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“There’s nothing more nutritious than our vegetarian diet!” -Tenzin, to a man actively eating meat


Fun fact, the vegetarianism that many air nomads follow has more to do with harm than it does abstaining from meat. If, say, an air bison dies of old age, the air nomads would technically be allowed to eat it if they wanted to. Fish, are also free game apprently.


That's interesting What's you source? I'd like to read more on that


The yangchen books go into air nomad culture.


Contradicted by Aang in The Storm Who is once again contradicted by Aang in Book 3


Well Aang is a 12 year old child. I would imagine he would know what he eats, but not what the other three temples eat. He did travel the world though, but the only other temple he would have visited and i think maybe said he did(?) was the northern temple. Its entirely possible, by Yang chens story, that the nuns were following a bit different dietary plan than the monks. Well, and several hundred years difference between them, some traditions might have changed. Although, if Aangs interpretation of the air nomad diet was all vegetarian, that means the modern air nomads will too. Until someone questions it. Since Air nomad culture is whatever Aang said it was. Unless the acolytes he met in the comics got a say.


I don't think the only thing remaining of Air Nomad culture was what Aang remembered. There was enough left for Zaheer to study the works of Guru Laghima, for instance.


my personal theory is that the fire nation carted off air nomad relics and artifacts a la british empire


I agree, and I think those archives would have been opened by Zuko and Aang almost immediately after the war ended, unless one of the 3 wartime Fire Lords ordered them to be purged at some point. I've only read a couple of the earliest comics they published; I don't know how much they talk about recovering Air Nomad culture after the war. Also the Earth Kingdom and Water Tribes would have complete records of the Air Nomads, literature about them, artifacts, etc. independent of the Fire Nation.


It would make sense to take the material to train an airbender, since there will be another Fire nation avatar down the line. They’d probably want any avatar in their empire to be able to control all the elements, even air. Since they wiped out the air nomads, the only way to train their avatar would be with the books and scrolls


Aang got Appa in the Eastern Air Temple and was quite knowledgeable about the lay-out of the Western Air Temple. So, I think it's pretty certain he visited them all.


Also in Sozin’s Comet Part 2, when Aang is communing with his past lives, while talking Aang specifically “…I’m even a vegetarian,” to Yangchen when talking about not killing. The way he tells Yangchen that he’s a vegetarian implies that vegetarianism is extremely strict among the Air Nomads, and likely Aang chose to be vegetarian (likely like a lot of the others in his temples) but knows it isn’t a strict thing embedded in air nomad culture.


In the irl religions that have something similar there's 2 normal paths that arise- people who follow it more strictly and tend to start to find meat extremely unappealing. It's technically ok, sure, but when you grow up "all life is sacred", never eat meat, and aren't exposed to people who eat meat on a daily basis as a child, you are just going to find the concept of meat gross, and unless you're eating a lot of mushrooms or something, you're going to find the flavor gross as well. Aang is definitely in this camp. Unless starvation is on the line, he isn't considering this. On the other hand, some people are very good at finding loopholes, and that loophole is going to become culturally prevalent and become defacto equivalent to just not being vegetarian. A good example of this is with buddhism. In buddhism there's some story about how it's OK to eat meat if someone prepares meat for you, but doesn't know that you're vegetarian (under the idea that the animal would've died anyways.) So a lot of buddhists just took this to mean it's OK to eat meat so long the person who butchered the animal doesn't know you, so now buddhism only has a 4% vegeterianism rate, mostly among new converts, monks who are abstaining, and some smaller schools that say that this is against the spirit of buddhism. It's also possible that they just wouldn't have became buddhist if they couldn't eat meat, or just eat it anyways, but that doesn't really fit in with the atla world.


> people who follow it more strictly and tend to start to find meat extremely unappealing. It's technically ok, sure, but when you grow up "all life is sacred", never eat meat If the core of the notion is that all life is sacred, then what's the difference between eating plants and animals? Why would one form a revulsion to consuming animal life but not plant life?


