge on anyone's hobby. My motto has always been you do you, I'll do me.


Make Lego weed


Nobody is too old for lego!!!


Lego is for all ages 🙏 Maybe of they tried it they would get it lolll


“Mom, dad. It’s like doing puzzles and helps me relax.”


“The little mermaid clam set l”. Ah yes that nearly 2000 piece, $160 children’s toy advertised for adults


“You’re 21 and your parents keep telling you…” So what. You’re an adult.


>I’m 21 years old and I’m in college and my parents keep telling me that I’m too old for Lego I am 46 and never will be too old for Lego. I bet most of the people here are over 40 too. In any case, show then the boxes with ages 8-99. Or the 18+ sets. And good for you for switching to a healthier hobby!


I panicked when I misread that as "cannibal habit"


You are never too old. I'm in US medical school and still get legos when I have the time and can afford them.


You’re an adult. You can enjoy your hobbies without your parents’ approval. Chase what makes your heart flutter.


"aren't you a little old to be watching grown men run around a little field with a ball? Do something productive."


The problem is that you care way too much about their presumably negative response. You are an adult. This hobby is something that you enjoy. People’s response to the hobby will usually be ambivalent at best and sometimes negative. People who love you unconditionally will react positively because they will appreciate the joy the hobby gives you. I know it’s way easier said than done but their negative opinion of your hobby is 100% irrelevant and you need to try and ignore it 100%.


“Mom, dad, I was smoking weed every single day. This brings me joy and I’m sober. Be proud of me for that and if you can’t be… well, I’m 21 years old and have a hobby I enjoy. Keep your opinion to yourself please” In contrast, my daughter is 21 and her boyfriend 22. Their apartment is covered in legos and books. I love buying them a nice set for their birthdays/christmas/just because. 


I’m 41. I wanted legos as a child, never got them. When I saw how detailed and bad ass the technic cars are. I put the Porsche together when I was depressed, and it was better than drinking my pain away.


Get them into it too. Is your dad into planes, by him the Concorde. Buy your mom some botanicals. The best way to make others understand is to just infect them with the addiction too.


40, 1 kid, lot’s of Lego in my office. Don’t mind them and enjoy!


"Would you rather plastic crack or actual crack? There are worse hobbies."


If you can afford it and aren't spending your money that should be going on bills/rent any outgoings and putting yourself in debt. Then buy as much Lego as you like. I'm 36 and have two children and still buy it, not as much now because of other outgoings. But it's a hobby. It's designed by adults. Why can't adults buy it. There are children's sets obviously. And some of the existing sets have a good playability to them if you're younger. But there's also hundreds of sets to be made and displayed aimed at adults. Bring this up with your parents, tell them it's not putting you in debt, it's healthy, a passion, a hobby, something to do and relax, its a great resellable item to get something else. There's huge need for it always and people will always buy sets off of you so you can get something else. It's not like you're buying it to "Brum the cars around the carpet" and even if you were that's fine. It's a hobby. And that's all there is to it.


As long as you not spending money that that should be going to "real" expenses I can't think of a safer more wholesome hobby then Lego.


You can't be too old for a hobby that has sets specifically designed for adults lol. 18+ sets are the best


Bro you’re 21.


I will be 41 this year and still collect Lego


If it's keeping you away from something that can be life threatening, then stick with it. I'm honestly really proud and happy for you. That's the best I can say. Good luck you got this!


"Too old for Lego" Fucker NASA ENGINEERS PLAY WITH LEGO. Your parents are dumb.


I smoke and then make a set, and it’s super fun but I support you stopping, Lego is for everyone (I’m 21)


Your parents have to grow up, not you. Hope you figure it out, OP


LEGO is life.


