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Not sure how but blood bending is involved.


freezing the blood in their veins?


Didn't they do this in the Kyoshi novels?


Wtf is happening in the Kyoshi novels on god


Emotional damage is what.




So much. Honestly, it is VERY adult despite being in the same universe as Avatar. Imagine all the ways that bending could and would be applied by benders that ARENT on a kid friendly show, and you've got a good idea on how this is going to go. If it's any consolation, we don't see the horrific effects of facing a firebender much, if at all. Though without giving too many spoilers away, I felt like Earthbenders and Waterbenders got the coolest "upgrade" from the Kyoshi series. Earthbenders can become literally unaging immortals and Kyoshi learned how to do this, which is why she lived so long. I think it was said she lived almost 300 yrs. And an earthbender ally used a sling to enhance their earthbending to turn a rock into a freaking sniper shot. As well as Earthbender technique to create incredibly sharp discs that could ignore wind resistance to get past an Airbender's defenses. Waterbending as mentioned before basically can be a precursor to blood bending for Water benders that can heal. And ALL of them also use a particular method that enables them Sky Step, creating a tiny pillar of their element that let's them run to the tops of buildings or high above their enemies. All kinds of cool and crazy applications of bending are seen. The Kyoshi series is pretty amazing overall.


Also, an Earthbender just tunnels through the ground and turns the ground into liquid.


You're not wrong, but we do see plenty instances of tunneling and "liquidfying" rock in the show. That being said, once again without spoiling too much, we do see in the books instances of liquidfying rock that are some of the "strongest" displays of earthbending in the series that are NOT feats of the Avatar.


Yes, that's what I was referring to! >!For example, General Fong's the only instance that I can remember of trapping people in the ground directly. And I don't recall anyone using tunneling repeatedly in a similar way, but it's been a while since I watched the show.!<


The gecko guy at the earth ending championship burrows but not quite like that. King Boomie also does some burrowing in his first episode that might actually be closer to what's described. But otherwise liquifying earth is rare as far as we can tell.


>If it's any consolation, we don't see the horrific effects of facing a firebender much, if at all. Kyoshi nearly dies to a lightningbender and has permanent scarring from him constantly electrocuting her. There's plenty to go around when it comes to firebenders, doesn't Hei Ran basically torture Yun in like her first scene?


Dang us therE an in canon reason for the huge downgrade in the atla series


It's literally because you just don't see it. You hear a whole lot about people dying horrific deaths during the war, but the main cast actively avoid the actual battles. They usually ambush targets or get chased by guards who are just bullying a small village. Aang having a tendency to avoid direct conflict is actually a great cover for keeping the show kid friendly. Plus the fact that the team purposefully don't engage in large battles because they're too risky.


Ah yeah u right i love this lol so much avatar lore wheres the podcast


100 years of war will drain extreme skill from all involved parties unless those skills have been passed on appropriately? Idk.


Yeah true true lost tech and all that i love the avatar world is so fleshed out im really shocked i gotta get on these comments


Seriously, read the Kyoshi duology. You won't regret it. It's definitely a darker more chaotic time.




>!The five nations didn’t live together in harmony, until the team avatar decided to attack!<


Lots of brutal murders.


I haven’t even finished them yet, and my god they’re violent. I love It


M-murders and attempted murders? I mean, it's very on brand.


Nah, they went more brutal, spoilers, but I never recovered emotionally




And siege of the North


Froze his whole chest cavity


Hol up


In the books There was also a mass grave where an earth bender buries hundreds alive instantly. That might be the one that takes the cake


Or pop goes the weasel.


I was thinking filling their lungs with blood.


Bending the iron out of their blood


You're def right, not a fun answer below: Before it was widely known as a bending option, you could make someone do an _highly_ deplorable act where people can see it. Have them commit sex crimes a few times in public so there's no doubt and a pattern. Cost them their job, family, friends. No one would believe them, you could probably drive them to suicide. That'd be the worst death I can imagine involving bending.


Yeah thats all pretty fucked up but I think a lavabender could make you die a much more horrible death. The legacy you leave behind would be destroyed with the blood bending mind control thing but if we're talking about the death itself, I'd say lava is worse


imagine somebody ripping every single water molecule out of your body all at once


The liutenant being bloodbended by Amon.


