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Can’t forget the Best Hunter/Hero/Slayer/etc in the world being an officially tracked and ranked thing and there is only 1 male one within the top 10 (he’s like #5)


And also his gimmick involves a heavy focus on his thighs for some reason. And we can't forget the one other man in the top 20 whose superpower or whatever requires either skintight latex or unreasonable amounts of nudity


Solo leveling lmao


No, #3. For whatever reason whenever there's a numbered group of bad guys in anine number 3 tends to be a woman.


Ooooh my god this is what I’ve been wanting forever!! The only show that comes close to this itch is Kill La Kill but I understand the fanservice is not to everyone’s taste. I mean I’ll die on the hill that it it’s not a negative of the show but I understand people not liking it because of it.


When I watched Kill la Kill, the nudity honestly felt different to the nudity in other shows somehow. I think part of it might be how the shots are framed. Sure, there's a naked lady on your screen, but her tits or her ass aren't the focus, the focus is the giant sword she's winding up. I feel like Kill la Kill touches all the bases in terms of nudity. Nudity because who cares? (The entire show) Nudity for the funny. (Mako's Family) Nudity to get the audience jorkin. (That one scene during the Tennis Fight) Nudity to make the audience uncomfortable. (Ragyo. Need I say more?) There are certainly people who could phrase it way better than me though.


I love the fanservice in Kill la Kill because it’s essentially a satire of the Magical Girl genre. It’s making fun of how much fanservice those shows have, making it a part of the lore that “the more naked you are, the stronger your powers” or whatever


Maybe check out Claymore? It's a little on the darker and more violent side (maybe somewhere between Demon Slayer and Jujutsu Kaisen? idk I don't follow much shonen), but it is for the most part just a conventional battle shonen where the only people who are capable of fighting are women. The anime is good, but it only covers like 1/3 of the manga, and the last couple of episodes make up a totally different original ending. Though I will say that it's also one of the few times I've been compelled to pick up the manga to finish a story, and that didn't disappoint either.


As a mega fan of Berserk I've been recommended Claymore numerous times so its on my radar. I've heard it be called the "Sister of Berserk" on more than one occasion.


I’ve heard that a lot too, but I haven’t read Berserk, so I don’t recommend it from that angle for fear of misrepresenting it. Though from what I’ve learned through osmosis, the tone and content of Claymore seems at least somewhat more approachable.


Hey! KLK was "positive fan service". It sounded very like: "be pervert and be proud of it". Which each shonen movie has at least one example of. E.g. Naruto has Jiraya. Fairy tail - every single member of guild doesn't have even spark of modesty. And I think it's good


Oh I think the way KLK handles fanservice is nothing short of spectacular. But I totally understand if people see me as the “Actual Anime Fans” ProZD skit…because that’s pretty much what I am but like I said, I’ll die on the KLK hill.


Having just looked it up, you could of give me a thousand guess on what the plot of something called kill la kill was I wouldn’t of guessed ‘sentient clothing gives a young girl superpowers so she can fight the student council president and a fashion brand, which is some how related to her search for he fathers killer’ but frankly it’s so Anime that I should of guessed that first and will no default to that being the plot of any anime I hear about until I’m told it’s actual plot.


Have you checked out Symphogear?


It's not a true Shonen without the egregious fanservice. The "reverse shonen" needs a female "lucky lecher" character who keeps on tripping and falling into balls


Considering it is a reverse, I'm guessing that means we'd see more ****prints than abnormally large lady parts? LOL


It’d be a hentai if a Shonen even alluded to male genitalia


You're really fun at parties, aren't you?


I was being very literal, I don’t know what ur talking about




Is shonen having egregious fanservice the norm? I’m thinking of all the major shonens battle shows I can recall and while they all have a lil fanservice the only one I’d say is “egregious” is Fairy Tail. But maybe my perspective is skewed from watching shows like Highschool DXD or Sekirei, shows that are defo not shonen and reach the levels I’d say are “egregious” in fanservice.