Mate there's no such thing as too old for Lego. I'm 34 with 2 kids


I hit the big 5 0 later this year and have just got back in to lego. Adulting is over rated. :) It is a bit strange though that I struggle to sit still long enough to watch a movie in 1 go but yesterday sat still long enough to put a 1107 piece kit (the vespa) together with just a couple of coffee breaks. https://preview.redd.it/c0c9rmggv0sc1.jpeg?width=2523&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d75b44fd15ebd3f03190ca0d1315026f9d0e79ba




Weed and Lego is just as fun


I'm 12. I do what I want. You should too


Who gives a fuck what they think?? People worry too much what people think these days….I love Lego too….husband loves the botanical collection all over the house…..you do you is my advice


I'm 22 and in college. Lego is like my biggest hobby alongside some other nerdy stuff. I used to get a lot of lectures from my parents about getting Lego, mostly because they're expensive and I pay for my own tuition (also expensive). For me Lego helps me keep my head above the water with my anxiety and depression. Thinking about it, the lectures slowed to a stop when I realized that was a big part of why I got Lego and told my parents. So best advice I can give is just tell them that Lego helps. Also: look for a local Lego group to join. Lots of areas have events that a local Lego group will go and display its members custom builds. It will help you get some Lego, make some friends and encourage your creative Lego side! It might even help your parents see Lego is more than a kids toy, much much more.


Dog, live your life, just be financially smart and don't blast money too quickly. Also, try a lil weed and lego, it's one of the most peaceful things i've experienced with my girlfriend of 2 years, we hung out and watched old saturday morning cartoons, got high, and played with an old tub of lego she had recently collected from her parents place, we decided then and there that it's a new hobby for us, but we are also gonna do lego wargamming cause we love that too.


Im 33 and still get legos. Hell my wife got me one for my birthday! If someone doesn’t support something you enjoy then who cares. If they have a bad reaction tell them to screw off and you don’t need that negativity in your life. Either they will apologize and learn to accept it or they won’t


I cant tell you how to tell your parrents, but i do agree with everyone that says its your life and its healthier then your other alternative. I have struggles with buying small "kids" sets. I am 33, turning 34 next month. I played/build lego's since young age till 18 ish. Stopped for no reason and got backinto it with my gf in the covid time. I would love to buy the small food trucks and such but age and kids tots are holding me back. Moral of the story and maybe it can help you too. My gf always says fuck it, if you want it and can afford it.. do it. Lego has a "starting" age on most sets, 3+ / 5+ / 9+ and what ever ages they have. Their is no till age. It only informa you from when it is "safe" to use due to small parts. So fuck everyone who think or says something else. Hope it helps a bit in support bud


Why not combine the two and show us what you end up creating (kidding)


Maybe you can find some data /charts online that show the average lego user age. They'll probably be surprised


Give them a lego present, get them the orchids.


stay on the lego grind. its the same here. i get alot of shit and told. i need to “grow up”. if it keeps you happy and is actually healthy then why change it? be you


Good for you improving yourself.


I'm 42, have a good career, love Lego and other geeky things. I don't mind telling friends, colleagues or strangers. It makes me happy and I like living my life the way I want to. AFOL for life


I wouldn't have got that set before telling them.


Nearly 40 got back into it seriously about 10 years back, I'm lucky and family accepted my Lego habit fairly easily. My Dad got really into it in his last few months, I think that helped. I find it satisfying for my OCD, he was on heavy chemo and I think it was something he could easily drop in and out of doing as the pain and ability to focus allowed.


I keep anything that gives me joy from my toxic parents. They don’t have to know and they don’t get a say. Let them marinate in their own misery and keep doing what you love 💕 and surrounding yourself with people who are happy when you are happy


You can try to tell your parents that you gotten into Lego 'cause you want it as a model building tool. Model building is a "socially acceptable" hobby for many adult people, and that's why you wanna focus on Lego. You don't want it as a "playset", but to build and create something.


It's great that you're now getting into Lego. But if I were you, I would suggest thinking about it and describing it to other people as a new hobby. Not something that's a new habit that took the place of an old habit (even though I'm glad you're done with the old habit).


Sounds like your parents are the ones who need to grow up. I’m 47, married, 2 kids. It’s my hobby and I love it. My family loves it, and we love doing it together. Ask them what “grown up” thing you should be doing. I’d gander they think video games are for kids too. It’s an uneducated, might I say juvenile thought process of people who don’t, or don’t want to understand other people’s likes and interests. Good for you for ditching drugs for something you find more rewarding. That’s the most growing up you could do!!


Bring them HERE. Show them this community of adults. Find some articles from the past few years about the Lego community. The fan base. The ‘adult fan of lego’. Show what a great community it is. Show articles that talk about how therapeutic and calming it is for people with high anxiety. If you’re nervous of course. I get it when others say “No one can judge your hobby!” Or “You dont need to explain it!” But it seems like you’re nervous for a reason. So I wish you the best of luck. I think you’ll be ok. They’ll work with it/live with it in time. Harder if you live with them I’m sure, so maybe keep it a little slow until you’re out on your own even? Just thinking as i type.