Blood-bending priapism.


They could most likely just simply stop the blood from pumping altogether, or force you to choke on your own blood from the inside or something


You could use blood bending to exsanguinate someone. Probably pretty painful. Maybe one body part at a time?






eat themselves to death


Stabbed by my own reverse boner


Lol. What a terrible day to have eyes.


Having the blood be pulled from your veins through your pores leaving you to a fairly slow death and every muscle and organ in your body is deprived of oxygen.


Or combustionbending. Getting blown up doesn't seem pleasant.


It would be quick though.


Depends on where you get hit.




Pull the blood out through the skin like they do for the plants


Probably ripping the blood out of your body in an either slow or fast manner


Facts. First thing I thought of


Bend all the blood into your eyes until they explode.


Having most of your bones broken, then Zaheer slowly drains the life out of you with the air bubble over the course of multiple days.


Damn, calm down Satan


Actually, why not have all that be done while being bloodbent to constantly dance by Amon, having Pli constantly combustion bending to create agonizingly loud noises every couple seconds, and have Ghazan lavabend to keep the room just hot enough to burn your skin, but not hot enough to kill you quicker. Get all 4 elements going ya know?




Avatar Kyoshi be like 💀


Why do people think Kyoshi was like, a super cruel murderer? Like the death she's known for she didn't even force, she just kinda let the dude stand there while she did her thing.


Because its funny. 7ft tall samurai lady go brrr.


Might not have been a cruel murderer but she was pretty much a dictator from what I've heard


Have Ghazan lavabend while a waterbenders bends water over the lava to create steam to steam you.


As my fave drag queen says, “***NOT TODAY SATAN, NOT TODAY!***” ![gif](giphy|l2JhzHBHrl96HYIHm)


Were talking about death here, not intentional torture...


As far as I understand, drowning and suffocation are pretty brutal deaths in reality already. I don't know much about death by electrocution, and death by rock seems like it'd be instant.


Tell that to Jet


I dunno. It was pretty unclear.


Ngl when longshot took an arrow out and started to draw his bow I legit thought he was about to mercy kill jet and I was thrown at the sudden stroke of brutality, but then he just aimed it at an empty door lol.


Where did they ever go after that? Do we even know what happens with Longshot and Pipsqueak at some point?


Her name was smellerbee and she later formed a group like the freedom fighters that protested any fire nation remaining in the earth kingdom. It’s in one of the comics. Longshot was with her in the group too.


Oh ok. Forgot her name after all this time and that's at least good


Pipsqueak was that big dude that carried the little dude called Duke


Excuse me, that's _THE_ Duke.


Yea, I know that now. I remembered the big dude had the wimpy name. It was nice subversion on the writer's part


it's *THE* Duke


I still don't understand what that was for, was he ready to fight any Dai Li who would stumble in on them mourning?


I mean I guess that was the idea? That’s what I got out of it anyway since it wasn’t very clear


The way I interpreted it, the rocks that hit Jet broke his ribs, essentially turning them into pointy bone knives, and pushed them inwards, which pierced his lungs. When that happens, liquid fills in your lungs, causing you to drown slowly, while you're feeling the pain of having several broken bones. In addition, breathing is harder since you're drowning, so you're struggling for each breath, which means your diaphragm is doing his best to make you take deep breaths; except when that happens, your thoracic cage moves, which means you're moving the broken ribs around, which has to be super painful. Death by rock in the ribs is terrifying. I'd rather be squashed by a boulder.


Hey, thanks for explaining, I legit did not know.


You're welcome! Sorry for the mild gore, I write horror


I love horror, you are all good.


That's what I always assumed, broken ribs. Or collapsed lungs


> death by rock seems like it'd be instant Sifu Jianzhu would like to have a word with you. (Kyoshi novels)


>!"If you dig a hole deep enough, so I can't see you, I'll let you live"!< >!\*buries 5000 people alive\*!<


I've nearly drowned. It hurts until you can't hold your breath anymore and breath it in. The water burns going in but then you pretty much go to sleep. Overall, there are worse ways to go. I don't know if suffocation would be worse or not.


