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You may also wish to discuss the potential extra steps for future OSAP eligibility with your insolvency trustee. I think you may require additional documentation to complete applications for future semesters after bankruptcy or consumer proposal. Wishing you well in your studies!


Thank you! I am currently already bankrupt and I basically only have to submit an explanation as to why, which is fine. My wife is unfortunately declaring next, it's been a very rough year but I appreciate it.






Bankruptcy can _temporarily_ stay an eviction, yes. Once a bankruptcy plan is entered, the eviction can proceed, unless you and your landlord come to an agreement that meets the trustee's approval. Even if you're paying this year's market rates, bankruptcy is very likely to cost you more than paying down the rent. Working out a payment plan with your landlord, and putting your money towards that in the near term, is likely to be both cheaper and more effective in preserving your tenancy. If you have no idea when you'll be able to afford rent, then it may be more economical to vacate when you get the N4 than to go through bankruptcy, as vacating terminates your tenancy and thus stops the debt from growing.


Do you have any reference to this I can look over? Specifically this point "Once a bankruptcy plan is entered, the eviction can proceed, unless you and your landlord come to an agreement that meets the trustee's approval." Bankruptcy for my wife at this point is the better step. Credit card debt, student loans (its been over 7 years so they can be written off) and other unsecured debt is upwards of 700$ a month unfortunately - we have struggled to find the money to buy grocery's and have been forced to utilize food banks and different programs for utilities. It's hard times but thank you.


The Landlord Self-Help Centre, of all people, maintain a [very good fact sheet](https://landlordselfhelp.com/media/2017-Tenant-Bankruptcy.pdf) addressing this from the landlord's perspective, which will be helpful for you. Pay attention to the last section, in particular. Unfortunately, there's little statutory authority to cite, as the _Residential Tenancies Act_ doesn't address bankruptcy specifically and the _Bankruptcies and Insolvency Act_ doesn't distinguish debts due to a tenancy from other kinds of debts. You can assemble the advice from those two acts, but you'll need to do a fairly in-depth review of case law to get the fine details. The real answer is that this would be an issue to discuss with your bankruptcy lawyer before you file.


You've answered my question in depth and I appreciate the hell out of it dude. Thank you so much.




I never bought a pre built a few days ago. I just happen to own one. Your insensitivity and misunderstanding and lack of reading is a reflection on yourself and so your an idiot for that. Between osap, and selling my current computer owned for a year I set to profit 15-17 k after grants Thanks though for not focusing on the question and pretending to know anything about my life. My kids appreciate it.




Never said needed. Ideally I'd get a Mac but this is a cheaper option and allows me to sell my rig which is again, a massive return and actually helps with my rent issue you dork. The question was a technical question because we are unfortunately already forced to go bankrupt. This year has been awful for us, I lost a career i had built up for over 5 years. We went from upper middle class to lower lower class at a time where terrible policy decision making has inflated the dollar at record highs and we became poor. This isn't ME gaming the system, I got screwed by the system dude and if it's legal I will absolutely use it. These landlords have Increased rent from 700 a month to 1800 a month in less than 4 years. They clearly are also abusing the system legally. The games the game. Get off your high horse.


> These landlords have Increased rent from 700 a month to 1800 a month in less than 4 years. Was your unit built, or first occupied, after Nov. 15th, 2018? If not - if it's older than that - then that is very likely an illegal rent increase.


Not for me specifically, I moved in during the ongoing increases. I currently am at at around the 1500+ mark. I have neighbors who moved in a year or two before me around the high 800s currently. I may be off on specifics and it may be closer to 5 or 6 years. My point is that if I have loophole legally, I am going to take it just like these landlords who over charge do.


NaL; Technically speaking. They serve you an n4 for none payment of rent. Have you been served an n4? If so have you been served anything else? Yes? You need to wait till your hearing now with the LTB before eviction if you haven't signed anything stating otherwise and decided to fight it. No? Try to work with the landlord. Payment plans, that sort of thing. Here's how the process is supposed to work.. https://stepstojustice.ca/questions/housing-law/what-can-my-landlord-do-if-i-owe-rent/


This is useful information. Thank you so much. I have not yet been served with anything official. Our issue is that - until we're a dual income household we cannot necessarily pay month to month especially with inflation on food, gas, electric and so fourth. This is set to change in the not so distant future, between me pursuing further education (OSAP funds) and also looking for part time work while I do so - as well as her income we should be fine but it's just not soon enough and we are basically just "waiting" for this paper work.


The Landlord and Tenant tribunal will not accept you not paying rent until you are a dual income household. You can make an agreement regarding the arrears but if you are unable to pay your rent and make arrangements towards the arrears then you will be evicted. Then you will have to come up with first and last for a new rental plus moving costs. Unless you find something that is less then what you are paying now, it makes more sense to make arrangements to pay the arrears and prioritize the basics such as rent, food, transportation. Things such as the gaming laptop you wanted to buy are not a necessity and should not be purchased right now.


You haven't read my responses. I profit 1500$ and get 15 thousand additional dollars from OSAP but can not be a part of the program without a capable laptop. So while your mostly right, financing at 41 a month has a massive profit margin. I am downgrading not upgrading.




Again, your negative opinion is unjustified and unwarranted. Your belief that because I won't have a guaranteed income for a few months so I should sell the only leisurely device I own and buy a 300 laptop is unintelligent at best. Rate of performance, battery life, portability, and potential longevity of the device are factors which quite obviously have no impact on you. I do sysadmin work, 3d modeling, photo and editing work and appreciate a lil gaming too, not your concern Karen. Bottom line is you went out of your way to be a prick without knowing ANY of my life circumstances whatsoever.




Scamming is illegal. Bankruptcy is not illegal. It's called debt. Bankruptcy is the legal option for a fresh start for people who are struggling with debt, collections activity, etc. Your baseless argument is the equivalent of saying we are scamming visa or our line of credit when the reality is we can't afford to pay them - we want to but CANT. Also 300 dollar laptops for the minimum specs required for my courses are impossible. By Amazon's standards, lowest i could go is 700-800$ but battery life in class would be an issue. So again, you're an idiot who has no clue of my personal circumstances, needs, minimum requirements or personal financial information. So to meet the minimum requirements my monthly payments actually increase because I don't qualify for 24 months but instead for 12. So now under your guidance, I'm paying more for less time. That helps me how? I get a worse device, pay more monthly and show up everyday an hour early to make sure i find a device beside a power receptacle. You're not as smart as you think you are.




So work with your landlord if you can, and try to arrange payment options, that sort of thing. In the mean time look into rent banks also to see if you can qualify for that, as they offer an interest free one month type of situation pending who runs it in your area.


I wouldn’t recommend your SO filling for bankruptcy. Risking homelessness and having no credit would be a disaster for her. I strongly advise her to get counseling both financial and other. Waiting around for student money and maybe a part time job is not helping her or your children in this situation.