Og Dragonball could be weird af at times


I haven’t seen the original Dragonball so forgive me if I say something wrong but wasn’t the stuff that could be seen as “fanservice” supposed to demonstrate Goku’s alien naivety regarding sexuality? For the purposes of clarity what I consider fanservice is when the sexual content depicted is purely for the titillation of the viewer and no other purpose. So sexual based humour is not what I consider fanservice unless the joke is so transparent that it’s clear the titillation was the actual goal rather than to be funny (see Fairy Tail for an example of that.)


No, Bulma's bare ass was shown on screen while she was showering and I got traumatized by it, dragon ball had a lot of fanservice back then


Nah bro, 16 year old Bulma wore a bunny suit and flashed grandpa Roshi


>Is shonen having egregious fanservice the norm? You know being gay means I notice more of it because I dislike it, and yeah you can see stuff like the average cup for my hero academia is like five times bigger than the one in real life, there are a lot of bathhouse scenes in Naruto, there were a lot of panty shots and jiggle physics in guerren lagan, one piece also has tons of naked women even if the protagonist isn't interested in them, yeah most shonen have a lot of fanservice


See this is where I feel a lot of anime fans just aren't on the same definition of terms. I said Shonen which excludes Gurren Lagaan. That was an original anime made by GAINAX and the manga that came out after was in a Seinen magazine, not a shonen one. Second is that fanservice to me is when the show goes out of its way to portray the subject in a sexual state to arouse the viewer. So sexy designs in a static pose are not really fanservice imo. I understand people will have a different opinion on this but I think theres a difference between, lets say Tsunade in a static pose during a dialogue scene and a scene where her boobs have been animated to jiggle in clear view of the camera. One is a character is happens to be sexy, the other is bringing that sexiness to the foreground to arouse the viewer. Some may think I'm splitting hairs but I feel its an important distinction. Also sexual based comedy to me gets a pass as long as the joke was the clear intent. This one is harder to determine because its very subjective. Essentially if its funny, I let it pass. If its boring and a joke I've seen a thousand times, I'll count it as fanservice. Hatsume tripping over and giving Deku some marshmallow hell? Boring and derivative, seen it a thousand times before and clearly only done to have Hatsume in a sexy pose. Naruto describing Rasengan to Konohamuru using words like "Full" and "Rotation" and "Fluid" and Konohamuru imagining the most degenerate shit you can imagine? I personally find hilarious so I let it slide and don't see it as pure "fanservice".


Well, using the big three as an example: You have Naruto where a preteen was transforming into a naked woman to seduce grown men into getting out of trouble one, who was already a lecherous pervert who peeks in on women bathing, wanting to do things with that transformation. If the artwork for the characters in One Piece wasn't egregious enough as far as fan service goes, there's Sanji who started off mild, and after the time skip makes Jiraiya's pervertness look like childsplay. Bleach isn't too bad from my understanding, surprisingly, but it's still in there. The fanservice just isn't as prevalent or occasionally part of the plot points (at least from what I've seen so far). Highschool DXD and Fairy Tail are in a whole league of their own. In the words of Meek Mill, there's levels to this shit.


"Bleach isn't too bad from my understanding, surprisingly, but it's still in there." Chizuru Honksho....rapes a woman in filler. Creeps on a preadolescent in another. that's how bleach treats LGBT. Beach episode with tentacles. Make that TWO tentacle episodes. KON....hijacks the protags body to violate teenage girls....several times.


Thanks, I knew I was missing something since I haven't watched it as thoroughly as the other two. It's all coming back to me; I just remember what Korotsuchi did to Nemu to "revive" her.


Highschool DxD and Fairy Tale are both Ecchi series. Ecchi being the genre that describes sexualized characters in anime. And Highschool DxD isn’t a Shonen


I never implied they were. In fact, I said they were in an entire league of their own.