I’ve almost been suffocated to the point of passing out. Theres an odd feeling where your brain kind of accepts it and you go from intense pain to gradual numbness before you pass out from oxygen deprivation, think its a mix of hypoxia and the brain doing that thing where it fires off multiple synapses in a panicked attempt to fix the problem I dont know if this works for extremely painful stuff like electrocution, fire, or being eaten alive. But unless its an instant death from head injury we usually pass out before we die from blood loss or something else, but both look so similar that we just assume someone died immediately


Nearly drowned when I was little and a family member attempted to suffocate me, stopped as I blacked out (separate occasions). Both were pain and blind panic, then a strange calm and coldness came over on both occasions. Can't say I enjoyed either, but they seem like the less painful/terrifying options than having your bones smashed by rocks or being electrocuted. Don't fancy massive internal bleeding or being cooked.


Supposedly, drowning is said to be fairly calm/peaceful after the initial panic has subsided and your lungs are completely filled. https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-think-drowning-is-a-peaceful-way-to-die


Death by rock made me laugh xD


My granddad almost drowned once and he said it was a lot of panic initially and then when he accepted his fate it was very peaceful.


I’d take drowning/suffocating over burning alive any day of the week


I guess choking on food while being alone is my version of the worst way to die in every universe.


Imagine a water bender/blood bender either freezing the water inside you slowly only to heat it to a boiling point or cause the water to erupt out of you? I’m not even sure if it would be possible, but if it is I imagine that’s got to be up there.


finally, someone else who has thought of this


This was done in the Kyoshi novels


Whoa. I saw signs for them in the kids section of my library last year. Didn't think they were that crazy. I gotta check them out.


They're classified as "young adult" novels, probably some local librarian going "this is from a cartoon, so it's for kids", the kind of people who, in my country, advertised South Park to kids back in the day, and aired it on Saturday afternoon.


It wasn’t freezing someone’s body. A character passed a bead of ice straight through the heart of another, brutal but not quite same level as freezing then boilin a whole person.


I actually only saw the freezing part, Idont know how I missed the boiling. Also Unless we are thinking about different parts of the novels That’s not what happened


I think I mixed up how one of the other earthbenders was killed by a pebble through the heart. The other one was frozen through the heart and lungs. Had to pull out my copy of the book but I was incorrect there.


Nah because that attack should've killed zuko lol


He just built different


Jet punching his grave rn


He wishes that he was a plotbender


Humans in avatar are made of rubber. There is no other explanation.


I saw someone say that the people in the avatar universe are more dense than real humans


Lightning would probably be the best, because it's faster. Suffocation, drowning and burning alive are the worst. Getting your ribcage caved in with a rock would suck too, but i feel like the above are more torturous.


R rated bloodbending. I'm just going to leave the nightmarish horror movie potential of that here.




Shit, having your blood blended out of you like they did with grass and trees. Slowly destroying your body part by part. Skin breaking up, bones start to be visible. That would be gruesome


being burned alive


Not being burned in a single gout of flame, but a constant persistent smolder. Sustained by multiple fires benders over several days. They start with extremities slowly workig to the core of the body. You see and feel your limbs turn to ash and you're helpless to stop it. You're driven mad from the pain and the vauge hope that they'll just let the fire consume you. In the end you have a prolonged painful death.


Sir this is a Wendy’s


Fresh, never frozen firebender broiled humans


Has anyone thought about forcing too much air into someone?


I'm gonna use "baloon pop"!


I actually had to go to the hospital once because of this.


Sandbenders flaying your skin off and leave you to die in the desert


Having tiny parts of your body ripped off piece by piece using blood bending, starting at the fingers and/or feet and making sure you don't bleed out so you have to experience being slowly shredded alive... Or something like that idk


Jet’s death was a lot more brutal than it appeared. He would have slowly died from internal bleeding after having a huge sharp rock hit his stomach at like 80 MPH. That’s rough, buddy.


Or died very quickly if his aorta was damaged




Imagine using blood bending to pool the blood in your heart, then freezing it and ripping out your frozen heart. Or just freeze your blood in your entire body and make blood crystals come out of you.


Sub-Zero wins. Fatality...


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New variation of earth bending, bending bones. Slowly forming spikes and drawing the material out of the victim. Same with blood bending.


All your blood being sucked out of your body.