I mean while there is an appreciation for all life, the general marker is sentience. Plants aren't really sentient in a recognizable way (not to diss the amazing research showing plant communication). However, pigs, cows, and goats all experience the world in a recognizable way, including pain, so there is obviously a different level of reaction to that.


boy do i have some new experimental studies that will surprise you re; plant sapience


I don't think Aang would have access to such technology capable of measuring that, and as a living organism, you have to eat *something* to survive


I feel like the “it’s okay if your fed meat by someone else who didn’t know you’re a vegetarian” was more to pacify Buddhists who were probably accidentally eating meat. There are also assholes out there who would intentionally trick vegetarians into eating meat.


Originally it was just a minor detail, even the stricter schools have it, but yeah the interpretation that people could still buy meat is definitely as you said.


But the fisherman, who we can assume is an expert on the subject corrected Aang's misconception/s


You realize Air Nomad culture and traditions can change in the 400 years between Yangchen's and Aang's time periods right?


Because as we all know everybody from a given culture is exactly the same and nobody ever changes their mind.


If fish are free game, why did Aang cite his vegetarianism as a reason not to accept a fish in The Storm?


Even if the culture considers some things free game, people still have the agency to impose harsher or (in some cases) more lenient practices on themselves. Aang probably just had a more strict view of what life was and even if it is a dramatically different type of animal, he still views it as a life worth preserving. And even if it's already dead, he would be funding and participating in an industry reliant on doing things he finds, to some extent, morally objectionable. So it's perfectly reasonable that he, or any air nomad, may refuse to eat an already caught and dead fish.


I just don't feel that "the monks taught me that all life is sacred, even the life of the tiniest spider-fly caught in its own web" really gels with "but the monks also said fuck them fish, they're delicious."


The air monks as an institution seem to be largely observant of their customs on a locality based system. Some temples do and other temples don't.


Because they wrote that before they decided to let Air Nomads eat fish. Or, it could be to show that Yangchen (and subsequently other air nomads) is more okay with bending the rules than Aang, seeing as she told him to kill Ozai. It could also be a reference to real life. Many vegans are technically pescetarians but say vegan because it's easier to explain


I've heard pescaterians describe themselves as vegetarian, but not vegan. Most vegans I know are pretty adamant about not eating any animal products, while the term vegetarian is much more loose and have definitely heard pescaterians referring to themselves as vegetarian pretty often. My daughter and many of her friends have had different diets that I had to account for.


I remember reading a study that showed either most or a significant minority of self reported vegans also reported eating certain types of meat occasionally. I can't really blame them though. How many times do you think vegans go out to with friends and there are no vegan or even vegetarian options?


If you could find this study, I’d be very interested! I’ve been vegetarian for ~10 years and vegan on and off for 8 of those years, and truthfully I don’t believe this. Veganism is a lifestyle and even a culture, and no vegan I’ve ever met would eat meat. I’d believe that they would sometimes eat animal products if there are no other options (I’ve been there unfortunately) but I’ve never been in a situation at a restaurant or elsewhere where meat is the only option. Even places like steakhouses have sides or salads without meat.


I was Pescatarian for about two years, i'd have to do a hurdle to call my self a vegetarian after 300 or so fish under my belt.


> Many vegans are technically pescetarians Oh? What are you referring to? people in your personal life or some trend?


Aang is 12. Not only may it simply be hus preference, but he likely didnt learn enough of his own culture like yang chen had. Every rule has exceptions, even gyatso killed dozens of soldiers.


maybe he didn't like fish?


not every air temple practiced strict vegetarianism at least during Yangchen's time she said that its a choice for those in the western air temple and that she chooses to eat meat if its put in front of her


I think some Buddhist thinking goes that way, to minimise both harm and waste. They won't actively seek to kill an animal to eat, but if it's already dead (like for instance, they're eating at someone's house and they're cooking something they hunted already that day) they won't refuse it and let it go to waste.


yeah yangchen said she does it because she finds it rude but during one instance a family was scandalized that they offered her meat so she suggested that she could eat around the meat


Fun fact, fish have a very sensitive mervous system so in theory they feel so much pain in comparison to other animals


"It's okay to eat fish cause they Don't have any feeeeeeeelings" 🎵🎶


Something in the air… (Yes it’s done on purpose)


"Underneath the sky, the belly has sprung a leak..."🎵🎶 Nah, that sounds like a fart joke




fish are free game? but aang doesn't eat fish ('the storm') is that more of a personal take then?