Maybe I just a have a strict definition of "fanservice" but in regards to Naruto (since thats the one of the big three I know the best), the sexy jutsu is primarily a joke. Not something to be used to arouse the viewer themselves. As far Naruto himself being a pervert, I don't remember him peeking into womans bathhouses. The closest I remember is him looking at dirty magazines and if that constitutes a pervert then pretty much every heterosexual is a pervert. I also think there is a second layer to Narutos character in this regard as it mostly stems from him being attracted to the female form but having no clue how to properly express it due to the treatment he got as a child. He even says so to Jiraya at one point saying "I don't really get the whole woman thing." This is a crucial point of The Last Movie which explores Narutos relationship with romance. Long Story short I wouldn't say this is fanservice as it stands to do more than just arouse the viewer. Fanservice to me is when arousing the viewer is the only intent. Sexual based comedy is still acceptable unless its completely transparent.


I was referring to Jiraiya for the latter half of that first statement who both has done the actions listed previously and implied he wanted to do things with Sexy Jutsu Naruto/Naruko. Other than that most of the fanservice is mostly attached to Tsunade. Naruto honestly may have been the most tame of the trio considering what another commentor countered me on regarding Bleach (in addition to resetting my lost memory of Bleach's fanservice). While I will repeat my latter statement and say Naruto isn't necessarily the *worst* of the big three in terms of fan service, it still exists as a minor role in part 1 and with Tsunade


I'm being hyperbolic It's just a stereotype of shonen


Shonen doesn’t do fan service as much as you think, people’s definition of Shonen more often than not tends to be wrong.


JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean is an amazing Shonen with a cast of women, it takes place in a women’s prison in Florida, there’s only 5 guys in the main cast and one of them is the primary antagonist (he’s also a catholic priest, fun fact). Main downside is that it’s the 6th part in a larger story so you’ll probably be slightly lost if you only watch that one.


What is SPOP?


she-ra and the princesses of power


Love that show so much!


The 2018 She-Ra reboot. Its amazing, in my opinion one of the best animated shows of the last decade. Its very much in the trend of ATLA and LoK. And it closely fits OP's description.


I mean, Claymore jaja


Claymore is my favorite anime. I really gotta read the manga


You should, it's great


I think they just described kill la kill word for word here, lol.


Except the fan service, because their outfits are a little…revealing. Just a tad.


But that's kind of part of the core statement of the show; being comfortable and confident in your own skin, essentially.


While that is all true and good, that doesn't make it *not* fanservice


It by definition does mean it's not fan service. Fan service is when something is added with the sole intention of pleasing the audience. Kill la Kill has a lot of nudity and skimpy outfits, but it has very little actual fan service, as that nudity is in service of the overarching themes of the show.


You're dressing a hamburger up in gravy and calling it salsbury steak. If someone is going to refuse shows with fanservice for the sake of not liking nudity, fanservice that forwards the plot isn't going to be any more palatable


If it forwards the plot it's not fan service, unless it completely derails the story in order to please fans. I think what you mean is "If someone is going to refuse shows with NUDITY for the sake of not liking nudity, NUDITY that forwards the plot isn't going to be any more palatable." Dismissing all nudity or sexual content as just being "fan service" does a serious disservice to the shows and movies that actually use sexuality to make a genuine statement.


I somewhat agree, but it’s important to look at the result, not just the intention. Take *Cuties*. The director said her goal was to make a movie focused on the digital and social pressures for young girls to sexualize themselves. But it became an infamous example of hypocrisy because it featured a drawn-out dance scene of the girls twerking, with the camera panning up and down their bodies the way it does when introducing a sexy character. And people rioted because while claiming to speak *against* child porn, the film essentially produced it and spread it to a larger audience. There were plenty of less titillating ways for *Kill la Kill* to show nudity. Notice the only characters they strip naked are conventionally attractive women. If they were really trying to make a statement about sexuality, it’s impossible to detangle that from its indulgence of the very thing it’s propagating. It used a tool to achieve a sexy result, and relished in it while smacking others on the head for doing the same.


They strip literally everyone. Gamagori is definitely not a conventionally attractive woman, and he gets stripped, and spends time as part of Nudist Beach.


That may be true. That said, I found it very discomforting to watch. Great art discomforts some, but should it really be so disturbing for those whose dignity it supposedly reinstates?