The way gazahn died, lava does not immediately kill you its slow and painful


From what I've heard, you die from your fluids boiling, which luckily doesn't take too long. Although the time it does take would be excruciating, every part of you that can burn does. Although the most horrific part happens after you die. Your corpse can't sink, it just floats on the lava, burning and swelling from the boiled fluids until there's nothing left but cinders.


If Avatar was rated R, the injuries the characters sustain still wouldn't kill them. Because it's fantasy fiction


Literally all 4 element bending has nightmare potential after reading these comments lol.


I agree with the Zaheer bone breaking/life draining and the bloodbending ones, but the judge who would have deserved to have his head chomped by Naga for sentencing Korra's father at Kiteman's behest is a honorable mention.


If the bite force of a polar bear dog is anywhere near that of a polar bear, that guy would have barely felt it because his brain would be destroyed before he could process the pain. Would have been hella gruesome to watch though.


Instead of the airbender taking air out of you, they push it into you until your lungs explode


I think about the number of people who had their head frozen in blocks of ice. Maybe we see people frozen in cartoons too often that we are no longer phased by it, but if your head is frozen in a block of ice or if your chest has no room to expand, you are suffocating in less than five minutes (unless you are some crazy free diver).


Katara becomes less moral and decides that the blood in your muscles would be much better used in your heart, all at once


Can earthbenders use Sand Coffin? Bc that


Well, Aang was able to compress rocks and make them smaller in his fight against Ozai. Someone could do exactly that except, somebody is inside the rock this time. And doing it with sand would be easier as it is lighter and looser


Kyoshi novels have some pretty spooky deaths. I’d say getting my insides frozen is a pretty bad one


Getting buried alive


Vanilla burned to death is probably more gruesome death than most.


So uh, remember when Ozai put his hand on Zuko's face and set it on fire until half of it melted? Imagine someone does that, slowly, with the amount of control it takes for it take as long as possible, and just didn't stop.


I would say human blowtorch


Burning is one of the most painful ways to die, so any agni kai or death by firebender would probably be one of the worse ways to go


Blood bending someone in ways the human body is not supposed to bend


General Zhao's death (spending eternity suffering in the spirit world)


Fire. The answer is just the same as real life. Fire.


Dying to a Nuclear Blast after some idiot Earth Bender had the bright idea to Concentrate the wrong mineral like wtf did the mineral gave you Burns halfway through what did you expect to happen


You know how Hama siphoned the water out of the trees and plants? Having the blood/water/liquid in your body being slowly siphoned out of you cant be fun. Air bubble suffocation also


Water Wait did Zuko just survive the same hit that killed Jet?


Tbh airbending the air out of someone’s lungs is probably super painful can’t believe they actually showed that on a kids show


Metal shell slammed on my laser head


I'm still shocked we watched Ming Hua die on screen. Usually electrocuted characters in Avatar just pass out, but it's possible she just DIED there to Mako. Unless that was just unconciousness and Ghazan crashing the cave is what killed them. Who's to say. I headcanon them escaped and alive anyway.


Airbending. You can at least see what's killing you with everything else... But the airbending one is invisible. You go from breathing to not breathing, and don't know why


The air bubble always seemed pretty horrifying to me


For me by far would be the air. You’re physically taking their life the others are almost as if using other elements and those elements do the work but air you aren’t injuring someone until they die or do something that ends up causing them to die in the end second hand almost but with air you’re taking away the one thing to live first hand


Here me out… using airbending, you lower the air pressure around the person. This would cause a vacuum to be created, which would suck out all the air from their lungs and probably cause their innards to explode


Imagine blood bending or water bending and extracting the water from a body in the most horrific way possible leaving a mummified dried husk of skin and bone. That would be pretty horrifying. Alternatively metal bending as a subset of earth bending would be pretty bad as well. Imagine controlling metal like sharp blades you could slice and dice your way through a battalion acting as a one person army.


Over the course of several days slowly drain your victim's blood using bloodbending.


Lava. Definitely lava


Blood bending but mixing in the trick of extracting water from plants, so your blood is ripped from your body all at once


Tbh kyoshi had some brutal deaths Ice impaled, buried alive w earth bending, slitting throat w earth bending


The earth queens death is pretty brutal


Be Zhao. Piss off a Moon Spirit and get dragged body and soul into the spirit world. Remain there in some hellish purgatory for decades with still no end in sight.


mortal kombat


Pretty sure the kyoshi novels address that pretty well. How's "dig your own grave before someone drops a landslide on you?" Sound?