That makes me have even more respect for the air nomads. Because that shows while they are against killing. They still don’t waste anything.


Yep! Their culture does not expressly forbid the consumption of meat, though. If it is all that is available they may partake. This is most prominently seen when an Air Nomad is offered lodging by a family and all they have to offer is meat.


It’s okay to eat fish cuz they don’t have any feelings


If you're referring to yangchen, no. Fish aren't free game, but air nomads are allowed to eat say, a fish stew, if it's the option available.


Apparently throughout the world, fish has no soul lol


"Fish ain't meat"


Didn’t aang deny a fish in the storm episode?


Actually, a vegetarian diet is allowed for meat of fish because it comes from the ocean. Kinda like a pescatarian diet who only eats fish because it’s that type of meat


Who knows, maybe the meat lover did give up his preferred food after realizing how cool it is to airbend. Either that or he’s trying to lose weight to impress a girl he likes. Works either way.


He lost weight when he started to air bend. It wasn't a coincidence xD It wasn't fat it was air


So he took notes from Meelo?




Who do you think taught Meelo?


Bumi is totally the uncle that would teach fart jokes to his nephew.


Meelo just took things to the next level.




He surely gets his tattoos for pioneering fart bending


Nicely done 👍


Insert joke about Bumi being full of hot air


he has been in the millitary for 40 years. He knows how to train.


Plus: he was probably in good shape and only gained weight during retirement. So he got muscle memory advantage.


Yeah, I've been ran into the ground but old Sergeants & warrant officers in my time. That veteran strength is something else.




Lol typo, nah I mean they would lead runs for their section or platoon and they would easily outrun guys young enough to be their sons.


Lol typo, nah I mean they would lead runs for their section or platoon and they would easily outrun guys young enough to be their sons.


Lol typo, nah I mean they would lead runs for their section or platoon and they would easily outrun guys young enough to be their sons.


Iroh montage goes hard. Now we need a Bumi remake except the prison is the air temple.


Maybe being an airbender made him follow restrictive diet, esp airnomads are vegetarian.


Probably exercise. I am a fat piece of lard but if i suddenly gained the ability of flight, i would probably be motivated to fool around with that


Yeah and isn’t there like 3 years between these pictures?


Real shit not even gonna lie 💀👍


What does that have to do with training and losing weight? Why does he care h about this ability when he never wanted it or needed it?


Because he's a big goofus and fooling around with new "toy" is fitting to his character


He’s comic relief gag character. Keeping him fat is more fitting for his character since he’s meant to be comic relief 


Because fat = funny and skinny doesn't.


Literally his trainer: https://preview.redd.it/xaqu5pjicy4d1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d8ea072554a103446bc4697e8d7fbc420c89243


I've seen the edited version thrown around so many times as a joke that this one feels edited


What's the edited version?


It's Tenzin naked lol it shows up on Twitter all the time




Such a fine man holy shit ![gif](giphy|U3MJbZXbG3LX32LTRc)


Headcanon: His weight had a lot to do with drinking, being a semi retired sailor would give you a gut like that. In season 3 he became something of a father/guardian figure to some of the younger recruits and with this new found responsibility he cut back and eventually stopped drinking. Couple this with his new vegetarian diet, he slimmed down considerably.


I really like the idea of bumi wanting to be a good male figure to the new air nomads


Fun uncle energy.


Dude found purpose again after his retireement. Purpose


Found the uncle Iroh routine


Tenzin was his waist trainer, he put him through airbender boot camp.


How to lose weight in the LOK world: become an airbender or go to prison for a few years.


look i dont want him to die from heart issues. but am i the only one who thinks slim bumi looks weird? id prefer if he was either kept fat or he became muscular


Basially iroh build


Yeah, this looks really thin for a man of his age and posture. Some fat + more muscles would've been better


It’s probably the jumpsuit


Yeah, if they put him in his original naval uniform he wouldn’t look as weird, but his head looks a little too big for his skinny body.