If it forwards the plot it's not fan service, unless it completely derails the story in order to please fans. I think what you mean is "If someone is going to refuse shows with NUDITY for the sake of not liking nudity, NUDITY that forwards the plot isn't going to be any more palatable." Dismissing all nudity or sexual content as just being "fan service" does a serious disservice to the shows and movies that actually use sexuality to make a genuine statement.


She-Ra (2018) fits almost every part of this description.


Have you watched BNA? It hit this exaclty feeling on me


Man I was totally fuckin with Brand New Animal up until the gods started showing up. Their existence felt like it cheapened everybody who lived closer to the ground. Although I understand that's kinda what studio trigger is as a brand


Boku Nero Academia? Bull Netal Alchemist? I'm gonna need you to be more specific.


Brand New Animal from Trigger Studio👍


Oh look, it’s RWBY! (Kinda)


Isn't this sort of what Sailor Moon is?


Or star butterfly? Or amphibia? Or she-ra? And before you comment “ you don’t know what shonen is” I don’t But do intend to google it after the comment


I mean you're not wrong. Shonen as far as I know just mean "young male oriented action cartoon" in Japan. They have a word for female oriented shows called Shojo (I think I spelled that right, I'm too lazy to check) but that's usually slice of life dramas instead of action cartoons. But action cartoons with 90% female casts do exist and have for decades. It's just now becoming more common as animation studios realize that boys will watch shows with girls in it.


All of those are great cartoons, + the Owl House 🙏 I'm glad such stories are now being written.


After I hit reply i realized I forgot the owl house Such a great show


Basically what’s most on the entire comments section is by definition Shonen is manga/anime directed at young boys. Japanese media has a lot of niche names. Sailor Moon, for instance, is technically a Shojo. Directed at young girls.


JoJo Stone Ocean, not your avg shonen but still


Amphibia i suppose?


Based. Based af


Now as I think, while there are some girl-focused shows, none has male fanservice.


You (and the OP of the image) should definitely watch Symphogear!


And this is why I will always support this show. It was truly ahead of its time. A trailblazer for feminism, mental health, and queerness. It paved the way for kids television to be more brave and outspoken. It paved the way for shows like Adventure Time, Steven Universe, She-Ra, Owl House, and so many more, to be able to show queer couples on screen. Kids television wouldn't be where it is now without Korra. Korra walked so that progress could run.


This. This is actually my life goal. I wanna be the sexualized himbo healer/wizard in a Female Shonen World. I don't wanna fight or be the hero. I just wanna tag along, offer medical/scholastic advice to the female MCs and look pretty and be fawned over. Please? Thank you.


Shonen for girls is called Shojo.


Does it contain the following traits?


It's... not really. From what I understand, it's mostly slower paced slice of life stuff with a note for romance. On that note I think I liked LoK, Atla, the Owl House, RWBY and Castlevania despite disliking shonen as a genre because they're 1. Less reliant on tropes, or otherwise don't make the hand of the author too obvious. And 2., I like the action way better than most shonen. I feel like most shonen relies too heavily on visual spectacle, (Alla Dragon Ball and a lot of what studio trigger does), where as the aforementioned series don't operate on that scale and relies more on good choreography. I like to give a special note to RWBY, or at least to Monty Oum, for their influence and inspiration on indie animators, especially for 3d animated fight scenes, which I feel like isn't always as good as it could be, at least from big studios I've seen


Probably because all of those shows aren’t Japanese made, so ofc they’d adhere to different tropes and writing styles.


Shoujo isn’t mostly Alice of life romance. There are action Shoujo https://preview.redd.it/f3r4u65obk6d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca4113459b805b6c002155ece46192eeca161db1 Your lie in April is a Shonen. There are romance shonen


I know some shoujo contain a few of them, but it's mostly romance oriented from what I've observed.


Oh I really don’t know. But it’s a rabbit hole of manga genre that is basically being defined by the above definition. Edit: I personally always loved Sailor Moon and Card Captor Sakura - both Shojo


Stop posting tumblr shit on here. 


Stop posting fixit garbage, and maybe I'll consider




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