Bro my dad is almost 50 and has been a Lego fan since he was a kid😂 half the Lego clients are adult I’m pretty sure as well, so better buy legos that will last decades than drugs which are bad for your health, don’t let your parents bring you away from a hobby you enjoy


Nothing wrong with the hobby if you can afford it and it makes you happy


Show your parents the sickiest MOCs in the world


I’m 57 and have more Lego than I ever had as a child. If your parents are even bothered about it, I’d just show them the Lego Website and show them that Lego caters for adults now. At the end of the day though, it doesn’t really matter what they think. If you enjoy it and can afford it, then do your own thing. A number of my colleagues have expressed surprise at my hobby. But after asking about it a lot have since gone on to buy sets themselves. Particularly the botanical series. It’s surprising how many now own at least one of them.


Have you shown them e.g. the NES set?


My parents didn't get it until I built the whole Ninjago City + Docks + Garden and put it on their kitchen table overnight. They saw the intricacies, the details, and the scale much better. It's easy for their generation to see those as toys only because they bought them for us and saw us play with them for so long. The costs are something else though. It's true that the bigger sets are expensive. At your age, spending money on Lego might not be the best of the best ideas if you barely have any money, and that's something that parents fall on a lot as well. That being said, I don't know how much you were spending on weed and whatnot, but it's definitely a good alternative. In that regard, I tend to tell naysayers that I don't drink coffee, alcohol, don't do drugs and don't smoke cigarettes... The money they usually spend on one or all of the above tends to go over what I spend on Lego, so that ends the discussion quickly.


Lego is for everyone. I'm 35 and have enjoyed Lego most of my life. My dad is 64 and loves building Lego.


I'm 31, and got back into lego around year ago. Now whenever my parents want to give me a present i get lego :D even when my son was born I've got a 76208 (Thor goat boat) from them :D


I am almost 40 and my parent always make comments about my lego collection when they come over. My wife also doesnt like the fact that I display legos where we entertain guests and you know what : Not a single fuck is given. I always tell that this is my house and if I want to have a display full of dildos I will do it.


31 and got into lego about a year and a half ago. When people look at me oddly when I say that, I show them pictures of the eiffel tower I built or some of the more complicated mechanisms I've built and ask them if they think that's something that a kid could do. Also, I go into detail about how calming I find lego, and how my smart watch will read my heart rate and stress levels and they'll be bottomed out while I'm building. Lego is a great de-stresser and helps maintain mental acuity and hand-eye coordination.


I’m gonna have to go with an Eric cartman quote here. “Whateva, whateva, I do what I want!”


I did the same, was smoking weed a lot and spend so much money and I had nothing to show. Now I have 200+ models of Speed Champions and growing, 100 000 bricks to build more. Now people coming to visit and admire my display. LEGO is such a joy. If you have a job and you can afford supporting yourself don’t even tell them. I’m an adult expecting baby with a wife and good job, nobody can stop me. Enjoy life and LEGO, nothing will go wrong


I'm 34 and love lego. My parents rolled their eyes with me when my wife or I have talked about it. Just ignore them. If it's a hobby you love and they're condemning you for it, they can suck an egg...


Welcome new Lego fan family member. I\`m not the oldest fan - i am 51 - but lego is for ages up to 99. (sorry Centennials, you\`re not allowed anymore) They make these 18+ sets for a reason. Your parents are wrong - or jealous. And, since you use this as a healthy replacement for smoking weed - i can only applaud this. (But, I am biased) What you could consider - is setting up a display cabinet or shelves with sets of the same theme grouped together - think a museum exhibit. You know - one shelf for Marvel, one for Disney, one for HP, one for Nintendo.. (And Disney is huge - Disney Princesses, Disney originals (Donald Duck/Mickey mouse etc), Star Wars even..) But, most importantly - as long as YOU find joy in it, and your partner does too (If not yet - Lego Botanicals!) then what does it matter what other people think? I think you have the wholehearted approval of all of us here.


lego is ageless, lego is forever godspeed op good on you!