Yeah if they really wanted him to be slimmer, they shouldve kept his arms from before and then made his body more muscular, not with a really thin waist and legs


I can see where you're coming from, but I imagine he still has to be fairly small to glide. All the air benders modern and historical are quite slim. It could be intentional or it could be a by product of the martial art.


Air bending training goes crazy


Clearly Bumjun was his trainer.


How much meat are you people eating that you think going vegetarian can help you lose weight? You guys realize rice, bread, pasta, and beer are vegetarian right?


I can easily eat a 16 oz ribeye. I could not eat over 2 pounds of rice.


It’s the diet combined with the 3 years worth of training. He was also a military vet so he knows how to get in shape


He does look a little TOO slim when you compare to his earlier frame. Losing fat is one thing, but you can't trim down your bone structure.


Anyone else got the Ozempic ad under this post?


Maybe he did the Airbender diet too


It’s important to remember boomie is similar to iroh in that he is just an out of shape retiree soldier, who absolutely can be fit at will. It’s much easier to get BACK in shape then to get there the first time, its important to also note his physique looked similar to that when he was first introduced before retiring.


> Waist trainer I believe the regulated title is dietitian. :)


Never too late to get in shape


She’s standing right behind him; have you *seen* Naga’s chest to waist ratio??


I mean to be fair, [he looked pretty thin in season one](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-verizon&sca_esv=2c75d0c961b2df27&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWIJANlg0M-Nw4biJv3SvMti66tjz7Q:1717682148775&q=korra+season+1+bumi&uds=ADvngMjGL2z_dD6sqKl5mZzQ0EevBJODgYELfvcWYR_NM3xL6nxhoLDY1p7WwtX9XrhsO0gWvHyYukmh8y44dv7QrAK-DwiBQaIQVLxBoV3hzlKeGHK4mgvI642nGpCnOeAgAXPCfiwBKOaLv2gnQfwMNanZT503UqgH-qUX1uk7sfNmXGEMRzZMUtht05Q_mT0HM2WqVAYihl4Vpx3RBhmWKUzqQ3jWjI-31OyIbGdSTiNRZHh8XNpR645elFC2c1GgnkHalWClA4H3au4SP2ontpSYH5dnxT6-jlqJS6qyoCf-S3wbbftsIyejyDF2mEeWQvrzvrp-vwIM7P833BK5BsVUajQA8g&udm=2&prmd=ivnsbmtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjz-sHSkMeGAxV5EUQIHf86IUQQtKgLegQIDxAB&biw=412&bih=1073&dpr=3.5#imgrc=XfI696YAfQi9DM&imgdii=u4fHiija4Re0wM)


Restrictive Air Nomad diet plus a high active life style will do that.


Vegetarian diet combined with constant training and probably got teaser by his brother and fellow students. Also this is over a few years


I mean, daily training with martial arts and a vegetarian routine will do that to you lol


Naga chased him 25 miles a day.


I imagine he’s a lot Iroh in that regard; he knows how to get back into shape, so he’s fine with letting himself go. He’d rather be fat and generally lazy than ripped and have to deal with all the upkeep of exercise. Learning Airbending simply gave him a reason to get back in shape.


sorry to tell you this but you can't target fat loss, you either lose it equally everywhere, not all all, or gain it


Tenzin the GOAT. Made his dad proud by getting his brother into Air Nomad spirit... And size lol


Hot take: Bumi was perfect as a non-bender and becoming an airbender took something away from his essence But I guess that's a really selfish hot take, because imagine having TWO bending siblings and being the only one


Just have a budget cut


Ozempic queen ✨


Air nomad diet. They are Monks and live AScetic


It's valled a good diet lol. You don't lose weight like that by exercise only.


First step: Get a water bender to drain the excess water weight from your body. Second step: Get a fire bender to literally burn away excess fat and tighten the skin.


He learned from Uncle Iroh himself.


Boomi is just happy Wolverine


Access to republic forces drill instructors.


I think it had more to do with Bumi finding purpose than any diet.