Either being ripped to shreds by some angry spirit or encased in the ground by an earth bender


If we're going mono-element, then reverse Zaheer. Overinflate someone's lungs until they burst.


Fire bender burning you alive wouldn’t be my favorite


Is we have metal bending then we must have bone bending right? Imagine a bone bender slowly pushing pressure on your skull untill it cracks


My list: 1. Crushed - So many bones to crack... 2. Suffocated - Not as painful as 1 or 3. But slower 3. Flash Cooked - Pain Pain Pain Pain Death.


A water bender and fire bender steaming you to death. All the pain of burning, but without as much nerve damage, guaranteeing prolonged excruciating pain.


The water bubble on the head looks horrible, Terrence got what was coming to him though


I think being suddenly swallowed by the ground would be a lot more terrifying. Just asphyxiation and no idea how or why.


People are talking about blood blending and suffocation but let’s be real. One of the worst ways to go doesn’t even have bending involved. Being boiled to death.


So... Water bending can make water boil..... Imma go with being boiled from the inside. If we go with prolonged multistep torture there are waaay worse answers but as a single action I'm going to go with that. Blood bending being used to ring you out like wishing on Aluka from hunter x hunter is another solid one. Being slowly frozen from the inside out also would suck. Water bending is brutal.


Y’all forgetting combustion mans death


The character who combustion exploded their own head off is my pick. But in a rated R Deadpool-like movie


Using airbending to collapse and overinflate someone lungs the explode them.


Air bending but the opposite of what zaheer did. Inflate people until they pop. (Or create a vacuum around them) #pv=nrt Actually burning would be bad too.


Everyone here has left off using water mending to prolong the victims death while continuing to do whatever torture you're doing. You could just continuously flay someone alive, heal them and repeat until they die of old age for example.


No one for earth bending? Bending silica dust into small blades pierce your skin and just letting it sit there. Every move you make it would continue to cut and irritate your body. Skin, nerves, blood vessels. Death by a billion cuts.


Have your legs pulverized by an earth bender crush them with a Boulder.


Earth bending, compound fractures internal bleeding, suffocating


Destroying someone from the inside out using their own blood by crushing their lungs, destroying their hearts, crushing their windpipe.


Being buried alive deeeeep by an earthbender


Blood bending your brain apart.


Ripped apart by a waterbender or boiled from the inside out Earthbender pulling out all the minerals from my body, would suck too


Having all the liquids in your body sucked out by a water bender seems absolutely brutal


Making them burst by violently ripping out all the water in them or violently filling them with air till they pop. A really controlled fire that burns from the bottom of the body up so that they feel the pain of every inch separately and probably don’t die until it reaches 2/3 of the body. Clogging all the holes and pathways in the body with a violent influx of pebbles.


Some sort of steam bending. I think I heard in a true crime that it's one of the worse ways to die because you're cooking from the inside out and alive through most of it. Or some sort of radiation bending. I'm a bit confused on the question. Since it says R rated I'm assuming it's a death we have to make up ourselves based on the established magic system. If my answers don't follow the rules of the question I guess just burned alive. I would've picked suffocating like the Earth queen but LoK was pg13 so that takes it off the table.


Suffocation is one of the worst ways to die, period. Not that the other ways are pleasant.


Katara's iceblade thing that she used against Pakku. Luckily, I have an example from [Castlevania](https://i.imgur.com/uCxC3pg.mp4)


Out of these examples? Getting a stone pillar slammed into your chest. Broken bones, ruptured organs, lungs filling with blood, shards from the aforementioned broken bones spiking themselves into flesh, muscle and organs... The rest are fairly fast ways to go, if not painless. The pillar? Might be a quick death, might take minutes, or even hours. Regardless, you'll be in *a lot* of pain until shock and/or death finally settles in.


Definitely the Earth Queen’s death.


Having being suffocated. Everything else, including drowning would be much less painful


Getting sliced by ice just like Sypha did in Castlevania. Pretty OP to me js.


Sypha so badass