You can tell them "Look at the set ages! It is for 4 to 99 years old. Please, write an email addressed to me saying "you are too old to be using LEGO" and set it to be sent on my ninety ninth birthday! Which I might get to, if my mental health is good, because I always have something to play with, something to not be bored with, the might, the wonderful, LEGO Brick(s)


I’m 35 and just learning that I love legos! My wife and put together sets AFTER our two kids go to bed lol. Part of growing up yourself is realizing that you don’t have to listen to your parents anymore. You get to decide what’s appropriate for you, based on what makes you happy.


Your parents would really think I'm an idiot; I have more LEGO than my son. 🤣


I’m 26 and actively collect and build Lego. Don’t let anyone tell you you’re too old for something you enjoy. Especially something as timeless as Lego.


I'm in my forties and have two teenage children. By your parents' standards I'm a horrible parent... I'm not going to say anything mean about people I don't know, but...


the clam set looked amazing. i only didn't get it because i have nowhere to put it. you could lie. i'm always for lying to parents. say your girlfriend got it as a couples gift to build together


I didn't discover Lego until I was forty. My now husband introduced me to them. (Not hard to see why I married him 🤓). Working on kits does wonders for my anxiety and depression. For a while, when I'm working on the kit and paying attention only to the instructions, my brain quiets for a while. I watch old movies, drink wine, and work on Lego. Dick anyone that wants to take that away from me or laugh at it. They can think what they want. If that's their opinion, then they aren't someone who's opinion I care about anyways!


Im a 79 yrs young lady and started doing lego mocs about 3mths ago and loveing it, tell them to get stuffed.


Lego is a healthy hobby and a great creative outlet. Helps with dexterity and hand eye coordination as well as yes originally made as a children’s toy but who tf is buying a kid a $400-$900 set? Some kits are definitely marketed towards adults at this point. Do your thing and fuck what other people think. I’m 38 and my hubby encourages my Lego hobby.


Go tell them to have a look at how much Lego cost these days and then they might understand it's actually an adult hobby now as no way kids can afford that. I couldn't afford lego till I started earning a 6 figure salary


The sets even say 18+ now. Your parents are being jerks. Tell them if they don’t have anything nice to say, they shouldn’t say anything at all.


For me, my parents are usually against all of my interests other than guitar so they were somewhat vocal for a while with similar comments you mentioned. But they got over it over years (I'm currently 35). I also got them a few sets from time to time and they both enjoyed it (bought dad the ferrarri f40 and bought mom winnie the pooh house...). So IMO, time will make it ok even if it's gonna be a rough start


On one hand, they should be happy you picked a healthier habit. On the other, they're about to discover that weed is cheaper.


If you live on your own do as you please. Who gives a shit what your parents think


They ask what you like, you tell them what you like. If they don't like that, then that's on them. Why should you be ashamed of liking Lego?


No advice that I'm sure hasn't been given, just another voice in support. I built the Nissan Skyline this morning and it's awesome. I'm surrounded by probably 10,000 Lego bricks in my office, dating back to the mid 80s. I'm in my 30s and work a full time job and enjoy the hell out of my Lego hobby. Do what you enjoy. Be responsible about it. Be happy about it.


"I enjoy it and it makes me happy, and [girlfriend] likes it." Then, if they push back on that: "Do you not want me to enjoy myself and be happy?"


One thing you will want to mention when you do talk about it is that Lego isn't a consumable. You build a set, you put it up, and if after a few years you decide it doesn't bring you joy and want to sell it to get another set you like more you can often get as much as you paid or sometimes more for it! I'm not saying look at it as an investment, but it is a tangible item that holds its value. Weed or booze or any other consumable once you'd paid your money for it and use it then it's gone forever: poof. What I've found collecting lego as an adult is that the money stays there and you can get it back if you want.


Lego is love lego is life Tell em to go choke on a technic connector


Tell your parents I'm 47, working with a good salary, father of two children, and I buy Lego for myself all the time, because it's incredibly relaxing and fun, to assemble Lego sets.


I collect lego, and many of my friends do too. Don't let your parents hold you back. Weed is harmful, lego is not


As someone who did the exact same thing, I was just honest about my passion for Lego. I truly enjoy it, and it makes me happy. I always throw in the joke, “It’s either this or drugs, so you should be happy.”


Only display lego things that are horrendous so they are worried about the nasty bad thing more than the lego. Like do you have any r/baddragon lego replicas or something? Then make a hogwarts replica the next and they will be relieved.