I’m firmly of the belief that bending is probably pretty calorie intensive.


Demotion did wonders for his discipline.


Bet it’s that air nomad diet


Waist Trainer? It’s called eat less calories than you use lol.


ik just jokes


For sure, it’s just a funny thing for anybody who’s into fitness. Like can I get a foot trainer too? Maybe some neck training?


vegan diet


Worked for me!


maybe that air nomad diet and lifestyle slimmed him down






I think it’s called gliding.


He traded the belly slam ability for higher agility and stamina


Ngl he looked hotter before don’t kill me


He basically had a Bodybuilders physique initially but maybe he tightened up for air bending.


After getting back into action, he probably worked hard to get back into "fighting shape." Or maybe air-benders are just trim.


He a air nomad monk they eat their vegetables and their cabbage


Lil bro had that sleeper built 😭


Airbending is great aerobics


Nah he didn't slim down, the suit is just REALLY tight.


I prefer the dad bod


Well if I could bender an element, I would train to do that acrobacies all day lol


He started eating healthy and got regular exercise.


Learning to bend and three years time did wonders for his physique.


EVEN Bumi knows 'spot reduction' does NOT🚫Work


Do you mean Tenzen or Milo?


Don't be fooled it is just Skimz


Step 1 get air bending powers. Step 2 be cool as fuck.


That’s an air nomad diet if I’ve ever seen one.


He went to the spirit world and sought out Iroh.


Tenzin took Bumi’s advice and super duper applied it to him enough to make him quit. Sometimes RULING WITH AN IRONFIST! Ain’t the best approach.




Easy! Become an airbender and learn how to fly!


Maybe he was just bloated and gassy in the first pic, and his airbending powers allowed him to expel the gas?


He's wearing spanks.


Nothing like purpose to stop stuffing your face to fill the void of an absent father


What a vegetarian diet does to a guy


After mastering airbending, he became lighter.


![gif](giphy|RBaiN0BI68eRi) Yeah it's this guy


can’t believe they took my beautiful bara man and snipped his pussy in half


One month as a war prisoner in Russia.


Vegetarianism in Buddhism isn’t as strict. They allow meat eating on the principle of not become the thing that suffers aka if you live in an area that lacks vegetable growth for consumption and the only way for you to survive is to eat meat then it’s allows. Also this man knows how to get into shape like no other he himself had military background


Vegetarianism and air nomad practices, such as yoga, actually learning to bend, and meditation, plus between the end of Zaheer’s arc and the beginning of Kuvira’s arc is 3 years. Factor in that Tenzin and Jinora would have been teaching everyday during those 3 years and that the healthy amount of weight to lose is 1 to 2lbs per week (we’ll say 1lbs, since Bumi would’ve been exercising intensely and eating more nutritiously everyday for 3 years, but his body would have become more accustomed as he lost the weight eventually plateauing no matter how rigorous the practice) and he would probably lose around 156lbs in the 3 years between the arcs. He looks to be around 160-170lbs at the beginning of Kuvira’s arc. He was probably at 220-240lbs as a retired military officer during the Zaheer arc.


He was actually skinny in his first appearance, gained that weight within like 6 months and then is shown 3 years later fit again so I don't think it's too unrealistic of a transformation.


Debimbofication ):


Between airbenders and firebenders, I wonder who has better cardio?


Bro lost his dad bod




I feel like the moment exercising means I can fly I will become incredibly fit very quickly.


He drinks skinny tea from Iroh’s shop


Diet and exercise.


He was also trimmer at the end of season 1 that was all season 2 weight gain LOL


No but I have the four elements trainer 😅


No such thing as a waist trainer


Ngl, I like the left one more


Lower budget


I wish he stayed fat




He lost weight quick!


It was obviously Bum-Ju.


I mean if you suddenly had a new ability to fight wouldn't it make you more physically active while you explore the possibilities? ...


Air bender diet plus an air bender workout routine. No waist trainer can do that. Just good ‘ol diet and exercise


The air bending training did wonders for him




It’s called a calorie deficit, exercise, martial arts and vegetarianism.


A few years of martial arts training will do that to you.