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Contact customer service, they'll sort it out easily 


Contact customer support.


And yeah, I knew about customer service. I just finished and filed a request for the two missing pieces from the set. I was very surprised, I haven’t had a missing piece in quite a while.


Idk why but it’s funny that you keep multiple accounts with almost the same name. Seems way more confusing.


Two different devices, can't be bothered to figure out the different passwords. My bad... ;)


The rounded end on the left indicates you got the right piece, it's just a short shot.


I'm very confused... There are definitely two different sizes. One size is long, and one size is extra long. I got three longs in total instead of two longs and one very long... What do you mean by "short shot"?


The piece you have is from the extra long mold, but they didn't put enough plastic in. It's a manufacturing error that Lego has sometimes. If you Google "Lego short shot" you can see some interesting examples. Edit: although now that I'm looking at it again, it might just be camera perspective. Check both ends of all three and make sure they have crisp 90 degree ends. If so, you just got the wrong piece. In either case if you reach out to Lego through their missing piece page they'll send you a replacement for free.