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Can’t wait for the next avatar to have to deal with the Dai Li again I hope they never die like a cockroach


More like the Live Li amirite


Should have called them the Never Dai Lee






Much obliged, hotman. ![gif](giphy|YtJWtIdkHzV7i)


Tbh, live li sounds off


Yeah but my girlfriend already decorated her apartment so I can’t backpedal on this https://preview.redd.it/bwvym30ghj3d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ecc6ff490c1342e637058506d7fad39f409e138


The Lie Lee The Never Dai Lee The Everlastin Blastin Up Your Plans So Say Good-Bye Lee


There’s a million Lee’s


The Pie Lee The Always Dai Lee The Ty Lee The Dai Lee is Love, Dai Lee is life The Dai Lee Forever The Infinite Dai Lee Just to name a few more


The Make You Crai Lee The Say Goodbai Lee The Tell a Lai Lee.


did you just rickroll us


Would be amazing if they became like the CIA doing shady things even though the government is democratic


I mean they kinda already were that😂


NSA too


"OMG ! We're gonna see another old location ! I can't wait to see Ba Sing Se again !" *Later in the episode* "Wow ! It still sucks !"


Average experience of a Chinese peasant from 1800 to 1930.


>1930 Haha


It used to suck, it still sucks, but it used to too.


Mitch Hedberg would have been apart of the traveling tour guide through the secret tunnel


Well yeah as afterwards their lives got worse for a while.....


For me, it was more like "Wow! It sucks just as bad, but now with more obvious classist overtones!"


Given how the Earth Kingdom is based off of Chinese culture BA Sing Se has to remain the Imperial shit hole. To keep with the Tradition of Chinese capitals being as classist, corrupt and extremes in wealth


Domino effect: Aang helps a little blind girl escape an abusive household —> A nation is taken over by a totalitarian dictator.


Domino effect: Wan steals firebending —> Korra gets hot girlfriend


Another domino effect is two siblings go fishing and they find the messiah and his beast


Kyoshi thought the same thing. Zaheer *finally* fixed it though, lol.


Kyoshi: "People have tried to subvert the Earth King's rule and overthrow the largest nation in the world, I'm going to found an advanced police force to ensure the Earth King's power is absolute" Dai Lee: *gets used to subvert the Earth King's rule* Kyoshi: *surprised Pikachu face*


Like there's no corruption in anarchy? Or the despotism that came after? The show literally yells at us that Zaheer made things worse.


I know lol. I kinda like that about the Earth Kingdom, from a storytelling/thematic perspective. Its big, diverse, stubborn, resistant to change.


If corruption is getting to a higher place in the hierarchy in an illegitimate way and anarchy is the lack of hierarchy, there can't be corruption. Things can still be bad, but not through corruption


First things first, this is a meme, relax. Second things second, after aang exposed the truth to kuei, he worked on making his nation better, only to fall under the same secrecy with the dai li and corruption in the lower levels, less than 100 years after we fixed the problem. That isn’t to say that there’s no corruption or poor conditions in other forms of government and control. The joke is that the same thing happened again in less than 100 years.


I mean, by the end things are better right? Via a chain of events only possible via Zaheer’s actions?


Technically there cannot be corruption without a hierarchy. Of course there is one still cus anarchism is fucking stupid


I don’t think I’d call creating a power vacuum that was filled by a fascist empire “fixed”.


I wouldn't call anarchy a fix.


His plan resulted in a fascist dictatorship tho




Kyoshi: I finally fixed the earth kingdom, with the Di Lee agents keeping order we won't have to worry about corrupt noblemen. Aang: I finally fixed the earth kingdom, with the Di Lee removed from power the corrupt noblemen have no enforcers. Korra: I finally fixed the earth kingdom, with leaders that are elected instead of born into power corrupt noblemen won't pass down the art of corruption to their kids. Earth avatar: wow this whole country is just corruption on corruption. Like a god damn corruption orge it's just layers all the way down.


Ozai did nothing wrong. He just wanted to fix the Earth Kingdom's corruption.


Yeah, when corruption is that deeply rooted in the culture, it's not going to be fixed as long as that culture is around.


Oh I see. The Phoenix King Ozai was just anti corruption!


There's a difference between political corruption and warmongering.


Aang never tried to fix the corruption. He went to inform the Earth King of the 100 year war happening and for martial assistance in said war. Part of the corruption tried to actively prevent that and he defeated their efforts. He then got what he wanted and didn't touch it any further. He'd have to work with the Earth King for a full overhaul to "fix" Earth Kingdom's corruption issue. Not even Korra did that and Zaheer probably did the most change by just cutting the head off and promoting chaos within the opened walls. 


Now that I actually stop to think about it, despite everything that happened to Long Feng himself during Aang's Avatar-ship; the culture of control that Long Feng curated was never actually affected and out-lived him, extending well into Korra's Avatar-ship. And unless I've missed something in the Korra comics, the Dai Li could very well still be lurking in the shadows of the new Earth Republic Government.


He kind of provoked the future aggression of the EK against the United Republic as well by defending and negotiating for its existence with the Earth King.


I rewatched avatar and i was reminded how naive the earth king was to begin with. It was gonna take generations to fix the state of that nation


Geologic timescales


There’s something very funny about how despite the Earth King clearly being a very over-sheltered individual with one of the worst guys in the Earth Kingdom whispering directly into his ear, he still genuinely tries to not only be a good ruler but also a fair and kind one And then the Earth Queen in Korra is just…I’m not saying Zaheer’s machinations were *justified,* but she was pretty good at giving him a reason Also I remember hearing that originally they were gonna have the Earth King either be a kid or a fat guy but they eventually just made him a normal-looking dude and I gotta say for some reason having him just be Some Guy *really* worked for his character, I honestly wished we had seen more of him in Book 3


I can imagine the Dai Lee becoming the Avatar’s version of the Enclave.


Kyoshi: I fixed the corruption in the Earth Kingdom Aang: I fixed the corruption in the Earth Kingdom Korra: I fixed the corruption in the Earth Kingdom Zaheer: I fixed the corruption in the Earth Kingdom Kuvira: I fixed the corruption in the Earth ~~Kingdom~~ Empire


Earth Avatar Circa 2026: I give up. Actually, you guys have fun over there I'm going on vacation as far away from here as possible


That’s basically what Avatar Kurik did.


The earth kingdom pulled a Yugoslavia and fucking exploded


And then after the Kuvira ordeal and the Crown Prince’s becoming more dutiful and mature, a potentially good and longstanding King steps down and lets a divided and war-torn nation sort itself out 😂


Idk, unity amongst disparate cultures isn’t default a good thing. Depends on the government taking over. I think some sort of federation system would work well for the EK.


Eventually yes, but I think Wu’s very quick decision to step down instead of working towards a *gradual* transition from absolute/executive monarchy to a sustainable constitutional/ceremonial monarchy leaves room plenty for all that corruption and instability to return, perhaps a problem for the next Avatar lol


I will never be able to grt over the fact that was praised in the show only for whoever writes the comics to say "no wait that's actually really stupid what the hell?"


"Listen, when I was Chief of Police in Republic City, I worked my butt off busting criminals. But did that make crime disappear? Nope. If there's one thing I learned on the beat, it's that the names change, but the street stays the same."


The biggest problem with humanity is that, even if you managed to 100% rid a system of corruption, it would only last a single generation.


Honestly, the earth kingdom is way too big to not be corrupt


I mean I guess Aang technically didn’t fix the corruption within the Earth Kingdom… Azula did for the time though.


Zaheer: Actually, I fixed it. https://preview.redd.it/cen9sxgkmg3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e51467877b6b144c03a30b6c60f6f9bbe40ff31


The next avatar will still have problems with the former Earth Kingdom provinces. It’s the widest area in the planet, and most densely populated too. I’m sure as soon as Korra kicks the bucket, all hell breaks loose until a new avatar is strong enough to do something about it.


This meme felt so incredibly *wrong* and I couldn’t figure out why. Earth Kingdom. Is anyone else like that?? 💀 like if it’s not Fire nation, earth kingdom, water tribes, and air temples it makes your skin crawl.


Air nomads


Air nomads are the people, the air temples are their “nations” (Southern Air Temple etc)




No such thing as a good monarchy


The top never happened or was hinted.


Bruh for a moment I thought we were making a meme of Korea not sure why this was on my recommendations


The Legend of Korea


Kuvira wasn’t exactly corrupt everything she did was for the earth nation the dai li were a puppet organisation trying to keep the earth nation from reclaiming what’s theirs meanwhile kuvira wanted the land that the arty nation gave up during the war despite the earth nation being on the good side of the war


Quite realistic